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equilibriumee kwuh LIB ree um

a state of balance between opposing forcesThe acrobats need a good sense of equilibrium in order to perform the tricks.Synonyms : balance, poiseAntonyms : imbalanceDerivatives : equilibriums, equilibrize, equilibrateLesson: 35 Word: 5

ditherDITH ur

a state of trembling excitement or fear; vacillation; a trembling; vibrationI am in a dither about whose offer to accept to the prom.Synonyms : Antonyms : action with assuranceDerivatives : dithered, dithering, ditheryLesson: 37 Word: 7

cascadekas KADE

a steep waterfall or series of waterfalls, a continuous seriesThe canoe disappeared under the cascade of water into the hidden passageway in the cliff.Synonyms : Antonyms : trickle of waterDerivatives : cascaded, cascadingLesson: 58 Word: 4

stoicSTOW ik

a stoical person; not showing passion or feeling, indifference, impassiveThe umpire remained quite stoic despite the manager's screaming and the intense booing of the crowd.Synonyms : apathetic, phlegmatic, stolidAntonyms : impassioned; ardentDerivatives : stoical, stoically, stoicismLesson: 10 Word: 20

prostrationpros TRAY shun

a stretching out due to lacking vitality and being completely overcomeDuring late summer football practices, players sometimes suffer from heat prostration.Synonyms : Antonyms : vitalityDerivatives : prostrate, prostrator, prostratingLesson: 22 Word: 17

bulwarkBOOL wark

a strong defense or something that defendsNuclear arms are our bulwark against invasion.Synonyms : Antonyms : weaknessDerivatives : bulwarksLesson: 37 Word: 3

revulsionreh VUL shun

a strong feeling of disgust or repugnanceEveryone should have a revulsion for child abuse.Synonyms : Antonyms : attraction; appreciationDerivatives : revulsant,revulsionary, revulsiveLesson: 35 Word: 20

wanderlustWAHN dur lust

a strong impulse to travelThe wanderlust inside me was so strong that I could not keep from traveling during the summer.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : wanderlustfulLesson: 63 Word: 25

penchantPEN chunt

a strong inclinationHe has a penchant for chemistry, and he has won many science awards.Synonyms : leaning, proclivity, propensityAntonyms : disinclinationDerivatives : penchantsLesson: 13 Word: 19

forteFORE tay

a strong point of a person; that in which one excelsJudging from the poorly baked chicken, cooking is not her forte.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : Lesson: 59 Word: 9

alloyAL oh ee

a substance that is a mixture of metalsThis alloy is less expensive than pure gold since it is composed of a mixture of metals.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : alloyed, alloying, alloyageLesson: 31 Word: 1

nuanceNOO awns

a subtle distinction or differenceThe nuance of flavor cannot be described adequately.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : nuances, nuanced, nuancingLesson: 20 Word: 16


a sudden and impulsive actionOur trip to Washington was a mere whim.Synonyms : caprice, crotchet, vagaryAntonyms : Derivatives : whims, whimmed, whimmingLesson: 35 Word: 25

recapitulationree kuh pich uh LAY

a summaryIt is usually a good idea for a teacher to give a recapitulation of the previous day's topics.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : recapitulate, recapitulationist, recapitulative, recapitulatory, recapitulativelyLesson: 23 Word: 23

epitomeeh PIT uh mee

a summary or brief representation of somethingThat student is the epitome of the successful graduate.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : epitomator, epitomical, epitomic, epitomist, epitomize, epitomizerLesson: 41 Word: 5

codicilKODD uh sil

a supplement or an amendment (usually to a will)The boy was left a small inheritance by the codicil in his father's will.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : codicillaryLesson: 48 Word: 5

buttressBUH tris

a support or propMany cathedrals are supported by buttresses.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : buttresses, buttresslessLesson: 8 Word: 4

curmudgeonkur MUJ un

a surly, ill-mannered person; a grumpy person -- usually an old manGrandpa, being dissatisfied with everything, has become a curmudgeon.Synonyms : Antonyms : placid personDerivatives : curmudgeonlyLesson: 51 Word: 7

ambienceAM bee uns

a surrounding or pervading atmosphereThe girl was hesitant to move out into the world and away from the ambience of exclusively female friendships.Synonyms : environmentAntonyms : Derivatives : ambient, ambiencesLesson: 59 Word: 1

moratoriummor uh TORE ee um

a suspension of activityThe major nuclear nations have passed a moratorium on nuclear weapons testing.Synonyms : Antonyms : period of activityDerivatives : moratoryLesson: 43 Word: 17

dogmaDOG muh

a system of beliefs or principlesThe foreigner was anxious to learn the dogma of the church since he had never been exposed to it.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : dogmaticLesson: 27 Word: 7

epithetEP uh thet

a term or phrase describing or characterizingThe "sultan of swat" is an epithet describing Babe Ruth.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : epithetic, epithetical, epithetizeLesson: 54 Word: 5

dioramadie uh RAM uh

a three-dimensional miniature scene with painted model figuresThe student built a diorama for his project.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : dioramicLesson: 59 Word: 6

fiascofee AS ko

a total failure and a messThe man's attempt to run the business was such a fiasco that a small fortune was lost because of his failure.Synonyms : Antonyms : unqualified successDerivatives : fiascoes, fiascosLesson: 30 Word: 10

maelstromMALE strum

a turbulent whirlpoolIt is dangerous to swim close to a dam because of maelstroms.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : maelstromsLesson: 63 Word: 13


a utensil for sifting or strainingThe manager complained that his second baseman fielded ground balls like a sieve.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : sievingLesson: 60 Word: 22

paradigmPAIR uh dim, -dime

a very good example or modelThe English teacher gave the students a sample outline as a paradigm of good work.Synonyms : Antonyms : a bad exampleDerivatives : paradigmatic, paradigmatical, paradigmatically, paradigmatizeLesson: 36 Word: 15

myriadMIR ee id

a very large and indefinite numberThe myriad of races and cultures that make up America is said to resemble a mosaic.Synonyms : Antonyms : small numberDerivatives : myriadfold, myriadlyLesson: 32 Word: 17

edificeED uh fis

a very large buildingThis particular edifice has the title of being the tallest building in the world.Synonyms : Antonyms : shack; small buildingDerivatives : Lesson: 27 Word: 8

precipicePRES uh pis

a very steep cliff or mass of rock, the brink of something dangerousSome mountain climbers enjoy climbing a steep precipice.Synonyms : Antonyms : cavernDerivatives : precipicesLesson: 40 Word: 20

anathemauh NATH uh muh

a vigorous denunciation; one who is intensely dislikedThe rebellious boy continued in his wayward actions despite the anathema pronounced by his father.Synonyms : imprecation, curseAntonyms : Derivatives : anathemas, anathematic, anathematical, anathematically, anathemation, anathematize, anathemizeLesson: 32 Word: 2

annulmentuh NUL munt

a voiding, invalidationThe two parties sought an annulment to the contract that bound them together.Synonyms : abrogation, invalidation, negation, nullification, extirpationAntonyms : consummationDerivatives : annul, annulled, annulling, annulableLesson: 18 Word: 2

vagrantVAY grunt

a wanderer who does not have a homeThere are many vagrants who sleep under freeways in urban areas.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : vagrance, vagrancy, vagrantlyLesson: 19 Word: 25

profligatePROF luh git

a wasteful person; extremely wasteful, given to licentiousnessThe profligate son wasted the family fortune on wine, women, and song.Synonyms : Antonyms : thriftyDerivatives : profligacy, profligated, profligately, profligatenessLesson: 15 Word: 18

dowagerDOW uh jur

a widow who holds a title from her husband, an elderly woman of societyThat little resort town is a favorite place of many wealthy dowagers.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : dowagersLesson: 52 Word: 6

adageAD ij

a wise sayingThe early bird catches the worm is an old adage.Synonyms : proverb, maxim, mottoAntonyms : Derivatives : adagialLesson: 49 Word: 1

coquetteko KET

a woman who flirts with men without sincere affectionThe young woman flirted coquettishly with the man.Synonyms : Antonyms : prudeDerivatives : coquetry, coquet, coquetted, coquetting, coquettish, coquettishly, coquettishnessLesson: 65 Word: 5

malapropismMAL eh prop iz um

a word that is used incorrectly in a ridiculous mannerArchie Bunker is known for his malapropisms.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : malapropos, malaprop, malapropianLesson: 65 Word: 14

compliancekum PLY uns

a yielding; acquiescenceWe intend to be in full compliance with the court order.Synonyms : Antonyms : rebellionDerivatives : compliant, compliantly, compliancy, compliable, compliableness, compliablyLesson: 19 Word: 5


a young offspring of a mammalWe saw the tracks of the mother wolf and two large whelps.Synonyms : Antonyms : parentDerivatives : whelplessLesson: 46 Word: 25

compostKOM post

a composition of largely decaying matter used as fertilizerA compost plant produces fertilizer from garbage.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : compostsLesson: 51 Word: 6

codaKO duh

a concluding portion of a musical or dramatic workThe composition had a coda that was in itself delightful.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : codasLesson: 46 Word: 3

mobile (noun)MO bul, MO beel

a construction consisting of parts that move as a result of air currentsThe geometry classroom was decorated with many mobiles hanging from the ceiling.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : mobilesLesson: 64 Word: 13

automatonaw TOM uh ton

a creature acting in a mechanical way with no indication of intelligenceTelevision often produces dull, unthinking human automatons.Synonyms : robotAntonyms : Derivatives : automatous, automatonsLesson: 58 Word: 2

malefactorMAL uh fak tur

a criminalThe candidate for attorney general said that he will see that all malefactors are locked up.Synonyms : Antonyms : law-abiding citizenDerivatives : malefaction, malefactress, maleficence, malefice, maleficentLesson: 40 Word: 15


a critical or caustic remarkHe started the speech with a few barbs for his opponent.Synonyms : Antonyms : kind remarkDerivatives : barbsLesson: 61 Word: 3

eddyED ee

a current of air or water moving contrary to the main current (circularly)An eddy of wind picked up debris in the street and scattered it along the walks.Synonyms : whirlpoolAntonyms : Derivatives : eddies, eddyingsLesson: 26 Word: 9

pestilencePES tuh lens

a deadly epidemic disease; something considered harmful or evilThe bubonic plague was a pestilence that killed thousands of people.Synonyms : Antonyms : something harmlessDerivatives : pestilent, pestilently, pestilential, pestilentially, pestilentialnessLesson: 45 Word: 17

disinclinationdis in kluh NAY shun

a desire to avoid, aversionI have a disinclination to go to Europe this summer since the dollar is worth less.Synonyms : hesitance, loathing, reluctanceAntonyms : eagernessDerivatives : disincline, disinclinedLesson: 61 Word: 5


a determined effort for or against something; a determined position takenWe must take a stand on this political issue.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : Lesson: 50 Word: 21

lexiconLEK suh kon

a dictionary or alphabetical listing of the words of a profession or subjectWe looked in many lexicons before we found the definition of that arcane word.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : lexical, lexicality, lexically, lexicographer, lexicography, lexicographically, lexicologist, lexicologyLesson: 62 Word: 11

antithesisan TI thuh sis

a direct opposite, a contrastGood is the antithesis of evil.Synonyms : Antonyms : duplicate; sameDerivatives : antithetic, antithetical, antitheticallyLesson: 2 Word: 1

maladyMAL eh dee

a disease or unwholesome conditionThe poor old woman seems to suffer one malady after another.Synonyms : Antonyms : good healthDerivatives : maladiesLesson: 64 Word: 11

antipathyan TIP uh thee

a dislike, distaste, or enmityThe woman's obvious antipathy toward snakes surfaced when she came into contact with the slithering reptile.Synonyms : animosity, animus, antagonism, hostility, rancorAntonyms : propensity; amityDerivatives : antipathetic, antipathic, anthipathist, antipathize, antipathiesLesson: 12 Word: 3

vistaVIS tuh

a distant view seen through an openingAs he reached the forest, he saw vistas of stone passages leading in many directions.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : vistaed, vistasLesson: 29 Word: 25

auraAW ruh

a distinctive quality about a person, thing, or placeThose at the inauguration ceremony had the aura of greatness.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : auras, auralLesson: 56 Word: 2

hallmarkHALL mark

a distinguishing characteristic or traitHonesty is the hallmark of a good judge.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : hallmarksLesson: 60 Word: 8

schismSIZ um

a division of a group into two discordant groupsThe club lost half its members because of a schism in the body.Synonyms : breach, faction, discord, disharmonyAntonyms : unificationDerivatives : schismatic, schisms, schismatical, schismatically, schismatist, schimatizeLesson: 39 Word: 24

oculistOK yuh list

a doctor who specializes in treatment of the eyesThe eye disease had to be treated by an oculist.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : ocular, ocularly, oculogyric, oculomotor, oculateLesson: 62 Word: 13

tenetTEN ut

a doctrine or principle held as being trueThe principle that only men may become priests is a tenet of that church.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : tenetsLesson: 29 Word: 23

portalPORE tul

a doorway (especially a large one)She stood for a moment in the portal before stepping into the room.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : portaled, portalsLesson: 63 Word: 16

visionaryVIZH uh ner ee

a dreamer; one who is impracticalOnly a visionary would believe that a perfect society is possible.Synonyms : Antonyms : a practical personDerivatives : visionarinessLesson: 54 Word: 24


a dull, stupid person; blockheadHearing stupid statements from such a dolt is not surprising.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : doltish, doltishly, doltishnessLesson: 56 Word: 6

effigyEF eh jee

a dummy or image of a person (usually one who is not liked)The ball team hung the opponent's mascot in effigy at the pep rally before the game.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : effigiesLesson: 28 Word: 9


a false appearance, a fake punch to occupy defenses allowing a real blow.Fooled by his opponent's feint, the boxer dropped his guard and was knocked down.Synonyms : artifice, ruse, stratagem, trick, wileAntonyms : Derivatives : feign, feigned, feigning, feignedly, feignerLesson: 40 Word: 8

matriarchyMAY tree ar kee

a family or state headed or ruled by a femaleThe old woman is the matriarch of the family.Synonyms : Antonyms : patriarchyDerivatives : matriarch, matriarchal, matriarchateLesson: 40 Word: 16

chimerakuh MEER uh

a fantasy; a horrible creature of the imaginationHe is not the chimera your fears have made him in your mind.Synonyms : fantasy , visionAntonyms : gentle creatureDerivatives : chimerical, chimeric, chimericallyLesson: 10 Word: 5

failing (noun)FAY ling

a fault or defectHis main failing is his refusal to admit that he is sometimes wrong.Synonyms : foible, fragility, viceAntonyms : strengthDerivatives : failingsLesson: 59 Word: 8

compatriotkum PAY tree ut

a fellow countrymanThe Lewis and Clark expedition was a journey of two compatriots exploring the unknown regions.Synonyms : Antonyms : traitorDerivatives : compatriotismLesson: 38 Word: 5

palisadepal eh SADE

a fence made of stakesThe soldiers built palisades for protection from the enemy.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : palisading, palisadoLesson: 49 Word: 15

toadyTOE dee

a flatterer; an obsequious sycophantThe man flattered the woman so much that he appeared like a toady.Synonyms : fawner, yes-man, parasiteAntonyms : Derivatives : toadied, toadying, toadyish, toadyismLesson: 34 Word: 23

influxIN fluks

a flowing or coming inDue to the humid weather, an influx of mosquitoes is expected.Synonyms : Antonyms : outpouringDerivatives : influxionLesson: 47 Word: 12

adherentad HEER unt

a follower of something such as a leader, party, philosophy, or professionHe is an adherent of the Democratic party.Synonyms : disciple, follower, partisanAntonyms : dissenterDerivatives : adhere, adherer, adherence, adherentlyLesson: 29 Word: 1

premonitionpree muh NISH un

a forewarning; a feeling of anxiety over a future eventHe had a vague premonition of danger.Synonyms : presentimentAntonyms : Derivatives : premonitoryLesson: 50 Word: 16

bastionBASS chun

a fortification, a strongholdThe enemy could not get past the bastion of the fort and therefore lost the battle.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : bastionedLesson: 17 Word: 4

sonnetSON it

a fourteen line form of poetryThe sonnet is a favorite form of poetry with many writers.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : sonnetsLesson: 26 Word: 22

dormerDOR mur

a gabled extension of an attic room; window in such an extensionThe cat perched on the roof of the dormer and looked down below.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : dormersLesson: 58 Word: 9

zephyrZEF ur

a gentle breeze, the west windThe girl's long hair gently rose and fell at the hand of the zephyr.Synonyms : Antonyms : tornadoDerivatives : zephyrs, zephryousLesson: 55 Word: 25

legacyLEG uh see

a gift by will, something handed down by an ancestor or predecessorMost presidents wonder what their legacy to the country will be.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : legaciesLesson: 53 Word: 11

crescendokruh SHEN doe

a gradual increase in volume and intensityThe music began to crescendo into a loud blare.Synonyms : Antonyms : decrescendo; decrease in soundDerivatives : crescendoed, crescendoingLesson: 48 Word: 6

panachepuh NASH

a grand or flamboyant manner; verve; style; flareThe actor who plays that role must have panache.Synonyms : Antonyms : drabnessDerivatives : Lesson: 52 Word: 15

conservatorykun SIR vuh tor ee

a greenhouse or place where plants are raised; a school for music and artThe flower show will be held at the conservatory on the fair grounds.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : conservatoriesLesson: 60 Word: 2

fold (noun)FOLD

a group bound together by common beliefs; fenced enclosure for sheepWe need to convince him to return to the fold.Synonyms : Antonyms : individualsDerivatives : foldsLesson: 35 Word: 8

archipelagoare kuh PEL uh go

a group of islandsSynonyms : Antonyms : The sailors were excited when they reached the archipelago.Derivatives : archipelagicLesson: 21 Word: 2

juntaHOON tuh

a group of people who join in running a government (after a revolution)In the early 1980s, Argentina was governed by a military junta composed of generals.Synonyms : Antonyms : patriotsDerivatives : juntas, juntoLesson: 51 Word: 11

aplombuh PLUM

a handling of something with confidence and composure; self-assuranceThe debutante handled herself with aplomb at the ball.Synonyms : assurance, self-possession, poiseAntonyms : undignified behaviorDerivatives : aplombsLesson: 58 Word: 1

misanthropeMIS un thrope

a hater of mankindHopefully, nuclear weapons will never fall into the hands of a misanthrope.Synonyms : misanthropistAntonyms : philanthropistDerivatives : misanthropy, misanthropic, misanthropically, misanthropical, misanthropism, misanthropizeLesson: 9 Word: 16

altercational ter KAY shun

a heated or angry dispute; noisy argument or controversyWe were not surprised at the altercation of the two enemies; they often fought in public.Synonyms : quarrel, contentionAntonyms : accord; agreementDerivatives : altercate, altercated, altercatingLesson: 31 Word: 2

hemophiliahee muh FIL ee uh

a hereditary disease where blood does not coagulate to stop bleedingGetting a slight cut is dangerous for him because of his hemophilia; a small cut can cause him to bleed to death.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : hemophile, hemophiliac, hemophilic, hemophiliodLesson: 38 Word: 10

pastichepa STEESH

a hodgepodgeThe poem is nothing more than a pastiche of images, allusions, and symbols.Synonyms : Antonyms : concert; unionDerivatives : pasticheur, pasticcioLesson: 57 Word: 14

apertureAP uh ture

a hole or an openingThe farmer discovered an aperture in his fence that had allowed some cows to escape.Synonyms : Antonyms : closureDerivatives : apertural, apertures, aperturedLesson: 48 Word: 2


a hole or hiding place used to store suppliesThe child hid his treasured toy in a cache in the corner.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : cached, cachingLesson: 29 Word: 3

abodeuh BODE

a homeEven though the house is small, he is proud of his humble abode.Synonyms : dwelling, residence, domicileAntonyms : Derivatives : Lesson: 62 Word: 1

stratumSTRAY tum, STRAT

a horizontal layerThe geologist said that this stratum is composed of limestone.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : stratumsLesson: 58 Word: 22


a journalist, a public secretary or clerkSportswriters are often referred to as scribes.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : scribalLesson: 44 Word: 20


a journey (usually slow and difficult), to migrateThe men took a short trek through the mountains.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : trekker, trekkingLesson: 47 Word: 23


a keen sense for what is appropriate or tasteful in delicate situationsThe diplomat handled the situation with much tact and courteous behavior.Synonyms : diplomacy, perception, sensitivity, poiseAntonyms : Derivatives : tactful, tactfully, tactfulnessLesson: 12 Word: 22

apathyAP uh thee

a lack of concern or feeling, indifferenceThe man looked upon the turn of events with apathy.Synonyms : phlegm, stoicism, stolidnessAntonyms : enthusiastic devotionDerivatives : apathetic, apathetical, apatheticallyLesson: 13 Word: 2


a lack, a scarcityThe dearth of water in the arid country led to numerous deaths.Synonyms : paucityAntonyms : adequate supplyDerivatives : dearthsLesson: 7 Word: 7

conflagrationkon fluh GRAY shun

a large fireSome believe that the earth will be destroyed by a large conflagration.Synonyms : Antonyms : small flameDerivatives : conflagrations, conflagrant, conflagrate, conflagrator, conflagratoryLesson: 7 Word: 6

arrayuh RAY

a large grouping of things; regular order or arrangement; to clotheThe group consisted of an impressive array of scholars.Synonyms : arrange, place; apparel, dress, attire; ornament, adorn,Antonyms : Derivatives : arraying, arrays, arrayed, arrayalLesson: 48 Word: 3

caldronKAL drun

a large kettle used for boilingThe witches stirred their brew in a large caldron.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : caldronsLesson: 55 Word: 4


a large sheet of floating iceThe tanker had to be careful to avoid the ice floe in the ocean.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : floesLesson: 46 Word: 8

lampoonlam POON

a light and mocking satire; writing that ridicules in a malicious wayThe politician was lampooned by the cartoonists.Synonyms : satire, ridiculeAntonyms : to glorifyDerivatives : lampooner, lampoonery, lampoonist, lampooned, lampooning, lampoonsLesson: 49 Word: 13

affinityuh FIN uh tee

a likeness, a natural relationship, a kinshipHaving suffered himself, he felt an affinity for the homeless.Synonyms : Antonyms : repulsionDerivatives : affinitiveLesson: 8 Word: 2

by-lineBY line

a line at the head of a written article giving the writer's nameThe young writer looked anxiously at the article to see his name in the by-line.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : bylinerLesson: 53 Word: 3

repertoireREP ur twar

a list of works of music or readings that are ready for performanceThe orchestra has added some selections of Mozart to its repertoire.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : repertorial, repertorium, repertoryLesson: 17 Word: 20

eonEE un, EE on

a long period of timeIt seems like it will be eons before I am allowed to date.Synonyms : Antonyms : short timeDerivatives : aeon, aeonian, eonian, aeonic, aeonialLesson: 28 Word: 10

retrospectionre truh SPEK shun

a looking back or contemplation of the pastA retrospection of his life will reveal that he always worked hard and tried to live by the Golden Rule.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : retrospect, retropsective, retrospectivelyLesson: 52 Word: 19

dashikida SHE kee

a loose and brightly colored tunic or garmentThe woman's dashiki was purple and gold.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : Lesson: 53 Word: 5


a loud ringing (usually of bells)The church bells pealed at noon to celebrate the wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : pealed, pealingLesson: 59 Word: 16

repastreh PAST

a mealThe governor showed the dignitaries into a large hall for a sumptuous repast.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : repasts, repasted, repastingLesson: 60 Word: 20

sectariansek TARE ee un

a member of a sect that is a faction with extreme beliefsHis sectarian beliefs marked him as being extremely narrow-minded.Synonyms : narrow-mindedAntonyms : broad-mindedDerivatives : sectarianism, sectarianizeLesson: 22 Word: 20


a message appended at the end of a letterSometimes a person will add information in a postscript when he forgets to include it in the letter.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : postscriptsLesson: 65 Word: 19

sluggardSLUG urd

a person who is lazyLet's fire him. Not only is he slovenly, but he is also a sluggard.Synonyms : Antonyms : energetic personDerivatives : sluggardly, sluggardnessLesson: 16 Word: 22

recluseREK loos

a person who lives in solitude, a hermitHoward Hughes is the most famous recluse of the century.Synonyms : Antonyms : cosmopolitanDerivatives : reclusion, reclusiveLesson: 9 Word: 20

epicureEP uh kyoor

a person who understands a lot about food and drink, a connoisseurThe extravagant party was enjoyed most by the epicure who indulged in sensual delight.Synonyms : gastronome, gourmet, gourmandAntonyms : asceticDerivatives : epicureal, epicurial, epicurean, epicureanism, epicureous, epicurism,Lesson: 53 Word: 8

bourgeoisBOOR zhwah

a person with the traits or viewpoints of the bourgeoisieYour outdated ideas are so bourgeois.Synonyms : middle class, mediocreAntonyms : Derivatives : bourgeoisieLesson: 32 Word: 5

plenitudePLEN eh tood

abundance, a lotI can always find a plenitude of advice but rarely a plausible solution.Synonyms : Antonyms : dearth; scarcityDerivatives : plenitudinousLesson: 33 Word: 16

copiousKO pee us

abundantI always take copious notes in my history class.Synonyms : ampleAntonyms : sparseDerivatives : copiousness, copiouslyLesson: 22 Word: 5

luxuriantlug ZHOOR ee unt

abundant in growth, very fertileThe luxuriant farmland of Iowa provides an abundant amount of food.Synonyms : lavish, lush, prodigal, profuseAntonyms : scantyDerivatives : luxuriance, luxurancy, luxuriantly, luxuriate, luxurious, luxuriously, luxuriousness, luxuryLesson: 12 Word: 13

prolificpro LIF ik

abundantly fruitful, marked by great productivitySince he has written a great number of books in a short period, Stephen King is known as a prolific writer.Synonyms : fecund, fertileAntonyms : barren; unfruitfulDerivatives : proliferation, proliferate, proliferative, proliferous, proliferouslyLesson: 2 Word: 21

vituperationvie too puh RAY shun

abusive remarksHe expressed his contempt with vituperation.Synonyms : Antonyms : praise; commendationDerivatives : vituperate, vituperative, vituperator, vituperatory, vituperousLesson: 56 Word: 24

autocratAW toe krat

a person with unlimited influence and authority (usually a negative word)The people wanted to overthrow the despotic autocrat.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : autocracy, autocratic, autocratical, autocraticallyLesson: 57 Word: 3

mosaicmow ZAY ik

a picture made by using various small pieces of multicolored materialThe myriad of races and cultures that make up America is said to resemble a mosaic.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : mosaicist, mosaically, mosaicalLesson: 35 Word: 13

iconEYE kon

a picture, image, or other representationDifferent programs on some computer menus are represented by icons.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : iconic, iconical, iconically, iconicityLesson: 59 Word: 10

conduitKON doo it

a pipe or tube for conveying water or other fluids, flumeThe water ran through a conduit to the outside of the building.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : Lesson: 55 Word: 5

aviaryA vee air ee

a place for keeping birdsMany birds were in the aviary.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : aviariesLesson: 41 Word: 2

bedlamBED lum

a place or scene of wild and mad uproar; an extremely confusing sceneAfter the arousing speech, the meeting became utter bedlam.Synonyms : Antonyms : a peaceful and calm sceneDerivatives : bedlamer, bedlamiteLesson: 64 Word: 2

entreatyen TREE tee

a plea, an earnest requestThe lawyer made a lengthy entreaty to the jury before they retired to chambers.Synonyms : adjuration, appeal, suit, importunity, supplicationAntonyms : denialDerivatives : entreat, entreatingly, entreatmentLesson: 10 Word: 8

junctureJUNGK chur

a point of joiningHis new book emphasizes the importance of the juncture of poetry and music into a new art form.Synonyms : Antonyms : separationDerivatives : junctural, junctionalLesson: 65 Word: 13

caricatureKARE uh kuh chur

a portrayal where features are distorted, a parodyThe caricature of the presidential nominee was hysterical.Synonyms : burlesque, travestyAntonyms : somber portraitDerivatives : caricatured, caricaturing, caricaturistLesson: 13 Word: 4

sleeperSLEE pur

a possible winner of a contest that is given little chance to winThat horse paid such good odds because he was a real sleeper.Synonyms : Antonyms : predicted winnerDerivatives : sleepersLesson: 63 Word: 19

effusioneh FYOO zhun

a pouring forth (usually overdone in writing or speech)The effusion of profane language in his speech offended many.Synonyms : Antonyms : restraint; reserveDerivatives : effuse, effusive, effusiveness, effusivelyLesson: 29 Word: 9

catharsiskuh THAR sis

a purification or purging of emotions that brings about spiritual renewalThe child had so many repressed emotions that a catharsis was needed to restore his normal state of mind.Synonyms : Antonyms : repressionDerivatives : catharses, cathartic, catharticallyLesson: 27 Word: 6

neophyteNEE uh fite

a recent convert, beginner, noviceBeing a neophyte to surfing, he is having trouble catching a wave.Synonyms : Antonyms : veteranDerivatives : neophytic, neophytismLesson: 24 Word: 15

reprisereh PRIZE

a recurrence, renewal, or resumption of an actionThe battle was noted for the reprise of attacks by the enemy.Synonyms : recapitulation, repetitionAntonyms : Derivatives : reprisal, reprised, reprisingLesson: 43 Word: 21

refrain (noun)reh FRAIN

a recurring phrase or verseThe congregation joined in singing the refrain of the hymn.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : refrainmentLesson: 48 Word: 18

facsimilefak SIM uh lee

a reproduction or exact copyThe artist was commissioned to paint a facsimile of the masterpiece.Synonyms : Antonyms : originalDerivatives : facsimiles, facsimilist, facsimilizeLesson: 50 Word: 8

respiteRES pit

a rest, a delay, a period of reliefI enjoy a quiet lunch that serves a respite from my tense job of being an air traffic controller.Synonyms : Antonyms : continuanceDerivatives : respitelessLesson: 14 Word: 22

homageHOM ij

a reverential regard; respect shown by external actionThe people went to pay homage to their respected leader.Synonyms : honor, reverence, deference, obeisanceAntonyms : disrespectDerivatives : homages,homagerLesson: 33 Word: 9

preceptPREE sept

a rule guiding conduct or imposing a standardA favorite precept by which many people live is "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : preceptist, preceptiveLesson: 44 Word: 18


a sample piece from some cloth or other itemHe brought a book of swatches to help me choose the material for the curtains.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : swatchesLesson: 53 Word: 21

maximMAK sim

a saying of proverbial nature; a general truth or principle; rule of conduct The maxim "a penny saved is a penny earned" is a favorite with many people.Synonyms : proverbAntonyms : Derivatives : maxims, maximistLesson: 53 Word: 12

savantsuh VAHNT, SAY vant

a scholar, a learned personWoodrow Wilson is an example of a savant who became president .Synonyms : Antonyms : dunceDerivatives : savantsLesson: 24 Word: 20

sycophantSIK uh funt

a self-serving flatterer, a brownnoserA wise ruler will not pay attention to the many sycophants who will try to gain his attention.Synonyms : leech, sponge, toadyAntonyms : Derivatives : sycophancy, sycophantic, sycophantical, sychophantically, sychophantize, sychophantish, sychophantishlyLesson: 6 Word: 23

dotardDOE turd

a senile personTalking to the dotard was difficult because he often forgot where he was.Synonyms : Antonyms : youthDerivatives : dotards, dotageLesson: 46 Word: 5

calamitykuh LAM uh tee

a serious event causing distress or misfortuneThe earthquake in Mexico was a calamity.Synonyms : cataclysm, catastropheAntonyms : good fortuneDerivatives : calamitous, calamitously, calamitousnessLesson: 5 Word: 7

demarcationdee mar KAY shun

a setting or marking of a boundaryLatitudinal or longitudinal lines are often used as demarcation lines between states or countries.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : demarcate, demarcated, demarcating, demarcatorLesson: 59 Word: 5

epilogueEP uh log

a short addition to a literary work, a short speech given at the end of a playThe author's intent in writing the novel can be found in the epilogue.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : epilog, epilogist, epilogues, epologuizeLesson: 33 Word: 5

vignettevin YET

a short descriptive literary sketch or a short scene from a movieDuring the sesquicentennial, some television stations presented one-minute vignettes about the state's history.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : vignetter, vignetting, vignettistLesson: 50 Word: 24

parablePAIR uh bul

a short fictitious story that has a moralJesus often imparted knowledge to his disciples through parables.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : parablesLesson: 24 Word: 17

anecdoteAN ek dote

a short story of an interesting or amusing incidentA raconteur is a person who is very good at telling anecdotes.Synonyms : story, tale, narrativeAntonyms : Derivatives : anecdotage, anecdotal, anecdotic, anecdotical, anecdotalist, anecdotally, anecdoticallyLesson: 65 Word: 3

portentPORE tent

a sign or forewarningThe stock market crash was a portent of the coming of a depression.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : portentive, portentous, portentously, portentousnessLesson: 14 Word: 19

simperSIM pur

a silly or self-conscious smile, smirkThe young man made the silly remark with a simper.Synonyms : Antonyms : frownDerivatives : simperer, simpering, simpered, simperinglyLesson: 61 Word: 23

somnambulistsom NAM byuh list

a sleepwalkerMany people with sleeping disorders are classified as somnambulists.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : somnambulic, somnambulant, somnambular, somnambulation, somnambule, somnambulism, somnambulisticLesson: 25 Word: 18

peccadillopek uh DILL oh

a slight offense, a small faultThe I. R. S. does not consider failure to pay taxes a mere peccadillo.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : peccadilloesLesson: 60 Word: 16

snippetSNIP it

a small amount, morselThe professor learned mere snippets about the tribes he had visited.Synonyms : Antonyms : large amountDerivatives : snippiness, snippety, snippyLesson: 34 Word: 20

spangleSPANG gul

a small circular piece of glittering material used for decorating garmentsHer dress was decorated with multi-colored spangles.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : spangled, spanglyLesson: 46 Word: 22

coterieKO tuh ree

a small group that shares interestsFraternities and sororities were formed from coteries.Synonyms : Antonyms : individualDerivatives : coteriesLesson: 43 Word: 5

melodeonmuh LOW dee un

a small reed organMusic poured forth from the melodeon after he put in a nickel.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : melodeonsLesson: 56 Word: 13


a small round hillThe young deer stood upon the knoll and looked out over the pond that lay beneath him.Synonyms : Antonyms : mountainDerivatives : knollsLesson: 41 Word: 9

rivuletRIV yuh let

a small stream, brookThe small rivulet had almost dried up for lack of rain.Synonyms : Antonyms : riverDerivatives : rivuletsLesson: 57 Word: 18


a soothing substance or one that gives reliefThe balm caused the pain of the sunburn to subside and then to diminish.Synonyms : Antonyms : irritantDerivatives : balmily, balminess, balmy, balms, balmed, balmingLesson: 60 Word: 1

banefulBANE ful

a source of harm or destruction; harmful, destructiveOvereating was the bane of her existence. The baneful herbs made the woman extremely ill.Synonyms : deleterious, detrimental, noxious, perniciousAntonyms : benign influence; harmlessDerivatives : baneful, banefully, banefulnessLesson: 15 Word: 4


a space or opening made by cleavage, a splitThe cleft in the mountain side was so great that it could not be crossed.Synonyms : fissure, crevice, crack, rift, cranny, chasm, crevasseAntonyms : Derivatives : Lesson: 44 Word: 4

soliloquysuh LIL uh kwee

a speech or dramatic monologue made to oneself to reveal thoughtsHamlet's soliloquy in the graveyard is a popular piece to memorize.Synonyms : Antonyms : conversation; dialogueDerivatives : soliquist, soliloquize, soliloquizer, soliloquizinglyLesson: 62 Word: 21

incantationin kan TAY shun

a spell, written or recited formula of words designed for a particular effectThe purpose of the witch doctor's incantations was to scare evil spirits.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : incant, incantational, incantatoryLesson: 19 Word: 12

pulchritudePUL kreh tood

beauty, comelinessMembers of the drill team must have talent and pulchritude.Synonyms : Antonyms : uglinessDerivatives : pulchritudinousLesson: 43 Word: 20

intrinsicin TRIN sik

belonging to or pertaining to the essential nature of a thingAlthough the intrinsic value of this ring is small, its sentimental value is great since it is from my first love.Synonyms : Antonyms : extraneousDerivatives : intrinsically, intrinsicalness, intrinsicalLesson: 43 Word: 15

subterraneansub tuh RAY nee un

below groundThe subterranean tunnel connected the two buildings.Synonyms : Antonyms : above groundDerivatives : subterraneous, subterraneanlyLesson: 63 Word: 20

sinuousSIN yoo us

bending in and out in a serpentine or wavy formThe land was covered with a sinuous system of canals and irrigation ditches.Synonyms : winding, intricate, complexAntonyms : straightDerivatives : sinuosity, sinuously, sinuousnessLesson: 36 Word: 20


bent forward from the middle of the backSome farm workers become stooped from many years of bending over in the fields.Synonyms : Antonyms : erectDerivatives : stoop, stooping, stoopsLesson: 57 Word: 21

corrugatedKOR uh gay ted

bent into foldsA corrugated box absorbs shock and helps to protect its contents.Synonyms : Antonyms : smoothDerivatives : corrugate, corrugatingLesson: 21 Word: 7

superfluoussoo PUR floo us

beyond what is needed or required, an overflowThe meeting lasted so long because of many superfluous comments by some of the speakers.Synonyms : Antonyms : necessaryDerivatives : superfluously, superfluousness, superfluent, superfluityLesson: 1 Word: 24

rancorRANG kur

bitter deep-seated ill will, enmityI was full of rancor when I learned that the men had killed my parents.Synonyms : animosity, animus, antagonism, antipathy, hostilityAntonyms : affection; kindnessDerivatives : rancored, rancorous, rancorouslyLesson: 6 Word: 22

diatribeDIE uh tribe

bitter denunciation or criticism, anathemaThe new actress could not take the vicious diatribes of the critics.Synonyms : Antonyms : acclaim; praiseDerivatives : diatribesLesson: 39 Word: 7

scathingSKAY thing

bitterly severe; harmful, injuriousThe critics gave a scathing review of the play.Synonyms : Antonyms : harmlessDerivatives : scathinglyLesson: 43 Word: 22

palettePAL it

board on which a painter mixes paintsThe artist mixed her colors on the palette rather than on the canvas.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : palettesLesson: 48 Word: 14

hilarityheh LAR eh tee

boisterous merriment, mirthThe party was marked by great hilarity.Synonyms : glee, jollityAntonyms : gloominessDerivatives : hilarious, hilariously, hilariousnessLesson: 32 Word: 13

bestialBES chul

brutal without reason, having the attributes of a savageThe bestial traits of the man were offensive to refined ladies.Synonyms : Antonyms : civilizedDerivatives : bestiality, bestialize, bestialized, bestializingLesson: 36 Word: 3

interredin TURD

buriedHe was interred by the avalanche.Synonyms : Antonyms : exhumed; disinterredDerivatives : inter, intermentLesson: 35 Word: 11

malleableMAL ee uh bul

capable of being shaped, influenced, or altered; tractableGold is a malleable metal.Synonyms : plastic, pliable, pliant, ductileAntonyms : unpliableDerivatives : malleability, malleabilization, malleableize, malleablenessLesson: 15 Word: 14

tensileTEN sul

capable of being stretchedThe material could be made to fit several sizes because it was tensile.Synonyms : Antonyms : inelasticDerivatives : tensibility, tensible, tensibleness, tensiblyLesson: 58 Word: 23

tangibleTAN juh bul

capable of being touched; real or actual rather than imaginaryThe man had no tangible assets such as a home or a car, but he had much to offer in terms of personality.Synonyms : palpable, corporeal; certain, genuineAntonyms : imaginary; not able to be touchedDerivatives : tangibility, tangibleness, tangiblyLesson: 51 Word: 22

versatileVUR suh til

capable of doing many things; having many usesColleges are seeking versatile students who will be active in many areas of collegiate life.Synonyms : Antonyms : unadaptableDerivatives : versatilely, versatileness, versatilityLesson: 46 Word: 24

buoyantBOY unt

capable of floating; cheerfulBecause the log was buoyant, it stayed afloat. The girl's buoyant spirit made her pleasant company.Synonyms : Antonyms : likely to sinkDerivatives : buoyancy, buoyance, buoyantly, buoyantness, buoyLesson: 5 Word: 5

fallibleFAL uh bul

capable of making an errorAll humans are fallible because none are perfect.Synonyms : Antonyms : not likely to be erroneousDerivatives : fallibilism, fallibilist, fallibilistic, fallibility, fallibleness, falliblyLesson: 43 Word: 11

