Canada's international transactions in securities: Tables (2024)

The System of National Accounts


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Analysis — March2005



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Canada's international transactions in securities

Table 5
Portfolio transactions with non-residents in Canadianbonds by type and currency of issue

Period New issues Retirements Outstanding
Canadian dollars US dollars Other currencies Total Canadian dollars US dollars Other currencies Total Canadian dollars US dollars Other currencies Total
V. No.
Annual v113160 v113165 v113170 v113054 v113161 v113166 v113171 v113061 v113162 v113167 v113172 v113047
Quarterly v113332 v113337 v113342 v113226 v113333 v113338 v113343 v113233 v113334 v113339 v113344 v113219
Monthly v113504 v113509 v113514 v113398 v113505 v113510 v113515 v113405 v113506 v113511 v113516 v113391
1993 11,328 27,887 4,914 44,130 -11,835 -10,505 -4,982 -27,323 13,770 0 0 13,770
1994 7,912 23,041 12,310 43,263 -9,262 -7,340 -5,801 -22,403 -5,277 -576 -57 -5,910
1995 3,125 24,291 10,584 38,000 -6,955 -9,095 -4,171 -20,220 12,694 -533 -16 12,145
1996 4,078 26,855 12,663 43,596 -13,635 -12,609 -6,576 -32,820 8,125 -1,154 -48 6,923
1997 2,233 26,130 10,532 38,895 -7,780 -15,582 -8,273 -31,635 -765 -674 -137 -1,576
1998 5,170 34,762 15,677 55,608 -14,531 -13,865 -8,696 -37,092 -6,160 -2,615 -168 -8,944
1999 4,172 25,112 4,680 33,963 -9,204 -21,669 -8,125 -38,997 8,916 -1,330 16 7,602
2000 1,755 15,212 4,001 20,969 -14,556 -21,413 -10,139 -46,107 2,786 929 136 3,851
2001 4,042 66,496 12,401 82,939 -16,988 -26,597 -8,073 -51,658 8,255 647 -41 8,862
2002 10,606 35,547 5,305 51,458 -10,031 -30,353 -6,481 -46,865 14,447 -509 37 13,975
2003 11,976 35,668 11,967 59,611 -16,317 -27,655 -6,350 -50,322 -537 -762 -98 -1,396
2004 12,590 31,662 4,842 49,093 -7,875 -18,503 -9,377 -35,755 6,731 -518 4 6,217
First quarter 2,231 8,196 3,351 13,777 -1,026 -10,966 -2,135 -14,128 8,910 -251 -72 8,586
Second quarter 4,707 11,461 3,930 20,097 -5,842 -9,189 -1,154 -16,185 3,780 -42 -37 3,702
Third quarter 2,544 3,328 3,066 8,939 -5,230 -3,387 -1,678 -10,295 -11,887 -218 12 -12,092
Fourth quarter 2,493 12,684 1,621 16,797 -4,219 -4,113 -1,382 -9,714 -1,339 -251 -2 -1,592
First quarter 2,747 4,475 498 7,720 -1,222 -4,473 -1,712 -7,407 710 -129 -2 579
Second quarter 2,632 8,762 1,469 12,863 -3,630 -5,035 -3,364 -12,029 4,785 -332 -11 4,443
Third quarter 2,601 7,777 2,497 12,874 -1,085 -3,781 -1,880 -6,746 -67 -287 0 -353
Fourth quarter 4,610 10,649 378 15,637 -1,938 -5,214 -2,421 -9,573 1,302 230 17 1,549
First quarter 2,219 4,823 2,731 9,773 -1,202 -6,197 -647 -8,046 -1,214 -313 -27 -1,554
March 1,312 5,053 1,029 7,394 -811 -1,059 -419 -2,288 1,578 315 3 1,897
April 2,045 3,483 185 5,713 -528 -3,752 -584 -4,864 1,830 -70 -1 1,759
May 200 2,803 2,487 5,490 -985 -2,256 -319 -3,559 1,825 88 -32 1,881
June 2,462 5,175 1,258 8,895 -4,329 -3,181 -252 -7,762 125 -60 -3 62
July 591 980 1,952 3,524 -372 -1,070 -527 -1,969 -5,480 7 2 -5,471
August 188 1,664 113 1,966 -992 -1,261 -735 -2,989 -7,284 -302 -13 -7,599
September 1,765 684 1,001 3,449 -3,866 -1,056 -416 -5,338 877 78 22 977
October 0 3,674 119 3,793 -386 -1,576 0 -1,961 -1,155 -38 -31 -1,225
November 105 5,478 47 5,630 -851 -1,562 -661 -3,074 1,866 -134 11 1,743
December 2,388 3,532 1,455 7,375 -2,983 -975 -721 -4,679 -2,050 -79 19 -2,111
January 602 868 145 1,615 -84 -1,169 -1,323 -2,575 5,033 -46 1 4,987
February 0 1,963 277 2,239 -806 -926 0 -1,732 -4,220 -122 1 -4,341
March 2,146 1,644 76 3,865 -333 -2,378 -389 -3,100 -102 39 -4 -67
April 200 2,141 189 2,531 -65 -1,509 -1,655 -3,230 1,383 -13 -29 1,341
May 250 3,879 446 4,575 -537 -798 -157 -1,492 -187 -202 21 -369
June 2,182 2,742 834 5,757 -3,027 -2,728 -1,552 -7,307 3,590 -117 -2 3,470
July 300 4,566 785 5,652 -71 -2,092 -556 -2,719 -228 20 1 -207
August 84 2,285 210 2,579 -209 -587 -671 -1,467 -436 -244 2 -678
September 2,217 925 1,501 4,643 -806 -1,101 -653 -2,560 597 -63 -3 532
October 529 3,029 138 3,696 -334 -1,185 -403 -1,922 -1,564 122 -11 -1,452
November 1,040 5,722 144 6,906 -355 -2,236 -1,362 -3,953 3,472 138 20 3,629
December 3,041 1,898 96 5,035 -1,250 -1,793 -656 -3,699 -606 -30 8 -628
January 0 98 59 157 -385 -1,310 -155 -1,849 1,680 -34 -38 1,609
February 600 2,202 2,490 5,292 -465 -3,500 -203 -4,168 -917 -363 10 -1,270
March 1,619 2,523 182 4,324 -352 -1,388 -289 -2,029 -1,978 84 1 -1,892
Canada's international transactions in securities: Tables (2024)


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Name: Laurine Ryan

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.