fecundFEE kund, FEK und

capable of reproducing, intellectual productivity The Amazon, with abundant plant and animal life, is a fecund area.Synonyms : fertile, fruitful, prolificAntonyms : barrenDerivatives : fecundate, fecundation, fecundative, fecundator, fecundityLesson: 26 Word: 12

viableVIE uh bul

capable of working, functioning, or developing adequatelyHe is a viable candidate because he has experience and can attract votes.Synonyms : Antonyms : moribund; incapable ofDerivatives : viability, viablyLesson: 10 Word: 25

variegatedVAR ee uh gay tid

changed in appearance by using or applying different colorsThe variegated roses were not only beautiful, but were also extremely unusual.Synonyms : Antonyms : same; alikeDerivatives : variegate, variegation, variegatorLesson: 25 Word: 23

capriciouskuh PRISH us

changing suddenly, fickleHer capricious moods are difficult to anticipate.Synonyms : inconstant, mercurial, unstableAntonyms : stableDerivatives : caprice, capriciously, capriciousnessLesson: 2 Word: 7

mercurialmur KYOOR ee ul

changing unpredictably, fickleDue to his mercurial temperament, employees always approached him carefully, unsure of what his mood would be.Synonyms : capricious, inconstant, unstableAntonyms : stolidDerivatives : mercuriality, mercuriallyLesson: 20 Word: 15

vacillatingVAS uh lay ting

changing, fluctuatingI have vacillating opinions concerning my future career.Synonyms : Antonyms : static; stable; not easily changedDerivatives : vacillate, vacillatingly, vacillation, vacillatory, vacillatorLesson: 6 Word: 24

resoluteREZ uh loot

characterized by a decided purposeThe business was run by a resolute man who set his mind on a goal and followed through with it.Synonyms : staunch, steadfast, determined, resolved, faithful, firmAntonyms : Derivatives : resoluter, resolutest, resolutely, resoluteness, resolution, resolutionary, resolutioner, resolutiveLesson: 22 Word: 19

sedentarySED un ter ee

characterized by a sitting postureBecause he could not stand, he looked for a sedentary occupation.Synonyms : Antonyms : characterized by a standing positionDerivatives : sedentarily, sedentarinessLesson: 50 Word: 20

agileAJ uhl

characterized by ability to move quickly with suppleness and graceThe girl's agile movements were the mark of a great gymnast.Synonyms : nimble, brisk, spryAntonyms : clumsyDerivatives : agilely, agilityLesson: 11 Word: 2

unctuousUNGK choo us

characterized by excessive piousness or moralistic fervorThe unctuous young man was determined to become a monk.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : unctuosity, unctuousness, unctuouslyLesson: 52 Word: 23

congenialkun JEEN yul

characterized by friendly sociabilityThe family decided to settle in the congenial little town.Synonyms : compatible, consonant, genial, pleasant, attractiveAntonyms : Derivatives : congeniality, congenially, congenialnessLesson: 20 Word: 6

nomadicno MAD ik

characterized by moving about from place to place as nomadsThe nomadic people traveled across the continent.Synonyms : transientAntonyms : not mobile; stationaryDerivatives : nomad, nomadism, nomadically, nomadizeLesson: 19 Word: 15

emotiveeh MOE tive

characterized by or relating to emotionLove is one of the emotive capacities of man.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : emotively, emotiveness, emotivityLesson: 46 Word: 6

satiricsuh TER ik

characterized by satire (a branch of literature ridiculing vice or folly)The political cartoonist was known for his satiric drawings.Synonyms : sarcastic, sardonic, ironicAntonyms : Derivatives : satire, satirical, satirically, satirism, satirist, satirize, satirizerLesson: 20 Word: 21

grievousGREE vus

characterized by severe suffering or sorrow, serious or graveYou made a grievous error when you spoke to your parents in such a horrible fashion.Synonyms : Antonyms : minorDerivatives : grievously, grievousnessLesson: 56 Word: 10

diligentDIL eh junt

characterized by steady, attentive and energetic effort in a pursuit or studyThe students in the special course were studious and diligent.Synonyms : industrious, assiduous, sedulousAntonyms : Derivatives : diligence, diligency, diligently, diligentnessLesson: 19 Word: 7

tawdryTAH DREE

cheap and gaudy in appearanceIt was in bad taste to wear such tawdry jewelry to the funeral.Synonyms : garish, meretriciousAntonyms : refinedDerivatives : tawdriness, tawdrilyLesson: 38 Word: 23

puerilePYOO uh ril, PYOOR

childish, immatureOne puerile student can be a source of constant disturbance in a classroom.Synonyms : Antonyms : matureDerivatives : puerilily, puerilism, puerilityLesson: 43 Word: 19

progenyPROJ uh nee

children, descendants, offspringHe was proud of all his progeny, but he loved the oldest child the most.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : progenitor, progenitorial, progenitorship, progenitureLesson: 40 Word: 22

distantDIS tunt

chilly in mannerHer distant behavior made it difficult to talk to the woman; her chilly manner bordered on being rude.Synonyms : Antonyms : cordialDerivatives : distantly, distantnessLesson: 52 Word: 5

surlySUR lee

churlishly rude or bad-tempered; unfriendly, hostileThe discourteous boy had a surly manner of speaking.Synonyms : Antonyms : courteousDerivatives : surlier, surliest, surlily, surlinessLesson: 45 Word: 21

noncombatantnon kum BAT unt

civilian, one not engaged in combatWorld War II was a war in which many noncombatants were killed.Synonyms : Antonyms : warriorDerivatives : noncombatantsLesson: 59 Word: 15

vociferousvoe SIF ur us

clamorous; boisterous (suggests a vehement outcry)The rock crowd became vociferous in its anger when it was announced that the show was cancelled.Synonyms : blatant, obstreperous, stridentAntonyms : quiet; subduedDerivatives : vociferator, vociferously, vociferousnessLesson: 15 Word: 24

limpidLIM pid

clear, transparentMany liked the author's limpid writing style because it was easy to understand.Synonyms : translucentAntonyms : abstruse; opaqueDerivatives : limpidity, limpidnessLesson: 58 Word: 13

vindicatedVIN duh kay ted

cleared of accusations or chargesI am willing to go to trial and believe that I will be vindicated of all charges.Synonyms : absolved, acquitted, exculpated, exoneratedAntonyms : accusedDerivatives : vindicate, vindication, vindicative, vindicator, vindicatory, vindictive, vindictively, vindictivenessLesson: 12 Word: 24


clever trick, subterfugeFerris thought it a clever ruse to put pillows under his bed covers to make his parents believe he was sleeping.Synonyms : artifice, feint, stratagem, trick, wileAntonyms : Derivatives : rusesLesson: 62 Word: 19

ingenuityin juh NOO eh tee

cleverness, inventiveness, resourcefulness He showed much ingenuity in his unique way of solving the problem.Synonyms : adroitness, cunning, deftness, dexterityAntonyms : lack of clevernessDerivatives : ingenious, ingeniously, ingeniousnessLesson: 28 Word: 12

moribundMORE eh bund

close to deathThe moribund man asked to see a priest.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : moribundityLesson: 34 Word: 15

subjectivesub JEK tiv

coming from an individual's mindI scored poorly on the subjective essay exam because my teacher disagreed with my opinion.Synonyms : Antonyms : objectiveDerivatives : subjectively, subjectiveness, subjectivism, subjectivity, subjectivize, subjectivizationLesson: 41 Word: 20

pithyPITH ee

concise and meaningfulDue to great demands on his time, the President needs memos that he must read to be pithy.Synonyms : compendious, laconic, succinct, summary, terseAntonyms : long and drawn outDerivatives : pithier, pithiest, pithLesson: 32 Word: 19

summary (adj.)SUM uh ree

condensed and conciseThe judge asked for a summary conclusion since time was short.Synonyms : compendious, laconic, pithy, succinct, terseAntonyms : detailedDerivatives : summarily, summability, summariness, summarize, summation, summationalLesson: 41 Word: 21

pluralismPLOOR uh liz um

condition when many cultures coexist in one societyHaving many ethnic groups and different religions, the United States is a pluralistic country.Synonyms : Antonyms : segregationDerivatives : pluralistic, pluralist, pluralistically, plurally, pluralization, pluralizeLesson: 34 Word: 16

corroborationkuh rob uh RAY shun

confirmationFortunately, I had some corroboration for my whereabouts on the night of the crime.Synonyms : authentication, substantiation, validation, verificationAntonyms : refutationDerivatives : corroborate, corroborated, corroborating, corroboratory, corroboratively, corroboratorLesson: 8 Word: 6

orthodoxOR thuh doks

conforming to established standards, conventionalThe church is founded upon a set of orthodox views.Synonyms : Antonyms : unconventionalDerivatives : orthodoxness, orthodoxical, orthodoxically, orthodoxism, orthodoxly, orthodoxyLesson: 17 Word: 18

befuddledbuh FUD uld

confusedHe was befuddled by the difficult math problem.Synonyms : Antonyms : clearheadedDerivatives : befuddle, befuddlingLesson: 47 Word: 4

obfuscatingob FUS kay ting

confusing, making unclearHis speech was obfuscating because it made people concentrate on irrelevant issues.Synonyms : Antonyms : clearDerivatives : obfuscated, obfuscate, obfuscable, obfuscation, obfuscator, obfuscatory, obfusticatedLesson: 22 Word: 15

vanquishedVAN kwishd

conquered, overpoweredHitler's armies vanquished Poland with aid from Russia.Synonyms : Antonyms : submittedDerivatives : vanquishable, vanquisher, vanquishmentLesson: 35 Word: 24

derelictionder uh LIK shun

conscious or willful neglectThe private was charged with dereliction of duty when he was found asleep at his guard post.Synonyms : Antonyms : careful attentionDerivatives : derelict, derelictly, derelictnessLesson: 62 Word: 5

rudimentaryroo duh MEN tuh ree

consisting in first principles, of a primitive kind; relating to basic skillsSecond grade students have only rudimentary skills in reading.Synonyms : basic, fundamental, undeveloped, elementaryAntonyms : fully developedDerivatives : rudiment, rudiments, rudimental, rudimentarily, rudimentariness, rudimentationLesson: 26 Word: 21

unremittingun reh MIT ing

constant, incessantI need some medicine for my unremitting headache.Synonyms : perennial, perpetualAntonyms : sporadicDerivatives : unremitted, unremittent, unremittedly, unremittinglyLesson: 55 Word: 23

querulousKWER uh lus

constantly complaining, whiningAmy irritates me when she constantly speaks in her querulous voice.Synonyms : Antonyms : uncomplainingDerivatives : querulously, querulousness, querulist, querulentLesson: 28 Word: 19

hereticalhuh RET eh kul

contrary to church doctrine or accepted beliefs or standards His heretical statements were offensive to many believers.Synonyms : Antonyms : sacredDerivatives : heretic, heretically, hereticalness, hereticate, heretication, hereticatorLesson: 20 Word: 12

gildedGIL did

covered with gold or a golden color; having a background of wealthThe gilded and perfumed nobles were inwardly deceptive and rotten to the core.Synonyms : prosperous, luxurious, ornate, meretricious, tawdryAntonyms : Derivatives : gild, gilding, gilderLesson: 23 Word: 13

censorioussen SORE ee us

criticalThe artist was hurt by the censorious remarks of the critic.Synonyms : carping, captiousAntonyms : complimentaryDerivatives : censor, censoriously, censoriousness, censorial, censorshipLesson: 61 Word: 4

invectivein VEK tiv

critical or abusive language; violent abuseAs his anger mounted, slander and invective poured from his mouth.Synonyms : vituperation, obloquy, scurrility, billingsgateAntonyms : liberal praiseDerivatives : invectively, invectivesLesson: 25 Word: 12

garishGAR ish

crudely or tastelessly colorful or showy; excessively ornate or elaborateHer garish clothes made her look out of place in the conservative setting.Synonyms : loud, tawdry, gaudyAntonyms : austere; modestDerivatives : garishly, garishnessLesson: 33 Word: 8

wilyWILE ee

cunning, craftyWily as a fox is an expression that means a person is very crafty at some activity.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : wile, wiled, wiling, wilier, wiliestLesson: 41 Word: 25

panaceapan uh SEE uh

cure-all, remedy for all illsLove, not money, is the panacea for your problems.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : panacean, panaceLesson: 21 Word: 17

maledictionmal eh DIK shun

curseHe uttered maledictions at his torturers.Synonyms : Antonyms : blessingDerivatives : maledictive, maledictoryLesson: 51 Word: 13

cutleryKUT luh ree

cutting instrumentsThe salesman gave the woman a set of cutlery just for listening to his sales pitch.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : cutler, cutleriesLesson: 52 Word: 4

dubiousDOO be us

doubtful; not clearSince he had not read the document, he was a little dubious about signing his name to it.Synonyms : Antonyms : distinct, doubtless, assuredDerivatives : dubiously, dubiousness, dubitable, dubitancy, dubitate, dubitation, dubitative, dubietyLesson: 23 Word: 9

pejorativepeh JOR uh tiv

downgrading, disparagingI do not mean to sound pejorative when I say that he is ruthless on the basketball court.Synonyms : Antonyms : approbatoryDerivatives : pejorate, pejoration, pejorativelyLesson: 62 Word: 14

declivitydeh KLIV uh tee

downward slopeThe declivity of the mountain made climbing it quite hazardous.Synonyms : Antonyms : ascending slopeDerivatives : declivous, declivitousLesson: 39 Word: 6

discriminatingdeh SKRIM uh nay ting

drawing fine distinctions, pickySince he has discriminating tastes, the wine must be selected carefully.Synonyms : Antonyms : uncriticalDerivatives : discriminate, discriminability, discriminable, discriminably, discriminant, discriminatedLesson: 58 Word: 8

inebriationin ee bree A shun

drunkenness, intoxicationOne should not drive when in a state of inebriation.Synonyms : Antonyms : sobrietyDerivatives : inebriant, inebriate, inebriated, inebriety, inebriousLesson: 26 Word: 13

pensivePEN siv

deeply thoughtfulThe philosopher was often in a pensive mood.Synonyms : meditative, reflectiveAntonyms : thoughtlessDerivatives : pensively, pensivenessLesson: 46 Word: 16

dilatoryDIL uh tor ee

delaying, slowThe Senator is employing the filibuster as a dilatory tactic.Synonyms : Antonyms : proceedingDerivatives : dilatoriness, dilatorilyLesson: 18 Word: 8

finessefeh NESS

delicate skillA successful diplomat must have finesse when dealing with representatives of other countries.Synonyms : Antonyms : clumsinessDerivatives : finessed, finessingLesson: 17 Word: 11

subtleSUT ul

delicate, elusive, not obviousTo avoid being obtrusive in the elegant restaurant, he used subtle gestures to call the waiter to his table.Synonyms : Antonyms : obvious; gross; bluntDerivatives : subtilist, subtility, subtilization, subtilize, subtilizer, subtleness, subtletyLesson: 1 Word: 23

exactingig ZAK ting

demanding, requiring great careConcerning the form of the outline, the teacher was very exacting.Synonyms : burdensome, onerous, oppressiveAntonyms : indulgentDerivatives : exact, exactable, exactingly, exactingnessLesson: 29 Word: 10

disavowaldis uh VOW ul

denialHis disavowal of the charges against him made the jury wonder if he was really guilty.Synonyms : Antonyms : acknowledgmentDerivatives : disavowLesson: 44 Word: 7

turpitudeTUR puh tood

depravityOur country is seeing a rise in moral turpitude.Synonyms : Antonyms : principlesDerivatives : turpitudesLesson: 50 Word: 23

melancholyMEL un kol ee

depression of spiritsAfter Dad lost his job, he fell into a state of melancholy.Synonyms : Antonyms : happinessDerivatives : melancholia, melancholic, melancholiac, melancholically, melancholily, melancholiness, melancholiousLesson: 2 Word: 19

despondencydeh SPON dun see

depression, dejectionBecause he thought that he had failed the test, he felt great despondency.Synonyms : Antonyms : blithe hopefulnessDerivatives : despondent, despondence, despondently, desponding, despondinglyLesson: 26 Word: 7

afootuh FOOT

developing or in the process of happeningThe eclipse of the sun caused him to think that something bizarre was afoot.Synonyms : Antonyms : on holdDerivatives : Lesson: 61 Word: 1

pietyPIE eh tee

devotion and reverence to GodThe man was noted for his piety and devotion to the church.Synonyms : Antonyms : irreverenceDerivatives : pietism, pietist, pietistic, pietisticallyLesson: 11 Word: 19

veracityvuh RAS eh tee

devotion to the truthThe lawyer had no confidence in the veracity of the witness.Synonyms : truthfulness, accuracy, correctnessAntonyms : Derivatives : veracious, veraciously, veraciousnessLesson: 8 Word: 24

delineationdeh len ee A shun

an outline, depiction, portrayalThe profits of the company were delineated to the board.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : delineate, delineative, delineatorLesson: 22 Word: 6

clichéklee SHAY

an overworked expression, a trite statementThat dog won't hunt used to be a clever way to say that an idea was bad, but due to overuse, it is now a cliché.Synonyms : platitudeAntonyms : unusual or original statementDerivatives : Lesson: 45 Word: 4

catacombKAT uh kome

an underground tunnel or area with holes for gravesPoe delighted in setting one of his masterpieces in a catacomb.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : catacombsLesson: 59 Word: 3

ingrateIN grate

an ungrateful personI was stunned when I didn't even receive a "thank you" from the ingrate.Synonyms : Antonyms : grateful personDerivatives : ingratefulLesson: 10 Word: 13


an unqualified or fake doctor, charlatanFortunately the girl was saved from the scalpel of the quack who called himself a doctor.Synonyms : Antonyms : qualified physicianDerivatives : quackery, quackish, quackishly, quackishness, quackismLesson: 28 Word: 18

papyruspuh PIE rus

ancient paper made from a papyrus plantMy assignment is to research ancient cultures that wrote on papyrus.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : papyraceous, papyrological, papyrologistLesson: 53 Word: 14

primevalpry MEE vul

ancient, relating to the earliest agesThe archeologist discovered a primeval urn that dated to 600 B.C.Synonyms : Antonyms : recently developedDerivatives : primevallyLesson: 54 Word: 17

ostensibleos TEN suh bul

apparent or avowedThe ostensible purpose of going to Las Vegas was the convention; however, the real purpose was to gamble.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : ostensibly, ostensive, ostensively, ostentation, ostentatiousLesson: 46 Word: 15

savorySAY vuh ree

appetizingMy mother is known for her savory meals.Synonyms : palatable, toothsomeAntonyms : unappetizingDerivatives : savor, savored, savorer, savorily, savoriness, savoringly, savorous, savorsomeLesson: 15 Word: 20

timorousTIM ur us

apprehensive, worried, or fearfulIf one has to walk through a mine field, he should do so with timorous steps.Synonyms : timidAntonyms : Derivatives : timorously, timorousnessLesson: 42 Word: 23

decorumdeh KOR um

appropriate conduct, correct and proper behaviorThe students' decorum at the dance was excellent.Synonyms : Antonyms : improprietyDerivatives : decorous, decorously, decorousnessLesson: 24 Word: 6

discrepantdeh SKREP unt

disagreeing, inconsistentThe auditor became suspicious when he found the discrepant accounts.Synonyms : Antonyms : same; consistentDerivatives : discrepancy, discrepantlyLesson: 13 Word: 8

disapprobationdis ap ruh BAY shun

disapproval, condemnationThe unruly child faced the disapprobation of his parents when they learned of his behavior.Synonyms : Antonyms : sanctionDerivatives : disapprobative, disapprobatoryLesson: 43 Word: 8

vexationvek SAY shun

discomfort or distressThe young children were a source of vexation to their nervous, neurotic mother.Synonyms : Antonyms : pleasantryDerivatives : vex, vexatious, vexedly, vexedness, vexinglyLesson: 11 Word: 25

pathogenicpath uh JEN ik

disease-producingThat strain of bacteria is a pathogenic strain that causes tuberculosis.Synonyms : Antonyms : harmless; healthyDerivatives : pathogenicity, pathogeny, pathogeneticLesson: 58 Word: 15

opprobriumuh PRO bree um

disgrace and reproach as a result of bad conductA person dealing in drugs frequently faces social opprobrium.Synonyms : Antonyms : praiseDerivatives : opprobrious, opprobriate, opprobriously, opprobriousness, opprobryLesson: 43 Word: 18

disreputedis reh PYOOT

disgrace, loss of reputationIf he does not win the perjury case, he will be held in disrepute.Synonyms : ignominy, infamyAntonyms : esteem; dignityDerivatives : disreputability, disreputable, disreputablyLesson: 51 Word: 8

ignominyIG nuh min ee

disgraceful or dishonorable conductTreason is an ignominy.Synonyms : disgrace, disrepute, infamyAntonyms : honorDerivatives : ignominious, ignominiously, ignominiousnessLesson: 45 Word: 11

repugnantreh PUG nunt

disgusting, offensiveIt is repugnant to spit on the sidewalk.Synonyms : abhorrent, invidious, obnoxious, repellentAntonyms : appealingDerivatives : repugnancy, repugnantly, repugnatorial, repugnanceLesson: 20 Word: 20

unkemptun KEMPT

disheveled in appearanceWhen the child came to school unkempt and dirty, I became concerned.Synonyms : Antonyms : neatDerivatives : unkemptly, unkemptnessLesson: 25 Word: 21

dissolutiondis uh LOO shun

disintegration, decomposition and dispersionThe dissolution of the partnership caused him much grief.Synonyms : Antonyms : integrationDerivatives : dissolute, dissolutely, dissoluteness, dissolutive, dissolubleLesson: 37 Word: 6

expedientik SPEE dee unt

appropriate for a purpose but not necessarily moral, right, or just.In trying to increase political support, the candidate found it expedient to change his stand on taxation.Synonyms : Antonyms : disadvantageousDerivatives : expediate, expedience, expediency, expediential, expedientist, expedientlyLesson: 19 Word: 8

fervidFUR vid

ardent, burning, impassionedThe evangelist is a fervid crusader against sin.Synonyms : fervent, passionate, perfervidAntonyms : indifferentDerivatives : fervidity, fervidly, fervidnessLesson: 12 Word: 10

ferventFUR vent

ardent, showing great emotion, impassionedI have a fervent love for that man.Synonyms : fervid, passionate, perfervidAntonyms : indifferentDerivatives : fervency, fervently, ferventness, fervid, fervidly, fervidity, fervidnessLesson: 28 Word: 11

prurientPROOR ee unt

arousing an unwholesome desire or interest (usually related to sex)Pornography arouses prurient interests.Synonyms : Antonyms : pureDerivatives : prurience, pruriency, prurientlyLesson: 41 Word: 16

haughtyHAW tee

arrogant, excessively proud and vainBeing quarterback of the football team does not give him the right to be haughty.Synonyms : disdainful, high-handed, insolent, lordly, superciliousAntonyms : humbleDerivatives : haughtily, haughtinessLesson: 5 Word: 14

syntheticsin THET ik

artificialMany synthetic substances are better than the natural substances that they replaced.Synonyms : Antonyms : authenticDerivatives : synthethical, syntheticallyLesson: 49 Word: 23

stiltedSTIL ted

artificially formal, stiff, pompousThe demeanor of English royalty seems stilted to many Americans.Synonyms : Antonyms : genuineDerivatives : stiltedly, stiltednessLesson: 53 Word: 20

frugalFROO gul

avoiding spending money unnecessarilyHe is so frugal because he is trying to save money for college.Synonyms : thrifty, economicalAntonyms : wastefulDerivatives : frugality, frugalness, frugallyLesson: 42 Word: 4

kudosKOO doze

awards or honorsShe deserves kudos for her work in building the museum.Synonyms : Antonyms : demeritsDerivatives : kudize, kudized, kudizingLesson: 39 Word: 16

cognizantKOG nuh zunt

aware, having knowledgeI am cognizant of the importance of this situation.Synonyms : Antonyms : ignorantDerivatives : cognition, cognizable, cognizably, cognizance, cognize, cognized, cognizingLesson: 34 Word: 5

ungainlyun GANE lee

awkwardBoys who grow very fast are sometimes ungainly.Synonyms : Antonyms : agileDerivatives : ungainlinessLesson: 20 Word: 25

pliablePLY uh bul

easily manipulated or able to be bent freely without breakingThe diplomat's instructions from his country left him no room to be pliable. He could make no compromises.Synonyms : pliant, ductile, malleableAntonyms : obstinateDerivatives : pliability, pliableness, pliably, pliant, pliancy, pliantness, pliantlyLesson: 16 Word: 18

lucidLOO sid

easily understood, mentally soundHis lucid remarks helped everyone understand the new tax code.Synonyms : perspicuousAntonyms : obscureDerivatives : lucidity, lucidly, lucidnessLesson: 9 Word: 14

facileFAS il

easy, achieved with little difficultyI cannot offer a facile solution to such a difficult problem.Synonyms : Antonyms : difficult; complicatedDerivatives : facilely, facilenessLesson: 65 Word: 9

resonantREZ uh nunt

echoing, continuing to soundThe resonant sounds of the cello make it a pleasing instrument.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : resonance, resonate, resonantly, resonatorLesson: 33 Word: 18

vacuityva KYOO eh tee

emptiness as in lack of intelligenceThe vacuities of their faces showed that they knew nothing about the subject.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : vacuitiesLesson: 63 Word: 23


energy, enthusiasmThe winning cheerleader squad received special commendations for expressing great verve.Synonyms : Antonyms : sluggishnessDerivatives : vervesLesson: 47 Word: 24

fanaticismfuh NAT eh siz um

enthusiasm or zeal that is excessively irrationalThe Nazis engendered fanaticism among their followers.Synonyms : Antonyms : apathy; lack of zealDerivatives : fanatical, fanatic, fanatically, fanaticalnessLesson: 40 Word: 7


enthusiasm, fervorTo the delight of his students, he brought great zeal to the teaching profession.Synonyms : Antonyms : lack of enthusiasmDerivatives : zeals, zealless, zealot, zealotic, zealotism, zealotryLesson: 8 Word: 25

prevaricationpreh var uh KAY shun

evasiveness, liePrevarication is a dangerous activity when under oath on the witness stand.Synonyms : equivocationAntonyms : honestyDerivatives : prevaricate, prevaricative, prevaricator, prevaricatoryLesson: 26 Word: 17

pompousPOM pus

exaggerated show of dignity or self-importance, bombasticIt is very pompous of him to believe that his ideas should always receive the first consideration.Synonyms : ostentatious, pretentiousAntonyms : humble; meekDerivatives : pomp, pomposity, pompously, pompousnessLesson: 4 Word: 19

sublimesuh BLIME

exalted, noble, upliftingThe romantic dinner, which included delicious food, soft music, and a beautiful setting, was simply sublime.Synonyms : resplendent, superbAntonyms : Derivatives : sublimely, sublimeness, sublimerLesson: 8 Word: 22

inordinatein OR duh nit

exceeding reasonable limits, excessiveIt is a sign of trouble when a student has an inordinate number of absences.Synonyms : exorbitant, extravagant, extreme, immoderateAntonyms : smallDerivatives : inordinately, inordinateness, inordinationLesson: 27 Word: 12

precociouspreh KOE shus

exceptionally early in development or occurrenceA child prodigy is a young person who is very precocious.Synonyms : Antonyms : backwardDerivatives : precociousness, precosity, precociouslyLesson: 4 Word: 20

fulsomeFUL sum

excess to the point of disgust, extreme lavishnessThe woman's fulsome praise of her grandchildren was beginning to irritate the guests.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : fulsomely, fulsomenessLesson: 50 Word: 9

audacityaw DAS uh tee

excessive boldness, rashness, daringI was surprised that he had the audacity to approach the Queen.Synonyms : cheek, chutzpah, effrontery, gall, hardihood, temerityAntonyms : meeknessDerivatives : audacious, audaciousness, audaciouslyLesson: 3 Word: 3

levityLEV eh tee

excessive frivolity, flippancyIt was inappropriate for him to insert some levity into the funeral service.Synonyms : Antonyms : seriousnessDerivatives : levitate, levitation, levitated, levitational, levitative, levitatingLesson: 6 Word: 18

ornateor NATE

excessively decoratedThe ornate Christmas tree provided us with many hours of pleasure.Synonyms : Antonyms : austere, bareDerivatives : ornately, ornateness, ornatureLesson: 11 Word: 17

narcissisticnar seh SIS tik

excessively loving oneselfStuck on herself is a colloquial term meaning narcissistic. The narcissistic boy cared for no one but himself.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : narcissism, narcism, narcissist, narcissisticallyLesson: 52 Word: 14

lugubriousloo GOO bree us

excessively mournfulThe woman shed lugubrious tears at the funeral of her husband and daughter.Synonyms : Antonyms : rejoicingDerivatives : lugubriosity, lugubriously, lugubriousnessLesson: 37 Word: 14

ecstasyEK stuh see

extreme happinessThe music was so beautiful that it put the crowd into a state of ecstasy.Synonyms : rapture, transportAntonyms : wretchednessDerivatives : ecstatic, ecstatical, ecstaticallyLesson: 13 Word: 9

pallorPAL ur

extreme paleness usually relating to the faceThe strange disease left the man with a sickly pallor.Synonyms : Antonyms : ruddy colorDerivatives : pallorsLesson: 38 Word: 19

penuryPEN yuh ree

extreme povertyThere is much penury in central Africa.Synonyms : destitution, impecuniousness, indigence, wantAntonyms : opulenceDerivatives : penurious, penuriously, penuriousnessLesson: 16 Word: 16

adulationad u LAY shun

extreme praise or admirationDue to the great adulation of the crowds, the politician thought that he might win the election.Synonyms : Antonyms : defamation; slanderDerivatives : adulate, adulator, adulatory, adulated, adulatingLesson: 10 Word: 2

contritekun TRITE

extremely apologetic, remorseful, repentantHer contrite tears were not enough to convince her father not to spank her for her disobedience.Synonyms : penitentAntonyms : unrepentantDerivatives : contritely, contriteness, contritionLesson: 3 Word: 4

execrableEK suh kruh bul

extremely bad, deserving of hateThe cheerleader told a joke about the drill team that was so execrable that he was suspended for three days.Synonyms : Antonyms : admirableDerivatives : execrableness, execrably, execrate, execration, execrative, execratively, execratorLesson: 58 Word: 10

glacialGLAY shul

extremely cold or frigidThe men were nearly frozen by the glacial wind blowing so relentlessly on them.Synonyms : Antonyms : hotDerivatives : glacially, glaciate, glaciationLesson: 52 Word: 8

imperiousim PEER ee us

extremely overbearingThe imperious behavior of the dictator led to his overthrow.Synonyms : domineering, imperative, masterful, preemptoryAntonyms : meekDerivatives : imperiously, imperiousnessLesson: 17 Word: 13

virulentVIR yuh lunt

extremely poisonous; hatefulThe doctor prescribed a lot of medication to arrest the virulent infection.Synonyms : Antonyms : harmlessDerivatives : virulence, virulentlyLesson: 4 Word: 24

obdurateOB doo rit

extremely stubborn, unwilling to accept adviceShe was obdurate in her refusal to listen to our concerns about her cocaine problem.Synonyms : inflexible, inexorable, adamantAntonyms : tractableDerivatives : obdurately, obdurateness, obduration, obdure, obduracyLesson: 15 Word: 16

nefariousneh FARE ee us

extremely wicked, evil, viciousHitler's treatment of Jewish people was a sign that he was a very nefarious person.Synonyms : degenerate, iniquitous, villainousAntonyms : righteousDerivatives : nefariously, nefariousnessLesson: 10 Word: 16

trepidationtrep eh DAY shun

fear, trembling, agitationSince I did not have time to study, I have a lot of trepidation about this examination.Synonyms : Antonyms : fearlessnessDerivatives : trepidate, trepidant, trepid, trepidly, trepidityLesson: 3 Word: 24

intrepidin TREP id

fearlessThe intrepid fireman rushed into the burning house and saved the baby.Synonyms : Antonyms : afraidDerivatives : intrepidity, intrepidly, intrepidnessLesson: 34 Word: 13

plumagePLOO mij

feathers of a birdThe plumage of the peacock is beautiful.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : plumages, plumaged, plumassier, plumate, plumeLesson: 58 Word: 16

surfeitedSUR feh ted

fed or supplied to excessI was surfeited after having eaten so much food at the banquet.Synonyms : cloyed, glutted, gorged, palled, sated, satiatedAntonyms : starvedDerivatives : surfeit, surfeiterLesson: 14 Word: 24

lassitudeLAS eh tood

feeling of weariness; fatigueThe hot weather in some parts of Mexico probably created the lassitude that led to the siesta.Synonyms : languor, lethargy, stupor, torporAntonyms : restlessnessDerivatives : lassitudesLesson: 31 Word: 14

repletereh PLETE

filled to capacity, abundantly suppliedThe bar was replete with every possible kind of alcohol.Synonyms : plenaryAntonyms : devoidDerivatives : repleteness, repletion, repletiveLesson: 13 Word: 22

teemingTEEM ing

filled to overflowing; present in a large amountThe damp field is teeming with mosquitoes.Synonyms : Antonyms : desertedDerivatives : teem, teemful, teemfulness, teemingly, teemlessLesson: 55 Word: 22

squalidSKWOL id

filthy in appearance, sordidThere are squalid and depressed areas in most of the world's major cities.Synonyms : Antonyms : cleanDerivatives : squalidity, squalidly, squalidnessLesson: 11 Word: 24

sordidSOR did

filthy, foulThe sordid details of the brutal ax murder sickened the jurors.Synonyms : abject, ignoble, meanAntonyms : nice; harmlessDerivatives : sordidness, sordidlyLesson: 14 Word: 23

carpingKAR ping

finding faultMy mother is always carping at me.Synonyms : captious, censorious, criticalAntonyms : praisingDerivatives : carp, carper, carpingly, carpedLesson: 18 Word: 5

inveteratein VET ur it

firmly established, habitual, deep-rootedBecause he had been an inveterate workaholic, he had trouble adjusting his lifestyle when he retired.Synonyms : Antonyms : readily changeableDerivatives : inveterately, inveteratenessLesson: 54 Word: 10

foremostFORE most

first in rank, time, place, or positionLearning these vocabulary words is foremost in importance.Synonyms : Antonyms : lowest in rankDerivatives : foremostlyLesson: 54 Word: 6

arableAIR uh bul

fit for plowing, tillableIf a farmer does not use good conservation measures, the land will not stay arable.Synonyms : Antonyms : untillableDerivatives : arabilityLesson: 6 Word: 2

delimitsdeh LIM it

fixes or defines the limit or boundary of somethingThe fence he built delimits his property.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : delimitate, delimiter, delimitation, delimitative, delimited, delimitingLesson: 58 Word: 7

trowelTROU ul

flat bladed hand tool used to work with mortar or to dig holes for plantsA bricklayer must have great expertise in using a trowel.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : troweled, troweling, trowelsLesson: 57 Word: 23

blandishmentBLAN dish munt

flatteryDue to the salesman's blandishments, the customer bought the jacket.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : blandish, blandisher, blandishedLesson: 20 Word: 3

vehementVEE uh munt

forcefully expressing emotion or convictionHe vehemently denied that he had said those harsh words.Synonyms : Antonyms : meekDerivatives : vehemence, vehemency, vehementlyLesson: 25 Word: 24

exoticig ZOT ik

foreign, unfamiliarThe circus features exotic animals from Africa.Synonyms : Antonyms : nativeDerivatives : exotical, exoticalness, exotically, exotica, exoticism, exoticistLesson: 3 Word: 12

divinationdiv uh NAY shun

foretelling the future by means of magicThe prophet was known for his accuracy in divination.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : divinator, divinatory, divine, divination, divinedLesson: 54 Word: 4

peevishPEE vish

fretful, obstinateWith a peevish gesture, Jane slammed the book shut.Synonyms : Antonyms : tranquil; peacefulDerivatives : peevishly, peevishness, peeve, peevedLesson: 61 Word: 16

affableAF uh bul

friendly, courteous, amiableHe had a very affable nature, always saying "Hello" to everyone.Synonyms : cordial, genial, gracious, sociableAntonyms : surly; aloof; unfriendlyDerivatives : affability, affableness, affablyLesson: 3 Word: 2

amiableA mee uh bul

friendly, sociable, and congenial; civil and urbaneShe was blessed with having such an amiable friend who was almost always good-natured and obliging.Synonyms : good-natured, obliging, complaisantAntonyms : Derivatives : amiableness, amiably, amicable, amicability, amiabilityLesson: 9 Word: 2

amityAM uh tee

friendshipThat small town is well-known for its amity; the town has very friendly people.Synonyms : Antonyms : hostilityDerivatives : amitiesLesson: 17 Word: 3

vibrantVIE brunt

full of lifeShe was a vibrant young woman before she went into a coma.Synonyms : Antonyms : lifelessDerivatives : vibrance, vibrancy, vibrantlyLesson: 27 Word: 25

vivaciousvi VAY shus

full of life, very animatedGame shows are looking for vivacious contestants who are fun to watch and who will liven up the show.Synonyms : Antonyms : sluggishDerivatives : vivaciously, vivaciousness, vivacityLesson: 21 Word: 25

spitefulSPITE ful

full of spite or malice; malicious; malevolentShe is a spiteful child, always seeking revenge for any injury.Synonyms : vengeful, cruel, rancorousAntonyms : benevolent; kindDerivatives : spitefully, spitefulnessLesson: 19 Word: 22


funeral hymn, lamentThe music was so morose and solemn that it sounded like a dirge.Synonyms : Antonyms : danceDerivatives : dirgeful, dirgesLesson: 32 Word: 9

posteritypah STER uh tee

future generations, all descendants of a personThey wanted to write a declaration of independence that would last for all posterity.Synonyms : Antonyms : forebearsDerivatives : posteritiesLesson: 64 Word: 16

hiatushigh ATE us

gap, pause, interruption in timeOur vacation will be a short hiatus from our work.Synonyms : Antonyms : continuationDerivatives : hiatusesLesson: 31 Word: 11

prevalentPREV uh lunt

generally or widely accepted, current, or practicedThe state of lethargy is a prevalent problem in education.Synonyms : prevailing, victorious, dominantAntonyms : limited, uncommonDerivatives : prevalence, prevalentlyLesson: 23 Word: 20

largesslar JES, LAR jis

generous givingThe wealthy man was known by many charities for his largess.Synonyms : Antonyms : miserlinessDerivatives : largesseLesson: 50 Word: 13

obtuseub TUSE

dull of mind, insensitive, stupidHis obtuse response to the question showed that he did not understand the nature of the discussion.Synonyms : Antonyms : intelligentDerivatives : obtusely, obtuseness, obtusion, obtusityLesson: 24 Word: 16

bovineBO vine

dull or sluggish like an ox or cow, relating to an ox or cowGet out of bed and quit being so bovine.Synonyms : indolent, slothfulAntonyms : animated; energeticDerivatives : bovinely, bovinityLesson: 49 Word: 2

vapidVAP id

dull, inane, insipidThe vapid discussion between the two girls was boring and uninteresting.Synonyms : banal, flat, jejuneAntonyms : intelligent; interestingDerivatives : vapidity, vapidly, vapidnessLesson: 24 Word: 25


great sorrow, grief, or misfortuneThe woe she suffered at his death continued through months of depression.Synonyms : Antonyms : happinessDerivatives : woes, woebegone, woeful, woebegoneness, woefully, woefulnessLesson: 36 Word: 25


great vitality and energyAlthough he is ninety years old, he still has much vim and vigor.Synonyms : Antonyms : lethargyDerivatives : vimsLesson: 52 Word: 24

cupiditykyoo PID uh tee

greedThe cupidity of a miser cannot be satisfied.Synonyms : avariceAntonyms : benevolenceDerivatives : cupiditiesLesson: 50 Word: 4

avariceAV uh ris

greed for wealthAvarice and gluttony are two vices that can destroy lives.Synonyms : cupidityAntonyms : generosityDerivatives : avaricious, avariciously, avariciousnessLesson: 14 Word: 4

gluttonousGLUT uh nus

greedy for food and drinkI am so gluttonous that I would have great difficulty dieting.Synonyms : rapacious, ravenous, voraciousAntonyms : temperateDerivatives : glutton, gluttonize, gluttonously, gluttonousnessLesson: 4 Word: 15

iniquityeh NIK weh tee

gross injustice; wickedness; wicked actThe iniquity of the criminal caused disgust even among his friends.Synonyms : perverseness, evil, baseness, wrongAntonyms : Derivatives : iniquitous, iniquitousness, iniquitouslyLesson: 43 Word: 14

felicitousfeh LIS eh tus

happy or delightfulHer marriage was a felicitous occasion.Synonyms : Antonyms : sad; gloomy; moroseDerivatives : felicitate, felicific, felicitation, felicitously, felicitousness, felicityLesson: 15 Word: 11

callousKAL us

hardened; insensitive, indifferent, unsympatheticHe became callous after many years in the war.Synonyms : hard, inured, insensible, obtuseAntonyms : soft, sensitiveDerivatives : callously, callousnessLesson: 17 Word: 5

noxiousNOK shus

harmful, unwholesomeIs that noxious odor coming from that noisome outhouse?Synonyms : baneful, deleterious, detrimental, perniciousAntonyms : harmless; wholesomeDerivatives : noxiously, noxiousnessLesson: 38 Word: 16

deleteriousdel eh TEER ee us

harmful; dangerous; injuriousSome chemicals have deleterious effects on those who must handle them.Synonyms : baneful, detrimental, noxious, perniciousAntonyms : harmless, benignDerivatives : deletery, deleteriously, deleteriousnessLesson: 21 Word: 8

innocuouseh NOK yoo us

harmless, producing no injury Since the drink is innocuous, it is okay for us to have some.Synonyms : Antonyms : dangerous; injuriousDerivatives : innocuously, innocuousnessLesson: 1 Word: 12

animosityan uh MAH suh tee

harsh feelings, enmity, resentment, hatredI have a lot of animosity for him, since he attempted to steal my girlfriend.Synonyms : animus, antagonism, antipathy, enmity, hostility, rancorAntonyms : loveDerivatives : animusLesson: 14 Word: 2

cacophonouskuh KAH fuh nus

harsh sounding, having dissonanceAn orchestra is cacophonous when it is tuning up.Synonyms : Antonyms : euphonious; pleasant soundingDerivatives : cacophonyLesson: 16 Word: 6

abrasiveuh BRAY siv

harsh, causing irritation, roughHis mother was disturbed by his rude and abrasive behavior.Synonyms : Antonyms : kind; soothingDerivatives : abrasionLesson: 44 Word: 1


harsh, grim, or desolate; extremely simple or severeThe stark landscape gave an ominous feeling.Synonyms : drearyAntonyms : luxuriantDerivatives : starkly, starknessLesson: 51 Word: 21

dolefulDOL ful

having great sorrowBy her doleful expression, I knew that she did not make the cheerleader squad.Synonyms : melancholy, plaintive, lugubrious, mournfulAntonyms : cheerfulDerivatives : dolefully, dolefulnessLesson: 33 Word: 4

hideboundHIDE bound

having very dry skin that adheres tightly to the underlying fleshThe man's hidebound attitude kept him from listening objectively to both sides of her story.Synonyms : inflexibleAntonyms : flexible; moist, flexible skinDerivatives : hideboundnessLesson: 64 Word: 8

salubrioussuh LOO bree us

healthful, favorable to one's well-beingArizona's dry climate is salubrious for many people with allergies.Synonyms : salutary, wholesomeAntonyms : poisonous; harmfulDerivatives : salubriously, salubriousness, salubrityLesson: 29 Word: 21

etherealeh THER ee ul

heavenly, unusually delicate, light, lacking material substance, intangibleThe ethereal sounds of the music soothed and calmed the patient.Synonyms : Antonyms : earthly; mundaneDerivatives : etherealness, ethereality, etherealization, etherealizeLesson: 7 Word: 10

portlyPORT lee

heavy or rotund in a stately manner, stoutWinston Churchill was the portly prime minister of England during World War II.Synonyms : Antonyms : lean; slender; angularDerivatives : portlinessLesson: 34 Word: 17


high-pitched or piercing (sound)The shrill sounds of the sirens pierced the night.Synonyms : Antonyms : mutedDerivatives : shriller, shrillest, shrilling, shrillness, shrillyLesson: 59 Word: 22

metaphysicalmet uh FIZ eh kul

highly abstract or abstruse; relating to what is conceived as transcendentThe spiritualist was engrossed in the metaphysical realm and cared nothing for earthly realities.Synonyms : preternaturalAntonyms : Derivatives : metaphysic, metaphysicallyLesson: 59 Word: 14

tepidTEP id

moderately warm; lacking in passion, force, or animationThe girl enjoyed a tepid bath. She had only a tepid interest in her grades.Synonyms : lukewarm; dull, lifeless, halfheartedAntonyms : passionateDerivatives : tepidly, tepidness, tepidarium, tepidityLesson: 25 Word: 20

temperanceTEM pur uns

moderation or self-restraint in action or statementThe woman exercised temperance in filling her plate with small portions of food.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : temperate, temperately, temperatenessLesson: 28 Word: 22

debaucherydeh BAH chuh ree

moral corruptionCertainly a minister would say that group sex is an example of debauchery.Synonyms : abasement, corruption, debasement, depravity, perversion,Antonyms : temperanceDerivatives : debauch, debaucher, debauchment, debaucheeLesson: 39 Word: 5

depravitydeh PRAV eh tee

moral corruption, a wicked or perverse actThe depravity of his behavior shocked everyone.Synonyms : abasement, corruption, debasement, debauchery,Antonyms : noble behaviorDerivatives : deprave, depraver, depravement, depravedLesson: 3 Word: 6


morally pureThe king insisted that the woman who would become his wife be chaste.Synonyms : pure, modest, decentAntonyms : immoral, taintedDerivatives : chastely, chasteness, chastityLesson: 51 Word: 5

optimumOP tuh mum

most favorable, best or greatest degree attainableThe operation must be performed under optimum conditions.Synonyms : Antonyms : least favorableDerivatives : optima, optimums, optimize, optimization, optimityLesson: 44 Word: 14

stasisSTAY sis

motionlessness, stagnationAt a particular point of stasis, one cannot advance in growth or understanding.Synonyms : Antonyms : fluxDerivatives : stasesLesson: 32 Word: 24

maliciousmuh LISH us

motivated by hate or deliberate intent to harmThe malicious boy burned down the school.Synonyms : Antonyms : kindDerivatives : maliciousness, malice, maliciously, malicefulLesson: 44 Word: 12

plaintivePLANE tiv

mournful and expressing sorrowThe dog moaned in a plaintive manner when her puppies were taken.Synonyms : Antonyms : joyfulDerivatives : plaintively, plaintivenessLesson: 56 Word: 16

elegiacel uh JEE uk

mournful, expressing sorrowHis elegiac poem about the war deaths moved everyone.Synonyms : Antonyms : rejoicingDerivatives : elegiacal, elegyLesson: 30 Word: 8

propinquitypro PING kweh tee

nearness; kinshipThe farm's propinquity to the chemical plant was blamed for the rise in cancer among the family members.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : propinquant, propinquousLesson: 59 Word: 19

neuterNOO tur, NYOO tur

neither masculine nor feminine in gender, neutralThe worker bee is neuter.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : neuters, neuterly, neuterness, neutered, neuteringLesson: 56 Word: 14

defunctdeh FUNGKT

no longer existing, deadThat company went bankrupt and is now defunct.Synonyms : Antonyms : existingDerivatives : defunction, defunctiveLesson: 56 Word: 5

incongruityin kon GROO eh tee

nonconformity, disagreement, incompatibilityThe incongruity between the two stories led me to doubt the accuracy of either report.Synonyms : Antonyms : agreementDerivatives : incongruent, incongruently, incongruence, incongruous, incongrously, incongruousnessLesson: 7 Word: 14

secularSEK yuh lur

nonreligious, worldlyJingle Bells is a secular Christmas song.Synonyms : Antonyms : religiousDerivatives : secularism, secularist, secularity, secularization, secularize, secularlyLesson: 12 Word: 20

stipendSTY pend

normal salaryThe normal stipend for a good quarterback is a half million dollars a year.Synonyms : Antonyms : bonusDerivatives : stipendiary, stipendium, stipendlessLesson: 55 Word: 21

untenableun TEN uh bul

not able to be defendedTaking a bribe is an untenable act for a politician.Synonyms : Antonyms : defensibleDerivatives : untenability, untenablenessLesson: 17 Word: 25

inextricablein EKS truh kuh bul

not able to be disentangledThe kite string is in such an inextricable mess that you might as well throw it all away.Synonyms : Antonyms : separableDerivatives : inextricability, inextricableness, inextricablyLesson: 63 Word: 11

inimitableeh NIM eh tuh bul

not able to be imitatedHe has his own inimitable way of doing things.Synonyms : Antonyms : imitableDerivatives : inimitability, inimitableness, inimitablyLesson: 13 Word: 15

impermeableim PUR mee uh bul

not able to be penetrated, unable to be passed throughBoats are coated with an impermeable substance that keeps water and moisture out.Synonyms : Antonyms : penetrableDerivatives : impermeability, impermeabilization, impermeabilize, impermeableness, impermeablyLesson: 29 Word: 14

opaqueoh PAKE

not allowing the passage of light, not transparent; hard to understandI am going to place something opaque in the window so that no one will be able to see into this room.Synonyms : darkAntonyms : transparentDerivatives : opaquely, opaqueness, opaquerLesson: 2 Word: 20

implausibleim PLAU zuh bul

not believableHis explanation of the accident is so implausible that no jury will believe him.Synonyms : Antonyms : believableDerivatives : implausibility, implausibileness, implausiblyLesson: 7 Word: 13

unfathomableun FATH um uh bul

not capable of being understoodThe solution to the mystery was unfathomable in the beginning.Synonyms : Antonyms : understandableDerivatives : unfathomableness, unfathomably, unfathomedLesson: 41 Word: 23

benignbuh NINE

not causing harm, of gentle disposition, beneficialThe minister was loved because of his benign attitude toward all types of people.Synonyms : Antonyms : malignant, harmfulDerivatives : benignly, benignant, benignancy, benignantly, benignityLesson: 2 Word: 6

unsungun SUNG

not celebrated in verse or song or otherwise praisedWars are full of unsung heroes who give their lives for their country.Synonyms : Antonyms : celebratedDerivatives : Lesson: 56 Word: 22

phlegmaticfleg MAT ik

not easily excited to action or emotion; apathetic; sluggishNot taking part in the boisterous activities was typical of his phlegmatic behavior.Synonyms : stoical, cool, cold, uninterested, dull, torpid; unruffled,Antonyms : volatile; not sluggishDerivatives : phlegmatical, phlegmatically, phlegmaticalness, phlegmaticnessLesson: 49 Word: 16

unflappableun FLAP uh bul

not easily upsetA candidate needs to be unflappable when he meets the press.Synonyms : Antonyms : easily upsetDerivatives : Lesson: 53 Word: 23

extraneousik STRAY nee us

not essential or vitalThe extraneous assignments left the student with little time for himself.Synonyms : alien, extrinsic, foreignAntonyms : essentialDerivatives : extraneously, extraneousnessLesson: 8 Word: 11

stagnantSTAG nunt

not flowing, foul from not movingThe stagnant pond had a foul odor.Synonyms : Antonyms : flowingDerivatives : stagnate, stagnation, stagnantly, stagnancy, stagnanceLesson: 49 Word: 22

tentativeTEN tuh tiv

not fully worked out, provisional, uncertainWe have a tentative arms-control agreement, but we hope to have a signed agreement by the end of the year.Synonyms : Antonyms : permanentDerivatives : tentatively, tentativenessLesson: 18 Word: 24

extrinsicik STRIN sik

not inherent, externalMonetary reward and physical punishment are both forms of extrinsic motivation.Synonyms : alien, extraneous, foreignAntonyms : essentialDerivatives : extrinsical, extrinsicallyLesson: 43 Word: 10

unwittingun WIT ing

not intentional, without knowledgeBecause her day-to-day routine was so precise and obvious, she was an unwitting tool of the thief.Synonyms : Antonyms : consciousDerivatives : unwittingly, unwittingnessLesson: 58 Word: 24

indubitablein DOO beh tuh bul

not open to question or doubtAt the base of the experiment was a core of indubitable knowledge.Synonyms : unquestionable, certainAntonyms : questionable; doubtfulDerivatives : indubitability, indubitableness, indubitablyLesson: 25 Word: 11

improvidenceim PROV eh dunz

not providing for the future, not thriftyThe improvidence of immediately spending one's paycheck could be costly in an emergency.Synonyms : Antonyms : foresightDerivatives : improvident, improvidently, improvidentiallyLesson: 52 Word: 9

unobtrusiveun ob TRUE siv

not readily noticeable, inconspicuousHe is very unobtrusive sitting over there in the corner.Synonyms : Antonyms : noticeable; obviousDerivatives : unobtrusiveness, unobtrusivelyLesson: 40 Word: 25

triflingTRY fling

not significant, frivolousSome think that watching MTV is a trifling experience.Synonyms : Antonyms : important; significantDerivatives : trifle, trifled, trifling, triflesLesson: 14 Word: 25

inconsequentialin kon suh KWEN shul

not significant, unimportantSince his team was ahead, the fact that the quaterback's last pass was intercepted was inconsequential.Synonyms : Antonyms : pivotal; importantDerivatives : inconsequential, inconsequentially, inconsequentialityLesson: 61 Word: 11


not straight, crooked, slantingThe telescope did not work because of the skewed alignment of the mirrors.Synonyms : asymmetricalAntonyms : straightDerivatives : skew, skewnessLesson: 37 Word: 21

unimpeachableun im PEE chuh bul

not to be called into question, exempt from liabilityThe man had an unimpeachable reputation and was considered by all to be extremely trustworthy.Synonyms : irreproachable, blamelessAntonyms : liable; full of blameDerivatives : unimpeachableness, unimpeachably, unimpeachedLesson: 31 Word: 24

insufferablein SUF ur uh bul

not to be endured; intolerable; unbearableThe man's insufferable temper caused his wife to leave him.Synonyms : Antonyms : tolerable; bearableDerivatives : insufferableness, insufferablyLesson: 50 Word: 12

latentLATE unt

not visible, dormantSometimes a teacher can cause latent talents to emerge.Synonyms : abeyant, quiescentAntonyms : obviousDerivatives : latencyLesson: 32 Word: 15

illustriouseh LUS tree us

notably outstanding, famousI was impressed by the illustrious personage at the ball.Synonyms : celebrated, distinguished, eminent, noted, renownedAntonyms : infamousDerivatives : illustriously, illustriousnessLesson: 18 Word: 14

germanejer MANE

important to the issue at hand, pertinentThe judge ruled that the testimony was germane to the trial and allowed it to be entered into the record.Synonyms : applicable, apposite, apropos, materialAntonyms : unimportantDerivatives : germanely, germanenessLesson: 48 Word: 10

grandioseGRAN dee ose

impressive, imposingThey have grandiose plans to build a new football stadiumSynonyms : grand, magnificent, majestic, statelyAntonyms : small and unimpressiveDerivatives : grandiosely, grandioseness, grandiosityLesson: 24 Word: 11

gamelyGAME lee

in a positive and spirited approach to a task, with unyielding spiritHe approached the task with a gamely attitude, exhibiting his positive and unyielding spirit.Synonyms : Antonyms : without courageDerivatives : gamenessLesson: 45 Word: 9

quiescentkwee ES unt

inactive, dormantThe eruption was a surprise because the volcano had been quiescent for many years.Synonyms : abeyance, latentAntonyms : activeDerivatives : quiescence, quiesce, quiescency, quiescentlyLesson: 11 Word: 22

fallowFAL ow

inactive, plowed but not sowed In order for land to be productive, it must lie fallow occasionally.Synonyms : Antonyms : activeDerivatives : fallownessLesson: 8 Word: 12

dormantDOR munt

inactive, sleepingMost flowers remain dormant in the winter and bloom in the spring.Synonyms : abeyant, latent, quiescentAntonyms : activeDerivatives : dormancyLesson: 3 Word: 9

implacableim PLAK uh bul

incapable of being appeasedThat young man is the enemy of the implacable woman standing in the corner; she will never stop hating him.Synonyms : Antonyms : yieldingDerivatives : implacability, implacableness, implacablyLesson: 13 Word: 14

indomitablein DOM eh tuh bul

incapable of being conqueredHe was from a tribe that was thought to be indomitable but finally was forced to live on the reservation.Synonyms : Antonyms : weakDerivatives : indomitability, indomitableness, indomitablyLesson: 21 Word: 14

imperviousim PUR vee us

incapable of being entered or penetrated, not capable of being damagedBecause this watch is impervious to water , I can go swimming while wearing it.Synonyms : Antonyms : penetrableDerivatives : imperviously, imperviousnessLesson: 5 Word: 15

ineffablein EF uh bul

incapable of being expressed in speech or wordsHer delight in being selected as a cheerleader was ineffable.Synonyms : Antonyms : easily expressedDerivatives : ineffability, ineffableness, ineffablyLesson: 24 Word: 13

incorrigiblein KOR eh juh bul

incapable of being reformed or improvedHe was expelled from school because of his incorrigible conduct.Synonyms : Antonyms : amenable to improvementDerivatives : incorrigibility, incorrigibleness, incorrigiblyLesson: 3 Word: 15

insatiablein SAY shuh bul

incapable of being satisfiedShe became quite fat because of her insatiable desire for chocolate.Synonyms : Antonyms : capable of being satisfiedDerivatives : insatiability, insatiableness, insatiably, insatiate, insatiated, insatiately, insatiateness, insatietyLesson: 18 Word: 15

insuperablein SOO pur uh bul

incapable of being surmounted; incapable of being vanquishedThese are the insuperable heroes who fought for our country.Synonyms : unsurpassable, impassable, invincibleAntonyms : easily overcome, surmountableDerivatives : insuperability, insuperableness, insuperablyLesson: 42 Word: 11

impregnableim PREG nuh bul

incapable of being taken by assault, of being broken into or escaped fromThe warriors felt secure in the impregnable fortress.Synonyms : unconquerable, unassailableAntonyms : easily conqueredDerivatives : impregnability, impregnableness, impregnablyLesson: 42 Word: 8

infalliblein FAL uh bul

incapable of errorSince everyone makes mistakes, no human is infallible.Synonyms : Antonyms : erroneous; fallaciousDerivatives : infallibilism, infallibilist, infallibility, infallibleness, infalliblyLesson: 5 Word: 18

sterileSTER ul

incapable of reproducingSince the woman was sterile, she and her husband decided to adopt children.Synonyms : Antonyms : productiveDerivatives : sterilely, sterility, sterilizable, sterilizability, sterilization, sterilizeLesson: 31 Word: 22

trenchantTREN chunt

incisive or keen ; caustic, cuttingHis trenchant remarks can cut to the core.Synonyms : sharp, biting, acuteAntonyms : soothing; kindDerivatives : trenchancy, trenchantlyLesson: 48 Word: 23

proclivitypro KLIV eh tee

inclination, tendencyMost immigrants, because they are anxious to succeed, have a proclivity for hard work.Synonyms : leaning, penchant, propensityAntonyms : disinclinationDerivatives : proclive, proclivitiesLesson: 22 Word: 16

bellicoseBELL uh kose

inclined or eager to fight; aggressively hostileThe bellicose young man was always trying to start a fight.Synonyms : belligerent, pugnaciousAntonyms : peacefulDerivatives : bellicosely, bellicosity, bellicosenessLesson: 34 Word: 3

disputatiousdis pyoo TAY shus

inclined to fight, to argue, or to debatePeople avoided serious discussions with him because of his disputatious manner.Synonyms : Antonyms : conciliatoryDerivatives : dispute, disputability, disputation, disputatiously, disputatiousness, disputative, disputatively, disputativenessLesson: 21 Word: 9

predisposedpree deh SPOZD

inclined toward something in advanceI believe that the judge was predisposed to freeing the man.Synonyms : Antonyms : objective or neutralDerivatives : predispose, predispositionLesson: 30 Word: 19

astronomicalas trow NOM uh kul

inconceivably largeThe number of stars in the sky is astronomical.Synonyms : Antonyms : very small; minisculeDerivatives : astronomic, astronomicallyLesson: 53 Word: 2

inopportunein op ur TOON

inconvenient, poorly timedToday is an inopportune time to get together since my parents are in town.Synonyms : Antonyms : convenientDerivatives : inopportunely, inopportunenessLesson: 26 Word: 14

triviaTRIV ee uh

insignificant mattersThe English teacher is looking for substance, not trivia, in themes.Synonyms : Antonyms : important mattersDerivatives : trivial, triviality, trivialization, trivialize, trivallyLesson: 4 Word: 22

impertinentim PUR tuh nunt

insolently rude, not within the proper bounds of good taste or mannersHis impertinent remarks did not help his case in the eyes of the jury.Synonyms : intrusive, meddlesome, obtrusive, officiousAntonyms : reverent; respectfulDerivatives : impertinence, impertinency, impertinently, impertinentnessLesson: 36 Word: 10

augustaw GUST

inspiring reverence or admirationThe crowd was overwhelmed by the august performance of the religious drama.Synonyms : majestic, venerable, eminentAntonyms : meek and lowlyDerivatives : augustness, augustlyLesson: 55 Word: 3

edifyingED uh fie ing

instructing and improving spiritually or morallyVisiting the cathedral was an edifying experience.Synonyms : Antonyms : heinous; nefariousDerivatives : edification, edificatory, edify, edifier, edifyingnessLesson: 14 Word: 10

didacticdie DAK tik

instructive, designed to teachBecause of the coach's didactic approach, his players learned many blocking techniques.Synonyms : Antonyms : uninstructiveDerivatives : didactical, didacticism, didactive, didacticallyLesson: 3 Word: 8

insolenceIN suh luns

insulting or contemptuous behaviorHis insolence and lack of respect for his mother are shocking.Synonyms : arrogance, haughtiness, high-handedness, impertinenceAntonyms : Derivatives : insolent, insolently, insolency, insolentnessLesson: 6 Word: 17

disdaindis DANE

intense dislike; to treat with scorn or contempt, to reject as unworthyNever having had to do manual labor, he disdained the idea of becoming a cotton picker.Synonyms : (to be) arrogant, haughty, high-handed, insolent, lordly,Antonyms : favor, admiration; to loveDerivatives : disdained, disdaining, disdainer, disdainful, disdainfully, disdainfulnessLesson: 1 Word: 7

precognitionpree kog NISH un

knowing something before it happensI wish that I had a precognition of whether she would accept a date with me.Synonyms : Antonyms : recollectionDerivatives : precognitive, precognizeLesson: 48 Word: 16

prescientPREE she unt

knowledge of events before they happen, foresightHe was led to his success in his experiment by some extraordinary prescient.Synonyms : Antonyms : unawareDerivatives : prescience, prescientlyLesson: 52 Word: 17

intuitivein TOO eh tiv

known without rational thoughtHer feelings that something bad was about to happen were strictly intuitive; she had no basis for them.Synonyms : instinctiveAntonyms : Derivatives : intuitively, intuitiveness, intuitivism, intuitivist, intuition, intuitionless, intuitional, intuitionally, intuitionalismLesson: 42 Word: 12

discordDIS kord

lack of agreement, tension, strifeThere is a lot of discord in the nation over the issue of abortion.Synonyms : contention, dissension, varianceAntonyms : harmony; agreementDerivatives : discordance, discordancy, discordant, discordantly, discordantnessLesson: 4 Word: 9

ineptnessin EPT nes

lack of competence or judgment The evidence of his ineptness as a coach is his poor win-loss record.Synonyms : gauche, maladroitAntonyms : expertiseDerivatives : inept, ineptly, ineptitudeLesson: 10 Word: 12

intemperancein TEM pur uns

lack of moderation (usually relating to drinking alcohol) Some fraternity members are known for their intemperance.Synonyms : Antonyms : temperance; moderationDerivatives : intemperate, intemperancy, intemperately, intemperatenessLesson: 34 Word: 12

nebulousNEB yuh lus

lacking clarity of feature or sharpness of outlineShe had a nebulous recollection of the meeting with the man, unable to provide any specific facts about it.Synonyms : hazy, indistinct, turbid, cloudedAntonyms : Derivatives : nebulously, nebulousness, nebulosityLesson: 24 Word: 14

vacuousVAK yoo us

lacking content; marked by a lack of intelligenceThe girl's vacuous statements labeled her as silly and immature.Synonyms : empty, vacant, voidAntonyms : intelligentDerivatives : vacuously, vacuousnessLesson: 25 Word: 22

frivolousFRIV uh lus

lacking in seriousness or importanceA teacher should limit frivolous behavior in the classroom.Synonyms : Antonyms : serious; soberDerivatives : frivolity, frivolousness, frivolouslyLesson: 6 Word: 12

licentiouslie SEN shus

lacking moral or sexual restraint, wantonHis licentious behavior caused him to lose his honored position in society.Synonyms : Antonyms : restrainedDerivatives : licentiously, licentiousnessLesson: 57 Word: 11

inaneeh NANE

lacking significance, meaning, or point; silly, insipidYour comments are inane and are preventing the discussion of the main topic.Synonyms : banal, flat, jejune, vapidAntonyms : pertinent; intelligent; significantDerivatives : inanely, inanity, inanitionLesson: 5 Word: 16

provincialpruh VEN shul

lacking sophistication, narrow-mindedHer parents are so provincial that they believe they should arrange her marriage.Synonyms : Antonyms : sophisticatedDerivatives : provinciate, provincialism, provinciality, provincializationLesson: 7 Word: 19

flaccidFLAK sid

lacking vigor or force; yielding to pressure for want of firmness andThe club was not very popular or effective because of its flaccid leadership.Synonyms : flabbyAntonyms : firm; stiff; not flabbyDerivatives : flaccidly, flaccidity, flaccidnessLesson: 47 Word: 11

promontoryPROM un tore ee

land or rock projecting into a body of waterA promontory is an ideal place to build a lighthouse.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : promontories, promontoriedLesson: 12 Word: 18

indulgentin DUL junt

lenient, especially toward oneselfThe boy did not learn respect from his indulgent parents.Synonyms : Antonyms : harsh; strictDerivatives : indulge, indulged, indulging, indulgence, indulgently, indulgerLesson: 10 Word: 11

scantySKAN tee

less than or barely sufficient, meagerBecause the details of the incident are so scanty, we are not able to make any firm conclusions at this time.Synonyms : Antonyms : copious; abundantDerivatives : scantiness, scantily, scantlyLesson: 61 Word: 22

comatoseKOM uh tose

lethargic, unconsciousAfter the operation, he was in a comatose state.Synonyms : Antonyms : conscious; awareDerivatives : comatoselyLesson: 26 Word: 5


lighthearted, joyous, glad, cheerful, free of spiritHer blithe spirit provided an air of gaiety at the meeting.Synonyms : jocund, jolly, jovialAntonyms : moroseDerivatives : blithely, blithesome, blithesomely, blithesomenessLesson: 16 Word: 5

labyrinthinelab uh RIN thin

like a maze, very convoluted and intricateThe senator vowed to unravel the labyrinthine welfare bureaucracy.Synonyms : mazyAntonyms : Derivatives : labyrinth, labyrinthal, labyrinthical, labyrinthian, labyrinthic, labyrinthicallyLesson: 30 Word: 15

fickleFIK ul

likely to change, capriciousBecause of her fickle behavior, he had little trust that she would continue to love him.Synonyms : inconstant, mercurial, unstableAntonyms : steadfast; constantDerivatives : fickler, ficklest, ficklenessLesson: 22 Word: 9

perishablePER eh shuh bul

likely to decay or to spoilWe have to move the perishable items to a cooler place.Synonyms : Antonyms : unlikely to deteriorateDerivatives : perishability, perishableness, perishably, perishing, perishless, perishmentLesson: 47 Word: 14

parochialpuh ROE key ul

limited in range or scope, narrow, provincialHaving parochial attitudes, she was not receptive to new ideas.Synonyms : Antonyms : broadmindedDerivatives : parochialism, parochiality, parochialize, parochiallyLesson: 13 Word: 18

modicumMOD eh kum

limited quantityI insist on at least a modicum of decorum.Synonyms : Antonyms : abundanceDerivatives : modicumsLesson: 65 Word: 16

lineageLEN ee ij

line of descent or traditionThe girl traced her lineage to a family in the American revolution.Synonyms : background, ancestryAntonyms : Derivatives : lineagesLesson: 59 Word: 13

raucousRAH kus

loud and boisterous, harsh, disorderlyThe raucous crowd at the fight threw chairs into the ring to show disagreement with the decision.Synonyms : stentorian, stridentAntonyms : quiet; mildDerivatives : raucously, raucousness, raucid, raucityLesson: 20 Word: 19


loud and discordant noises, cacophonyThe din in the senate was so great that I could not hear the speaker.Synonyms : Antonyms : euphonyDerivatives : dins, dinned, dinningLesson: 11 Word: 7

stridentSTRIDE unt

loud and harsh soundingThe teacher used a strident voice when reprimanding a student.Synonyms : raucous, stentorian, boisterous, clamorous, obstreperousAntonyms : soft and pleasantDerivatives : stridentlyLesson: 13 Word: 24

preciositypresh ee OS eh tee

meticulousness, extreme fastidiousnessEnglish gentlemen are known for their preciosity.Synonyms : Antonyms : lack of concern; indifferenceDerivatives : preciositiesLesson: 45 Word: 18

clamorKLAM ur

loud noise or shoutingThe clamor finally subsided when the children went to bed.Synonyms : Antonyms : quietDerivatives : clamors, clamored, clamoring, clamorous, clamorously, clamorousnessLesson: 25 Word: 5

extemporaneousik stem puh RAY nee

made with little or no preparation, not plannedOur club president gets into trouble sometimes when he makes extemporaneous remarks.Synonyms : Antonyms : plannedDerivatives : extemporaneity, extemporally, extemporaneously, extemporaneousnessLesson: 43 Word: 9

obviatesOB vee ates

makes unnecessary, prevents as a result of anticipatingI hope that this settlement obviates any further contact between us.Synonyms : Antonyms : instigates; beginsDerivatives : obviated, obviable, obviation, obviativeLesson: 61 Word: 14

adversityad VER suh tee

misfortune, unfavorable happeningHe has suffered much adversity by first losing his job and then losing his wife.Synonyms : Antonyms : prosperityDerivatives : adverseLesson: 10 Word: 3

misnomermis NO mur

misnaming, use of a wrong nameSome think that "a peacekeeper" is a misnomer for an MX missile .Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : misnomered, misnomedLesson: 23 Word: 18

pretentiouspreh TEN shus

making an extravagant outward show, self-importantIsn't it a little pretentious to spend two million dollars on a wedding?Synonyms : ostentatious, pompousAntonyms : meek; humble; shyDerivatives : pretension, pretention, pretensionless, pretensive, pretentiously, pretentiousnessLesson: 3 Word: 20

uproariousup ROAR ee us

making great noise (not necessarily negative)The Beatles usually played to uproarious crowds.Synonyms : tumultuousAntonyms : soft, quietDerivatives : uproariously, uproariousness, uproarLesson: 39 Word: 25

obstreperousub STREP ur us

marked by aggressive noisiness; stubbornly defiantThe obstreperous blaring of the radio was quite annoying.Synonyms : vociferous, clamorous, strident, boisterousAntonyms : quiet and docileDerivatives : obstreperousness, obstreperouslyLesson: 40 Word: 19

assiduousuh SIJ you us

marked by careful and unremitting attention, constant in applicationHe worked assiduously at studying geometry for weeks before he felt prepared to take the final exam.Synonyms : industrious, sedulous, diligentAntonyms : desultory; lazyDerivatives : assiduously, assiduousnessLesson: 36 Word: 2

tumultuoustoo MUL choo us

marked by disturbance and uproar; raising a great clatter and commotionOur class reunion had a tumultuous celebration.Synonyms : uproarious, turbulent, violent, boisterous, unquietAntonyms : calm; quiet; peacefulDerivatives : tumult, tumultuary, tumultuously, tumultuousnessLesson: 31 Word: 23

imperturbableim pur TUR buh bul

marked by extreme calm, impassivity, assurance and steadinessBefore the accident he seemed imperturbable, but now he is becoming frantic.Synonyms : composed, collected, cool, unruffled, nonchalantAntonyms : franticDerivatives : imperturbability, imperturbableness, imperturbably, imperturbation, imperturbedLesson: 15 Word: 13

precipitouspreh SIP eh tus

marked by great rapidity, haste, or lack of cautionHer precipitous behavior led her to make silly mistakes. The precipitous slope rose before us.Synonyms : hasty, sudden, rash; steep, sheerAntonyms : gradualDerivatives : precipitously, precipitousness, precipiceLesson: 40 Word: 21

voluminousvuh LOO muh nus

marked by great volume or sizeThere are voluminous writings about most of our presidents.Synonyms : Antonyms : slightDerivatives : voluminosity, voluminously, voluminousnessLesson: 16 Word: 25

chronicKRON ik

marked by long duration or by frequent recurrence over a long periodThe chain smoker is often plagued by a chronic cough.Synonyms : unending, habitual, inveterateAntonyms : transitoryDerivatives : chronical, chronically, chronicityLesson: 42 Word: 2

puritanicalpyoor eh TAN eh kul

marked by severe or rigid moralityThe girl's father was so puritanical he would not allow her to date until she was eighteen years old.Synonyms : Antonyms : satanicalDerivatives : puritanic, puritan, puritanically, puritanicalness, puritanism, puritanizeLesson: 41 Word: 17

carnalKAR nul

marked by sexuality that is often frank and unrelieved by higher emotionsThe man's carnal actions prompted his dismissal from the social gathering.Synonyms : bodily, corporeal, worldly, fleshly, sensual, crudeAntonyms : spiritualDerivatives : carnalist, carnality, carnalizeLesson: 63 Word: 3

piousPIE us

marked by showing zealous devotion to the rites of religionHe engages in many pious practices such as attending mass.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : piety, piouslyLesson: 20 Word: 18

mottledMOT uld

marked with spots of different colorThe floor was covered with mottled linoleum.Synonyms : spotted, blotchedAntonyms : evenly coloredDerivatives : mottle, mottles, mottlingsLesson: 46 Word: 13

espousingeh SPOUZ ing

marrying, giving one's loyalty; adopting or embracing a cause The politician seems to be espousing the issue of decreased taxation in order to gain supporters.Synonyms : Antonyms : denyingDerivatives : espoused, espousing, espousal, espouserLesson: 14 Word: 12

monolithicmon uh LITH ik

massive and rigidly fixed uniformlySome argue that communism is monolithic, and others say that there are many types of communism.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : monolith, monolithismLesson: 60 Word: 14

titanictie TAN ik

massive, enormous in scopePoverty is a titanic problem in the valley.Synonyms : Antonyms : punyDerivatives : titan, titanian, titanicallyLesson: 65 Word: 24

monumentalmon yuh MEN tul

massive, very great, very importantSending man to the moon was a monumental achievement.Synonyms : Antonyms : trivialDerivatives : monumentalism, monumentality, monumentallyLesson: 32 Word: 16


material separated from the seed after threshing, worthless matterChaff is the residue from the threshing process of separating seed.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : chaffless, chafflikeLesson: 45 Word: 3

prattlePRAT ul

meaningless sounds, babbleI have difficulty understanding the prattle of young children.Synonyms : Antonyms : articulate languageDerivatives : prattled, prattling, prattlement, prattler, prattinglyLesson: 10 Word: 17

formidableFORE meh duh bul

menacing, causing fear or aweThat retired boxer was a formidable opponent in his time.Synonyms : Antonyms : harmless; unimportantDerivatives : formidability, formidableness, formidablyLesson: 56 Word: 9

acumenuh KEW men

mental sharpnessSeveral past Presidents have been known for their political acumen.Synonyms : insight, discernmentAntonyms : lack of perceptivenessDerivatives : acuminous, acuminate, acuminated, acumination, acuminatingLesson: 57 Word: 1

jollityJOL eh tee

merriment, state of being jollyThere was much good feeling and jollity at the Christmas party.Synonyms : glee, hilarity, mirthAntonyms : sadnessDerivatives : jollier, jollification, jollify, jollily, jolliness, jollyLesson: 16 Word: 13

slovenlySLUV un lee

messy, untidy, carelessA person with slovenly work habits will likely lose his job.Synonyms : Antonyms : fastidiousDerivatives : slovenry, slovenness, slovenlinessLesson: 19 Word: 21

obsequiousub SEE kwee us

overly attentive, like a sycophant, servileI believe that his obsequious behavior toward his grandmother is to ensure being included in the will.Synonyms : slavish, subservientAntonyms : disinterestedDerivatives : obsequence, obsequent, obsequience, obsequiously, obsequiousness, obsequityLesson: 8 Word: 19

theatricalthe AT ruh kul

overly dramatic, exaggerated in behaviorYou do not need to be so theatrical to make your point.Synonyms : Antonyms : unaffectedDerivatives : theater, theatrics, theatricalism, theatricality, theatricalizationLesson: 54 Word: 22

officiousuh FISH us

overly dutiful or obliging, insisting on providing a service not requestedThe boss is not pleased with that employee's officious conduct.Synonyms : impertinent, intrusive, meddlesome, obtrusiveAntonyms : disinterestedDerivatives : officiously, officiousnessLesson: 31 Word: 16

maudlinMOD lin

overly sentimentalThe maudlin clown cried excessively over a simple popped balloon.Synonyms : mawkishAntonyms : Derivatives : maudlinism, maudlinly, maudlinnessLesson: 27 Word: 14

servileSUR vil, SUR vile

overly submissiveHaving complete devotion and submissiveness for the sheik, the women of the harem were very servile.Synonyms : obsequious, slavish, subservientAntonyms : authoritativeDerivatives : servilely, servilism, servility, servitudeLesson: 3 Word: 23

saccharineSAK uh rin

overly sweet attitudeHer saccharine attitude disgusted me, but it seemed to win her many friends.Synonyms : Antonyms : vitriolicDerivatives : saccharinityLesson: 18 Word: 22

histrionichis tree ON iks

overly theatricalYour histrionics do not sway my opinion.Synonyms : Antonyms : sincereDerivatives : histrionical, histrionicallyLesson: 62 Word: 8


overused, commonplace, hackneyedThis essay is full of trite phrases; it needs a fresh approach, avoiding phrases so hackneyed and overused.Synonyms : threadbareAntonyms : unusualDerivatives : triter, tritest, tritely, tritenessLesson: 15 Word: 23

forbearancefore BARE uns

patience, lenienceBecause he is so young, we must have forbearance in dealing with him.Synonyms : Antonyms : impatienceDerivatives : forbear, forbearant, forbearer, forbearing, forbearingly, forbearingness, forboreLesson: 6 Word: 11

placidPLAS id

peaceful, calmThe wilderness is usually a placid place where one can relax.Synonyms : serene, tranquilAntonyms : disturbedDerivatives : placidity, placidly, placidnessLesson: 12 Word: 16

tranquilTRANG kwul

peaceful, calmWeather in Texas can quickly change from tranquil to turbulent.Synonyms : placid, sereneAntonyms : agitatedDerivatives : tranquilization, tranquilize, tranquility, tranquilness, tranquilizerLesson: 2 Word: 24

communalkuh MYOON ul

pertaining to a group or communityA hermit does not enjoy communal situations.Synonyms : Antonyms : individualDerivatives : commune, communed, communing, communally, communalism, communalist, communalizationLesson: 43 Word: 4

pneumaticnoo MAT ik

pertaining to air or gasA pneumatic drill uses compressed air.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : pneumatics, pneumatism, pneumatization, pneumatizeLesson: 59 Word: 18

epochalEP uh kul

pertaining to an epoch (a period of time marked by distinctive events)His marriage was an epochal event in his life.Synonyms : significant, importantAntonyms : insignificantDerivatives : epoch, epochallyLesson: 56 Word: 7

forensicfuh REN sik

pertaining to debate or argumentMany students take debate classes in preparation for the forensic competitions.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : forensicalLesson: 55 Word: 7

kinetickeh NET ik

pertaining to motion; characterized by movementThe mobile is a form of kinetic sculpture.Synonyms : Antonyms : immobileDerivatives : kineticallyLesson: 43 Word: 16

celestialseh LES chul

pertaining to the sky or heavensStars are celestial bodies.Synonyms : Antonyms : earthlyDerivatives : celestiallyLesson: 29 Word: 4

poignantPOIN yunt

piercing, incisive, and keenThe man's poignant words struck the very heart of the matter.Synonyms : piquant, pungent, racyAntonyms : dullDerivatives : poignance, poignancy, poignantlyLesson: 7 Word: 18

homelyHOME lee

plain or unattractive in appearanceThe girl was rather homely, but she had a wit and an intellect that could not be matched.Synonyms : Antonyms : pretty; attractiveDerivatives : homeliness, homlier, homliestLesson: 22 Word: 11

euphoniousyoo FOE nee us

pleasant or agreeable (sound); dulcetThe euphonious sound of the record lulled the baby to sleep.Synonyms : Antonyms : raucous; dissonantDerivatives : euphonym euphonic, euphonia, euphonically, euphonical, euphoniously, euphoniousnessLesson: 12 Word: 9

hyperbolehi PER buh lee

obvious exaggerationYou have often heard the hyperbole "I've told you a million times;" it's an obvious exaggeration.Synonyms : Antonyms : understatementDerivatives : hyperbolic, hyperbolically, hyperbolical, hyperbolismLesson: 8 Word: 14

conspicuouskun SPIK yoo us

obvious, noticeable, attracting attentionThe wife of the president was conspicuous by her absence.Synonyms : prominent, remarkable, salient, strikingAntonyms : veiled; hiddenDerivatives : conspicuity, conspicuously, conspicuousnessLesson: 57 Word: 5

sporadicspo RAD ik

occasionally occurringWhile there are sporadic showers, the summers in the western part of Texas are usually hot and dry.Synonyms : infrequent, rare, scarce, uncommonAntonyms : constantDerivatives : sporadically, sporadicityLesson: 20 Word: 22

diurnaldie UR nul

occurring during the day or dailySeveral of the events for graduation will be diurnal.Synonyms : Antonyms : occurring at night, nocturnalDerivatives : diurnally, diurnationLesson: 53 Word: 6

prematurepree muh TOOR

occurring or existing earlier than what is normalPremature children need special care because their vital systems are not fully developed.Synonyms : Antonyms : overdueDerivatives : prematurely, prematureness, prematurityLesson: 31 Word: 17


odd or whimsicalThe droll expression on the man's face revealed his sense of humor.Synonyms : Antonyms : seriousDerivatives : drollery, drollingly, drollinessLesson: 61 Word: 6

apocryphaluh PA kra ful

of doubtful origin or authenticity, not genuineThe jury saw through the apocryphal tears of the witness.Synonyms : Antonyms : of known origin; genuineDerivatives : apocryphally, apocryphalnessLesson: 14 Word: 3

ignobleig NO bul

of lowly origin, without honorI do not like his ignoble ideas.Synonyms : abject, mean, sordidAntonyms : noble; grand; loftyDerivatives : ignobility, ignobleness, ignoblyLesson: 37 Word: 11

terrestrialteh RES tree ul

of the earth or pertaining to the earthHumans are terrestrial beings.Synonyms : Antonyms : heavenlyDerivatives : terrestrially, terrainLesson: 20 Word: 24

superlativesuh PUR luh tiv

of the highest kind or order; surpassing all othersThe professor's superlative writings earned him a fellowship and a research grant.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : superlatively, superlativenessLesson: 63 Word: 21

homogeneoushoe muh JEE nee us

of the same kindTo get the best results with this research, we need a homogeneous group of people to fill out the questionnaire.Synonyms : Antonyms : heterogeneousDerivatives : homogeneously, homogeneousnessLesson: 8 Word: 13

superbsoo PURB

of very high qualityThe superb beauty of the Grand Canyon completely overwhelmed me.Synonyms : resplendent, sublimeAntonyms : grossly inferiorDerivatives : superbity, superbly, superbnessLesson: 56 Word: 20

approbationap row BAY shun

official approval, praise, commendationWe initiated the attack with the approbation of the general.Synonyms : Antonyms : disapprobation, disapprovalDerivatives : approbate, approbated, approbating, approbative, approbatory, approbativenessLesson: 22 Word: 1

ellipsiseh LIP sis

omission of words necessary for complete constructionIf (it is) possible, (you) come early.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : ellipsesLesson: 44 Word: 9

peripheralpuh RIF ur ul

on the edge, not importantLet's discuss the main topic now and save peripheral issues for later.Synonyms : Antonyms : central; essential; at the coreDerivatives : peripheral, peripheric, peripheralism, peripherally, peripherically, peripheryLesson: 14 Word: 18


one of a series of rows or levelsOur symphony seats are on the third tier of the auditorium.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : tiersLesson: 64 Word: 21

polemicistpuh LEM eh sist

one skilled in argument and in refuting attacksIt is vital that a politician be a polemicist so he can present and defend the positions of his constituency.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : polemist, polemize, polemics, polemic, polemicalLesson: 60 Word: 17

virtuosovur choo OH so

one skilled in the fine arts as an accomplished musician, a savantHaving played with some of the greatest symphonies in the world, he was known as a virtuoso.Synonyms : Antonyms : unskilled beginnerDerivatives : virtuosityLesson: 9 Word: 25

saboteursab uh TUR

one that destroys property or normal operations (usually in a war effort)Saboteurs sneak behind enemy lines and blow up power lines and bridges.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : sabotageLesson: 63 Word: 18

predatorPRED uh tur

one that preys, plunders, or destroysA hawk is a predator because it survives by attacking other animals.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : predatism, predatory, preditorily, predatorinessLesson: 42 Word: 18


one that searches out and investigates obscure informationSherlock Holmes is a sleuth of worldwide renown.Synonyms : detectiveAntonyms : Derivatives : sleuthed, sleuthing, sleuthsLesson: 64 Word: 19

iconoclasteye KON uh klast

one who attacks established beliefs or institutionsThe church is constantly under attack by iconoclasts.Synonyms : Antonyms : discipleDerivatives : iconoclasm, iconoclastic, iconoclasticallyLesson: 20 Word: 13

anarchistAN ar kist

one who believes in the absence of government or lawWhen the government fell and there was a total state of disorder, the anarchist was happy.Synonyms : Antonyms : tyrant; monarchDerivatives : anarchy, anarchically, anarchical, anarchic, anarchism, anarchisticLesson: 16 Word: 3

nihilistNIE uh list

one who believes in total rejection of established laws and institutionsThe anarchist was a true nihilist who hated much more than governmental restrictions.Synonyms : Antonyms : traditionalist; one who believes inDerivatives : nihilism, nihilistic, nihilityLesson: 57 Word: 13

proselytizerPROS uh leh tize ur

one who causes another to convert from one belief or faith to anotherHis conversion to that religion inspired him to become a proselytizer to others.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : proselyte, proselyter, proselytical, proselytism, proselytist, proselytistic, proselytizationLesson: 63 Word: 17

charlatanSHAR luh tun

one who claims to know something that he does not, a quackThe side show featured a charlatan posing as a mind reader.Synonyms : Antonyms : a professional; authentic authorityDerivatives : charlatanic, charlatanism, charlatanryLesson: 7 Word: 5

masochistMAS uh kist

one who derives satisfaction from suffering painMasochists enjoy inflicting pain on themselves, and sadists enjoy inflicting pain on others.Synonyms : Antonyms : sadistDerivatives : masochism, masochistic, masochisticallyLesson: 49 Word: 14

zealotZEL ot

one who embraces a cause and supports it with vigorThe man was known as a religious zealot, as he never stopped trying to convert others to his beliefs.Synonyms : enthusiastAntonyms : one without enthusiasm or passionDerivatives : zealotic, zealotism, zealotry, zealous, zealouslyLesson: 25 Word: 25

philandererfeh LAN dur ur

one who engages in love affairs lightly or insincerelyI asked my daughter how she could fall in love with a playboy and a philanderer.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : philander, philandered, philanderingLesson: 30 Word: 18

partisanPAR ti zen

one who exhibits extreme or possibly blind allegiance to a group or causeThe cause was supported by a small group of partisans.Synonyms : adherent, disciple, followerAntonyms : antagonistDerivatives : partisanism, partisanry, partisanshipLesson: 20 Word: 17

libertarianlib ur TAR ee un

one who favors absolute liberty and free willLibertarians want less governmental control over their lives.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : libertarianismLesson: 38 Word: 14


one who forfeits professional integrity in exchange for money or rewardOnly a hack would go to work for one of those offensive tabloid newspapers.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : hacksLesson: 25 Word: 9

fussbudgetFUS buj it

one who fussesMy sister is earning a reputation as a fussbudget because she constantly complains.Synonyms : Antonyms : a serene person; a pacifistDerivatives : fussbudgetyLesson: 44 Word: 10

lecherLECH ur

one who indulges excessively in sexual activity or in lasciviousness The young woman was repulsed by the unwanted sexual advances of the lecher.Synonyms : Antonyms : asceticDerivatives : lechery, lecherous, lecherously, lecherousnessLesson: 33 Word: 12

interloperIN tur lope ur

one who interferes in the affairs or with the rights of othersAs the man tried to work out his difficulties a busy-body interloper jumped in and made matters worse.Synonyms : Antonyms : ascetic; hermitDerivatives : interlopeLesson: 30 Word: 14

malfeasantmal FEE zunt

one who is guilty of misbehavior or wrongdoingThe criminal had been a malfeasant since early childhood.Synonyms : Antonyms : law-abiding citizenDerivatives : malfeasanceLesson: 42 Word: 14

hypocriteHIP uh krit

one who is insincere or deceitfulSaying one thing and then doing the other is the mark of a hypocrite.Synonyms : Antonyms : sincere personDerivatives : hypocrites, hypocritical, hypocritically, hypocrital, hypocrisyLesson: 2 Word: 16

raconteurrak on TUR

one who is skillful at telling stories and anecdotesOne of the reasons that most Americans loved Will Rogers was that he was a wonderful raconteur.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : raconteuseLesson: 33 Word: 17

fly-by-nightFLY by nite

one who is temporary and usually unreliableIt is not wise to hire a fly-by-night for an important position.Synonyms : Antonyms : permanentDerivatives : fly-by-nighterLesson: 39 Word: 10

bigotBIG ut

one who is utterly intolerant of any creed or belief differing from his ownHe is such a bigot that he will not even listen to our point of view.Synonyms : Antonyms : open-minded personDerivatives : bigoted, bigotedly, bigotry, bigotriesLesson: 45 Word: 2

sentinelSEN tuh nul

one who keeps guard as a sentryThe oak trees hovered over the house as sentinels.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : sentineled, sentineling, sentinelsLesson: 33 Word: 19

asceticuh SET ik

one who leads a life of self-denial and contemplation; absent of luxuryThe rich playboy could not understand the ascetic life led by the monk.Synonyms : austere, severe, sternAntonyms : sensualDerivatives : ascetical, asceticism, asceticallyLesson: 7 Word: 3

vagabondVAG uh bond

one who leads an unsettled, irresponsible or disreputable lifeDuring the winter months the library is often a warm resting place for the vagabond.Synonyms : vagrant, truant, tramp, hobo, bumAntonyms : Derivatives : vagabonds, vagabondage, vagabondiaLesson: 64 Word: 22

miserMY zur

one who lives in wretched circumstances to save and hoard moneyThe old miser lived in a shack but was actually a millionaire.Synonyms : niggard, skinflint, tightwad, pinchpennyAntonyms : one who spends money easilyDerivatives : miserly, miserlinessLesson: 10 Word: 15

alchemistAL kuh mist

one who practices medieval chemistry or tries to change metals into goldThe alchemist wanted to change iron into gold.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : alchemistic, alchemistical, alchemize, alchemy, alchemic, alchemical, alchemicallyLesson: 55 Word: 1

purveyorspur VAY ur

one who provides or procuresThe purveyors were able to get all sorts of things for their Army division.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : purveyance, purveyorLesson: 46 Word: 18

plundererPLUN dur ur

one who robs or loots or otherwise takes things by forceIn a war situation, invading armies are sometimes seen as little more than plunderers.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : plunder,plunderable,plunderingly, plunderous, plunderageLesson: 42 Word: 17

hedonistHEED un ist

one who seeks pleasure as the sole aim in lifeThe world is full of hedonists who seek nothing but their own pleasures.Synonyms : Antonyms : asceticDerivatives : hedonism, hedonistically, hedonistical, hedonics, hedonic, hedonicallyLesson: 14 Word: 13

traducertruh DOOS ur

one who slanders or speaks falsely about someoneAfter hearing the gossip, the woman confronted the traducer face to face to stop the vicious slander.Synonyms : Antonyms : one who praises or extolsDerivatives : traduce, traducement, traductionLesson: 44 Word: 23

stalwartSTAL wurt

one who supports a cause with firm partisanshipThat justice was known as a stalwart in defending 1st amendment rights.Synonyms : resolute , strongAntonyms : Derivatives : stalwartly, starlwartnessLesson: 22 Word: 21

scapegoatSKAPE gote

one who takes the blame for othersSince no one wanted to point a finger at the real culprit, the innocent man was made a scapegoat for the crime.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : Lesson: 21 Word: 22

philanthropistfeh LAN thruh pist

one who tries to do good for mankind; lover of mankindRoss Perot is a philanthropist, donating money for many projects and causes.Synonyms : Antonyms : misanthropeDerivatives : philanthrope, philanthropic, philanthropically, philanthropism, philanthropistic, philanthropyLesson: 25 Word: 13

introvertIN truh vurt

one who turns inward and concentrates thoughts upon himselfHe is such an introvert that he is not even interested in making new friends.Synonyms : Antonyms : extrovertDerivatives : introverted, introvertive, introversion, introversive, introversivelyLesson: 23 Word: 15

prodigyPROD eh jee

one with exceptional talents or powers; an extraordinary accomplishmentMozart was considered a child prodigy since he had great musical talents at a very early age.Synonyms : Antonyms : ordinary occurrenceDerivatives : prodigiesLesson: 21 Word: 19

amenableuh MEN uh bul

open to or willing to follow advice or suggestion, tractable, malleableSince I like him and usually agree with him, I am always amenable to listening to his ideas.Synonyms : docile, obedientAntonyms : unwillingDerivatives : amenability, amenableness, amenablyLesson: 5 Word: 3

overtoh VURT

open to viewIn an overt attempt to take over the corporation, he offered $50 per share for stock in the company.Synonyms : conspicuousAntonyms : secret; hiddenDerivatives : overtly, overtnessLesson: 41 Word: 13

pacifisticpas uh FIS tik

opposed to war or use of forceThe man refused to fight because of his pacifistic beliefs.Synonyms : appeased, conciliated, mollified, placated, propitiatedAntonyms : martialDerivatives : pacifist, pacifier, pacifism, pacifistically, pacifyLesson: 3 Word: 19

mundanemun DANE

ordinary, commonplaceAfter I take care of these mundane matters, we can do something exciting.Synonyms : Antonyms : unusual; outstandingDerivatives : mundanely, mundaneness, mundanityLesson: 4 Word: 16

workadayWUR kuh day

ordinary, commonplaceBecause the novelist included workaday settings in her book, she was able to appeal to the ordinary man.Synonyms : Antonyms : extraordinaryDerivatives : Lesson: 33 Word: 25

pedestrianpuh DES tree un

ordinary, unimaginativeThere will not be much progress as long as the school board maintains its pedestrian attitude.Synonyms : Antonyms : extraordinary; unusualDerivatives : pedestrianate, pedestrianize, pedestrianismLesson: 35 Word: 14

primordialpry MORE dee ul

original, existing at the beginning (usually relates to time)Some believe that an ape-like creature is the human's primordial ancestor.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : primordially, primordiumLesson: 26 Word: 18

askewuh SKEW

out of line, slantedPlease straighten any pictures that are hanging askew.Synonyms : crookedAntonyms : straightDerivatives : Lesson: 51 Word: 3

anomalousuh NAHM uh lus

out of place, abnormalSeeing a Toyota in the background of that World War II movie was anomalous.Synonyms : Antonyms : fitting a patternDerivatives : anomalously, anomalousness, anomaly, anomaliesLesson: 19 Word: 2

bizarrebuh ZAR

out of the ordinary, oddSnow in May is a bizarre occurrence for Texans.Synonyms : Antonyms : ordinaryDerivatives : bizarrely, bizarrenessLesson: 34 Word: 4

upshotUP shot

outcome, final resultThe upshot of the riot is that some are dead, and many are wounded.Synonyms : Antonyms : initial stepDerivatives : upshotsLesson: 59 Word: 24

arrogantAIR uh gunt

overbearingly assuming; insolently proudBecause the girl was so arrogant, she had few friends.Synonyms : presumptuous, haughty, imperious, brazenAntonyms : meek, modestDerivatives : arrogance, arrogancy, arrogantlyLesson: 1 Word: 4

ebullienteh BUL yunt

overflowing with excitement, showing enthusiasmShe was ebullient about going to the prom.Synonyms : Antonyms : staid, stoicDerivatives : ebullience, ebulliency, ebullientlyLesson: 39 Word: 9

satedSAY ted

satisfied fully, indulged to excessHe was quite sated after finishing the seven course meal.Synonyms : cloyed, glutted, gorged, palled, satiated, surfeitedAntonyms : ravenousDerivatives : sate, satiate, satiated, satiation, satietyLesson: 9 Word: 21

ferocityfuh ROS eh tee

savageryA tiger is an animal that has ferocity.Synonyms : Antonyms : mildnessDerivatives : ferocious, ferociously, ferociousnessLesson: 5 Word: 12

paucityPAH seh tee

scarcity, fewness of number, dearthThe low achievement test scores indicate that I have a paucity of intelligent students this year.Synonyms : Antonyms : plentyDerivatives : pauciloquyLesson: 11 Word: 18

eruditeER yoo dite

scholarlyThe erudite physics professor had spent many years studying the theory of relativity.Synonyms : Antonyms : ignorantDerivatives : eruditely,eruditionLesson: 3 Word: 11

derisiondeh REH zhun

scoffing at, mockery, ridiculeThe boy received much derision for his plaid gym shorts.Synonyms : Antonyms : applauseDerivatives : derisive, derisiveness, derisively, derisoryLesson: 6 Word: 8

contemptkun TEMPT

scorn, extreme dislike or disdainThe man treated the gossiping woman with contempt; talking about other people was beneath his dignity.Synonyms : despicableness, pitiableness, scurvinessAntonyms : respectDerivatives : contemptible, contemptuousLesson: 15 Word: 6

monasticmuh NAS tik

seclusion or simplicity of lifeThe hermit led a very monastic life.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : monk, monastical, monastically, monasticism, monastery, monasterialLesson: 54 Word: 12

clandestineklan DES tin

secretThe C.I.A. is involved in clandestine activities.Synonyms : covert, furtive, stealthy, surreptitious, underhandedAntonyms : open; obviousDerivatives : clandestinely, clandestinenessLesson: 6 Word: 5

furtiveFUR tiv

secret in an underhanded way, stealthyDuring the test, he made some furtive glances at other classmates' papers.Synonyms : clandestine, covert, stealthy, surreptitious, underhandedAntonyms : boldDerivatives : furtively, furtivenessLesson: 2 Word: 14


secret jargon or slangThe rites of the Masons are characterized by their cant.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : cants, canted, cantingLesson: 23 Word: 4

surreptitioussur up TISH us

secret, clandestine, stealthyThe Watergate burglars tried to attain information in a surreptitious manner.Synonyms : covert, furtive, underhandedAntonyms : aboveboard; in an open mannerDerivatives : surreptitiouslyLesson: 8 Word: 23

covertKUV urt, KO vurt

secret, concealedThe spy was engaged in many covert activities; it was his job to keep them secret.Synonyms : clandestine, furtive, stealthy, surreptitious, underhandedAntonyms : open, conspicuousDerivatives : covertly, covertnessLesson: 18 Word: 6

arcaneare KANE

secret, mysteriousThe material that is arcane to the students is easily understood by the professor.Synonyms : Antonyms : obvious; easily understoodDerivatives : arcanely, arcanist, arcanite, arcanumLesson: 25 Word: 1

inviolablein VIE uh luh bul

secure from violation or from being profanedThe numerous guards attempt to make the President inviolable.Synonyms : Antonyms : destructibleDerivatives : inviolate, inviolability, invioableness, invioably, inviolacy, inviolateness, inviolately, inviolated, inviolatingLesson: 26 Word: 15

plausiblePLAH zuh bul

seemingly acceptable, believable, or possibleWe need someone to develop a plausible solution to this problem.Synonyms : Antonyms : unbelievableDerivatives : plausibleness, plausibly, plausibilityLesson: 57 Word: 15

egocentricee go SEN trik

self-centered, selfishEgocentric people rarely show any concern for others.Synonyms : Antonyms : modest; selflessDerivatives : egocentricity, egocentrismLesson: 4 Word: 13

pragmaticprag MAT ik

practical, dealing with factsHe was not very pragmatic when he dealt with finances.Synonyms : realisticAntonyms : Derivatives : pragmatical, pragmaticality, pragmatically, pragmaticalness, pragmaticismLesson: 62 Word: 16

sophistrySOF eh stree

practice of intentionally misleading arguments that seem to be plausibleArguing that the Bible supports segregation is sophistry.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : sophists, sophistical sophist, sophister, sophistic, sophistically, sophisticalnessLesson: 44 Word: 21

eulogyYOO luh jee

praise or tributeThe young woman presented a touching eulogy at her father's funeral.Synonyms : encomium, panegyric, tributeAntonyms : defamationDerivatives : eulogic, eulogious, eulogism, eulogist, eulogistic, eulogium, eulogization, eulogize, eulogizerLesson: 11 Word: 11

accoladeAK uh layd

praise, an awardHe received many accolades for being an excellent teacher.Synonyms : Antonyms : censureDerivatives : accoladesLesson: 7 Word: 2

acclaimuh KLAYM

praise, approval; to salute; to hailHe received great acclaim for discovering a polio vaccine.Synonyms : Antonyms : to slander; to ridicule; to defameDerivatives : acclaimer, acclamation, acclamatoryLesson: 16 Word: 1

antecedentan tuh SEE dunt

preceding a causeThe argument between the two men was antecedent to the fight which followed.Synonyms : Antonyms : following; laterDerivatives : antecedence, antecedency, antecede, antecedentlyLesson: 15 Word: 2

predilectionpred uh LEK shun

preferenceHe has a predilection for fish when he goes out to eat.Synonyms : Antonyms : dislike; disinclinationDerivatives : predilect, predilectedLesson: 10 Word: 18

propensitypruh PEN seh tee

preference, natural inclinationI have a propensity for rising early.Synonyms : leaning, penchant, proclivityAntonyms : aversionDerivatives : propension, propense, propendLesson: 27 Word: 17

jaundicedJON dist

prejudiced, having a hostile attitude resulting from distorted reasoningHis jaundiced viewpoint toward the rich stemmed from his youth of abject poverty.Synonyms : Antonyms : unbiased; unprejudicedDerivatives : jaundiceLesson: 62 Word: 10

forebodingfore BOE ding

premonition of evil, an ominous omenThe black clouds overhead were a foreboding of bad weather.Synonyms : prediction, portent, presentimentAntonyms : sereneDerivatives : forebode, foreboderLesson: 25 Word: 8

omnipresentom nuh PREZ unt

present everywhere at all timesChristians believe in an omnipresent deity.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : omnipresence, omnipresentlyLesson: 64 Word: 14

insularityin suh LAR eh tee

qualities of an island; narrow-mindedness of opinionThe insularity of the president made it difficult to get a motion passed.Synonyms : Antonyms : broad-mindednessDerivatives : insularly, insular, insularizeLesson: 7 Word: 15

transparenttrans PARE unt

quality of being able to be seen through, clearGlass is a transparent substance.Synonyms : limpid, translucentAntonyms : opaqueDerivatives : transparently, transparentness, transparencyLesson: 10 Word: 23

steadfastnessSTED fas nes

quality of being fixed with little chance of moving or changingThe steadfastness of her position not to sell her land is remarkable considering what she has been offered.Synonyms : resolution, staunchnessAntonyms : irresolutionDerivatives : steadfast, steadfastlyLesson: 23 Word: 24

contentiouskun TEN shus

quarrelsome, stirring controversyMy contentious child will not listen to any form of reason.Synonyms : bellicose, belligerent, pugnaciousAntonyms : congenial; harmoniousDerivatives : contentiously, contentiousness, contentionLesson: 4 Word: 6

nimbleNIM bul

quick in movement or resourcefulnessIn the circus, tight-rope walkers and jugglers have to be very nimble.Synonyms : agile, spryAntonyms : slow in movementDerivatives : nimbler, nimblest, nimbleness, nimblyLesson: 48 Word: 13

volatileVOL uh til

quickly changeable, easily vaporizedBecause of his volatile temper, one must use caution in dealing with him.Synonyms : Antonyms : static; unchangeableDerivatives : volatileness, volatility, volatilization, volatilizable, volatizeLesson: 4 Word: 25

transientTRAN shunt

quickly passing, fleetingThe moment of happiness she enjoyed was merely transient; soon she was depressed again.Synonyms : ephemeral, evanescent, fugitive, transitoryAntonyms : enduring; everlastingDerivatives : transience, transiently, transiency, transcienceLesson: 9 Word: 24

celeritysuh LER uh tee

quickness (usually in accomplishing a task)Teachers like students who act with celerity in completing assignments.Synonyms : alacrityAntonyms : slownessDerivatives : celeritous, celeritiesLesson: 58 Word: 5

taciturnTAS eh turn

quiet, not verboseA shy person is usually taciturn.Synonyms : reserved, reticentAntonyms : loquacious; talkativeDerivatives : tacit, tacitly, tacitness, taciturnity, taciturnlyLesson: 1 Word: 25

rabidRAB id

raging, furious, fanaticalPhiladelphia is known for its rabid sports fans.Synonyms : Antonyms : calmDerivatives : rabic, rabidity, rabidly, rabidness, rabies, rabiform, rabiousLesson: 51 Word: 19

discursivedeh SKUR siv

rambling, moving from one topic to another randomlyHis discursive speech was hard to follow.Synonyms : Antonyms : conciseDerivatives : discursion, discursively, discursivenessLesson: 9 Word: 4

incensedin SENSD

really madThe teacher was incensed when she found out that some of her trusted students had cheated on the exam.Synonyms : enraged, infuriated, angeredAntonyms : pleasedDerivatives : incense,incensing, incensementLesson: 42 Word: 9

mutinousMYOOT un us

rebellious, unrulyThe crew grew mutinous because they thought they might sail right off the edge of the earth.Synonyms : Antonyms : agreeable; compatibleDerivatives : mutiny, mutinously, mutinousness, mutinize, mutiniesLesson: 37 Word: 15

nascentNAS unt, NAY sunt

recently coming into existenceThe country was characterized by nascent revolutionary tendencies.Synonyms : Antonyms : established; oldDerivatives : nascence, nascencyLesson: 53 Word: 13

fastidiousfa STID ee us

reflecting a meticulous or demanding attitude, critical to an extremeHe considered her fastidious because she was offended by insignificant mistakes or errors.Synonyms : finickyAntonyms : not meticulousDerivatives : fastidiously, fastidiousness, fastidiumLesson: 2 Word: 13

intransigentin TRAN seh junt

refusing to compromiseSince both labor and management are intransigent on the issue of profit-sharing, there will be a strike.Synonyms : Antonyms : compromising; agreeableDerivatives : intransigence, intransigency, intransigentism, intransigentlyLesson: 52 Word: 10

balkyBALL kee

refusing to proceed in an expected directionWhen he refused to move he acted just like a balky mule.Synonyms : contrary, perverse, restive, waywardAntonyms : easily ledDerivatives : balkily, balkiness, balkinglyLesson: 32 Word: 4

progenitorpro JEN eh tur

related ancestor; forefatherGeorge Washington is one of the progenitors of the United States.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : progenitorial, progenitorship, progenyLesson: 58 Word: 17

aestheticuhs THEH tic

relating or pertaining to a sense of beauty or artHe is considered to have aesthetic tastes because he loves beauty and the arts.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : aesthete, aesthetical, aesthetically, aesthetician, aestheticism, aestheticsLesson: 4 Word: 1

corporealkor POR ee ul

relating to a physical, material body; tangible and palpableThe lawyers asked the man to list all his corporeal properties, his material assets which are visible or tangible.Synonyms : bodily, material, substantialAntonyms : immaterial; not tangibleDerivatives : corporealist, corporeality, corporealize, corporeallyLesson: 49 Word: 4

arborealare BORE ee ul

relating to a tree or the inhabiting of a treeThe jungle is home for many arboreal animals other than monkeys.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : arboreous, arborescent, arboretum, arborousLesson: 47 Word: 2

infernalin FER nul

relating to hellIt is not nice to wish that someone go to the infernal regions.Synonyms : hellish, diabolical, fiendishAntonyms : heavenlyDerivatives : infernally, infernoLesson: 40 Word: 13

rusticRUS tik

relating to the countryThe rustic cabin in the mountains was small but comfortable.Synonyms : rural, coarseAntonyms : urban; relating to the cityDerivatives : rustical, rustically, rusticate, rustication, rusticatorLesson: 28 Word: 20

martialMAR shul

relating to war or a warriorThe martial tendencies of that hostile country are a concern to the people of the United States.Synonyms : warlikeAntonyms : Derivatives : martialism, martialist, martially, martialnessLesson: 48 Word: 12

importIM port

relative importance, significanceThe full import of today's events will not be realized for years.Synonyms : Antonyms : meaninglessnessDerivatives : importanceLesson: 49 Word: 9

inexorablein EK sur uh bul

relentless, cannot be persuaded to change one's course of actionThe archeologist was inexorable in his pursuit of the buried city.Synonyms : inflexible, obdurate, adamantAntonyms : flexible; changeable; yieldingDerivatives : inexorability, inexorableness, inexorablyLesson: 59 Word: 11

credibleKRED uh bul

reliable and believableIt is important for a person's words to be credible.Synonyms : Antonyms : unbelievableDerivatives : credibility, credibleness, crediblyLesson: 47 Word: 8

vestigesVES tij is

remnants, traces, remainsThe archaeologists were looking for vestiges of ancient Egyptian civilizations.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : vestige, vestigial, vestigiumLesson: 48 Word: 24

compunctionkum PUNGK shun

remorse, distress or anxiety over an anticipated actionIf you do not stop taking drugs, I will have no compunction about kicking you out of the house.Synonyms : contrition, penitenceAntonyms : Derivatives : compunctionless, compunctious, compunctiouslyLesson: 52 Word: 3

disintermentdis in TUR munt

removal from a grave or tombThe family signed a court order for the relative's disinterment.Synonyms : Antonyms : burialDerivatives : disinterLesson: 49 Word: 7

abstractedab STRAK ted

removed in thought from the immediate situation, lost in one's own mindThe child, thinking of Christmas, had an abstracted look on his face.Synonyms : Antonyms : attentiveDerivatives : abstractedly, abstractednessLesson: 10 Word: 1

redundantreh DUN dunt

repetitious, superfluousShe is boring because she is a rambling and redundant speaker.Synonyms : Antonyms : conciseDerivatives : redundancy, redundance, redundantlyLesson: 36 Word: 18

abominableuh BOM uh nuh bul

repugnantly hateful; very unpleasant, detestable, loathsomeThe weather was abominable last week with temperatures reaching as high as 115 degrees.Synonyms : abhorrent, horrible, revolting, foulAntonyms : likableDerivatives : abominableness, abominably, abominate, abominated, abominating, abominationLesson: 26 Word: 1

serpentineSUR pen teen

resembling a serpent, wily or tempting; diabolicalThe line of dancers moved and swayed in a serpentine manner.Synonyms : Antonyms : straightDerivatives : serpentinely, serpentiningly, serpentizeLesson: 57 Word: 19


resentment, irritationAfter finding that he had been seeing other women, she showed her pique by not speaking to him.Synonyms : Antonyms : acceptanceDerivatives : piqued, piquingLesson: 27 Word: 16


reserved and upright in manner or behavior, sedateThe staid and uninteresting old maid behaved with utmost decorum in all situations.Synonyms : earnest, grave, sober, solemnAntonyms : boisterousDerivatives : staidnessLesson: 41 Word: 19

immunityeh MYOO neh tee

resistance (usually to a disease)One's immunity to disease is lowered when one is fatigued.Synonyms : Antonyms : lack of resistanceDerivatives : immunities, immunist, immune, immuned, immunization, immunize, immunizingLesson: 38 Word: 11

inertiain UR shuh

resistance to motion or actionIn order to move, a force must first overcome a body's initial inertia.Synonyms : Antonyms : disposition to actionDerivatives : inert, inertial, inertion, inertness, inertlyLesson: 27 Word: 11

sonoroussuh NOR us, SAN uh

resonant, producing a full and rich soundOrson Wells was known for his sonorous voice.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : sonorant, sonoriferous, sonoriferously, sonority, sonorization, sonorously, sonorousnessLesson: 18 Word: 23

restitutionres teh TOO shun

restoration of or compensation for something taken from a rightful ownerHe agreed to make restitution to his neighbor for the damage that his dog did to his neighbor's yard.Synonyms : redress, amends, reparationAntonyms : Derivatives : restitutive,restitutoryLesson: 50 Word: 18

reticenceRET uh suns

restraint in speech, reluctance to speakA lawyer must have great reticence in discussing matters that could violate his client's rights.Synonyms : reserve, taciturnityAntonyms : candorDerivatives : reticency, reticent, reticentlyLesson: 1 Word: 20

circumscribedSIR kum skribd

restricted or limitedThe triangle circumscribed the circle.Synonyms : Antonyms : unboundedDerivatives : circumscribe, circumscribing, circumscription, circumscriptiveLesson: 23 Word: 5

vindictivevin DIK tiv

revengeful, spitefulYou should be more forgiving and less vindictive.Synonyms : Antonyms : loving; forgivingDerivatives : vindicated, vindication, vindicative, vindicator, vindicatory, vindictive, vindictively, vindictivenessLesson: 12 Word: 25

suffrageSUF rij

right to voteWoman's suffrage was a movement and a cause at the beginning of the twentieth century.Synonyms : Antonyms : lack of franchiseDerivatives : suffragette, suffragettism, suffragism, suffragistLesson: 10 Word: 21

ruffianismRUF ee un is um

rowdy or tough behaviorThe ruffianism of the boys in school did not go unnoticed by their angry principal.Synonyms : Antonyms : gentle behaviorDerivatives : ruffian, ruffianish, ruffianize, ruffianlyLesson: 58 Word: 20

boorishBOOR ish

rude or insensitive; ill-manneredHow could you get me a date with such a boorish person?Synonyms : churlish, clownish, loutishAntonyms : sophisticated; well-manneredDerivatives : boorishly, boorishness, boorLesson: 22 Word: 3

despoticdeh SPOT ik

ruling oppressively and absolutely; tyrannicalAmericans do not like despotic behavior.Synonyms : Antonyms : ruling democraticallyDerivatives : despotical, despotically, despotism, despotist, despotize, despotLesson: 8 Word: 8

bucolicbyoo KOL ik

rustic, rural, unsophisticated; pastoralHe yearned for a simple, bucolic life.Synonyms : georgicAntonyms : urban; sophisticatedDerivatives : bucolical, bucolicallyLesson: 51 Word: 4

causticKAW stik

sarcastically biting, acridCritics are known for their caustic remarks about movies that they do not like.Synonyms : mordant, scathingAntonyms : kind; gentleDerivatives : caustically, causticityLesson: 24 Word: 4

reservereh ZURV

self-restraintHe showed a lot of reserve in dealing with the harsh critics at the meeting.Synonyms : reticenceAntonyms : lack of restraintDerivatives : reserved, reservedly, reservelessLesson: 32 Word: 23

luridLOOR id

sensational, gruesome and causing shock or horrorThe tabloid published every lurid detail of the ax murder.Synonyms : grisly, ghastly, macabreAntonyms : Derivatives : luridity, luridnessLesson: 39 Word: 19

pungentPUN junt

sharp or irritating to the taste or smell, acridThere was a pungent odor in the stockyard.Synonyms : piquant, poignant, racyAntonyms : sweet; pleasantDerivatives : pungence, pungency, pungentlyLesson: 19 Word: 18


sharp or sour tasteI like a tart mustard on my hot dog.Synonyms : Antonyms : sweetDerivatives : tartly, tartishLesson: 53 Word: 22

asperityuh SPARE uh tee

sharpness (as in temper); harshnessThese remarks spoken with asperity stung the boys to whom they were directed.Synonyms : severity, raucousnessAntonyms : Derivatives : asperitiesLesson: 52 Word: 1

acuityuh KEW uh tee

sharpness of perceptionHis acuity in determining the facts made him a good judge.Synonyms : Antonyms : densenessDerivatives : acuities, acute, acutenessLesson: 27 Word: 3

refugeREF yooj

shelter or place of protectionReservations were supposed to be places of refuge for Indians.Synonyms : Antonyms : dangerous placeDerivatives : refugesLesson: 57 Word: 17

lustrousLUS trus

shining or gleaming without sparklingThat gem is valuable because of its lustrous glow.Synonyms : bright, brilliant, luminous, radiantAntonyms : dullDerivatives : lustrously, lustrousnessLesson: 62 Word: 12

luminousLOO muh nus

shining, full of lightThe most luminous thing visible from Earth is the sun.Synonyms : bright, brilliant, lustrousAntonyms : dark; dullDerivatives : luminosity,luminously, luminousnessLesson: 27 Word: 13

irreverenteh REV ur unt

showing a lack of respectIt is irreverent to wear a hat inside of a church.Synonyms : disrespectfulAntonyms : respectfulDerivatives : irreverence,irreverentlyLesson: 42 Word: 13

profanepruh FANE

showing contempt toward sacred thingsProfane language will not be tolerated on the tennis court.Synonyms : Antonyms : holyDerivatives : profanation, profanatory, profanely, profaneness, profaner, profanityLesson: 14 Word: 21

effervescentef ur VES unt

showing high spiritsShe put me in a good mood because she was always so effervescent.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : effervesce, effervescence, effervescently, effervescingly, effervescibleLesson: 7 Word: 9

stolidSTOL id

showing little emotionHe always has a stolid appearance at the poker table.Synonyms : apathetic, phlegmatic, stoicAntonyms : emotionalDerivatives : stolidly, stolidityLesson: 17 Word: 23

penitentPEN eh tunt

showing or feeling regret for wrongdoing, repentantHe became penitent when he realized that his prank resulted in serious injury.Synonyms : compunctual, contrite, remorsefulAntonyms : unrepentantDerivatives : penitence, penitency, penitentialLesson: 5 Word: 24

opalescentoh puh LES unt

showing or reflecting an iridescent lightShe was even more beautiful against the opalescent sky.Synonyms : Antonyms : dullDerivatives : opalescence, opalescently, opalesqueLesson: 61 Word: 15

ostentatiousos ten TAY shus

showy, pretentiousThe ostentatious socialite wore her mink fur coat even during the warmest days of August.Synonyms : pompousAntonyms : modestDerivatives : ostentation, ostentate, ostentatiously, ostentatiousness, ostentativeLesson: 1 Word: 17

astuteuh STOOT

shrewd, perspicacious, perceptiveOne must be astute to do a geometry proof.Synonyms : sagaciousAntonyms : undiscerningDerivatives : astutely, astutenessLesson: 18 Word: 4

mustyMUS tee

smelling of damp or decay, malodorousThe old house was pervaded by an offensive, musty odor.Synonyms : Antonyms : fragrantDerivatives : mustily, mustinessLesson: 40 Word: 18

fluid (adj.)FLOO id

smooth and effortlessMost good golfers have a very fluid swing.Synonyms : Antonyms : jerkyDerivatives : fluidify, fluidity, fluidization, fluidizeLesson: 49 Word: 8


tightly drawn, having no slackAs the convicted man fell from the scaffold, the rope became taut around his neck.Synonyms : tightAntonyms : Derivatives : tautly, tautness, tautenLesson: 42 Word: 21

equivocateeh KWIV uh kate

to attempt to lie, to mislead, or to hide the truthTell the truth and do not attempt to equivocate.Synonyms : palter, prevaricateAntonyms : to tell the truthDerivatives : equivocal, equivocacy, equivocality, equivocally, equivocalness, equivocation, equivocator, equivocityLesson: 14 Word: 11

commissionkuh MISH un

to authorize or order; to send on a mission; to give a commission toThe owners commissioned a painting for the hotel's lobby.Synonyms : Antonyms : to refuse to authorizeDerivatives : commissional, commissive, commissively, commissionaire, commissioned, commissionerLesson: 50 Word: 3

eschewes CHOO

to avoid or to shunHe eschewed situations in which there would be drinking.Synonyms : Antonyms : to confrontDerivatives : eschewed, eschewalLesson: 34 Word: 8


to be sorry for, to regretHe will rue the day that he tangles with me.Synonyms : Antonyms : to consider happilyDerivatives : rueful, ruefully, ruefulness, ruesLesson: 16 Word: 21


to become bent or twistedThe wood was old and warped by water and wind.Synonyms : Antonyms : to straightenDerivatives : warped, warpageLesson: 56 Word: 25


to become dry from heat, to shrivel from heatThe fruit was parched from staying in the sun so long.Synonyms : Antonyms : to refreshDerivatives : parched, parchedly, parchedness, parches, parchingLesson: 18 Word: 18

materializemuh TEER ee uh lize

to become real, to appear, to take a form or shape Our problems materialized after Dad lost his job.Synonyms : Antonyms : to fade awayDerivatives : materialization, materializer, materializes, materialized, materializingLesson: 64 Word: 12

importuneim por TOON

to beg in earnestAlthough he importuned for one more chance, his former boss would not rehire him.Synonyms : entreat, implore, supplicate, adjureAntonyms : Derivatives : importuned, importuning, importunely, importuner, importunity, importunacy, importunate, importunatenessLesson: 33 Word: 10

denigrateDEN uh grate

to belittle, to run down, to deny the importance of somethingTo denigrate someone's reputation merely on hearsay is wrong.Synonyms : asperse, calumniate, defame, malign, slander, traduce, vilifyAntonyms : to praise; to laud; to acclaimDerivatives : denigration, denigrator, denigratory, denigrated, denigratingLesson: 33 Word: 3

reproachreh PROCH

to blame for something; a disgraceHer conduct was so good that it was beyond reproach.Synonyms : admonish, castigate, chasten, chastise, chide, rebuke,Antonyms : to praise; accoladeDerivatives : reproachable, reproachful, reproachfully, reproachfulness, reproachinglyLesson: 24 Word: 19

imputeim PYOOT

to blame or to chargeHis bizarre actions have been imputed to mental derangement.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : imputability, imputable, imputableness, imputably, imputation, imputational, imputatively, imputativenessLesson: 54 Word: 8

censureSEN shur

to blame or to condemnThe congressman was censured for taking a bribe.Synonyms : denounce, reprehend, reprobate (verb)Antonyms : to praiseDerivatives : censured, censuring, censurer, censuresLesson: 19 Word: 4

stymieSTY mee

to block, to present an obstacleAfter hitting the golf ball into the rough, I could not shoot directly at the hole as I was stymied by a tree.Synonyms : Antonyms : to assistDerivatives : stymied, stymieing, stymiesLesson: 25 Word: 19


to boil , to be agitatedThe nation seethed with anger when the terrorists took the men as hostages.Synonyms : Antonyms : to be at peaceDerivatives : seething, seethinglyLesson: 52 Word: 21

ruptureRUP chur

to break apart, to burstThe rupture of the appendix is a life-threatening situation.Synonyms : Antonyms : to repair; to mendDerivatives : ruptured, rupturingLesson: 17 Word: 21

sunderSUN dur

to break or to force apart; to become parted or disunitedThe concerned parents attempted to sunder the girl's relationship with the violent young man.Synonyms : separate, sever, divorceAntonyms : to fuseDerivatives : sundered, sundering, sundersLesson: 65 Word: 23

inducein DOOS, in DYOOS

to bring on or to bring aboutHis personality changes were induced by drugs.Synonyms : cause, effect, influence, persuade, prevailAntonyms : to impedeDerivatives : induced, inducing, inducement, inducerLesson: 9 Word: 11

eliciteh LIS it

to bring out a response, to evokeI would like to elicit your participation in the blood drive.Synonyms : educe, extort, extractAntonyms : to inhibitDerivatives : elicitable, elicitate, elicitationLesson: 16 Word: 11

subjugateSUB juh gate

to bring under one's controlIt was the intent of the dictator to subjugate all the people in the land and control them.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : subjugable, subjugation, subjugatorLesson: 36 Word: 21

summonSUM un

to call together, to send for or to request to appearI am frightened because I have been summoned to the principal's office.Synonyms : convene, convoke, musterAntonyms : to turn awayDerivatives : summoner, summonsLesson: 10 Word: 22

rescindreh SEND

to cancelHe said that he will have to rescind his offer if he does not hear from us by Tuesday.Synonyms : Antonyms : to restoreDerivatives : rescindable, rescinder, resindmentLesson: 31 Word: 20

eclipseeh KLIPS

to cast a shadow upon; to darken; to make dim or obscure by comparisonPresident Bush's successes in foreign policy were eclipsed by domestic failures in the public eye.Synonyms : Antonyms : to make prominent or obviousDerivatives : eclipsed, eclipsing, ecliptic, ecliptically, eclipticalLesson: 44 Word: 8


to cast offHe sloughs off criticism like water off a duck's back.Synonyms : Antonyms : to grasp; to hold tenaciouslyDerivatives : sloughs, sloughyLesson: 65 Word: 22

festerFES tur

to cause increased poisoning, to inflame or to corruptThe wound will fester if it is not given some medical attention.Synonyms : Antonyms : to healDerivatives : festered, festeringLesson: 41 Word: 7


to cause irritationHer acrimonious comments grate on my nerves.Synonyms : Antonyms : to sootheDerivatives : grated, grating, graterLesson: 27 Word: 10

nullifyNUL eh fie

to cause not to be in effect, to negateI am seeking to nullify the contract because he has not complied with it.Synonyms : abrogate, annul, invalidateAntonyms : to make effectiveDerivatives : nullified, nullifying, nullification, nullificationist, nullificator, nullifierLesson: 3 Word: 18

confoundkon FOUND

to cause one to become confusedI am confounded by the tax forms of the IRS.Synonyms : Antonyms : to distinguish betweenDerivatives : confounded, confoundedly, confounding, confoundsLesson: 36 Word: 5

mitigateMIT uh gate

to cause to become less harsh or hostile; to make less severeHe apologized in order to mitigate her dislike for him.Synonyms : allay, alleviate, assuage, lightenAntonyms : to intensify; to aggravateDerivatives : mitigation, mitigatedly, mitigative, mitigator, mitigatoryLesson: 3 Word: 17

unnerveun NURV

to cause to lose composureI became unnerved when he started talking badly about my mother.Synonyms : Antonyms : to strengthenDerivatives : unnerving, unnervesLesson: 54 Word: 23

precipitatepreh SIP eh tate

to cause to speedily occur, to throw headlongComing home late at my house will always precipitate a fight.Synonyms : Antonyms : to delayDerivatives : precipitation, precipitancy, precipitately, precipitator, precipitousLesson: 19 Word: 17

engenderen JEN der

to cause, to produce, to createHis angry words engendered strife in his relationship with his wife.Synonyms : Antonyms : to squelchDerivatives : engendered, engenderer, engenders, engenderingLesson: 1 Word: 11

admonishad MAH nish

to caution, to advise, or to counsel against somethingThe teacher admonished him about excessively loud noise.Synonyms : warn, rebuke, censure, notify, jog, apprise, reprove, scoldAntonyms : to condone; to praiseDerivatives : admonisher, admonishingly, admonishment, admonition, admonishedLesson: 17 Word: 2

desistdeh ZIST, deh SIST

to cease from doing somethingThe soldiers were ordered to cease and desist, or else be fired upon.Synonyms : Antonyms : to go onDerivatives : desistance, desition, desisted, desistingLesson: 64 Word: 4

knottyNOT ee

so complicated that it can probably not be solved; full of knotsA contest's knotty problems leave contestants disheartened. The knotty trees added an eerie feeling to the night.Synonyms : abstruse, complex, intricate, reconditeAntonyms : easy to solve; uncomplicatedDerivatives : knotted, knotter, knottilyLesson: 38 Word: 13

gregariousgreh GAR ee us

sociable and outgoingHe became much more gregarious after he developed an interest in girls.Synonyms : Antonyms : shy; reservedDerivatives : gregariously, gregariousnessLesson: 2 Word: 15

addendumuh DEN dum

something added, usually to a bookThe next edition of the book will have an addendum containing new information.Synonyms : addition, supplementAntonyms : Derivatives : addend, addenda, addendumsLesson: 34 Word: 1

ossifyOS uh fie

to change or to harden into bone, to be rigidly conventionalThis particular type of tree ossifies with age.Synonyms : Antonyms : to softenDerivatives : ossified, ossifying, ossifier, ossificatory, ossificationLesson: 45 Word: 16

onusOH nus

something distasteful to bear that involves considerable difficultyThe job of caring for the elderly will become the onus of the younger generation.Synonyms : burden; blame; stigmaAntonyms : easy and pleasant taskDerivatives : onuses, onus probandi (burden of proof)Lesson: 54 Word: 14

potablePOE tuh bul

something drinkableThe show "Jeopardy" used to have a category called "Pot & Potables" that concerned all kinds of drinks.Synonyms : Antonyms : unfit to drinkDerivatives : potability, potablenessLesson: 36 Word: 17

vestigialveh STIJ ee ul

something in an underdeveloped formSome animals still have vestigial tails, although they are hardly noticeable.Synonyms : Antonyms : fully developedDerivatives : vestigiallyLesson: 26 Word: 25

adjunctAD junkt

something joined or added to a thing but not necessarily a part of itAn adjunct professor is one who is associated with a college faculty only in a temporary or auxiliary manner.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : adjunctive, adjunctivelyLesson: 19 Word: 1

picayunepik ee YOON

something of very small value, pettyThe judge grew tired of the lawyer's picayune objections.Synonyms : Antonyms : significantDerivatives : picayunishLesson: 52 Word: 16

vulgarityvul GAR eh tee

something offensive to good taste and refinementShe chose to ignore the vulgarity of his crude remark.Synonyms : coarseness, grossness, obscenity, ribaldnessAntonyms : refinementDerivatives : vulgar, vulgarian, vulgarism, vulgarization, vulgarize, vulgarizerLesson: 15 Word: 25

protrusionpro TROO zhun

something sticking outA large protrusion on his head was the result of being hit by the bat.Synonyms : Antonyms : indentationDerivatives : protusive, protusively, protusivenessLesson: 28 Word: 17

pendantPEN dunt

something suspended, hanging down from somethingHer pendant earrings were in the shape of oil derricks.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : pendantsLesson: 63 Word: 15

indictin DITE

to charge or to accuseIf the Grand Jury indicts the man, he will be tried for murder.Synonyms : incriminate, blame, impeachAntonyms : to absolve, to exonerate, to acquitDerivatives : indicter, indictor, indictable, indictably, indictmentLesson: 32 Word: 14


to cheatThe con artist bilked the elderly lady out of her life savings.Synonyms : Antonyms : to deal honestly withDerivatives : bilker, bilkedLesson: 46 Word: 2

chortleCHORE tul

to chuckle or to laugh from extreme happinessThe little child began to chortle when he saw the Disney characters on the screen.Synonyms : Antonyms : to sneerDerivatives : chortler, chortled, chortlingLesson: 47 Word: 6

exculpateEK skul pate

to clear from blame or guiltThe governor was petitioned to exculpate the prisoner.Synonyms : absolve, acquit, exonerate, vindicateAntonyms : to convictDerivatives : exculpation, exculpatoryLesson: 30 Word: 9


to climb up or overWho was the first woman to scale Mt. Everest?Synonyms : Antonyms : to climb downDerivatives : scaled, scalingLesson: 41 Word: 18

amassuh MASS

to collect, to gather, to accumulateHe amassed a fortune as a result of the oil strike.Synonyms : Antonyms : to loose; to scatterDerivatives : amassable, amasser, amassment, amassedLesson: 16 Word: 2

exudeig ZOOD

to come out gradually in drops through pores or small openingsSmall beads of sweat were exuding from his forehead.Synonyms : ooze out; emitAntonyms : to absorbDerivatives : exuded, exuding, exudesLesson: 64 Word: 6

solaceSOL is

to comfort or to cheerThe Red Cross attempted to solace the flood victims.Synonyms : soothe, mitigate, assuageAntonyms : to deride; to harassDerivatives : solaceful, solacement, solacer, solaced, solacingLesson: 55 Word: 20

contestkun TEST

to compete, to attempt to disproveI contest your statement about his lack of courage.Synonyms : Antonyms : to accept without disputeDerivatives : contested, contesting, contestsLesson: 28 Word: 7

concomitantkon KOM uh tunt

something that accompanies or exists concurrently with something elseThe Miss America Pageant and its concomitant events provide the beauties with many new experiences.Synonyms : Antonyms : unassociatedDerivatives : concomitance, concomitancy, concomitantlyLesson: 54 Word: 3


to completely destroyAtomic war will raze many cities.Synonyms : Antonyms : to constructDerivatives : razed, razingLesson: 12 Word: 19

focusFOE kus

to concentrateWe need to focus our attention on today's topic and not on extraneous matters.Synonyms : Antonyms : to scatterDerivatives : focused, focusing, focuses, focusable, focuser, focuslessLesson: 32 Word: 12

rail atRAIL at

to condemn or to attack with abusive languageTexas Congressmen will rail at any attempt to pass a bill that would be detrimental to the oil industry.Synonyms : berate, revile, upbraid, vituperationAntonyms : to complimentDerivatives : railed, railingLesson: 52 Word: 18

countenanceKOUN tuh nuns

to condone or to give approvalI do not countenance any form of cheating.Synonyms : approve, sanction, endorseAntonyms : to disapproveDerivatives : countenanced, countenancing, countenancerLesson: 25 Word: 6

bemusebuh MUZE

to confuse or to bewilderHe did not intend to bemuse the class with his ambiguous remarks.Synonyms : Antonyms : to enlightenDerivatives : bemusedLesson: 35 Word: 2

paradoxicalpair uh DOKS uh kul

something that appears false or contradictory but is actually correctIt is paradoxical that a man from the South, Lyndon Johnson, led the fight for the passage of a civil rights bill.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : paradoxicality, paradoxicalness, paradoxology, paradoxalityLesson: 6 Word: 20

contaminantkun TAM uh nunt

something that causes impurity; something that defiles or pollutesThe polluted water contained many dangerous contaminants.Synonyms : pollutantAntonyms : disinfectantDerivatives : contaminate, contaminated, contaminating, contaminator, contaminationLesson: 21 Word: 6

precursorpreh KUR sur

something that comes before, forerunnerA good education is usually a precursor to finding a good job.Synonyms : harbinger, heraldAntonyms : descendantDerivatives : precurse, precursive, precursoryLesson: 25 Word: 14

derivativedeh RIV uh tiv

something that comes from another thingThe word "denotative" is a derivative of the word "denote."Synonyms : Antonyms : originalDerivatives : derive, derivable, derivability, derivate, derivately, derivational, derivationist, derivatistLesson: 63 Word: 5

deterrentdeh TUR unt

something that discourages or keeps something from happeningSome think that the death penalty is a deterrent to crime.Synonyms : Antonyms : incentiveDerivatives : deterrently, deterrence, deterring, deterLesson: 49 Word: 6

presagePRES ij

something that foreshadows a future event; foreknowledge of the futureMany view a rainbow as a presage of good fortune.Synonyms : omen, foreboding, presentiment, predictionAntonyms : Derivatives : presageful, presagement, presager, presaging, presagingly, presagiousLesson: 32 Word: 21

fortuitousfore TOO eh tus

something that happens by accident or chance (usually good)Being picked first in the lottery is a fortuitous experience.Synonyms : Antonyms : predeterminedDerivatives : fortuitously, fortuitousness, fortuityLesson: 18 Word: 11

concentrationkon sun TRAY shun

something that has been drawn togetherThere is a concentration of insects on that rotten log.Synonyms : Antonyms : dispersionDerivatives : concentrationsLesson: 53 Word: 4

porousPORE us

something that permits the passage of substances through poresThe porous material did not keep the rain off of us.Synonyms : Antonyms : impermeableDerivatives : porosity, porose, porosis, poroticLesson: 18 Word: 19

antidoteAN teh dote

something that relieves the effects of poisonA snake bite need not be deadly, as long as one can get an antidote quickly.Synonyms : Antonyms : poisonDerivatives : antidotalLesson: 11 Word: 3

emollienteh MOL yunt

something that soothes or softensLotions are emollients used to ease the pain of sunburn.Synonyms : Antonyms : irritantDerivatives : emollience,emollitionLesson: 45 Word: 7

soporificsop uh RIF ik

something that tends to cause sleep and to dull awareness or alertnessQuiet music late at night is soporific.Synonyms : Antonyms : excitingDerivatives : soporiferous, soporiferously, soporiferousness, soporifical, soporificallyLesson: 13 Word: 23

woodenWOOD un

stiff, clumsyThe dancer's wooden movements quickly eliminated her from the troupe.Synonyms : Antonyms : gracefulDerivatives : Lesson: 52 Word: 25

dogmaticdog MAT ik

strongly opinionated in an unwarranted mannerHe was so dogmatic that having an intelligent discussion with him was impossible.Synonyms : dictatorial, doctrinaire, magisterial, oracularAntonyms : unopinionated; wishy-washyDerivatives : dogmatician, dogmatical, dogmatically, dogmaticalness, dogmaticism, dogmatism, dogmatize,Lesson: 4 Word: 11

buffetedBUFF et id

struck repeatedly, batteredThe winds buffeted the seamen all last night.Synonyms : Antonyms : assuaged; soothedDerivatives : buffet, buffeting, buffeter, buffetsLesson: 52 Word: 2

pertinacitypur tuh NAS eh tee

stubborn persistence or act of refusing to yield on an opinion or beliefBecause of his pertinacity, the fighter was able to go the entire twelve rounds and win the fight.Synonyms : Antonyms : vacillationDerivatives : pertinacious, pertinaciously, pertinaciousnessLesson: 44 Word: 16

intractablein TRAK tuh bul

stubborn, difficult to manageThe intractable child was a discipline problem in every class.Synonyms : headstrong, recalcitrant, refractory, unruly, willfulAntonyms : manageable; agreeableDerivatives : intractability, intractableness, intractablyLesson: 9 Word: 12


stuck or entangledTeachers seem to be mired with excessive paperwork.Synonyms : Antonyms : unhamperedDerivatives : mireLesson: 38 Word: 15

philologyfeh LOL uh jee

study of literature, especially language used in literatureThe study of philology is common among English majors.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : philologer, philological, philologian, philologaster, philologastry, philologically, philologist, philologizeLesson: 48 Word: 15

aversionuh VER shun

strong disinclination, dislikingI have an aversion to getting married.Synonyms : hesitance, loathing, reluctanceAntonyms : inclinationDerivatives : averseness, aversely, averseLesson: 1 Word: 5

jauntyJON tee

stylish and lively in manner or appearanceThe woman walked with a jaunty step that gave clear evidence to her sprightly personality.Synonyms : Antonyms : depressedDerivatives : jauntily, jauntiness, jauntinglyLesson: 40 Word: 14

topicalitytop uh KAL eh tee

subject of current interestAround April 15 each year, paying taxes is an item of topicality.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : topic, topical, topicallyLesson: 43 Word: 24

placebopluh SEE boe

substance with no medication given to humor a patientSugar pills are sometimes a placebo given to a hypochondriac.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : placebosLesson: 55 Word: 13

euphemismYOO fuh miz um

substitution of an inoffensive term for one that is offensivePeople frequently use a euphemism for the word "died." They commonly say someone "passed away."Synonyms : Antonyms : coarse expressionDerivatives : euphemistic, euphemious, euphemiously, euphemistically, euphemize, euphemizerLesson: 4 Word: 14

dourDOUR, DOW ur

sullen, stern, harshHis dour behavior was caused by the rain washing out his golf game.Synonyms : Antonyms : cheerful in appearanceDerivatives : dourly, dourer, dourestLesson: 15 Word: 9

aggregateAG ruh git

sum total, whole amountAlthough difficult to mine, the aggregate of mineral resources in Alaska are immense.Synonyms : Antonyms : partial amountDerivatives : aggregative, aggregately, aggregation, aggregated, aggregatingLesson: 21 Word: 1

plethoraPLETH ur uh

superabundance, excessive amountShe offered a plethora of excuses for failing French, none of which were acceptable.Synonyms : Antonyms : scarcityDerivatives : plethoricLesson: 28 Word: 15

cursoryKUR suh ree

superficial, casual, hastily doneHe gave only cursory consideration to my suggestion.Synonyms : Antonyms : meticulousDerivatives : cursorily, cursorinessLesson: 6 Word: 7

preeminencepree EM uh nuns

superiority to all othersReceiving a Nobel prize signifies preeminence in a field.Synonyms : Antonyms : inferiorityDerivatives : preeminent, preeminency, preeminentlyLesson: 41 Word: 15

advocacyAD vuh cuh see

support of an idea or causeThe nominee's advocacy of higher taxes may have cost him the election.Synonyms : Antonyms : oppositionDerivatives : advocate, advocator, advocatory, advocated, advocatingLesson: 51 Word: 1

ruminateROO muh nate

to consider for a long time at a slow pace, to ponderWe will have to go elsewhere if you ruminate about your decision for a long period.Synonyms : meditate, muse, ponderAntonyms : to consider fleetinglyDerivatives : ruminatingly, ruminator, ruminative, ruminant, ruminantlyLesson: 40 Word: 24

compresskum PRESS

to contract, to reduce in size or volumeFarmers now have machines to compress hay into bales.Synonyms : condense, constrict, contract, deflateAntonyms : to expandDerivatives : compressible, compressibility, compressed, compression, compressive, compressor, compressively,Lesson: 30 Word: 5

beliebuh LIE

to contradict, to give a false impressionHer first words appeared to belie all the wonderful things I had heard about her.Synonyms : Antonyms : to support; to agree withDerivatives : belied, belying, belierLesson: 4 Word: 5

emendeh MEND

to correct (usually by a critic)The newspaper had to emend the incorrect statement printed in the paper.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : emendable, emendate, emendation, emendator, emendatory, emends, emending, emendedLesson: 21 Word: 10

enumerateeh NOO muh rate

to count one by oneIn his summation, my lawyer enumerated all of the reasons why I should receive a verdict of "not guilty."Synonyms : Antonyms : to groupDerivatives : enumeration, enumerative, enumeratorLesson: 27 Word: 9


to cross a body of water by wadingIn order to get to the other side, we have to ford the stream.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : forded, fording, fords, fordlessLesson: 53 Word: 9

severSEV ur

to cut or to separateI decided to sever my relationship with that organization when I found out the true nature of it.Synonyms : divorce, sunderAntonyms : to connectDerivatives : severs, severed, severing, severability, severance, severableLesson: 35 Word: 21

defrauddeh FRAWD

to deal with deceptivelySome defense contractors have defrauded the government out of millions of dollars.Synonyms : cozen, swindleAntonyms : to deal with honestlyDerivatives : defrauded, defrauding, defraudation, defraudmentLesson: 44 Word: 6

beguilebuh GUYL

to deceive, to mislead, to persuade with charmWe sometimes allow ourselves to be beguiled by flatterers.Synonyms : deludeAntonyms : to enlightenDerivatives : beguiled, beguiling, beguilement, beguilerLesson: 39 Word: 3

garnishGAR nish

to decorateParsley is used to garnish many dinners.Synonyms : adorn, deck, embellish, ornamentAntonyms : to remove decorationDerivatives : garnished, garnishing, garnishes, garnishable, garnishmentLesson: 46 Word: 9

embellishem BEL ish

to decorate, to make beautiful with ornamentationHe would embellish his narratives with anecdotes about famous people.Synonyms : deck, garnish, ornament, adornAntonyms : to abbreviateDerivatives : embellisher, embellishmentLesson: 1 Word: 10


to decrease in size, degree, or powerThe bodybuilder's strength began to wane when he quit lifting weights.Synonyms : abate, subside, ebbAntonyms : to grow strongerDerivatives : waned, waningLesson: 64 Word: 24

taperTAY pur

to decrease in thickness or widthThe intensity of the pain will taper off as time goes on. Some shirts are tapered at the bottom.Synonyms : Antonyms : to make widerDerivatives : tapered, taperingLesson: 19 Word: 24

consecrateKON suh krate

to dedicate or to declare sacredMinisters customarily consecrate their lives to serving God.Synonyms : devote, hallowAntonyms : to profaneDerivatives : consecrated, consecrating, consecratory, consecrator, consecrationLesson: 59 Word: 4

championCHAM pee un

to defend or to supportThe senator championed the cause of the homeless.Synonyms : Antonyms : to persecuteDerivatives : championship, championless, championlike, championed, championingLesson: 30 Word: 4

procrastinatepro KRAS tuh nate

to defer action; to delayWe try not to procrastinate when asked to do a job.Synonyms : prolong, postponeAntonyms : Derivatives : procrastinated, procrastinating, procrastinatingly, procrastinatively, procrastination, procrastinative,Lesson: 10 Word: 19

parryPAIR ee

to deflect or to ward off a blowThe champion boxer won the match because he was able to parry his opponent's blows so successfully.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : parried, parryingLesson: 19 Word: 16

abaseuh BAYS

to degrade, to humiliateThe bitter woman deliberately set out to abase her husband in public.Synonyms : corrupt, debase, debauch, demean, deprave, vitiate, pervertAntonyms : to exaltDerivatives : abasement, abaser, abased, abasingLesson: 24 Word: 1

disparagedeh SPAR ij

to degrade, to speak of someone or something in a derogatory mannerHis disparaging remarks about me caused the committee to give the job to another person.Synonyms : belittle, decry, deprecateAntonyms : to praise profuselyDerivatives : disparagement, disparager, disparaginglyLesson: 1 Word: 8

tarryTARE ee

to delay in coming or going, to lingerPlease do not tarry; I want you to be here on time.Synonyms : Antonyms : to depart promptlyDerivatives : tarriness, tarried, tarriesLesson: 38 Word: 22

proscribepro SCRIBE

to denounce or to condemn, to forbidWe will proscribe anyone who comes to the rally with the opponent's campaign buttons on his shirt.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : proscript, proscription, proscriptive, proscriptiveness, proscriptivelyLesson: 62 Word: 17

bewailbuh WALE

to deplore, to express deep sorrowHe bewailed the passing of his grandfather whom he loved and admired.Synonyms : bemoan, lamentAntonyms : to rejoice inDerivatives : bewailed, bewailingLesson: 44 Word: 3

defoliatedee FOE lee ate

to deprive of leavesThe chemical Agent Orange was used in Vietnam to defoliate the trees so the enemy could be found.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : defoliant, defoliated, defoliating, defoliatorLesson: 28 Word: 8

unfrockun FROK

to deprive the right to be in a profession (usually applies to a priest)The priest was unfrocked as a result of his moral depravity.Synonyms : Antonyms : to decorateDerivatives : unfrockedLesson: 30 Word: 25

beratebuh RATE

to engage in intense and long scolding or condemnationThat teacher will berate any student who is constantly tardy.Synonyms : upbraid, rail, vituperateAntonyms : to praiseDerivatives : berated, berating, beratesLesson: 58 Word: 3

matriculatemuh TRIK yuh late

to enroll or to admit to membership by enrolling, esp. in a college Though it took hours for the enrollment process, this young man has finally been matriculated.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : matriculated, matriculating, matriculation, matriculatorLesson: 52 Word: 12

enmeshen MESH

to entangleThey became enmeshed in an awful argument.Synonyms : Antonyms : to free; to releaseDerivatives : enmeshed, enmeshmentLesson: 53 Word: 7

embroilem BROIL

to entangle, to throw into confusion or strifeThe senators are embroiled in an argument over raising taxes.Synonyms : Antonyms : to unhamper; to freeDerivatives : embroiled, embroiling, embroiler, embroilment, embroilsLesson: 20 Word: 9

effaceeh FASE

to erase, to wear awayThe date on the coin has been effaced.Synonyms : Antonyms : to make conspicuousDerivatives : effaceable, effacement, effacerLesson: 5 Word: 9

ostracizeOS truh size

to exclude by general consent from society or privilegesHer friends ostracized her after her husband's arrest.Synonyms : exile, disenfranchise, excommunicateAntonyms : to accept; to condoneDerivatives : ostracized, ostracizing, ostracization, ostracizable, ostracizerLesson: 33 Word: 14

distenddeh STEND

to expand, to swellIf a balloon is distended too much, it will break.Synonyms : amplify, dilate, inflateAntonyms : to contractDerivatives : distended, distendedly, distendedness, distensibility, distensible, distensile, distension, distention, distensiveLesson: 11 Word: 9

exorciseEK sor size

to expel an evil spirit, to get rid of something troublesomeI am going to try to exorcise all negative thoughts from my mind.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : exorcisation, exorcise, exorcism, exorcismal, exorcisory, exorcist, exorcistate, exorcisticalLesson: 17 Word: 10

explicateEK spluh kate

to explain, to clarify the meaningHe could not explicate the actions of his son.Synonyms : elucidate, expoundAntonyms : to fail to clarifyDerivatives : explication, explicative, explicator, explicatoryLesson: 35 Word: 7

debunkdeh BUNGK

to expose the falseness or hypocrisy of somethingThe charlatan was quickly debunked by the perceptive doctor.Synonyms : Antonyms : to cover up; to concealDerivatives : debunker, debunkers, debunked, debunkingLesson: 17 Word: 7

utterUT ur

to express by speakingThe teacher told me not to utter another word.Synonyms : Antonyms : to leave unspokenDerivatives : utters, uttered, uttering, utteranceLesson: 62 Word: 25

rhapsodizeRAP suh dize

to express in an overly enthusiastic mannerHe felt his Super Bowl trip was the greatest thing since the wheel and rhapsodized about it for weeks.Synonyms : Antonyms : to droneDerivatives : rhapsodist, rhapsodic, rhapsodically, rhapsodical, rhapsodisticLesson: 53 Word: 18

commiseratekuh MIZ uh rate

to express sympathy or pityI commiserated with the family about their loss.Synonyms : Antonyms : to remain aloofDerivatives : commiserated, commiserating, commiseration, commiseratively, commiserativeLesson: 24 Word: 5


to extinguish, to put out; to relieve with liquidHe quenched the hot coals in the barbecue pit with water.Synonyms : Antonyms : to stir upDerivatives : quencher, quenched, quenching, quenchable, quenchablenessLesson: 30 Word: 20

tetherTETH ur

to fasten or to confine as with a ropeThe man was tethered to the wall with chains.Synonyms : Antonyms : to freeDerivatives : tethered, tetheringLesson: 60 Word: 23

ascertainas sur TANE

to find out definitely; to determineThe detective attempted to ascertain the truth through his questioning of the suspect.Synonyms : learnAntonyms : Derivatives : ascertainable, ascertainableness, ascertainably, ascertainer, ascertainment, ascertainedLesson: 11 Word: 4

yoke (verb)YOKE

to fit or to join with a harness; to connect or to join togetherOur mule does not like it when we yoke it to the harness.Synonyms : coupleAntonyms : to uncoupleDerivatives : yoked, yoking, yokelessLesson: 53 Word: 25

entrenchen TRENCH

to fix firmly; to encroachThese formulas should be firmly entrenched in your mind before the test.Synonyms : Antonyms : to disestablishDerivatives : entrenched, entrenchmentLesson: 52 Word: 7

inundateIN un date

to flood, to overflowThe television station was inundated with phone calls when the basketball game was interrupted.Synonyms : Antonyms : to drainDerivatives : inundable, inundant, inundation, inundator, inundatoryLesson: 10 Word: 14

exonerateig ZON uh rate

to free from blame, obligation, or responsibility; to exculpateI need your testimony to exonerate me from this charge.Synonyms : absolve, acquit, vindicateAntonyms : to convictDerivatives : exoneration, exonerated, exonerLesson: 9 Word: 7

disencumberdis en KUM bur

to free from burdens, to extricateWe are trying to disencumber ourselves from financial debts.Synonyms : disembarrass, extricateAntonyms : to entangle; to snareDerivatives : disencumberment, disencumbranceLesson: 39 Word: 8

extricateEK struh kate

to free, to disentangleHe could not extricate himself from the trap.Synonyms : disembarrass, disencumberAntonyms : to snareDerivatives : extrication, extricated, extricableLesson: 6 Word: 10

puckerPUK ur

to gather into wrinkles or irregular foldsHis lips puckered into a low whistle when he heard her name.Synonyms : wrinkle, furrow, contractAntonyms : to straightenDerivatives : puckered, puckering, puckerer, puckeryLesson: 37 Word: 19

coagulateko AG yuh late

to gather together in a mass, to clot; to congealBecause blood coagulates, people do not bleed to death from small cuts.Synonyms : Antonyms : to flow freelyDerivatives : coagulable, coagulant, coagulated, coagulating, coagulation, coagulative, coagulatorLesson: 28 Word: 5

garnerGAR nur

to gather together, to store upI will need to garner all of my allies in order to win this vote.Synonyms : Antonyms : to disperseDerivatives : garnering, garneredLesson: 20 Word: 11

circumventSIR kum vent

to get around something, to outwit, to frustrate; to avoidThe witness tried unsuccessfully to circumvent the subject.Synonyms : Antonyms : to confrontDerivatives : circumventer, circumventor, circumvention, circumventive, circumvented, circumventingLesson: 41 Word: 4

betokenbuh TOE kun

to give a sign ofHis good actions betokened a kind heart.Synonyms : Antonyms : to hide; to concealDerivatives : betokenedLesson: 43 Word: 2

ratifyRAT eh fie

to give formal approvalIn the United States, a treaty must be ratified by two-thirds of the Senate in order to take effect.Synonyms : Antonyms : to rejectDerivatives : ratification, ratificationist, ratifierLesson: 19 Word: 19

acquiesceAK wee es

to give in, to complyI was so desperate that I had to acquiesce to his demands.Synonyms : accede, agree, assent, consent, subscribeAntonyms : to object; to disagreeDerivatives : acquiescence, acquiescent, acquiescingly, acquiescentlyLesson: 8 Word: 1

validateVAL eh date

to give official sanctionThe election results must be validated by the school board before they are official.Synonyms : authenticate, confirm, corroborate, substantiate, verifyAntonyms : to invalidate; to void; to nullifyDerivatives : validation, validatory, validity, validlyLesson: 29 Word: 24

enfranchiseen FRAN chize

to give or to bestow something such as the right to vote or citizenshipThis bill will cause many young people to be enfranchised with the right to vote.Synonyms : Antonyms : to remove; to take awayDerivatives : enfranchisement, enfranchiserLesson: 26 Word: 10

begrudgebuh GRUJ

to give reluctantly, to envy a possession or one's enjoymentShe did not begrudge the money spent on her child's education.Synonyms : Antonyms : to give willinglyDerivatives : begrudged, begrudging, begrudginglyLesson: 37 Word: 2

harborHAR bur

to give shelter or refugeIt is illegal to harbor an escaped convict.Synonyms : Antonyms : to turn awayDerivatives : harbors, harbored,harboring, harborageLesson: 29 Word: 13

allureuh LUR

to influence, sway, or entice with some tempting appealThe child tried to allure the stray dog into her yard with a piece of bread.Synonyms : attract, fascinate, charmAntonyms : Derivatives : allured, alluring, allures, allurement, allurerLesson: 13 Word: 1

appriseuh PRIZE

to inform or to give noticePeople who are arrested have to be apprised of their rights.Synonyms : acquaint, notifyAntonyms : to fail to informDerivatives : apprised, apprising, apprizerLesson: 40 Word: 2

fomentfoe MENT

to instigate, to stir up, to promote the growth ofThe raid on the armory was an attempt to foment revolution.Synonyms : abet, incite, instigateAntonyms : to calm; to sedateDerivatives : fomentation, fomenter, foments, fomenting, fomentedLesson: 56 Word: 8

incapacitatein kuh PAS eh tate

to make incapable or unfit; to deprive of capacityA serious illness will incapacitate him, and we will be unable to go on with the journey.Synonyms : Antonyms : to aid; to make capableDerivatives : incapacitation, incapacityLesson: 57 Word: 9

rarefyRARE uh fie

to make less dense; to make more spiritual, refined, or abstruseTheir thoughts are refined and rarefied through interaction with each other.Synonyms : Antonyms : to make denser; to condenseDerivatives : rarefier, rarefied, rarefiable, rarefactive, rarefactionLesson: 53 Word: 17

facilitatefuh SIL eh tate

to make less difficultAppliances are useful in facilitating housework.Synonyms : Antonyms : to complicateDerivatives : facilitated, facilitating, facilitates, facilitation, facilitator, facilitatoryLesson: 23 Word: 11

vivifyVIV uh fie

to make more livelyThe clown began his antics to try to vivify the audience.Synonyms : Antonyms : to dull; to quietDerivatives : vivid, vividity, vivific, vivificate, vivificationLesson: 57 Word: 25

requitereh KWITE

to make repayment or to returnThe girl suffered a broken heart from unrequited love.Synonyms : Antonyms : to withholdDerivatives : requited, requiter, requitalLesson: 47 Word: 18

burnishBUR nish

to make shiny or to polish by rubbingBurnished metal is usually very reflective.Synonyms : Antonyms : to tarnishDerivatives : burnisher, burnishes, burnished, burnishingLesson: 41 Word: 3

synchronizeSING kruh nize

to make simultaneous; to operate at the same timeWe need to synchronize our watches with the clocks in the school.Synonyms : Antonyms : to operate at different timesDerivatives : synchronization, synchronous, synchronizer, synchronistic, synchronistically, synchronisticalLesson: 47 Word: 21

consolidatekun SOL uh date

to make solid, to unite, or to mergeMedical professionals need to consolidate their forces to seek a cure for the AIDS virus.Synonyms : Antonyms : to break into partsDerivatives : consolidated, consolidating, consolidator, consolidationLesson: 26 Word: 6

transcendedtran SEND ed

surpassed, exceededHis actions in the crisis transcended the call of duty.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : transcend, transcendence, transcendency, transcendent, transcendental, transcendentalisticLesson: 22 Word: 23

vulnerableVUL nur uh bul

susceptible to injury or attackA fighter is vulnerable if he does not keep up his guard.Synonyms : Antonyms : protectedDerivatives : vulnerability, vulnerableness, vulnerablyLesson: 42 Word: 25

abeyanceuh BAY uns

suspension of actionThe meeting was held in abeyance until the chairperson arrived.Synonyms : dormancy, latency, quiescenceAntonyms : activityDerivatives : abeyantLesson: 28 Word: 1

mellifluousmuh LIF loo us

sweetly or smoothly flowing; sweet-soundingThe singer has a mellifluous voice.Synonyms : Antonyms : harsh soundingDerivatives : mellifluousness, mellifluously, mellifluent, millifluence, mellifluentlyLesson: 54 Word: 11

turgidTUR jid

swollenThe body was turgid from being in the water for so long.Synonyms : Antonyms : deflatedDerivatives : turgidity, turgidly, turgidnessLesson: 26 Word: 24

allegoryAL uh gore ee

symbolical narrative; treatment of one subject under the guise of anotherAuthors frequently discuss sensitive political issues through the use of allegory.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : allegorical, allegoric, allegorically, allegoricalness, allegorist, allegoristic, allegorized, allegorizing,Lesson: 57 Word: 2

anarchyAN ar kee

the absence of government; a state of lawlessnessDuring the revolution, the government was overthrown and the country was in a state of anarchy.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : anarches, anarchist, anarchism, anarchic, anarchLesson: 23 Word: 2

syncopationsing kuh PAY shun

the accenting of musical beats not normally accentedThe syncopation in the music made dancing fun.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : syncopated, syncopate, syncopative, syncopatorLesson: 48 Word: 22

impoundmentim POUND munt

the act of being seized and held in the custody of the lawThe man was not happy when he had to deal with the impoundment of his car.Synonyms : confinementAntonyms : Derivatives : impound, impounded, impounding, impoundableLesson: 50 Word: 11

retrenchmentreh TRENCH munt

the act of cutting down or off as by the reduction of expensesHalf of the workers were eliminated from the payroll by retrenchment.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : retrench, retrenchable, retrencherLesson: 50 Word: 19

remunerationreh myoo nuh RAY

the act of paying for a service, loss, or expenseThe man sought remuneration for his expenses from his boss.Synonyms : compensation, reimbursementAntonyms : Derivatives : remunerate, remunerative, remunerator, remuneratively, remunerativenessLesson: 27 Word: 20

renunciationreh nun see A shun

the act of renouncing; ascetic self-denialThe board member made a renunciation of his chairmanship.Synonyms : sacrifice, rejection, repudiationAntonyms : Derivatives : renunciate, renunciant, renunciative, renunciatoryLesson: 61 Word: 20

disseminationdeh sem uh NAY

the act of spreading widely; scatteringThe dissemination of these ideas can best be achieved through television.Synonyms : Antonyms : consolidationDerivatives : disseminate, disseminatorLesson: 4 Word: 10

larcenyLAR suh nee

the act of stealing another's propertyAfter being convicted of larceny, the man offered to return the stolen items for a shorter prison term.Synonyms : theftAntonyms : Derivatives : larcener, larcenist, larcenous, larcenously, larceniesLesson: 17 Word: 14

aberrationab uh RAY shun

the act of straying from the right or usual course; deviation from truthThis particular rule is an aberration of our usual standards.Synonyms : wandering, deviation, divergence, abnormality, eccentricityAntonyms : common occurrenceDerivatives : aberrant, aberrance, aberrancy, aberrationalLesson: 65 Word: 2

retractionreh TRAK shun

the act of taking back or disavowingHe maintained that his story was true and refused to offer a retraction.Synonyms : abjure, forswear, recant, renounceAntonyms : reaffirmationDerivatives : retractable, retract, retractile, retractorLesson: 49 Word: 20

rhetoricRET ur ik

the art of using words effectively in speaking or writing; inflated languageFreshman composition is a course in rhetoric.Synonyms : verbosity, bombast; discourse, speechAntonyms : Derivatives : rhetorical, rhetorically, rhetoricalness, rhetoricate, rhetorician, rhetorizeLesson: 25 Word: 16

inceptionin SEP shun

the beginning of somethingJoe has worked for the company since its inception in 1935.Synonyms : origin, sourceAntonyms : conclusionDerivatives : incept, inceptive, inceptively, inceptorLesson: 24 Word: 12

inauguralin AH gyur ul

the beginning, the first of a seriesAfter the President of the United States takes the oath of office, he makes his inaugural address.Synonyms : Antonyms : finalDerivatives : inaugurate, inaugurated, inaugurating, inauguration, inauguratorLesson: 55 Word: 8

privationpry VAY shun

the condition of lacking basic necessities of lifeChildren in many parts of the world face severe privation.Synonyms : Antonyms : abundanceDerivatives : privational, privative, privativelyLesson: 55 Word: 14

mutabilitymyoo tuh BILL uh tee

the degree to which something is subject and likely to changeThe mutability of his opinions was because of political pressures; these alone caused his changing attitudes.Synonyms : inconsistencyAntonyms : consistencyDerivatives : mutable, mutably, mutationLesson: 13 Word: 16

ethosEE thos, ETH os

the distinguishing character or values of a specific people or cultureIn the Indian ethos, the young brave was encouraged into manhood.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : ethosesLesson: 35 Word: 6

serendipityser un DIP eh tee

the faculty for making desirable discoveries by accidentFinding the road to his house was a case of serendipity.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : Lesson: 55 Word: 19

vanguardVAN gard

the forefront in any movement, field, or activityThis innovative school is a vanguard in the field of education.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : vanguardism, vanguardistLesson: 56 Word: 23

convalescencekon vuh LES uns

the gradual recovery of health and strength after illnessThe athlete's convalescence was dependent on following his doctor's orders.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : convalesce, convalescent, convalescentlyLesson: 63 Word: 4

apogeeAP uh jee

the highest or most distant point; the climaxThe apogee of environmental concern has yet to be seen.Synonyms : Antonyms : lowest pointDerivatives : apogeal, apogean, apogeicLesson: 43 Word: 1

zenithZEE nith

the highest point overhead, peakWith that award-winning film, she reached the zenith of her career.Synonyms : Antonyms : lowest pointDerivatives : zeniths, zenithalLesson: 54 Word: 25

barbarismBAR buh riz um

the incorrect usage of words or forms of languageThe English teacher cringed at the gross barbarism in the paper.Synonyms : Antonyms : acceptable dictionDerivatives : barbarous, barbarously, barbarousnessLesson: 38 Word: 3

expiateEK spee ate

to atone or to make amends for a sin or a crimeThe judge asked him to expiate his crime by doing one hundred hours of community service.Synonyms : Antonyms : to hold grudgesDerivatives : expiation, expiational, expiative, expiator, expiatoryLesson: 60 Word: 5

protagonistpro TAG uh nist

the leading character of a drama or other literary workThe protagonist of this story gets the smartest girl.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : protagonismLesson: 64 Word: 17

nadirNA dur

the lowest pointThe rejection of our proposal was the nadir of our hopes.Synonyms : Antonyms : highest pointDerivatives : nadiralLesson: 51 Word: 14

pinnaclePIN uh kul

the peak or highest pointHis career reached its pinnacle during the season when he hit sixty home runs.Synonyms : Antonyms : low pointDerivatives : pinnacled, pinnacling, pinnaclesLesson: 41 Word: 14

tenureTEN yur

the period of holding somethingUnder his tenure at the space administration, not one astronaut was injured.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : tenurial, tenuriallyLesson: 41 Word: 22

translucencetrans LOO suns

the quality of allowing passage of light but not a clear viewBecause of the translucence of the water, I could see a body but could not tell whose it was.Synonyms : limpidity, transparencyAntonyms : opaqueness; darknessDerivatives : translucency, translucent, translucentlyLesson: 37 Word: 23

antiquityan TIK wuh tee

the quality of being ancient; ancient timesMany scholars spend years studying the records left from antiquity.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : antiquities, antiquitarianLesson: 20 Word: 2

introspectivein truh SPEK tiv

the quality of examining one's own mind or thoughtsI must be very introspective before I make my decision.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : introspect, introspection, introspector, introspectable, introspectional, introspectively, introspectionismLesson: 9 Word: 13

iridescenceear eh DES uns

the quality of exhibiting rainbow-like colors, brilliant appearanceThe iridescence of the room with all the mirrors and chandeliers was magnificent.Synonyms : Antonyms : dullness; darknessDerivatives : iridescent, iridesce, iridescentlyLesson: 57 Word: 10

basenessBASE ness

the quality of lacking higher valuesWe were shocked at the criminal's baseness.Synonyms : vileness, servility, unworthinessAntonyms : Derivatives : base, baser, basest, baselyLesson: 63 Word: 2

humilityhyoo MIL eh tee

the quality or state of being humble in spiritThe humility of the man was astounding: he gave no sign of having excessive pride or arrogance.Synonyms : Antonyms : pride; arroganceDerivatives : humilities, humble, humblyLesson: 17 Word: 12

regimenREJ uh men

the regular process, procedure, or system of doing somethingThe boxer's training regimen is very strenuous.Synonyms : Antonyms : unsystematic activityDerivatives : regiment, regimental, regimentally, regimentation, regiminalLesson: 58 Word: 18


the residue or mass of metal left after smelting; worthless matterThe bottom of the pit was full of slag.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : slaggerLesson: 33 Word: 21

franchiseFRAN chize

the right to voteWe have laws to guarantee the franchise of every citizen so that he may vote.Synonyms : Antonyms : denial of the right to voteDerivatives : franchised, franchising, franchisement, franchiserLesson: 61 Word: 9

parityPAIR eh tee

the state of being equalParity must exist between power and responsibility.Synonyms : likenessAntonyms : inequalityDerivatives : paritiesLesson: 56 Word: 15

complacencykum PLAY sun see

the state of being self-satisfiedConsidering that he is failing, it is curious to see his sense of complacency.Synonyms : Antonyms : dissatisfactionDerivatives : complacent, complacently, complacence, complaisant, complaisance, complaisantlyLesson: 16 Word: 8

protuberancepro TOO buh runs

the state of bulging beyond the surrounding area; protrusionThe woman was embarrassed by the protuberance of her lower jaw.Synonyms : projectionAntonyms : indentationDerivatives : protuberancy, protuberant, protuberantlyLesson: 55 Word: 15

repressreh PRES

to restrain, to hold backI feel that I need to repress my desires for him since he obviously does not like me.Synonyms : Antonyms : to releaseDerivatives : repressed, repression, repressive, repressivenessLesson: 61 Word: 21

fetterFET ur

to restrict by shackling or chainingThe convict was fettered to prevent his escape.Synonyms : Antonyms : to liberateDerivatives : fettered, fetteringLesson: 21 Word: 11

countermandkoun ter MAND

to revoke, to cancel, or to reverseWhen the President awoke from surgery, he countermanded some orders issued by the Vice President.Synonyms : Antonyms : to approve; to validateDerivatives : countermandable, countermanded, countermandingLesson: 44 Word: 5

resurgereh SURJ

to rise againOur football team's chances of a title will resurge if the coach drafts a good quarterback.Synonyms : Antonyms : to remain quiescentDerivatives : resurgence, resurgency, resurgentLesson: 48 Word: 19

levitateLEV eh tate

to rise or to float in the air in seeming defiance of gravityThe magician began his show by making a volunteer from the audience levitate.Synonyms : Antonyms : to cause to fall, to descendDerivatives : levitated, levitating, levitation, levitational, levitativeLesson: 34 Word: 14

pillagePILL ij

to rob or to take by force, to plunder (especially in a war situation)In World War II, the Germans pillaged the Russians, and then the Russians pillaged the Germans.Synonyms : despoil, devastate, ravage, sack, wasteAntonyms : Derivatives : pillager, pillaged, pillagingLesson: 51 Word: 17

upbraidup BRADE

to scold harshly, to reproachI must upbraid my son for staying out past his curfew.Synonyms : berate, rail at, revile, vituperateAntonyms : to praiseDerivatives : upbraided, upbraider, upbraiding, upbraidinglyLesson: 34 Word: 24

reprovereh PROOV

to scold or to rebuke for a misdeed usually with kindly intentA teacher sometimes needs to reprove a student for talking during class.Synonyms : admonish, castigate, chastise, chide, rebuke, reproachAntonyms : to approve; to applaudDerivatives : reprovable, reprovingly, reproving, reproved, reproves, reproofLesson: 2 Word: 22

sequesterseh KWES tur

to secludeBecause of the publicity about the case and the defendant, the judge decided to sequester the jury.Synonyms : Antonyms : to allow to mingle freelyDerivatives : sequestered, sequestrable, sequestrant, sequestration, sequestratorLesson: 33 Word: 20

cloisterKLOI stur

to seclude or to confineThe wealthy magnate led a cloistered life in his retirement.Synonyms : Antonyms : to display; to exhibit; to makeDerivatives : cloistered, cloisterlike, cloisteringLesson: 40 Word: 4

anchorANG kur

to secure firmlyAnchor the boat to the dock.Synonyms : Antonyms : to release from restraintDerivatives : anchored, anchoring, anchorsLesson: 33 Word: 1

dispatchdeh SPATCH

to send away with promptness or speed; speed, quicknessThe officer dispatched his troops to the scene of conflict.Synonyms : haste, expediencyAntonyms : to delay; slowness, inefficiencyDerivatives : dispatched, dispatching, dispatchesLesson: 20 Word: 8

remitreh MIT

to send or to transmit (usually money)The phone company called and said that we needed to remit our payment or our service would be cut off.Synonyms : Antonyms : to collectDerivatives : remitment, remittable, remittal, remittance, remitteeLesson: 59 Word: 20

winnowWIN oh

to separate or to distinguish (valuable from worthless parts)The lawyer tried to winnow falsehood from truth.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : winnowed, winnowing, winnowerLesson: 47 Word: 25

sanctifySANGK tuh fie

to set apart for sacred use, to make holy, to purifyA priest sanctifies water by blessing it.Synonyms : Antonyms : to taintDerivatives : sanctification, sanctified, sanctifier, sanctity, sanctitudeLesson: 64 Word: 18


to set aside or to suppress forciblyThe dictator was able to quash the rebellion by shooting those who opposed him.Synonyms : annul, abrogate, void; crush, quellAntonyms : Derivatives : Lesson: 50 Word: 17

rectifyREK tuh fie

to set right or to correctThe school board has decided to increase funding for female athletic teams in order to rectify past imbalances.Synonyms : reform, revise, remedy, emendAntonyms : Derivatives : rectifiable, rectifier, rectified, rectifyingLesson: 16 Word: 20

ensconceen SKONS

to settle comfortablyBefore the game started, he ensconced himself in the easy chair.Synonyms : Antonyms : to uprootDerivatives : ensconced, ensconcingLesson: 50 Word: 7


to shake from shock or instabilityI began to quake in my boots when he pulled a gun.Synonyms : Antonyms : to remain motionlessDerivatives : quaked, quakingLesson: 49 Word: 18


to sharpen, to make more intense, to make more effectiveI am going to the golf course to hone my putting skills.Synonyms : Antonyms : to dullDerivatives : honerLesson: 34 Word: 10


to shed an outer covering such as feathers or skin periodicallyFeathers are everywhere since my birds are molting.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : molts, molted, moltingLesson: 30 Word: 16

truncateTRUNG kate

to shorten by cuttingIf you truncate the board, it will fit into the space you desire.Synonyms : Antonyms : to lengthenDerivatives : truncated, truncately, truncation, truncatureLesson: 28 Word: 23

abridgeuh BRIJ

to shorten, to diminishSome companies publish abridged versions of novels.Synonyms : abbreviate, curtail, retrench, shortenAntonyms : to expandDerivatives : abridgable, abridged, abridger, abridgmentLesson: 12 Word: 1

evinceeh VINS

to show clearlyBy making a 27 on the test, he evinced his lack of knowledge of the material.Synonyms : manifest, evidenceAntonyms : to suppress, to hide, to concealDerivatives : evinced,evincing, evincible, evinciveLesson: 36 Word: 8

waverWAY vur

to show indecision or to vacillateI have convinced him to waver from his previous decision.Synonyms : Antonyms : to stand firmDerivatives : wavers, wavered, wavering, waveringly, waveryLesson: 43 Word: 25


to show off, to display ostentatiouslyThe woman was obviously trying to flaunt the new diamond ring on her finger.Synonyms : Antonyms : to hideDerivatives : flaunted, flaunting, flaunter, flauntingly, flauntyLesson: 65 Word: 11

understateUN dur state

to show restraint or lack of emphasisI believe that you are understating the danger of nuclear energy.Synonyms : Antonyms : to embroiderDerivatives : understated, understatementLesson: 27 Word: 24

scuttleSKUT ul

to sink (usually a ship)In war a captain of a ship might scuttle his vessel rather than have it captured and used by the enemy.Synonyms : Antonyms : to preserveDerivatives : scuttled, scuttlingLesson: 46 Word: 20

deceleratedee SEL uh rate

to slow downBefore you reach the intersection, you should decelerate.Synonyms : Antonyms : to speed upDerivatives : decelerator,deceleration,decelerated, deceleratingLesson: 43 Word: 6

titterTIT ur

to snicker or to giggle nervouslyThe girls tittered while they waited for the boys to ask them to dance.Synonyms : Antonyms : to frownDerivatives : tittered, tittering, tittersLesson: 56 Word: 21

rebuffreh BUFF

to snub or to refuse bluntlyThe woman was not afraid to rebuff the man's inappropriate advances toward her.Synonyms : Antonyms : to acceptDerivatives : rebuffed, rebuffing, rebuffsLesson: 21 Word: 20

saturateSACH uh rate

to soak, to completely fillFloods sometimes occur when the ground becomes saturated from a heavy rain and can absorb no more water.Synonyms : Antonyms : to desiccate; to dry outDerivatives : saturation, saturated, saturatingLesson: 31 Word: 21

congealkun JEEL

to solidify or to coagulateWe waited three hours for the Jell-O to congeal.Synonyms : Antonyms : to become fluidDerivatives : congealing, congealed, congealment, congelativeLesson: 23 Word: 6

mollifyMOL eh fie

to soothe or to appease, to assuageThe woman promised to buy candy in order to mollify her screaming child.Synonyms : conciliate, pacify, placate, propitiateAntonyms : to aggravateDerivatives : mollification, mollifyingly, mollifier, mollifiableLesson: 17 Word: 16

decrydeh KRY

to speak against, to rail against, to disparageMany decry the lack of concern for this problem.Synonyms : Antonyms : to laudDerivatives : decried, decrying, decrierLesson: 12 Word: 6

articulateare TIK yuh late

to speak distinctly; expressing oneself clearlyA good politician must be able to articulate his views.Synonyms : Antonyms : to speak indistinctly; to mumbleDerivatives : articulated, articulating, articulation, articulateness, articulative, articulately, articulatorLesson: 47 Word: 3

pontificatepon TIF uh kate

to speak in a self-important manner; to speak pompouslyOne would think that my dad were the Pontiff himself, the way he pontificates about his achievements.Synonyms : Antonyms : to speak humblyDerivatives : pontifical, pontificalibus, pontificality, pontification, pontificatorLesson: 62 Word: 15

banterBAN ter

to speak in a witty or teasing mannerThe opposing coaches, who were old friends, bantered back and forth before the game.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : banterer, bantering, banteringly, banters, banteredLesson: 16 Word: 4

diffusedeh FYOOZ

to spread in all directionsThe rioting crowd was diffused by tear gas and water hoses.Synonyms : Antonyms : to bring togetherDerivatives : diffusedness, diffusedly, diffusely, diffuseness, diffuser, diffusibility, diffusion, diffusibleLesson: 17 Word: 8

germinateJUR muh nate

to sprout, to begin to grow, to evolveIt takes about two weeks for some plants to germinate.Synonyms : Antonyms : to dieDerivatives : germinal, germinability, germinable, germinallyLesson: 39 Word: 12

burgeonBUR jun

to sprout, to newly emergePlants burgeon with the coming of spring.Synonyms : Antonyms : to shrivel and die; to witherDerivatives : burgeoned, burgeoningLesson: 10 Word: 4

totterTOT ur

to stagger as if about to fallDrinking heavily will usually cause one to totter.Synonyms : Antonyms : to walk steadilyDerivatives : tottered, tottering, totteringly, tottery, tottersLesson: 36 Word: 22

loiterLOI tur

to stand idly or to linger aimlesslyThe police did not want people to loiter around the scene of the shooting.Synonyms : dally, dawdle, procrastinateAntonyms : to hastenDerivatives : loitering, loiteringlyLesson: 60 Word: 12

kindleKIN dul

to start a fire, to stir upThe boys were taught to kindle a fire.Synonyms : Antonyms : to douseDerivatives : kindled, kindling, kindlesLesson: 16 Word: 14

plagiarizePLAY juh rize

to steal and to use another's writings as one's ownEnglish teachers are always on the lookout for materials in themes that are plagiarized.Synonyms : Antonyms : to originateDerivatives : plagiarism, plagiarist, plagiaristic, plagiaryLesson: 9 Word: 18

galvanizeGAL vuh nize

to stimulate or to excite as if by an electric shockWe are hoping that these new discoveries will galvanize the public support of our research.Synonyms : Antonyms : to calm; to sootheDerivatives : galvanization, galvanized, galvanizer, galvanicLesson: 13 Word: 13


to stir up, to amply feedHe stoked the fire so it would give off more heat.Synonyms : Antonyms : to smotherDerivatives : stoked, stokingLesson: 57 Word: 20

intensifyin TEN suh fie

to strengthenWe will intensify our position by getting more documentation to support our views.Synonyms : Antonyms : to weakenDerivatives : intensification, intensifier, intensified, intensifying, intensifiesLesson: 35 Word: 10

excoriateik SKOR ee ate

to strongly denounce or to censurePrior to passing sentence on the convicted man, the judge excoriated him for stealing from the church.Synonyms : revile, berateAntonyms : to praiseDerivatives : excoriated, excoriating, excoriationLesson: 57 Word: 7

revilereh VILE

to subject to verbal abuseThe woman began to revile her husband in a fit of anger.Synonyms : upbraid, berate, rail at, vituperate, scoldAntonyms : to praise; to acclaimDerivatives : reviled, reviling, revilement, reviler, revilinglyLesson: 35 Word: 19

convokekun VOKE

to summon or to call togetherThe meeting of the board was convoked to discuss the chairman's resignation.Synonyms : convene, musterAntonyms : to revoke; to disassembleDerivatives : convocation, convoke, convokerLesson: 31 Word: 6

documentDOK yu munt

to support with references or citationsThe lawyer must document instances of bad conduct if a sound case is to be made against the criminal.Synonyms : Antonyms : to leave unsupportedDerivatives : documents, documenting, documentiveLesson: 55 Word: 6

capitulatekuh PICH uh late

to surrenderThe army was expected to capitulate after having lost that last battle with so many casualties.Synonyms : defer, relent, submit, succumb, yieldAntonyms : to resistDerivatives : capitulated, capitulating, capitulationLesson: 26 Word: 3

extraditeEK struh dite

to surrender a prisoner from one jurisdiction to anotherOfficials in Israel wanted our government to extradite the accused war criminal to their country.Synonyms : Antonyms : to grant asylum toDerivatives : extraditable, extraditionLesson: 62 Word: 7

abnegateAB nuh gayt

to surrender or to relinquish (a right, belief, or idea)He asked the committee to abnegate its right to rule on the issue.Synonyms : forgoAntonyms : to admit, to acceptDerivatives : abnegated, abnegating, abnegates, abnegation, abnegatorLesson: 42 Word: 1

relishREL ish

to take great pleasure or delight inI relish the thought of graduating from high school and getting out on my own.Synonyms : Antonyms : to detestDerivatives : relishable, relished, relishingLesson: 25 Word: 15

assimilateuh SIM uh late

to take in and incorporate as one's own, to absorbHe assimilated many new experiences on his trip to the Orient.Synonyms : Antonyms : to rejectDerivatives : assimilated, assimilating, assimilation, assimilationist, assimilative, assimilatory, assimilativeness, assimilatorLesson: 37 Word: 1

usurpyoo SURP

to take possession or authority over something without rightThe younger son tried to usurp the throne from the rightful heir.Synonyms : Antonyms : to acquiesceDerivatives : usurpation, usurpative, usurpatory, usurpatureLesson: 36 Word: 23

despoildeh SPOIL

to take possessions by force, to plunderResidents of occupied areas during a war are often despoiled.Synonyms : devastate, pillage, ravage, sack, wasteAntonyms : to replenishDerivatives : despoiler, despoilment, despoliationLesson: 65 Word: 7


to take the color out of, to bleach, to make whiteIt is popular to blanch new blue jeans before wearing them.Synonyms : Antonyms : to colorDerivatives : blancher, blanchedLesson: 30 Word: 3

supplantsuh PLANT

to take the place ofRepublicans have supplanted the Democrats as the dominant political party in several counties.Synonyms : displace, supersedeAntonyms : Derivatives : supplantation, supplanter, supplanted, supplantingLesson: 43 Word: 23


to talk idly or foolishly at great lengthWe want a speaker who will talk of important issues, not one who will prate about himself.Synonyms : Antonyms : to speak about serious mattersDerivatives : prater, prated, pratingLesson: 44 Word: 17

sullySUL ee

to tarnish, to dirty, or to soilTabloid newspapers have been known to sully a person's good name with little or no documentation.Synonyms : defileAntonyms : to purify; to make cleanDerivatives : sullied, sullying, sullies, sulliableLesson: 64 Word: 20

inculcatein KUL kate, IN kul

to teach persistently and earnestlyMany parents try to inculcate virtue in their young children.Synonyms : instill, infix, implant, ingrainAntonyms : Derivatives : inculcated, inculcating, inculcative, inculcation, inculcatory, inculcatorLesson: 64 Word: 9


to tear violently, to splitHe tried to rend the flag as a protest against the war.Synonyms : cleave, riveAntonyms : to unifyDerivatives : rent, rended, rending, rendsLesson: 39 Word: 23

flourishFLUR ish

to thrive, to grow wellThe company flourished after a new board of directors took control.Synonyms : Antonyms : to witherDerivatives : flourisher, flourishing, flourishingly, flourishyLesson: 5 Word: 13

obtrudeub TROOD

to thrust out, to thrust forwardIt is often rude to obtrude one's opinions upon another when no invitation for them has been given.Synonyms : intrudeAntonyms : to hold in; to recoilDerivatives : obtrusive, obtruder, obtrusion, obtrusively, obtrusivenessLesson: 29 Word: 18

constrictkun STRIKT

to tighten or to make narrowStrangling constricts the windpipe and keeps air from reaching the lungs.Synonyms : compress, condense, contract, deflateAntonyms : to distendDerivatives : constriction, constrictive, constrictor, constricted, constrictingLesson: 40 Word: 5

lionizeLIE uh nize

to treat one with importance or as a celebrity The newspapers often lionize a celebrity who visits the city.Synonyms : Antonyms : to spurnDerivatives : lionism, lionizationLesson: 35 Word: 12


to treat with contemptWhen the boy answered the question he flouted a response that was both rude and insulting.Synonyms : scoff, jeer, gibe, sneer, mock, insultAntonyms : Derivatives : flouted, flouting, flouts, flouter, floutinglyLesson: 19 Word: 9


to trick, to fool, to deceive, or to cheat; to bilkHe was duped into investing his life savings into a bankrupt company.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : duped, duping, duperyLesson: 17 Word: 9

wheedleHWEED ul

to try to convince by flattery, to coax, to cajoleShe is able to wheedle whatever she desires from the men she dates.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : wheedling, wheedled, wheedlesLesson: 45 Word: 25

emulateEM yuh late

to try to equal or to be like (usually through imitation)He has a lot of fine qualities that I try to emulate.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : emulation, emulative, emulator, emulativelyLesson: 22 Word: 8


to twist extensivelyAfter riding the motorcycle all day, her hair was so gnarled by the wind that it was difficult to comb.Synonyms : Antonyms : smooth and straightenDerivatives : gnarled, gnarlyLesson: 40 Word: 11

disentangledis en TANG gul

to unravel, extricateThe referee tried to disentangle the players to see who had the ball.Synonyms : Antonyms : to enmesh; to tie upDerivatives : disentanglement, disentanglerLesson: 40 Word: 6


to urge on in a negative senseHe was goaded by his friends to take drugs.Synonyms : Antonyms : to dissuadeDerivatives : goaded, goadingLesson: 54 Word: 7

impelim PEL

to urge or to drive forward (usually with moral pressure) I will impel him to study more often in order to pass this class.Synonyms : Antonyms : to restrainDerivatives : impelling, impellment, impeller, impelledLesson: 37 Word: 12

depletedeh PLETE

to use up gradually, to lessen in amount or valueOur oil reserves have been depleted because of years of drilling and pumping.Synonyms : Antonyms : to restoreDerivatives : depleted, depleting, depletion, depletive, depletableLesson: 8 Word: 7

malignmuh LINE

to utter injuriously misleading reports aboutSeveral old gossips in the neighborhood had maligned the woman.Synonyms : traduce, asperse, vilify, calumniate, defameAntonyms : to extolDerivatives : malignance, malignancy, malignant, malignantlyLesson: 42 Word: 15

desecrateDES uh krate

to violate the sanctity of something, to profane, to adulterateThe hoodlums desecrated the cemetery by painting on the tombstones.Synonyms : Antonyms : to consecrate; to laud; to praiseDerivatives : desecrater, desecrationLesson: 18 Word: 7


to voice disapproval, to scoldI was chided by my teacher for not completing my assignment.Synonyms : admonish, castigate, chasten, chastise, rebuke, reproveAntonyms : to applaudDerivatives : chided, chid, chidden, chiding, chider, chidinglyLesson: 29 Word: 6

squanderSKWON dur

to wasteHe squandered the family fortune on wine, women, and song.Synonyms : Antonyms : to conserveDerivatives : squanderer, squandered, squanderingLesson: 29 Word: 22

atrophyAT row fee

to waste away, to witherHis hunger strike caused his body to atrophy.Synonyms : Antonyms : to thrive; to growDerivatives : atrophied, atrophying, atrophicLesson: 6 Word: 4

dawdleDOD ul

to waste time, to spend time idly, to move in a lackadaisical mannerSince we have a deadline, do not dawdle over your work.Synonyms : dally, loiter, procrastinateAntonyms : to rushDerivatives : dawdled, dawdlingLesson: 2 Word: 8

debilitatedeh BIL uh tate

to weaken, to enfeebleI was debilitated by my bout with pneumonia.Synonyms : sapAntonyms : to invigorateDerivatives : debilitated, debilitating, debilitation, debilitative, debilityLesson: 4 Word: 8

recantreh KANT

to withdraw or to repudiate a statement or belief, revokeThe prosecutor's case was greatly weakened when his main witness recanted his testimony.Synonyms : abjure, forswear, renounce, retractAntonyms : to avow; to reaffirm beliefDerivatives : recantation, recanterLesson: 3 Word: 22

collaboratekuh LAB uh rate

to work togetherSometimes singers who have never worked together will collaborate to make a new album.Synonyms : Antonyms : to work aloneDerivatives : collaborated, collaborating, collaboration, collaborationism, collaborationist, collaborative, collaboratorLesson: 14 Word: 6

mutedMYOO tid

toned down or silencedThe conductor wanted the music to be muted at one spot in the performance.Synonyms : Antonyms : amplifiedDerivatives : mute, mutedly, mutely, mutenessLesson: 36 Word: 14

tempestuoustem PES choo us

turbulent, stormyThe mayoral candidates had a tempestuous debate in which they exchanged many personal accusations.Synonyms : Antonyms : calmDerivatives : tempestuously, tempestuousness, tempestLesson: 17 Word: 24

myopicmy OP ik

unable to discern, unable to think clearly or objectively; shortsightedShe is so myopic that she never sees all of her options.Synonyms : Antonyms : perceptiveDerivatives : myopicallyLesson: 28 Word: 14

inertin URT

unable to move or to act, sluggishIt takes a long time to get things done when we must depend on inert bureaucrats.Synonyms : idle, passive, supineAntonyms : activeDerivatives : inertia, inertial, inertion, inertness, inertlyLesson: 11 Word: 14

willfulWIL ful

unruly, self-willed in an obstinate mannerThe teacher did not like his willful behavior of violating class rules.Synonyms : intractable, recalcitrant, refractoryAntonyms : obedientDerivatives : wilful, willfully, wilfully, willfulness, wilfulnessLesson: 34 Word: 25

altruistical tru IS tik

unselfishly concerned for the welfare of others, generousNuns and nurses are usually very altruistic people since they seek ways to help people.Synonyms : Antonyms : belligerent; stingy; selfishDerivatives : altruism, altruist, altruisticallyLesson: 1 Word: 1

naivena EVE

unsophisticated; inexperiencedMany naive young women go to Hollywood believing that they will become movie stars.Synonyms : natural, artless, ingenuousAntonyms : sophisticated; experienced; wiseDerivatives : naively, naivete, naiveness, naivetyLesson: 14 Word: 16


unusual in character or appearanceWhen we go to New England, we like to stay in a quaint old inn that gives us the flavor of the area.Synonyms : eccentric, peculiar, queer, uniqueAntonyms : ordinaryDerivatives : quaintish, quaintly, quaintnessLesson: 48 Word: 17

atypicala TIP uh kul

unusual or abnormal; oddScreaming at the referee is atypical for that normally calm coach.Synonyms : Antonyms : usualDerivatives : atypic, atypicallyLesson: 32 Word: 3

noisomeNOI sum

unwholesome, having a bad smellAn outhouse can be a noisome building.Synonyms : fetid, fusty, malodorous, musty, putrid, rancid, rankAntonyms : wholesomeDerivatives : noisomeness, noisomelyLesson: 46 Word: 14

morbiditymor BID eh tee

unwholesomeness and gloominess, gruesomenessThe boy talked about dead people and gruesome things. He soon frightened me with his morbidity.Synonyms : Antonyms : wholesomenessDerivatives : morbid, morbidnessLesson: 33 Word: 13

restiveRES tiv

unwilling to yield or to adjustThe man was unable to persuade the restive crowd.Synonyms : contrary, perverse, balky, wayward, persistent, stubbornAntonyms : pliable; willing to changeDerivatives : restively, restivenessLesson: 35 Word: 18

obstinateOB stuh nit

unyielding regardless of reason or logicHe will not accept advice on many things because of his obstinate attitude.Synonyms : Antonyms : yieldingDerivatives : obstinacy, obstinancy, obstinance, obstinately, obstinateness, obstinationLesson: 23 Word: 19

disconcertingdis kun SUR ting

upsetting, frustratingThat he has not responded to the medicine is disconcerting.Synonyms : Antonyms : refreshing; calmingDerivatives : disconcert, disconcerted, disconcertedness, disconcerting, disconcertingly, disconcertingness, disconcertmentLesson: 32 Word: 10

exigentEK seh junt

urgent, requiring immediate attentionThe exigent situation required immediate attention.Synonyms : Antonyms : lacking urgencyDerivatives : exigency, exigencies, exigence, exigentlyLesson: 34 Word: 9

ravenousRAV uh nus

urgently eager for food; craving satisfaction or gratificationThe boy had a ravenous appetite and ate everything on the table.Synonyms : voracious, gluttonous, rapaciousAntonyms : sated; satisfied; fullDerivatives : ravenously, ravenousnessLesson: 54 Word: 18

instigationin stuh GAY shun

urging, provocation; initiationThis project would never have been attempted without his instigation.Synonyms : abetment, fomentation, incitementAntonyms : dissuasionDerivatives : instigate, instigatingly, instigative, instigatorLesson: 30 Word: 13

cosmetologykoz muh TOL uh jee

use of cosmetics in treating the hair, skin, or nailsI am studying cosmetology so that I can get a job in a beauty salon.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : cosmetologist, cosmetologiesLesson: 65 Word: 6

utilityyoo TIL eh tee

usefulnessA hammer has much utility to a carpenter.Synonyms : Antonyms : uselessnessDerivatives : utilize, utilizer, utilizationLesson: 18 Word: 25

sedulouslySEJ uh lus lee

very diligent, accomplishing with painstaking careIt is very heartwarming when I can get a student to sedulously complete an assignment.Synonyms : assiduous, industriousAntonyms : haphazardlyDerivatives : sedulous, sedulity, sedulousnessLesson: 51 Word: 20

aridAIR id

very dryThe desert is an arid place.Synonyms : Antonyms : moistDerivatives : aridity, aridness, aridlyLesson: 15 Word: 3

munificentmyoo NIF eh sent

very generousThe munificent gift to the school was appreciated by all of the students.Synonyms : Antonyms : parsimonious; stingyDerivatives : munificence, munificency, munificently, munificentnessLesson: 9 Word: 17

ponderousPON dur us

very heavy, unwieldy from weightThe ponderous furniture was hard to move, and thus became a burden.Synonyms : cumbersome, cumbrousAntonyms : lightweightDerivatives : ponderosity, ponderously, ponderousnessLesson: 13 Word: 20

gallingGAUL ing

very irritatingIt was a galling experience to have my boyfriend ask another girl to the prom.Synonyms : Antonyms : soothingDerivatives : gallingly, gallingness, gall, galls, galledLesson: 19 Word: 10

succulentSUK yuh lunt

very juicyAn orange is an example of a succulent fruit.Synonyms : Antonyms : dryDerivatives : succulency, succulenceLesson: 20 Word: 23


very pale and sicklyI knew that something very serious was wrong by his wan appearance.Synonyms : Antonyms : full of vitalityDerivatives : wanned, wanningLesson: 63 Word: 24

incisivein SIE siv

very perceptive, clear and to the pointHis incisive remarks swayed the crowd.Synonyms : Antonyms : obtuseDerivatives : incisively, incisivenessLesson: 30 Word: 12

percipientpur SIP ee unt

very perceptive, discerningThe play was reviewed by the city's foremost percipient critic.Synonyms : Antonyms : unperceptive; ignorantDerivatives : percipience, percipiencyLesson: 64 Word: 15

lusciousLUSH us

very pleasant to the tasteThe meal was absolutely luscious.Synonyms : Antonyms : unpleasant to the tasteDerivatives : lusciously, lusciousnessLesson: 19 Word: 14

rotundroe TUND

very plump, roundPicture Henry the VIII if you want to visualize a rotund individual.Synonyms : Antonyms : gauntDerivatives : rotundity, rotundly, rotundateLesson: 58 Word: 19

indigentIN deh junt

very poor, impoverishedIt is hard to believe that Joe is homeless and indigent when he used to be president of a savings and loan thrift.Synonyms : destitute, impecuniousAntonyms : affluent, wealthyDerivatives : indigence, indigentlyLesson: 42 Word: 10

scrupulousSKROO pyuh lus

very principled, very careful and conscientiousThe scrupulous police officer never took a bribe, and he ceaselessly tried to prevent crime.Synonyms : meticulous, punctiliousAntonyms : unprincipledDerivatives : scruple, scrupulosity, scrupulousness, scrupulouslyLesson: 8 Word: 21

iotaeye OH tuh

very small quantityThere is not one iota of evidence that I committed the crime.Synonyms : Antonyms : large quantityDerivatives : iotasLesson: 56 Word: 12

recalcitrantreh KAL seh trunt

very stubborn, refusing to obey, unrulyRecalcitrant students are usually tardy, do not complete class assignments, and disrupt class.Synonyms : headstrong, intractable, refractory, willfulAntonyms : compliantDerivatives : recalcitrance, recalcitrancy, recalcitrate, recalcitrationLesson: 22 Word: 18

loquaciouslow KWAY shus

very talkativeThe twins are quite different: one is taciturn and the other is loquacious.Synonyms : garrulous, volubleAntonyms : taciturnDerivatives : loquaciousness, loquaciously, loquacityLesson: 18 Word: 16

emaciatedeh MAY she ay tid

very thin (usually as a result of starvation), wasting awayAs a result of receiving little food, most prisoners of concentration camps become extremely emaciated.Synonyms : Antonyms : fat; corpulentDerivatives : emaciate, emaciationLesson: 8 Word: 9


very thin, emaciated, angularPrisoners in World War II concentration camps became gaunt from lack of nutrition.Synonyms : lank, lean, rawboned, spareAntonyms : rotund, corpulentDerivatives : gauntly, gauntness, gauntyLesson: 57 Word: 8

proteanPRO tee un

very versatile; capable of great changeThe protean actor was the backbone of the company as he was able to star in any production with ease.Synonyms : Antonyms : stale; unchanging; limited in scopeDerivatives : Lesson: 65 Word: 20

threadbareTHRED bare

very wornThe clown's coat was old and threadbare, with holes in the sleeves.Synonyms : shabby, dilapidated, haggardAntonyms : brand new; in excellent conditionDerivatives : Lesson: 62 Word: 23

antediluvianan tuh duh LEW vee un

very, very old (it literally means "before the Flood")The natives' antediluvian marriage rituals had not changed in thousands of years.Synonyms : Antonyms : ultramodernDerivatives : antediluvialLesson: 33 Word: 2

chagrinshuh GRIN

vexation through humiliation, hurt pride, or disappointmentThe chagrin the girl felt as a result of her abject poverty kept her from associating with her school peers.Synonyms : trouble, griefAntonyms : self-satisfactionDerivatives : chagrined, chagrining, chagrinsLesson: 28 Word: 4


vigorous or bitter conflict, discord, or antagonismThe disagreement caused much strife between the two people.Synonyms : difference, disagreement, contrariety, opposition; fightAntonyms : Derivatives : strifeful, strifelessLesson: 59 Word: 23

transgressiontrans GRESH un

violation of a law or command; sinBreaking the law is a transgression.Synonyms : contravention, disobedience, trespassAntonyms : obedience; upholding of the lawDerivatives : transgress, transgressive, transgressively, transgressorLesson: 45 Word: 22

treacheryTRECH uh ree

violation of faith; betrayal of trust; treasonThe man's ruthless act of treachery was expected.Synonyms : disloyaltyAntonyms : Derivatives : treacheries, treacherous, treacherously, treacherousnessLesson: 13 Word: 25

impetuousim PECH oo us

violent, hasty, rash, impulsiveHis impetuous behavior caused him to make many mistakes.Synonyms : Antonyms : reservedDerivatives : impetuosity, impetuously, impetuousness, impetusLesson: 6 Word: 14

graphicGRAF ik

vividI have trouble looking at graphic films of concentration camps.Synonyms : descriptiveAntonyms : simple; unadornedDerivatives : graphical, graphically, graphicnessLesson: 23 Word: 14

ribaldRIB uld

vulgarly humorous, profaneIt is uncharacteristic of a priest to tell a ribald joke.Synonyms : coarse, gross, obscene, vulgarAntonyms : high-mindedDerivatives : ribaldly, ribaldrous, ribaldryLesson: 54 Word: 19

belligerentbuh LIJ er unt

waging war; inclined to or exhibiting assertivenessA belligerent nation always seems to be at war.Synonyms : bellicose, pugnacious, combative, contentious, quarrelsomeAntonyms : peacefulDerivatives : belligerence, belligerency, belligerentlyLesson: 19 Word: 3

opulenceOP yuh luns

wealth, affluence, abundanceUntil the recent decline in the price of oil, the Hunt name was synonymous with opulence.Synonyms : Antonyms : meagerness, scarcityDerivatives : opulent, opulentlyLesson: 5 Word: 23

inanimatein AN uh mit

without lifeA rock is an inanimate object.Synonyms : Antonyms : aliveDerivatives : inanimately, inanimatenessLesson: 36 Word: 11

impecuniousim puh KYOO nee us

without moneySome formerly rich people have become impecunious because of the poor oil and real estate market.Synonyms : destitute, indigentAntonyms : richDerivatives : impecuniary, impecuniousity, impecuniously, impecuniousness, impecunityLesson: 12 Word: 11

insolventin SOL vunt

without money, brokeBefore Congress passed the legislation, many worried that the social security fund might become insolvent.Synonyms : Antonyms : solvent; wealthyDerivatives : insolvence, insolvencyLesson: 29 Word: 16

impromptuim PROMP too

without prior preparationPoliticians must be good at delivering impromptu speeches.Synonyms : Antonyms : preparedDerivatives : impromptus, impromptued, impromptuingLesson: 39 Word: 15

insentientin SEN she unt

without sensation, lacking animationThe insentient woman sat immobilized when she heard of the girl's death.Synonyms : Antonyms : capable of feelingDerivatives : insentienceLesson: 49 Word: 11

verbosever BOSE

wordy, very talkativeThat professor is so verbose that it takes him an hour to cover material that should take fifteen minutes.Synonyms : Antonyms : terseDerivatives : verbosely, verboseness, verbosityLesson: 4 Word: 23

solicitoussuh LIS eh tus

worried, concernedHe was very solicitous about the health of his ill grandmother.Synonyms : Antonyms : unconcernedDerivatives : solicitously, solicitousness, solicitudeLesson: 17 Word: 22

idolatryeye DOLL uh tree

worship of idols, excessive devotionThe idolatry of rock stars by some teenagers can be dangerous.Synonyms : Antonyms : irreverence; indifferenceDerivatives : idolatrous, idolatrize, idolatrously, idolatrousness, idolaterLesson: 44 Word: 11


wretchedly bad; highly offensive, unpleasant or objectionableThe politician fell victim to vile slander from his opponent.Synonyms : repellent, mean, vicious, evil, iniquitousAntonyms : good, elevatedDerivatives : viler, vilest, vilely, vilenessLesson: 51 Word: 24

submissivesub MIS iv

yielding or surrendering oneself to the will of anotherI am very submissive to the demands and requests of my parents because I feel that they know best.Synonyms : Antonyms : rebelliousDerivatives : submission, submiss, submissionist, submissively, submissivenessLesson: 62 Word: 22

attenuateuh TEN you ate

to make thin or to lessen the force or magnitudeThe poor acoustics in the auditorium attenuated the force of his performance.Synonyms : lessen, weaken, rarefyAntonyms : to enlarge, to dilateDerivatives : attenuated, attenuant, attenuating,attenuation, attenuator, attenuatedLesson: 54 Word: 1

furrowFUR ow

to make wrinkles or groovesThe man's furrowed brow showed his deep concern.Synonyms : Antonyms : to make plainDerivatives : furrowed, furrowingLesson: 60 Word: 7

vilifyVIL eh fie

to malign, to defame, to utter abusive statements againstIt is not right to vilify someone just because he disagrees with you.Synonyms : asperse, calumniate, denigrate, traduceAntonyms : to praise; to acclaimDerivatives : vilification, vilifier, vilifying, vilifyinglyLesson: 3 Word: 25

husbandHUZ bund

to manage prudently and in a conservative mannerA farmer must husband his animals if they are to remain healthy.Synonyms : Antonyms : to ignore; to slightDerivatives : husbandry, husbandman, husbandly, husbander, husbandlandLesson: 36 Word: 9

coalesceko uh LESS

to merge, to fuse, to join, or to uniteIf the party can coalesce diverse groups into a united force, it might win the election.Synonyms : amalgamate, commingleAntonyms : to break up; to disperseDerivatives : coalesced, coalescing, coalescentLesson: 14 Word: 5


to mix or to join (usually by melting)Zinc and copper can be fused into hard, bright brass.Synonyms : amalgamate, blend, coalesce, commingle, merge, mingleAntonyms : to divideDerivatives : fused, fusing, fuses, fusibility, fusibleLesson: 3 Word: 13

lamentluh MENT

to mourn or to express sorrow in a demonstrative mannerShe lamented the death of her father in a very lachrymose manner.Synonyms : bemoan, bewail, deploreAntonyms : to rejoiceDerivatives : lamented, lamenting, lamentation, lamentableLesson: 1 Word: 14

retrogressREH truh gres

to move backward, to degenerateSome ministers believe that society's morals have retrogressed.Synonyms : recede, retract, retreatAntonyms : moving forwardDerivatives : retrogressed, retrogressing, retrogression, retrogressive, retrogressivelyLesson: 34 Word: 19


to move in a sneaky, furtive, or stealthy mannerThe burglar skulked about on the balcony.Synonyms : lurk, slink, sneakAntonyms : to be open; to lack secrecyDerivatives : skulker, skulked, skulking, skulksLesson: 38 Word: 21


to move suddenlyWe were surprised when the horse suddenly bolted.Synonyms : Antonyms : to move sluggishlyDerivatives : bolter, boltlike, boltedLesson: 48 Word: 4

convergekun VERJ

to move togetherThe cars converged at the intersection at the same time and crashed.Synonyms : Antonyms : to move apartDerivatives : converged, converging, convergence, convergency, convergentLesson: 29 Word: 7

gravitateGRAV eh tate

to move toward somethingPeople tend to gravitate toward others with similar interests.Synonyms : Antonyms : to move away from somethingDerivatives : grivitated, gravitating, gravitation, gravitater, gravitational, gravitationally, gravityLesson: 42 Word: 5

ascenduh SEND

to move upward, to rise from a lower stationThe climbers ascended the mountain.Synonyms : Antonyms : to descend; to go downDerivatives : ascendancy, ascendance, ascendant, ascension, ascending, ascendedLesson: 2 Word: 2


to open up for the first timeThe man was reluctant to broach the subject of money for fear of beginning an argument.Synonyms : Antonyms : to closeDerivatives : broacher, broaches, broached, broachingLesson: 50 Word: 2

toppleTOP ul

to overturnThe rebels were able to topple the government.Synonyms : Antonyms : to stabilizeDerivatives : toppled, toppplingLesson: 35 Word: 23

appeaseuh PEES

to pacify, to be conciliatory in a manner that sacrifices principlesThe woman tried to appease her husband when he became so angry.Synonyms : conciliate, mollify, placate, propitiateAntonyms : to incenseDerivatives : appeased, appeasing, appeasement, appeasable, appeaserLesson: 44 Word: 2

coddleKODD ul

to pamper, to treat with extreme careMothers generally coddle their children when they are sick.Synonyms : Antonyms : to abuseDerivatives : coddled, coddlingLesson: 47 Word: 7

cajolekuh JOLE

to persuade with deliberate flattery, to coax, to wheedleI will not be cajoled into allowing you to stay up past your bedtime.Synonyms : Antonyms : to browbeatDerivatives : cajoled, cajoling, cajolery, cajoleries, cajolement, cajolerLesson: 5 Word: 6

impaleim PALE

to pierce, to fix on a pointed instrument Shish kebab can be prepared by impaling meat and vegetables on a skewer.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : impaled, impalementLesson: 38 Word: 12

juxtaposeJUK stuh poze

to place close together or side by sideThe huts in the village were never closely juxtaposed as one would imagine.Synonyms : Antonyms : to set far apartDerivatives : juxtaposed, juxtaposition, juxtapositionalLesson: 60 Word: 11

gambolGAM bul

to playfully skip or leapThe young child laughed with glee as he began to gambol around the room.Synonyms : Antonyms : to trudgeDerivatives : gamboled, gambolingLesson: 38 Word: 9


to ponderI have often mused about life on a tropical island.Synonyms : meditate, ruminateAntonyms : Derivatives : mused, museful, musefully, museless, musingLesson: 39 Word: 20


to praise, to extolHer performance was lauded by all of the critics.Synonyms : revereAntonyms : to defameDerivatives : laudability, laudable, laudablenessLesson: 1 Word: 15

extolik STOLE

to praise, to glorifyThe teacher would always extol students who tried to do their best.Synonyms : Antonyms : to defameDerivatives : extolled, extolling, extollingly, extollment, extollerLesson: 2 Word: 12

profferPROF ur

to present for acceptanceWe found the terms of the loan proffered by the banker to be very satisfactory.Synonyms : offer, tenderAntonyms : Derivatives : proffererLesson: 56 Word: 17

malingermuh LING gur

to pretend or to feign illness to avoid work or dutySoldiers sometimes malinger in order to avoid going into battle.Synonyms : Antonyms : to perform dutifullyDerivatives : malingerer, malingered, malingeringLesson: 45 Word: 14

protractpro TRAKT

to prolongThe union hopes to protract the strike in order to force management to settle.Synonyms : Antonyms : to shortenDerivatives : protractedly, protractedness, pretractible, protraction, protractiveLesson: 13 Word: 21

perpetuatepur PECH oo ate

to prolong the existence of somethingThe Audubon Society works to perpetuate the species of many threatened birds.Synonyms : Antonyms : to destroyDerivatives : perpetuation, perpetuator, perpetuity, perpetual, perpetuallyLesson: 61 Word: 17

enunciateeh NUN see ate

to pronounce clearlyPlease enunciate your response so that everyone can understand you.Synonyms : Antonyms : to slurDerivatives : enunciable, enunciation, enunciative, enunciatorLesson: 24 Word: 9

remonstratereh MON strate

to protest, to make objectionsI must remonstrate about the treatment of the residents of the rest home.Synonyms : Antonyms : to agree; to acquiesceDerivatives : remonstrance, remonstrancer, remonstrant, remonstrantly, remonstratingly, remonstration,remonstrativeLesson: 26 Word: 20

verifyVER eh fie

to prove the truth of; to confirm; to substantiateYou should verify your results before you present them.Synonyms : authenticate, validateAntonyms : Derivatives : verified, verifying, verifiability, verifiableness, verifiableLesson: 45 Word: 24

reconcileREK un sile

to reestablish friendship, to resolve a disputeThe family will never be the same until Mom and Grandma reconcile their differences.Synonyms : Antonyms : to alienateDerivatives : reconcilability, reconcilable, reconcilableness, reconcilably, reconcileness, reconcilement, reconciliateLesson: 18 Word: 21

sublimateSUB luh mate

to refine or to transform a primitive impulse into one socially acceptableWe are going to try to sublimate his natural rebelliousness into concern for righting the wrongs of mankind.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : sublimation, sublimatorLesson: 61 Word: 24

abhorab HOR

to regard with extreme repugnance; to detest utterly; to loatheIf there is one particular food I abhor, it is hominy.Synonyms : despise, abominateAntonyms : to admireDerivatives : abhorred, abhorring, abhorrer, abhorrence, abhorrent, abhorrentlyLesson: 7 Word: 1

deploredeh PLORE

to regret deeply or strongly; to feel or to express deep grief forThe students deplored the death of their teacher.Synonyms : bemoan, bewail, lament, mournAntonyms : to celebrateDerivatives : deplored, deploring, deploration, deplorer, deploringlyLesson: 13 Word: 7


to reject or to refuse with hostilityThe woman had always viewed the man with disdain and would spurn his attempts at friendship forever.Synonyms : Antonyms : to embraceDerivatives : spurner, spurned, spurningLesson: 15 Word: 21

repudiatereh PYOO dee ate

to reject, to disown, to disavowHe announced that he would repudiate all debts that had been created by his wife.Synonyms : Antonyms : to adoptDerivatives : repudiation, repudiationist, repudiatorLesson: 1 Word: 19

obliterateuh BLIT eh rate

to remove all traces of; to do away with; to destroy completely; to cancelThe men began to obliterate the old building.Synonyms : expunge, effaceAntonyms : Derivatives : obliterated, obliterating, obliterable, obliteration, obliterativeLesson: 11 Word: 16

exciseik SIZE

to remove by cuttingHopefully, the doctor can excise the cancer from his liver.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : excision, excisionalLesson: 29 Word: 11

expurgateEK spur gate

to remove obscene or objectionable material usually before publicationThe censors felt that certain words needed to be expurgated from the book.Synonyms : Antonyms : to includeDerivatives : expurgation, expurgator, expurgatorial, expurgatoryLesson: 20 Word: 10

defusedee FYOOZ

to remove or to lessen danger or hostilityThe crisis was defused when the army pulled back.Synonyms : Antonyms : to intensify, to escalateDerivatives : defused, defusingLesson: 38 Word: 6

expungeik SPUNJ

to remove, to eraseTheir names were expunged from the social register after they were convicted of selling cocaine.Synonyms : Antonyms : to add toDerivatives : expunged, expunging, expunctionLesson: 7 Word: 11

forswearfore SWARE

to renounce and to repudiateI had such a hangover this morning that I am going to forswear drinking.Synonyms : abjure, renounce, recant, retractAntonyms : to embrace eagerlyDerivatives : forswore, foreswear, foresworn, foreswearingLesson: 58 Word: 11

abdicateAB duh kayt

to renounce or to give up a powerIn order to marry the commoner, the king had to abdicate his throne.Synonyms : Antonyms : to usurpDerivatives : abdicable, abdicative, abdicator, abdicated, abdicatingLesson: 24 Word: 2

reiterateree IT uh rate

to repeatI hope that I am not becoming redundant by again reiterating the key facts.Synonyms : Antonyms : to fail to repeatDerivatives : reiteration, reiteratedly, reiterative, reiterativelyLesson: 7 Word: 20

replicateREP luh kate

to repeat, to copy, or to duplicateI always try to replicate the moves of my tennis pro when I am taking a lesson.Synonyms : Antonyms : to make an originalDerivatives : replication, replica, repliantLesson: 40 Word: 23

repulsereh PULSE

to repel or to rebuff (usually with rudeness)His offensive language repulsed the girl; it did not impress her.Synonyms : Antonyms : to impressDerivatives : repulsive, repulsion, repulsively, repulsivenessLesson: 44 Word: 19

supersedesoo pur SEDE

to replace, to cause to be displaced or set asideThis new law will supersede all previous laws.Synonyms : displace, supplantAntonyms : Derivatives : supersedure, supersedenceLesson: 37 Word: 22


to restrain one's speech or to euphemize in order to show politenessHe does not like to mince words and thus will tell you bluntly what he thinks.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : minced, mincing, mincerLesson: 60 Word: 13

grottoGROT oh

caveThe bandits hid in a grotto and were not discovered.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : grottoedLesson: 58 Word: 12

phobiaFOE bee uh

fear of something or a situationI have a phobia of close spaces.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : phobias, phobiac, phobicLesson: 50 Word: 15


involving; full of; accompanied byThis mission is an undertaking fraught with danger.Synonyms : Antonyms : lackingDerivatives : Lesson: 63 Word: 8

noviceNOV is

a beginnerA novice in swimming should stay in the shallow end of the pool until he is more skilled.Synonyms : apprentice, probationer, neophyte, tyroAntonyms : a veteran; a professionalDerivatives : novicehood, novicelike, novitiateLesson: 27 Word: 15

retinueRET uh noo

a body of retainers who follow a prince or other distinguished personIt was the largest retinue ever to accompany the president on a trip.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : retinuedLesson: 36 Word: 19


a book that is a large volumeI have purchased the history of England in ten tomes.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : tomesLesson: 63 Word: 22

syllabusSIL uh bus

a brief outline of the main points of a text or course of studyThe syllabus that the professor gave to us stated that the final exam counts for 60% of our grade.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : syllabi, syllabusesLesson: 24 Word: 22

contusionkun TOO shun

a bruise, an injury that does not break the skinI suffered a severe contusion on my leg while playing soccer.Synonyms : Antonyms : lacerationDerivatives : contuse, contused, contusing, contusiveLesson: 62 Word: 4

equanimityee kwuh NIM uh tee

a calm temper, an even dispositionThe rude behavior of the students did not disturb his equanimity.Synonyms : Antonyms : lack of composureDerivatives : equanimous, equanimouslyLesson: 34 Word: 7

transmutationtrans myoo TAY shun

a change into something differentThe alchemist was interested in the transmutation of iron into gold.Synonyms : metamorphosisAntonyms : Derivatives : transmute, transmutability, transmutationist, transmutativeLesson: 46 Word: 23

idiosyncrasyid ee uh SING kruh see

a characteristic habit or mannerism that is peculiar to an individualScratching his hand whenever he was nervous was an idiosyncrasy of the man.Synonyms : peculiarity, quirkAntonyms : Derivatives : idiosyncratic, idiosyncraticallyLesson: 45 Word: 10

amuletAM yew let

a charm or ornament worn to protect against evilThe princess wore the amulet to protect herself.Synonyms : Antonyms : hexDerivatives : amuletsLesson: 41 Word: 1

witticismWIT eh siz um

a clever and witty remarkThe speaker's witticism will be remembered long after he is gone.Synonyms : punAntonyms : platitudeDerivatives : wittyLesson: 51 Word: 25

phalanxFAY langks

a close arrangement of people or thingsWhen the rain began to pour down, the stadium became a phalanx of umbrellas.Synonyms : Antonyms : scatteringDerivatives : phalanxes, phalangesLesson: 59 Word: 17

buffoonbuh FOON

a clown, a silly or stupid personOnly a buffoon would stand on the table during the Christmas dinner.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : buffoonery, buffoonishLesson: 21 Word: 4

blunderbussBLUN der bus

a clumsy and careless person; an obsolete firearm with a bell muzzleThe girl made so many embarrassing remarks that she felt like a blunderbuss.Synonyms : Antonyms : a poised and sophisticated personDerivatives : blunder, blunderer, blundering, blunderbussesLesson: 47 Word: 5

menageriemuh NAJ uh ree

a collection of live wild animals on exhibition, a varied mixture Her collection of glass figurines was a beautiful menagerie.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : menagerist, menageriesLesson: 57 Word: 12

amalgamuh MAL gum

a combination of different elementsHis personality is a strange amalgam of different traits.Synonyms : Antonyms : individual unitsDerivatives : amalgamate, amalgamable, amalgamative, amalgamator, amalgamationLesson: 55 Word: 2

adventAD vent

a coming or arrivalThe children anxiously awaited the advent of summer.Synonyms : Antonyms : departure, demiseDerivatives : advential, adventism, adventistLesson: 29 Word: 2

confluenceKON floo uns

a coming togetherWhat is the name of the town that sits at the confluence of the Missouri and Mississippi rivers?Synonyms : Antonyms : divergenceDerivatives : confluentLesson: 32 Word: 7


a company or group--usually theatrical performersA Shakespeare troupe is coming to town to perform Macbeth.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : trouperLesson: 24 Word: 23

metamorphosismet uh MORE fuh

a complete change of form or structure; a complete change in appearanceThe metamorphosis of tadpoles into frogs is an amazing process.Synonyms : mutation, transmutationAntonyms : stasisDerivatives : metamorphous, metamorphicLesson: 65 Word: 15

conglomeratekun GLOM ur it

a mixture of many thingsWhen the three companies merged, a giant conglomerate was formed.Synonyms : Antonyms : separated elementsDerivatives : conglomerated, conglomerating, conglomeratic, conglomeritic, conglomerationLesson: 37 Word: 5

paragonPAIR uh gon

a model of excellence or perfectionThe minister was a paragon of virtue in all his affairs.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : paragonizeLesson: 37 Word: 16

potentatePOTE un tate

a monarch, very powerful ruler, sovereignThere are many countries in the Middle East that are ruled by a potentate.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : potentatesLesson: 54 Word: 16


a mysterious person or thing given to enigmatic questions or answersThe man spoke in such riddles that he sounded like a sphinx.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : sphingine, sphinxian, sphinx-likeLesson: 47 Word: 20

fissureFISH ur

a narrow opening produced by cleavage or separation of parts; cleftThe men built a bridge across the fissure in the mountain.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : fissured, fissuring, fissural, fissurelessLesson: 65 Word: 10

PhilistineFILL eh steen

a narrow-minded person who opposes or is indifferent to cultural valuesThere are so many Philistines in this town that a bond issue for an art museum would never pass.Synonyms : Antonyms : an open-minded personDerivatives : Philistinic, PhilistinismLesson: 39 Word: 21

neologismnee OL uh jiz um

a newly coined word or phrase; new use of a word (often disapproved of)The student received a low grade because of the neologism in his paper.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : neology, neological, neologian, neologist, neologistic, neologizeLesson: 17 Word: 17

muralMYOOR ul

a painting on a wall or ceilingThe artist was commissioned to paint a mural on the wall.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : muralist, muralsLesson: 41 Word: 11

alcoveAL kove

a partially enclosed extension of a room or part of a roomAn alcove is to a room as an inlet is to a lake.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : alcovesLesson: 30 Word: 2


a particle or speck of dustA single mote with radioactive properties can have a cancerous effect on humans.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : Lesson: 44 Word: 13

vicissitudeveh SIS eh tood

a passing from one thing to another, change of luckOne can never get used to life's vicissitudes.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : vicissitudinousLesson: 49 Word: 24

jubileeJOO buh lee

a period of rejoicingThe year of jubilee was a time of happiness and celebrating.Synonyms : Antonyms : season of mourningDerivatives : jubilance, jubilant, jubilantly, jubilarian, jubilate, jubilation, jubilizeLesson: 64 Word: 10

sybariteSIB uh rite

a person devoted to luxuryHe is a sybarite and a hedonist and is quite different from his brother, the monk.Synonyms : Antonyms : asceticDerivatives : sybaritic, sybaritical, sybaritically, sybaritish, sybaritismLesson: 34 Word: 22

magnateMAG nate

a person of power and influenceHe was a film magnate who had great power to create a star.Synonyms : Antonyms : pauperDerivatives : magnateshipLesson: 41 Word: 10

demagogueDEM uh gog

a person or leader who appeals to passions or prejudicesHitler is an example of a demagogue who claimed power by appealing to people's emotions and prejudices.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : demagogic, demagogical, demagogically, demagogism, demagoguism, demagoguery, demagogyLesson: 23 Word: 7

infidelIN feh dul

a person who has no religious faith; unbelieverThe lack of religious values in society today point to the great numbers of infidels.Synonyms : atheistAntonyms : believerDerivatives : infidelityLesson: 45 Word: 13

connoisseurkon uh SUR

a person who is able to be a judge in matters of art or tasteMy sister knows so much about wine that she might be considered a connoisseur.Synonyms : critic, aestheteAntonyms : Derivatives : connoisseurs, connoisseurshipLesson: 39 Word: 4

soothsayerSOOTH say ur

a person who is able to predict the future, seerAfter John Kennedy was shot, many self-proclaimed soothsayers claimed to have predicted the assassination.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : soothsay, soothsayingLesson: 27 Word: 21

malcontentMAL kun tent

a person who is constantly dissatisfied and discontentedThe principal blamed the disturbance on malcontents who were never happy with anything.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : malcontented, malcontentedly, malcontentednessLesson: 23 Word: 17

fugitiveFYOO jeh tiv

a person who is elusive or hard to find, wandering The criminal became a fugitive who spent his life running from the law.Synonyms : ephemeral, evanescent, fleeting, transient, transitoryAntonyms : firmly establishedDerivatives : fugitate, fugitation, fugitives, fugitively, fugitiveness, fugitivityLesson: 65 Word: 12

discretiondeh SKRESH un

ability to act on one's own power of individual decisionThe judge has wide discretion in the bail that he sets.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : discretional, discretionally, discretionaryLesson: 45 Word: 6

resilientreh ZIL yunt

ability to return to a former stateThere is a need for more resilient bumpers on cars that can withstand minor accidents.Synonyms : suppleAntonyms : staticDerivatives : resiliency, resilientlyLesson: 21 Word: 21

volubleVOL yuh bul

ability to use words easily, fluent and glibA disc jockey needs to be a voluble speaker.Synonyms : garrulous, loquaciousAntonyms : taciturnDerivatives : volubility, volubleness, volublyLesson: 7 Word: 25

solventSOL vunt

able to pay debtsI have become solvent now that I have received a raise in salary.Synonyms : Antonyms : broke; in debtDerivatives : solvency, solventlyLesson: 46 Word: 21

ambulatoryAM bew luh tor ee

able to walk or move aroundI will be glad when I get out of this wheelchair and am ambulatory again.Synonyms : Antonyms : bedriddenDerivatives : ambulant, ambulate, ambulated, ambulating, ambulationLesson: 23 Word: 1

affluentuh FLU unt

abounding in wealth; prosperous; flowing freelyBecause the man was so affluent, he was able to donate large sums of money to the organization.Synonyms : rich, teemingAntonyms : impoverishedDerivatives : affluence, affluentlyLesson: 20 Word: 1

enmityEN muh tee

absolute hatredI have a lot of enmity for people who provide illegal drugs to children.Synonyms : animosity, animus, antagonism, antipathy, hostility, rancorAntonyms : love; admirationDerivatives : enmitiesLesson: 6 Word: 9

disjunctiondis JUNGK shun

act of disjoiningThe train wreck was caused by a disjunction of the tracks.Synonyms : Antonyms : unionDerivatives : disjunctional, disjunctive, disjunctivityLesson: 50 Word: 5

defamationdef uh MAY shun

act of harming or ruining another's reputationThe defamation of another's character is a horrible thing.Synonyms : Antonyms : adulationDerivatives : defamatory, defame, defamed, defamer, defaminglyLesson: 2 Word: 9

pedantryPED un tree

act of showing off learning in a manner that is needless and unimaginativeThe teacher's lectures are a demonstration of pedantry without scholarship.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : pedantic, pedantical, pedantically, pedanticism, pedantLesson: 12 Word: 15

abandon (noun)uh BAN dun

act of unrestrained behavior disregarding consequencesSome say Teddy Roosevelt charged up San Juan Hill with reckless abandon.Synonyms : license, laxityAntonyms : caution, self-restraintDerivatives : abandonable, abandoner, abandonment, abandoned, abandonedlyLesson: 35 Word: 1

resourcefulreh SORS ful

acting effectively (usually in difficult situations)It will take a resourceful person to get out of this mess.Synonyms : Antonyms : unable to cope or adaptDerivatives : resourcefully, resourcefulnessLesson: 46 Word: 19

stealthySTEL the

acting in a secret and sneaky way--this is a negative termThe secret organization moves by stealth to gather information on its enemies.Synonyms : clandestine, covert, furtive, surreptitious, underhandedAntonyms : open; indiscreetDerivatives : stealthful, stealthfully, stealthily, stealthiness, stealthLesson: 16 Word: 23

perfunctorypur FUNGK tuh ree

acting routinely with little interest or careDue to his perfunctory manner of inspecting the factory, he did not notice some serious problems.Synonyms : Antonyms : concerned; diligentDerivatives : perfunctorily, perfunctoriness, perfunctorious, perfunctoriouslyLesson: 5 Word: 25

commodiouskuh MO dee us

affording ample space and room; adapted to or suitable for useThe room was of a commodious, well-proportioned size.Synonyms : capacious, ample, serviceableAntonyms : cramped and crowdedDerivatives : commodiously, commodiousness, commodityLesson: 37 Word: 4

palatablePAL uh tuh bul

agreeable to the taste, acceptableI have never found it very palatable that girls in school can wear miniskirts but not shorts.Synonyms : Antonyms : distastefulDerivatives : palatableness, palatability, palatablyLesson: 38 Word: 17

amenityuh MEN uh tee

agreeable ways or manners; the quality of being agreeable or pleasantThe woman was adored for her social amenities.Synonyms : courtesies, civilitiesAntonyms : unpleasant featureDerivatives : amenitiesLesson: 32 Word: 1

concertKON surt

agreement in purpose or feeling, consensusMy wife and children were in concert together to destroy me.Synonyms : Antonyms : discordDerivatives : concerted, concertedlyLesson: 32 Word: 6

accorduh KORD

agreement, state of harmonyWe are in accord concerning the method of handling this problem.Synonyms : Antonyms : disharmony; disagreementDerivatives : accordable, accorder, accordance, accordantLesson: 18 Word: 1

concordKON kord

agreement; concurrence in attitudes, consensusThere was complete concord among the delegates.Synonyms : Antonyms : lack of harmonyDerivatives : concordal, concordance, concordant, concordatoryLesson: 36 Word: 4

ancillaryAN suh ler ee

aiding or accessory, subordinate to the main thing, supplementaryWhile the main assault will be here, ancillary attacks will occur all along the coast.Synonyms : Antonyms : primaryDerivatives : ancillariesLesson: 64 Word: 1

hermetichur MET ik

airtightIt is important to preserve fruits and vegetables in a container with a hermetic seal in order to prevent spoilage.Synonyms : Antonyms : permeableDerivatives : hermetical, hermetically, hermetism, hermetistLesson: 63 Word: 9

analogousuh NAHL uh gus

alike or similar in certain respects that permits one to draw an analogyThe wings of a bird and those of an airplane are analogous.Synonyms : likeAntonyms : unrelatedDerivatives : analogously, analogize, analogyLesson: 63 Word: 1

equivocaleh KWIV uh kul

ambiguous (usually intended to mislead)His speech was difficult to understand because of all his equivocal statements.Synonyms : abstruse, ambiguous, cryptic, enigmatic, obscure, reconditeAntonyms : clear; straightforwardDerivatives : equivocacy, equivocality, equivocally, equivocalness, equivocate, equivocation, equivocator, equivocityLesson: 13 Word: 11

précisPRAY see, pray SEE

an abstract or summaryWe merely read a précis of the story instead of the complete work.Synonyms : digest, condensationAntonyms : complete workDerivatives : Lesson: 47 Word: 15

compilationkom puh LAY shun

an accumulation of many thingsThe book was an interesting compilation of many sources.Synonyms : accretionAntonyms : Derivatives : compilator, compilatory, compile, compiled, compilement, compilerLesson: 28 Word: 6

dilettantedil eh TANT tee

an aimless and superficial follower of the arts, a dabblerThe dilettante could be seen at all the art exhibits though he was far from being an accomplished artist himself.Synonyms : amateur, tyroAntonyms : virtuoso; professionalDerivatives : dilettantish, dilettantism, dilettantistLesson: 25 Word: 7

surplusSUR plus

an amount that is more than what is neededThe government purchases surplus wheat so that it is not thrown away.Synonyms : Antonyms : shortageDerivatives : surplusageLesson: 35 Word: 22

rejoinderreh JOIN dur

an answer to a replyHer remarks drew a sharp rejoinder from the man.Synonyms : replyAntonyms : a questionDerivatives : rejoin, rejoindersLesson: 35 Word: 17

centrifugeSEN truh fyooj

an apparatus used for separating materials by the use of centrifugal forceWhen milk is put into a centrifuge, the cream is separated and can be removed.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : centrifugal, centrifugallyLesson: 62 Word: 3

cavalierkav uh LEER

an armed horseman, a knight; treating important matters lightlyHis arrogant and cavalier attitude has offended many people.Synonyms : disdainfulAntonyms : reserved; humble; meekDerivatives : cavalierlyLesson: 28 Word: 3

collagekuh LAHZ

an assembly of diverse things to make an artistic compositionMy girlfriend gave me a collage representing the time that we have dated.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : collagesLesson: 35 Word: 3

covenKUV un

an assembly of witchesThe ritual was being performed by a coven of witches.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : covensLesson: 46 Word: 4

convocationkon vo KAY shun

an assembly where there is a coming togetherWe always start the college fall semester with a general convocation.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : convocational, convoke, convokerLesson: 64 Word: 3

anthologyan THAH luh gee

an assortment or collection of selected pieces of literature or artThe anthology we are using as a text contains many poems of various authors.Synonyms : Antonyms : novelDerivatives : anthological, anthologist, anthologize, anthologiesLesson: 34 Word: 2

obeisanceoh BAY suns

an attitude of respect; a gesture made in token of respectThe obeisance of the crowd characterized their respect for the speaker.Synonyms : reverence, deference, homage, honorAntonyms : disrespect; irreverenceDerivatives : obeisant, obeisantlyLesson: 60 Word: 15

dictumDIK tum

an authoritative statement, decreeThe dictum from the Pope allows this activity.Synonyms : saying, maximAntonyms : Derivatives : dictaLesson: 29 Word: 8

neuroticnoo ROT ik

an emotionally unstable person; emotionally unstableMy mother is so neurotic that she is difficult to be around.Synonyms : Antonyms : mentally healthy; sound mindDerivatives : neurotically, neuroticism, neurotigenicLesson: 18 Word: 17

anachronismuh NAK ruh neh sum

an error in chronology; a chronological misplacing of persons or eventsThe movie, though entertaining, was not historically accurate and was full of glaring anachronisms.Synonyms : Antonyms : something chronologically correctDerivatives : anachronic, anachronical, anachronically, anachrously, anachronisms, anachronistic, anachronisticalLesson: 61 Word: 2

rudimentROO duh munt

an essential element or skill, also the early stages of developmentBecause he was not good at the rudiments of English, he had difficulty with his research paper.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : rudimental, rudimentarily, rudimentariness, rudimentary, rudimentationLesson: 60 Word: 21

cataclysmKAT uh kliz um

an event or situation that causes a momentous change or upheavalThe San Francisco earthquake was a cataclysmic event.Synonyms : calamity, catastropheAntonyms : Derivatives : cataclysmic, cataclysmalLesson: 27 Word: 5

expatriateeks PAY tree ate

an exileI am now living in the United States, but I am an expatriate of Russia.Synonyms : Antonyms : citizenDerivatives : expatriation, expatriated, expatriatingLesson: 18 Word: 10

jingoistJING go ist

an extreme patriot, usually calls for a belligerent foreign policyThe jingoist was in the streets, loudly urging the public toward aggression against the foreign power.Synonyms : chauvinist, nationalistAntonyms : traitorDerivatives : jingoism, jingoish, jingoistic, jingoisticallyLesson: 22 Word: 13

fledglingFLEJ ling

an immature or inexperienced person, a young bird that is ready to fly w wThe rookie policeman is just a fledgling compared to the captain.Synonyms : Antonyms : veteranDerivatives : fledglings, fledgy, fledgedLesson: 23 Word: 12

proliferationpro lif uh RAY shun

an increase in number, multiplicationMany are afraid of nuclear proliferation and the possibility that a terrorist country will explode a bomb.Synonyms : Antonyms : decline; decreaseDerivatives : proliferate, proliferative, proliferous, proliferously, prolificLesson: 8 Word: 20

aggrandizementuh GRAN diz munt

an increase, enlargement, or enhancementThe discovery led to the aggrandizement of the scientist's reputation.Synonyms : Antonyms : diminutionDerivatives : aggrandize, aggrandizer, aggrandized, aggrandizingLesson: 53 Word: 1

maverickMAV er ik

an independent individual who does not go along with the groupEccentric billionaire Howard Hughes was a maverick in the fields of movie-making and airplane construction.Synonyms : Antonyms : conformistDerivatives : Lesson: 42 Word: 16

conjecturekun JEK chur

an inference or conclusion drawn or deduced by surmise or guessworkThe theory that the scientist offered was only a matter of conjecture.Synonyms : supposition, surmise, guessAntonyms : verified statementDerivatives : conject, conjector, conjectural, conjecturally, conjectured, conjecturing, conjecturerLesson: 57 Word: 4

queryKWEER ee

an inquiryIt is common for an author to send a query to a magazine editor to see if he will accept a manuscript.Synonyms : question, askAntonyms : Derivatives : queries, queried, queryingly, queryistLesson: 47 Word: 17

epitaphEP uh taf

an inscription in memory of a dead person (usually on a tombstone)She wants to write her own epitaph before she dies, rather than have someone else write it later.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : epitaphial, epitaphless, epitaphicLesson: 33 Word: 6


an instrument for cutting or mowingWe used a scythe to cut the exceedingly tall grasses.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : scytheless, scythestoneLesson: 47 Word: 19

calipersKAL uh purs

an instrument used to measure distances or diametersWe learned in drafting class to measure distances with calipers.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : caliperLesson: 56 Word: 3

prefacePREF is

an introductory statement or part; something preliminary or introductoryThe accident was a preface to a great scientific discovery.Synonyms : introduction, preamble, prologueAntonyms : epilogueDerivatives : prefaced, prefacing, prefacerLesson: 49 Word: 17

affrontuh FRONT

an offensive act or word; an offense to one's dignity or self-respectI considered his rude remarks a personal affront.Synonyms : impertinence, contumely, scorn, indignity, abuse, outrage,Antonyms : Derivatives : affrontedly, affrontedness, affronter, affrontingly, affrontivenessLesson: 30 Word: 1

sinecureSIE nuh kyoor, SIN uh

an office or position requiring little workIn many cases the position of vice-president is a sinecure.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : sinecureship, sinecurism, sinecuristLesson: 62 Word: 20

auguryAW gyuh ree

an omen or prophecySeveral auguries were revealed to Caesar before his death.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : augur, auguries, auguredLesson: 39 Word: 2

parasitePAIR uh site

an organism that lives on another organism but contributes nothingA tapeworm is a commonly known parasite that lives in humans.Synonyms : Antonyms : self-sufficient individualDerivatives : parasital, parasitic, parasitary, parasitical, parasiticallyLesson: 54 Word: 15

pariahpuh RIE uh

an outcastHe became a pariah among his friends when he admitted being a Nazi during the war.Synonyms : Antonyms : accepted citizenDerivatives : pariahdom, pariahismLesson: 30 Word: 17

indignationin dig NAY shun

anger as a result of something unjustI have much indignation about the light sentence given to the drunk driver who ran over my child .Synonyms : fury, ire, rage, wrathAntonyms : serenityDerivatives : indignant, indignantly, indignance, indignify, indignitiesLesson: 9 Word: 10

heraldedHER ul did

announced or publicizedThe approaching event was heralded by the newspapers.Synonyms : Antonyms : unannouncedDerivatives : heraldic, heraldically, heraldist, heraldryLesson: 19 Word: 11

archaicare KAY ik

antiquated, old, out of useWords such as "thou", which are no longer part of normal vocabulary, are archaic.Synonyms : ancient, antique, obsolete, venerableAntonyms : contemporary; modernDerivatives : archaically, archaism, archaize, archaized, archaizing, archaizerLesson: 4 Word: 3

montagemon TAZH

any combination of disparate elements that form a unified, single imageHis memory was a montage of varied experiences.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : Lesson: 31 Word: 15

travestyTRAV eh stee

any grotesque or debased likeness or imitationThe outcome of that court ruling was a travesty of justice.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : travesties, travestied, travestyingLesson: 47 Word: 22

aloofuh LOOF

apart, indifferentThe woman remained aloof during the party, separating herself from everyone else.Synonyms : detached, incurious, unconcernedAntonyms : integrated; friendlyDerivatives : aloofnessLesson: 4 Word: 2

mnemonicnee MON ik

assisting or intended to assist the memoryA string tied around the finger is a mnemonic device.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : mnemonics, mnemotechnical, mnemotechnicallyLesson: 63 Word: 14

personificationpur son uh fuh KAY

attribution of personal qualitiesThrough the personification in the poem the trees seem to be human.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : personify, personificative, personificator, personifierLesson: 44 Word: 15

influenceIN floo uns

authority, prestigeBecause he has much influence with the President, his friendship should be sought.Synonyms : Antonyms : powerlessnessDerivatives : influenceability, influenceable, influences, influenced, influencingLesson: 54 Word: 9

symmetrySIM eh tree

balanced proportionsThe symmetry of the gardens of Versailles creates a beautiful and balanced atmosphere.Synonyms : Antonyms : lack of balanceDerivatives : symmetrical, symmetric, symmetrically, symmetricalness, symmetrization, symmetrizeLesson: 2 Word: 23

empiricalem PEER eh kul

based on observation or experiment and not on theoryWe need some empirical data to make our case solid.Synonyms : Antonyms : theoreticalDerivatives : empiric, empiricism, empiricist, empirics, empirismLesson: 8 Word: 10

supplicationsup luh KAY shun

begging, humbly asking for a favorI am going to see the Governor to make a supplication for a pardon for my brother.Synonyms : adjuration, beseechment, entreaty, imploration, importunityAntonyms : Derivatives : supplicate, supplicatingly, supplicator, supplicatoryLesson: 44 Word: 22

incipientin SIP ee unt

beginning to come into being, the early stage of somethingHe is not able to recognize his own incipient drug problem.Synonyms : Antonyms : waningDerivatives : incipiative, incipiency, incipience, incipientlyLesson: 29 Word: 15

venturesomeVEN chur sum

being bold and taking risksColumbus was venturesome in seeking to find India by sailing west.Synonyms : Antonyms : cautiousDerivatives : venturesomely, venturesomeness, ventureLesson: 44 Word: 24

incrustationin kruh STAY shun

being covered with a crust, state of being encrustedThe incrustation of deleterious habits has become the focal point for many self-help groups.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : incrustate, incrustated, incrustatingLesson: 63 Word: 10

germinalJUR muh nul

being in the earliest stage of developmentThe project was still in its germinal stages when it was cancelled.Synonyms : Antonyms : fully developedDerivatives : germinability, germinable, geminally, germinateLesson: 50 Word: 10

morosemuh ROSE

being sullen or gloomyHe was very morose after his wife left him.Synonyms : crabbed, glum, saturnine, sulky, surlyAntonyms : cheerfulDerivatives : morosely, moroseness, morosityLesson: 7 Word: 16

fatalisticfate uh LIS tik

belief that events are predetermined and cannot be alteredGiving up because you believe you're doomed to failure is a fatalistic attitude.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : fatalist, fatalism, fatalisticallyLesson: 45 Word: 8

credulousKREJ uh lus

believing on slight evidence, gullibleBecause the lady's horoscope said that she should stay inside, the credulous woman did not go to work.Synonyms : Antonyms : suspiciousDerivatives : credulously, credulousness, credulityLesson: 3 Word: 5

temeritytuh MER uh tee

boldness that is foolhardyI can't believe that he has the temerity to talk back to his commanding officer.Synonyms : audacity, cheek, chutzpah, effrontery, gall, hardihood, nerveAntonyms : reserveDerivatives : temerariousness, temerarious, temerariouslyLesson: 38 Word: 24

insipidin SIP id

boring and stupidI am bored by your insipid talk.Synonyms : banal, flat, inane, jejune, vapidAntonyms : spirited and animated; zestfulDerivatives : insipidity, insipidly, insipidnessLesson: 1 Word: 13

abyssuh BISS

bottomless hole, a vast expanse or depthThe man had fallen into the abyss of depravity.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : abysm, abysmal, abysmally, abyssalLesson: 27 Word: 1

presumptuouspreh ZUMP choo us

brazenly overstepping bounds, arrogantIt was presumptuous of him to think that I would loan him the money.Synonyms : Antonyms : humbleDerivatives : presume, presumer, presumption, presumptive, presumptively, presumptuously, presumptuousnessLesson: 31 Word: 18

succinctsuk SINGKT

brief, compactBecause her comments were succinct and to the point the ceremony was brief.Synonyms : compendious, concise, laconic, pithy, summary, terseAntonyms : frequently digressingDerivatives : succinctly, succinctnessLesson: 16 Word: 24

vividVIV id

bright, distinct, and clearI have vivid memories of my trip to Europe.Synonyms : graphicAntonyms : lacklusterDerivatives : vividly, vividness, vividity, vivific, vivificate, vivification, vivifier, vivifyLesson: 6 Word: 25

resplendentreh SPLEN dunt

brilliant, shiningThe resplendent fireworks display pleased the Fourth of July crowd.Synonyms : sublime, superbAntonyms : dimDerivatives : resplendence, resplendency, resplendentlyLesson: 34 Word: 18

perfidiouspur FID ee us

calculated to deceive; deceitful; treacherousYou show a lack of character by spreading perfidious stories about your brother.Synonyms : Antonyms : honest; trustworthyDerivatives : perfidiously, perfidiousness, perfidyLesson: 36 Word: 16

evocativeeh VOK uh tiv

calling forth, calling to mindThe play was evocative in that it made me recall my youth.Synonyms : Antonyms : forgetfulDerivatives : evocatively, evocativeness, evocatory, evocator, evocation, evokeLesson: 37 Word: 8

serenesuh REEN

calm, placidThe mountain on a clear spring morning is a serene setting.Synonyms : tranquilAntonyms : agitatedDerivatives : serenely, sereneness, serenityLesson: 1 Word: 22

indeliblein DEL uh bul

cannot be removed, washed away or erasedHer comments made an indelible impression on his mind, and he was never able to forget.Synonyms : permanent, lastingAntonyms : fleetingDerivatives : indelibility,indeliblyLesson: 11 Word: 13

venalVEEN ul

capable of being bribed or corruptedVenal politicians are an affront to democracy.Synonyms : Antonyms : honest; uprightDerivatives : venality, venally, venalnessLesson: 64 Word: 23

tractableTRAK tuh bul

capable of being easily led, taught, or controlled; obedientIt is odd that the students in first period are so unruly, while those in second period are very tractable.Synonyms : amenable, docileAntonyms : willful; unrulyDerivatives : tractability, tractableness, tractablyLesson: 21 Word: 24

ductileDUK tul

capable of being fashioned into a new formThe crowd seemed like a ductile mass easily swayed in any direction.Synonyms : pliable, pliant, malleable, adaptableAntonyms : unmalleableDerivatives : ductible, ductilely, ductilityLesson: 64 Word: 5

enthrallingen THROL ing

captivating, spellbindingBecause the book was so enthralling, I stayed awake all night reading it.Synonyms : Antonyms : boringDerivatives : enthrall, enthralled, enthrallingly, enthrallmentLesson: 47 Word: 10

circumspectSIR kum spekt

careful to consider consequences, cautious, prudentHer circumspect behavior left no doubts as to her integrity.Synonyms : chary, waryAntonyms : reckless; careless; indiscreetDerivatives : circumspectness, circumspectly, circumspection, circumspectiveLesson: 8 Word: 5

charySHAR ee

careful, cautiousHe is chary when he meets a new person.Synonyms : circumspect, waryAntonyms : trustful; uncriticalDerivatives : charier, chariestLesson: 31 Word: 5

invidiousin VID ee us

causing animosity or resentment; hateful; offensiveWe were quite resentful about the man's invidious remarks.Synonyms : Antonyms : pleasant; soothing; kindDerivatives : invidiously, invidiousnessLesson: 55 Word: 9

analgesican el GEE sik

causing insensitivity to painA dentist uses a variety of analgesic drugs.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : analgesiaLesson: 62 Word: 2

stultifyingSTUL tuh fie ing

causing to be useless, crippling, causing to appear stupidThe teacher stultifies his position in the classroom if he permits bad behavior.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : stultificationLesson: 24 Word: 21

searingSEER ing

causing to wither or to dry up or to become scorchedOne could easily die in the searing heat of the Mojave desert.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : sear, seared, searinglyLesson: 48 Word: 20

acrimoniousak ruh MONE ee us

causticThe prisoner of war had acrimonious remarks for those that mistreated him.Synonyms : Antonyms : cordialDerivatives : acrimony, acrimoniously, acrimoniousnessLesson: 5 Word: 1

acridAK rid

caustic, bitter, harsh (relates sometimes to taste and smell)The acrid odor in the restaurant caused me to leave.Synonyms : caustic, mordant, scathingAntonyms : agreeableDerivatives : acridity, acridness, acridlyLesson: 27 Word: 2


coarse, crude, and unrefinedUsing foul language in front of your mother is crass.Synonyms : Antonyms : refined; sophisticatedDerivatives : crassly, crassness, crassitudeLesson: 9 Word: 3


colorsA rainbow has many hues.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : hue, hueless, huedLesson: 39 Word: 14

synthesisSIN thuh sis

combining parts into a wholeBefore the project is complete, we need to establish synthesis.Synonyms : Antonyms : disjoiningDerivatives : synthesist, synthesize, synthesizerLesson: 7 Word: 22

zanyZAY nee

comical and outlandishThe zany clown made the children laugh.Synonyms : Antonyms : solemnDerivatives : zanies, zanyismLesson: 37 Word: 25

eclecticeh KLEK tik

coming from a variety of diverse sourcesHis eclectic tastes range from Bach to the Beatles.Synonyms : Antonyms : from one sourceDerivatives : eclectically, eclecticismLesson: 12 Word: 7


common in occurrence, abundantThe AIDS virus is rife among intravenous drug-users.Synonyms : Antonyms : rareDerivatives : rifely, rifenessLesson: 55 Word: 18

banalBANE ul, buh NAL

common, ordinary, lacking freshness, hackneyedBecause of his use of overused trite remarks, his speeches are banal.Synonyms : inane, insipid, jejune, vapidAntonyms : fresh, unique, extraordinaryDerivatives : banality, banallyLesson: 2 Word: 5

prosaicpro ZAY ik

commonplace, uninspired, banalBecause his writings are so prosaic, I find them boring and unimaginative.Synonyms : Antonyms : imaginativeDerivatives : prosaical, prosaically, prosaicalness, prosaicism, prosaism, prosaistLesson: 11 Word: 21

necromancyNEK ruh man see

communicating with spirits, black magicThe members of the tribe believed that the witch doctor could perform feats of necromancy.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : necromancing, necromancer, necromant, necromantically, necromantical, necromanticLesson: 54 Word: 13

metaphoricallymet uh FOR ik lee

compared nonliterallyMetaphorically speaking, he is drowning in oil.Synonyms : Antonyms : literallyDerivatives : metaphor, metaphorical, metaphoricalness, metaphorist, metaphorizeLesson: 21 Word: 16

reparationrep uh RAY shun

compensation to one who has sufferedVietnam is seeking reparations from the United States for the damage that it suffered during the war.Synonyms : redress, amends, restitutionAntonyms : Derivatives : reparative, reparatoryLesson: 62 Word: 18

engrosseden GROSD

completely occupied or absorbedThe woman was so engrossed in her knitting that she did not notice her child walk out the door.Synonyms : preoccupiedAntonyms : Derivatives : engross, engrossing, engrossedly, engrosser, engrossingly, engrossingness, engrossmentLesson: 23 Word: 10


conciseThe president gave a terse statement dismissing the charges of the opposing party.Synonyms : compendious, laconic, pithy, succinct, summaryAntonyms : long-windedDerivatives : tersely, tersenessLesson: 9 Word: 23

genialJEAN yul, JEAN ee ul

cordial; pleasantly warmThe woman has such a genial disposition that people love to be around her.Synonyms : friendly, hearty, pleasant, agreeable, kindlyAntonyms : sullenDerivatives : genially, genialnessLesson: 48 Word: 9

proprietypruh PRY eh tee

correct conductThose who attend the club meetings should conduct themselves with propriety.Synonyms : Antonyms : indecorumDerivatives : proprietiesLesson: 61 Word: 19


costume or outward appearanceIn the guise of a banker, the FBI agent investigated a counterfeit money case.Synonyms : Antonyms : true appearanceDerivatives : guised, guisingLesson: 42 Word: 6

mettleMET ul

courage or spiritA crisis like this would test anyone's mettle.Synonyms : resolution, tenacityAntonyms : lack of courageDerivatives : mettles, mettled, mettlesomeLesson: 61 Word: 13

cordialKOR jul

courteous and gracious; friendly; warmWe received a very cordial reception from the hostess of the party.Synonyms : affectionate, genial, cheeringAntonyms : Derivatives : cordially, cordialness, cordialityLesson: 13 Word: 5

deferenceDEF ur uns

courteous going along with the opinions or wishes of anotherIn deference to your wishes, I will not see him again.Synonyms : homage, reverence, respectAntonyms : disrespectDerivatives : deferential, deferentially, deferentialityLesson: 24 Word: 7

precariouspre KARE ee us

dangerous, risky, not a secure situationIt seems that a tightrope walker is often in a precarious situation.Synonyms : Antonyms : safeDerivatives : precariously, precariousnessLesson: 11 Word: 20

reverieREV uh ree

daydreamingSpring seems to lend itself to reverie.Synonyms : Antonyms : attentivenessDerivatives : reveries, reveristLesson: 52 Word: 20

visceralVIS ur ul

dealing with coarse or base emotions; earthly, crudeJ.D. Salinger often used a visceral writing style in his work.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : viscerallyLesson: 53 Word: 24

cosmopolitankoz muh POL uh tun

dealing with the whole worldHis cosmopolitan views make him a natural delegate to the world convention.Synonyms : Antonyms : parochialDerivatives : cosmopolitanism, cosmopoliteLesson: 13 Word: 6

decadentDEK uh dunt

decayingDrugs, prostitution, and crime are signs of a decadent society.Synonyms : declined, degeneratedAntonyms : flourishingDerivatives : decadently, decadence, decadencyLesson: 10 Word: 7


deceitfulness, duplicityThe woman was the unfortunate victim of guile and deceit when she lost her money to that swindler.Synonyms : Antonyms : openness; candorDerivatives : guileful, guilefully, guilefulness, guileness, guilelessly, guilelessness, guileryLesson: 7 Word: 12

desolateDES uh lit

deserted, without inhabitants, barrenSome of the western states have large areas that are desolate.Synonyms : Antonyms : populousDerivatives : desolately, desolateness, desolater, desolating, desolationLesson: 11 Word: 6

reprehensiblerep reh HEN suh bul

deserving blame or reprimandSome think that kissing on the first date is reprehensible conduct.Synonyms : blameworthy, censurable, condemnable, reprobatoryAntonyms : praiseworthyDerivatives : reprehend, reprehensibility, reprehensibly, reprehension, reprehensive, reprehensoryLesson: 55 Word: 17

culpableKUL puh bul

deserving blame; guiltyHe was culpable for his children's constant bad behavior.Synonyms : Antonyms : blamelessDerivatives : culpability, culpableness, culpablyLesson: 10 Word: 6

odiousOH dee us

deserving hate or contemptPornography is an odious business.Synonyms : Antonyms : respectableDerivatives : odiously, odiousness, odiumLesson: 13 Word: 17

meritoriousmer eh TOR ee us

deserving of honor or praiseAs a result of his meritorious behavior, the soldier was given a medal.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : meritoriously, meritoriousnessLesson: 58 Word: 14

maliceMAL is

desire to harm othersHis death was caused by malice and was not accidental.Synonyms : malevolence, malignity, spite, spleenAntonyms : concernDerivatives : maliceful, malicious, maliciously, maliciousnessLesson: 5 Word: 21

blightedBLIE ted

destroyed or caused by decline or decayThe blighted fruit had to be separated from the rest.Synonyms : Antonyms : good; healthy; wholesomeDerivatives : blightLesson: 31 Word: 3

balefulBALE ful

destructive, deadlyWar is a baleful experience for many.Synonyms : malign, sinisterAntonyms : benignDerivatives : bale, balefully, balefulnessLesson: 27 Word: 4

travailtruh VALE

difficult laborIt took years of travail to build this business.Synonyms : Antonyms : relaxing diversionDerivatives : travailsLesson: 27 Word: 23


difficult or adverse situationMy plight is that I do not have enough money to pay my bills.Synonyms : Antonyms : fortunate situationDerivatives : plights, plighted, plightingLesson: 17 Word: 19

cumbersomeKUM bur sum

difficult to handle, unwieldyCarrying all of these books is a cumbersome task.Synonyms : cumbrous, ponderousAntonyms : easily handledDerivatives : cumbersomely, cumbersomeness, cumbrous, cumbrously, cumbrousnessLesson: 49 Word: 5

unwieldyun WEEL dee

difficult to manage due to sizeI was not able to move the unwieldy cabinet by myself.Synonyms : Antonyms : of manageable sizeDerivatives : unwieldily, unwieldiness, unwieldlyLesson: 57 Word: 24

obscureub SKYOOR

difficult to see, vagueBecause the meaning of the play was obscure, I was unable to enjoy it.Synonyms : abstruse, ambiguous, cryptic, enigmatic, equivocal, reconditeAntonyms : clear; apparentDerivatives : obscuration, obscurative, obscuredly, obscurely, obscurement, obscureness, obscurityLesson: 1 Word: 16

abstruseab STRUSE

difficult to understand, recondite, concealedSome concepts of Einstein were so abstruse that many physicists could not understand them.Synonyms : complex, complicated, intricate, knottyAntonyms : readily understood; clearDerivatives : abstrusely, abstrusenessLesson: 3 Word: 1

inscrutablein SKROO tuh bul

difficult to understand; mysteriousHe had us all confused with his inscrutable smile.Synonyms : Antonyms : clear; readable; understandableDerivatives : inscrutableness, inscrutably, inscrutabilityLesson: 5 Word: 19

statelySTATE lee

dignified, majesticThe general's funeral procession was stately as it wound through the streets of the city.Synonyms : grand, grandiose, imposing, magnificentAntonyms : humbleDerivatives : stateliness, statlier, statelilyLesson: 52 Word: 22

quandaryKWON duh ree

dilemmaShe was in a quandary because two boys whom she liked wanted to take her to the senior prom.Synonyms : Antonyms : state of peace and calmDerivatives : quandariesLesson: 29 Word: 19

diminutiondim uh NOO shun

diminishment, reductionThe diminution of nuclear weapons is a goal of arms control.Synonyms : Antonyms : escalationDerivatives : diminutive, diminutival, diminutively, diminutivenessLesson: 16 Word: 10

insubordinationin suh bor duh NAY

disobedience to authorityThe student was reprimanded for his insubordination to the teacher.Synonyms : Antonyms : obedienceDerivatives : insubordinate, insubordinatelyLesson: 31 Word: 13

heedlessHEED les

disregarding, thoughtlessHe walked on, heedless of the signs warning about the mine field.Synonyms : Antonyms : aware; concerned; attentiveDerivatives : heed, heeded, heeding, heeds, heedlessly, heedful, heedfullyLesson: 30 Word: 11

impudentIM pyuh dunt

disrespectful, characterized by improper bold behaviorThe student's impudent act of using profanity toward Mrs. Dove caused him to be expelled.Synonyms : Antonyms : respectfulDerivatives : impudence, impudency, impudently, impudentness, impudicityLesson: 35 Word: 9

unpalatableun PAL eh tuh bul

distasteful, unpleasant, disagreeableThe speaker made harshly unpalatable but honest statements.Synonyms : Antonyms : agreeable; tastyDerivatives : unpalatableness, unpalatablyLesson: 33 Word: 24

dissecteddeh SEK tid

divided into numerous segments or partsIn biology today I dissected a frog.Synonyms : Antonyms : wholeDerivatives : dissect, dissecting, dissection, dissectional, dissective, dissectorLesson: 36 Word: 7

polarizationpoe lur eh ZAY shun

division into two opposite positionsThere is a polarization in the school district between those who want a smoking area and those who do not.Synonyms : Antonyms : consolidationDerivatives : polarize, polarizing, polarizer, polarizable, polarizabilityLesson: 35 Word: 15

giddyGID ee

dizzyI became giddy after drinking the champagne at the reception.Synonyms : Antonyms : levelheadedDerivatives : giddify, giddily, giddinessLesson: 21 Word: 12

ascendancyuh SIN dun see

domination; growing powerThe United States would not patiently submit to the ascendancy of Hitler.Synonyms : Antonyms : declineDerivatives : ascendance, ascend, ascendant, ascension, ascending, ascendedLesson: 6 Word: 3

expeditiousek speh DISH us

done with speed and efficiencyYou need to be expeditious in solving this matter.Synonyms : Antonyms : sluggishDerivatives : expedite, expediter, expedition, expeditionary, expeditioner, expeditiously, expeditiousness, expeditiveLesson: 13 Word: 12

duplicitydoo PLIS eh tee

double-dealing, hypocrisyHis duplicity was exposed when the girl he was seeing found out he was married.Synonyms : Antonyms : sincerity; single-mindednessDerivatives : duplicitousLesson: 4 Word: 12

suppleSUP ul

easily bent, elastic, pliableHer supple bones allowed her to perform strange feats in gymnastics.Synonyms : resilientAntonyms : rigidDerivatives : suppler, supplestLesson: 27 Word: 22

docileDOS ul

easily managed, obedient, passiveThe dog was docile until the doorbell rang.Synonyms : amenable, tractableAntonyms : unruly; unmanageableDerivatives : docible, docibility, docilely, docilityLesson: 9 Word: 5

commensuratekuh MEN sur it

equalI hope that I get a reward that is commensurate with what I have found.Synonyms : Antonyms : disproportionate; unequalDerivatives : commensurately, commensuration, commensurable, commensurability, commensurablyLesson: 16 Word: 7

tantamountTAN tuh mount

equivalent in value or significanceIn my father's eyes anything less than an "A" is tantamount to failure.Synonyms : Antonyms : unlike in significanceDerivatives : Lesson: 26 Word: 23

integralIN tuh grul

essential for completenessWe will not trade him because he is an integral part of our team.Synonyms : Antonyms : nonessentialDerivatives : integralityLesson: 49 Word: 12

esteemeh STEEM

estimate of value; approval and respect often blended with fondnessThe people held their leader in the highest esteem.Synonyms : regard, valuation, reputationAntonyms : disrespectDerivatives : esteemed, esteeming, esteems, esteemableLesson: 18 Word: 9

perditionpur DISH un

eternal damnation, utter ruinThe church warns against pursuing hedonistic and worldly things and risking eternal perdition.Synonyms : Antonyms : salvationDerivatives : perditionsLesson: 65 Word: 18

temperateTEM pur ut

exercising self-controlSeeing the devastating effects of alcohol on his father, he was temperate in his own liquor consumption.Synonyms : Antonyms : extremeDerivatives : temperance, temperately, temperatenessLesson: 57 Word: 22

motleyMOT lee

exhibiting great diversity of elements; heterogeneousThe rally for environmental concerns drew a motley crowd.Synonyms : Antonyms : homogenousDerivatives : motleysLesson: 45 Word: 15

congenitalkun JEN uh tul

existing at birth or dating from birthDue to the abuse of drugs, hundreds of babies are born with congenital birth defects each year.Synonyms : Antonyms : acquiredDerivatives : congenitallyLesson: 56 Word: 4

innateeh NATE

existing from birth, inbornHe has innate athletic talents that cannot be taught.Synonyms : Antonyms : learnedDerivatives : innated, innately, innateness, innatism, innativeLesson: 2 Word: 17

dilationdie LAY shun

expansionSome drugs will cause the dilation of the pupil of the eye.Synonyms : amplification, distention, inflation, swellingAntonyms : constrictionDerivatives : dilate, dilated, dilatedly, dilatedness, dilativeLesson: 30 Word: 7

seasonedSEE zond

experiencedThis team needs a seasoned veteran to provide some leadership.Synonyms : Antonyms : inexperiencedDerivatives : seasonable, seasonableness, seasonablyLesson: 49 Word: 21

vicariousvie KARE ee us

experienced through imagined participation in another's activityMany people who watch football experience a vicarious release of aggression.Synonyms : Antonyms : firsthandDerivatives : vicariate, vicarism, vicariously, vicariousnessLesson: 36 Word: 24

ardentAR dunt

expressing strong feelings, impassioned, zealousHe was ardent in his support of civil rights.Synonyms : fervent, fervid, passionate, perfervidAntonyms : unmoved; perfunctoryDerivatives : ardentlyLesson: 40 Word: 3

prodigiouspruh DIJ us

extraordinary in bulk, quantity, or degree, great in size, enormousHis prodigious appetite allowed him to eat the entire turkey.Synonyms : Antonyms : puny; minusculeDerivatives : prodigiously, prodigiousnessLesson: 14 Word: 20

profusepruh FYOOS

extravagantly abundant, flowing freelyCutting that artery will cause profuse bleeding.Synonyms : lavish, lush, luxuriant, prodigalAntonyms : meagerDerivatives : profusely, profuseness, profusion, profusive, profusivelyLesson: 9 Word: 19

effronteryeh FRUN tuh ree

extreme boldness, audacityI can't believe you had the effrontery to say such a rude thing to your parents.Synonyms : cheek, chutzpah, gall, hardihood, nerve, temerityAntonyms : diffidenceDerivatives : effronteriesLesson: 38 Word: 7

hydrophobiahigh druh FOE bee uh

fear of waterHe never learned to swim because of his hydrophobia.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : hydrophobic, hydrophobicity, hydrophobousLesson: 51 Word: 10

spuriousSPYOOR ee us

false or deceitfulCashing forged checks is a spurious activity.Synonyms : Antonyms : honestDerivatives : spuriously, spuriousnessLesson: 21 Word: 23

perjuryPUR juh ree

false testimony under oathHe was charged with perjury for lying to the grand jury.Synonyms : Antonyms : truthful testimonyDerivatives : perjure, perjured, perjuring, perjurer, perjurious, perjuriously, perjuriousness, perjurousLesson: 6 Word: 21

irreproachableear eh PRO chuh bul

faultless, not discreditableThe woman's morals are so high that she is irreproachable.Synonyms : Antonyms : wrong; faultyDerivatives : irreproachability, irreproachableness, irreproachablyLesson: 20 Word: 14

auspiciousaw SPISH us

favorableMaking an "A" on the first test was an auspicious way to begin the year.Synonyms : propitiousAntonyms : ill-omenedDerivatives : auspiciously, auspiciousnessLesson: 13 Word: 3


favorable; a blessing, a benefitHiring that young man was a boon for our company.Synonyms : Antonyms : curseDerivatives : boons, boonlessLesson: 21 Word: 3

propitiouspruh PISH us

favorably disposed, graciously inclinedAmerica has conditions propitious to democracy.Synonyms : helpful, advantageous, benevolent, favorable, auspiciousAntonyms : unfavorable; inauspiciousDerivatives : propitiously, propitiousness, propitiate, propitiated, propitiatoryLesson: 28 Word: 16

evanescentev uh NES unt

fleeting; impermanentThe evanescent sounds of applause are not what keeps the artist performing.Synonyms : ephemeral, fugitive, transient, transitoryAntonyms : permanentDerivatives : evanescence, evanesce, evanescentlyLesson: 41 Word: 6


flexible and gracefulBallet is a dance for lithe dancers.Synonyms : Antonyms : inflexibleDerivatives : lithelyLesson: 36 Word: 12

tenuousTEN yoo us

flimsy, barely attachedHis position with the law firm became tenuous when he objected to hiring women.Synonyms : Antonyms : firm or substantialDerivatives : tenuously, tenuousness, tenuityLesson: 30 Word: 24

floridFLOR id

flowery, flushed with colorHis face becomes florid when he gets angry.Synonyms : Antonyms : plain; simple; paleDerivatives : floridity, floridly, floridnessLesson: 31 Word: 10

convivialkun VIV ee ul

fond of good company and of festivityHe was of the convivial sort, fond of people, parties, and pleasures.Synonyms : friendly, sociableAntonyms : unsociableDerivatives : conviviality, convivially, convivium, conviviaLesson: 30 Word: 6

fatuousFACH oo us

foolish, silly in an obnoxious way, inaneThe woman was fatuous to think that she needed three thousand pairs of shoes.Synonyms : asinine, silly, simpleAntonyms : sensibleDerivatives : fatuously, fatuity, fatuitous, fatuitousnessLesson: 10 Word: 9

malodorousmal OH dur us

foul-smelling, highly improperInsider trading is a malodorous practice that should be punished.Synonyms : fetid, fusty, musty, noisome, putrid, rancid, rankAntonyms : aromaticDerivatives : malodor, malodorantLesson: 46 Word: 12

gratisGRAH tis

freeThe gratis appearance of the artist allowed more funds for the charity ball.Synonyms : Antonyms : earnedDerivatives : gratitude, gratuitous, gratuitouslyLesson: 39 Word: 13

impeccableim PEK uh bul

free from fault or blameShe was a woman of impeccable character and could not be blamed for the smallest wrongdoing.Synonyms : flawless, irreproachableAntonyms : flawedDerivatives : impeccability, impeccableness, impeccablyLesson: 15 Word: 12

latitudeLAT eh tood

freedom of action or opinionCollege students are given much latitude in the selection of their courses.Synonyms : Antonyms : lack of freedomDerivatives : latitudinal, latitudinally, latitudinarianLesson: 51 Word: 12

freneticfruh NET ik

frenzied, franticThe mother became frenetic when the chicken bone lodged in her baby's throat.Synonyms : Antonyms : calm; sereneDerivatives : frenetically, freneticalLesson: 37 Word: 9

verdantVUR dunt

fresh and greenThe verdant golf course was in great shape for the tournament.Synonyms : Antonyms : barrenDerivatives : verdancyLesson: 37 Word: 24

grislyGRIS lee

ghastly, inspiring fearThe scene of the car accident was a grisly sight.Synonyms : gruesome, lurid, macabreAntonyms : attractiveDerivatives : grisliness, grisliestLesson: 37 Word: 10

gratuitousgruh TOO eh tus

given freely, unwarrantedI resent your gratuitous comments because no one asked for them.Synonyms : Antonyms : demandedDerivatives : gratis, gratuitous, gratuitousness, gratuital, gratuitouslyLesson: 9 Word: 8

sententioussen TEN shus

given to excessive moralizingThe sententious expression "contentment breeds happiness" is not readily accepted by everyone.Synonyms : expressive, pithy, epigrammaticAntonyms : Derivatives : sententiously, sententiousnessLesson: 54 Word: 20

cynicalSIN uh kul

given to faultfinding, sneering, and sarcasm; exhibiting mocking disbeliefSome people are so cynical they sneer at everything that would make life worthwhile.Synonyms : misanthropic, pessimistic, misogynicAntonyms : Derivatives : cynic, cynically, cynicismLesson: 15 Word: 7

jocosejoe KOSE

given to jokes and jestingThe teacher was not amused by the jocose remarks of the class clown.Synonyms : witty, facetious, jocularAntonyms : Derivatives : jocosely, jocoseness, jocosityLesson: 63 Word: 12


gladness and merriment usually accompanied by laughterThe party was a source of mirth and gaiety.Synonyms : glee, hilarity, jollityAntonyms : sadnessDerivatives : mirthful, mirthfully, mirthfulness, mirthless, mirthlessly, mirthlessnessLesson: 17 Word: 15

burlyBUR lee

great in bodily size, sturdy; brusqueWhen we saw the burly man appear in the door, we knew it was no time to pick a fight.Synonyms : Antonyms : slight; refined; manneredDerivatives : burlier, burliest, burlily, burlinessLesson: 28 Word: 2

multifariousmul tuh FARE ee us

great in variety, diverseHe is valuable because of his multifarious talents.Synonyms : Antonyms : limited in varietyDerivatives : multifariously, multifariousnessLesson: 40 Word: 17

supercilioussoo pur SIL ee us

haughty, vain and arrogantI do not like your arrogant and supercilious attitude toward poor people.Synonyms : disdainful, high-handed, insolent, lordlyAntonyms : servileDerivatives : superciliously, superciliousnessLesson: 15 Word: 22

cognateKOG nate

having a common ancestor, related in originCognate languages are those that developed from a common language.Synonyms : Antonyms : unrelatedDerivatives : cognationLesson: 49 Word: 3

patronizingPAY truh niz ing

having a condescending attitudeShe hugged the poor children in the streets and flashed them patronizing smiles.Synonyms : Antonyms : acceptingDerivatives : patronize, patronization, patronizer, patronizinglyLesson: 33 Word: 15

rancidRAN sid

having a foul or offensive smell or tasteA rancid odor came from the garbage pail.Synonyms : fetid, fusty, malodorous, musty, noisome, putrid, rankAntonyms : pleasantDerivatives : rancidly, rancidness, rancidification, rancidify, rancidityLesson: 18 Word: 20

reputableREP yuh tuh bul

having a good reputationThe Better Business Bureau said that the company was reputable.Synonyms : Antonyms : disreputable; notorious; infamousDerivatives : reputability, reputably, reputation, reputative, reputatively, repute, reputed, reputedly, reputelessLesson: 49 Word: 19

voraciousvoe RAY shus

having a large appetite, ravenousHenry the VIII allegedly had a voracious appetite.Synonyms : gluttonous, rapaciousAntonyms : temperateDerivatives : voraciously, voraciousness, voracityLesson: 31 Word: 25

magnanimitymag nuh NIM eh tee

having a lofty, generous, and courageous spiritThe magnanimity of the king endeared him to his subjects.Synonyms : Antonyms : greed; stinginessDerivatives : magnanimous, magnanimously, magnanimousnessLesson: 8 Word: 18

urbaneur BANE

having a refined manner, suave and elegantSouthern gentlemen and English noblemen are known for their urbane manners.Synonyms : diplomatic, politicAntonyms : boorish; unrefinedDerivatives : urbanelyLesson: 61 Word: 25

infamousIN fuh mus

having a reputation of the worst kind, vicious, notoriously badThe Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was an infamous act.Synonyms : disreputable, ignominiousAntonyms : illustriousDerivatives : infamously, infamy, infamiesLesson: 6 Word: 16

serratedsur RAY ted

having an edge that is notched or toothed like a sawSome trees have leaves that are serrated, and others have leaves that are smooth on the edges.Synonyms : Antonyms : smooth and evenDerivatives : serrateLesson: 56 Word: 19

fetidFET id

having an offensive smell, malodorousThe dead body became fetid.Synonyms : fusty, musty, noisome, putrid, rancid, rankAntonyms : aromaticDerivatives : fetidly, fetidness, fetidityLesson: 29 Word: 12

perspicaciouspur spu KAY shus

having clear insight, shrewd, very perceptiveThe perspicacious detective was able to determine the perpetrator of the crime.Synonyms : astute, sagaciousAntonyms : ignorant; stupidDerivatives : perspicaciously, perspicaciousness, perspicacityLesson: 16 Word: 17

ambivalentam BIV uh lunt

having contrary feelings or attitudes, uncertain as to course of actionI am ambivalent about a permanent relationship with him, because I like him one day and don't the next.Synonyms : undecidedAntonyms : certain; firmly convincedDerivatives : ambivalenceLesson: 1 Word: 2

virtuousVIR choo us

having excellent morals; righteousOne would expect nuns to be very virtuous.Synonyms : ethical, nobleAntonyms : depravedDerivatives : virtuously, virtuousness, virtueLesson: 22 Word: 24

ambiguousam BIG yew us

having more than one meaning; unclear, uncertainFinding an ambiguous test question is frustrating, since more than one answer could be correct.Synonyms : cryptic, enigmatic, equivocal, obscureAntonyms : clear; certainDerivatives : ambiguity, ambiguously, ambiguousnessLesson: 9 Word: 1

spontaneousspon TAY nee us

having no external cause, acting on impulseHe knew exactly what I was thinking because my reaction was so spontaneous.Synonyms : Antonyms : plannedDerivatives : spontaneously, spontaneousness, spontaneityLesson: 7 Word: 21

incorporealin kor POR ee ul

having no material or tangible formThe man was horrified by the incorporeal sights he saw in the haunted house.Synonyms : Antonyms : materialDerivatives : incorporeality, incorporeally, incorporeity, incorporeousLesson: 62 Word: 9

static (adj.)STAT ik

having no motion, showing little changeSince our town has attracted little new industry, the population of the city has become static.Synonyms : Antonyms : activeDerivatives : statically, staticalLesson: 12 Word: 21

interminablein TUR mun uh bul

having or seeming to have no end, wearisomely protractedAlthough the reading assignment was only ten pages, it seemed interminable to the bored student.Synonyms : Antonyms : short and limitedDerivatives : interminability, interminableness, interminably, interminateLesson: 14 Word: 15

charismaticcare iz MAT ic

having special qualities or powers that are used for healing or prophecyMany charismatic religions believe in faith healing.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : charisma, charismLesson: 31 Word: 4

seminalSEM uh nul

having the character of an originative power, principle, or sourceOur country was based on the seminal ideas of freedom for all.Synonyms : original, germinativeAntonyms : Derivatives : seminality, seminallyLesson: 53 Word: 19

utopianyoo TOE pee un

having the characteristics of an ideally perfect placeDorothy thought that Oz was a utopian place until she found out that the Wizard was a fake.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : utopianism, utopianist, utopianize, utopiaLesson: 38 Word: 25

inimicaleh NIM eh kul

having the disposition or temper of an enemyThe child shuddered under the inimical glare of his father.Synonyms : hostile, unfriendly, harmful, adverseAntonyms : hospitableDerivatives : inimicable, inimically, inimicalness, inimicousLesson: 49 Word: 10

urbanUR bun

having to do with a city or characteristic of a citySince he has grown up on a farm, I am worried about his attending an urban college.Synonyms : Antonyms : ruralDerivatives : urbanism, urbanist, urbanistic, urbanize, urbanizationLesson: 60 Word: 24

wistfulWIST ful

having unfulfilled longing or yearningIt is a wistful dream for her to think that she can go to Hollywood and become a star.Synonyms : Antonyms : fulfilled; realisticDerivatives : wistfulness, wistfullyLesson: 50 Word: 25

omnipotentom NIP uh tunt

having unlimited powerA President who feels that he is omnipotent is not serving the country.Synonyms : Antonyms : limitedDerivatives : omnipotence, omnipotency, omnipotentlyLesson: 41 Word: 12

domicileDOM eh sile

home or residence, abodeBecause he works on both coasts, he has two domiciles.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : domicilable, domicil, domiciliary, domiciliarLesson: 57 Word: 6

despairingdeh SPARE ing

hopeless, despondent, discouragedThe woman's despairing tears touched the hearts of many.Synonyms : Antonyms : hopefulDerivatives : despair, despaired, despairful, despairfully, despairingly, despairingnessLesson: 43 Word: 7

parodyPAIR uh dee

humorous or ridiculous imitationMany skits on "Saturday Night Live" are parodies of current events.Synonyms : burlesque, caricature, travestyAntonyms : reverent imitationDerivatives : parodiesLesson: 14 Word: 17

cherubicchuh ROO bic

innocent, wholesome, angelicThe cherubic expression on the child's face concealed his guilt.Synonyms : Antonyms : fiendishDerivatives : cherub, cherubs, cherubim, cherubicallyLesson: 65 Word: 4

quixotickwik SOT ik

idealistic but impracticalIt is usually quixotic for a commoner to pursue a relationship with a member of the royal family.Synonyms : chimera, fanciful, fantastic, visionaryAntonyms : practicalDerivatives : quixote, quixotical, quixotically, quixotism, quixotize, quixotryLesson: 32 Word: 22

malevolencemuh LEV uh lens

ill will or evil intentionsThe old man's malevolence was obvious when he removed the girl from his will.Synonyms : malice, malignity, spite, spleenAntonyms : benevolenceDerivatives : malevolent, malevolentlyLesson: 11 Word: 15

illiciteh LIS it

illegalGambling is an illicit activity in many states.Synonyms : unlawful, illegitimateAntonyms : legalDerivatives : illicitness, illicitlyLesson: 42 Word: 7

sophomoricsof uh MORE ik

immature and poorly informedIntentional crying is a sophomoric attempt to gain sympathy.Synonyms : Antonyms : profoundDerivatives : sophomorical, sophomoricallyLesson: 45 Word: 20

callowKAL oh

immature, inexperiencedRash and hasty decisions are the mark of impetuous, callow youth.Synonyms : Antonyms : mature; experiencedDerivatives : callownessLesson: 25 Word: 4

wantonWAHN tun

immoral, lewdHe had to drop out of the presidential race when his wanton behavior was exposed.Synonyms : Antonyms : moralDerivatives : wantonly, wantonnessLesson: 65 Word: 25

vitiatedVISH ee ate id

impaired, corrupted, or made ineffectiveMy agreement with him was vitiated when I found that he was stealing assets.Synonyms : Antonyms : strengthenedDerivatives : vitiate, vitiation, vitiatorLesson: 55 Word: 24

irresoluteeh REZ uh loot

indecisive, unsure of how to proceedThe confused child stood irresolute, waiting for some instruction.Synonyms : Antonyms : sure; decisive; certainDerivatives : irresolutely, irresoluteness, irresolutionLesson: 21 Word: 15

autonomousaw TON uh muhs

independent, self-containedOne who is autonomous needs no help from others.Synonyms : Antonyms : dependentDerivatives : autonomic, autonomously, autonomy, autonomistLesson: 2 Word: 4

nonchalancenon shuh LAWNS

indifference, a showing of little interestHe took the news of his failing grade with nonchalance.Synonyms : Antonyms : intensityDerivatives : nonchalant, nonchalantly, nonchalantnessLesson: 26 Word: 16

circuitoussir KYOO uh tus

indirect, roundaboutSometimes taxi drivers seem to take a circuitous route.Synonyms : Antonyms : straightforwardDerivatives : circuitously, circuitousnessLesson: 58 Word: 6

incontrovertiblein kon truh VUR tuh

indisputableThe district attorney was looking for incontrovertible evidence to prove that the accused arsonist burned the bank.Synonyms : Antonyms : disputable; arguableDerivatives : incontrovertiblyLesson: 8 Word: 15

maladroitmal uh DROIT

inept, awkwardHis maladroit attempts to repair the situation only made it worse.Synonyms : gauche, clumsy, ungainlyAntonyms : adept, adroit, skillfulDerivatives : maladroitly, maladroitnessLesson: 36 Word: 13

disparitydeh SPAR eh tee

inequality, the condition or fact of being unequal in age, rank, or degreeThe couple got married even though there was a great disparity in their ages.Synonyms : Antonyms : similarityDerivatives : disparate, disparately, disparateness, disparatumLesson: 1 Word: 9

extrapolationik strap uh LAY shun

inference or prediction based on past dataThe theory derived from the experiment was merely an extrapolation; it could not be proved.Synonyms : Antonyms : proofDerivatives : extrapolate, extrapolative, extrapolator, extrapolatoryLesson: 63 Word: 7

calcifiedKAL suh fide

inflexible, hardenedHis views have become calcified, and trying to talk to him about it is foolish.Synonyms : Antonyms : flexible; pliableDerivatives : calcify, calcifying, calcification, calciferousLesson: 54 Word: 2

adamantAD uh munt

inflexible, immovable, obstinateThe man was adamant in his decision to seek a political office.Synonyms : inexorable, obdurateAntonyms : pliantDerivatives : adamantine, adamantive, adamancy, adamantlyLesson: 38 Word: 2

colloquialkuh LOW kwee ul

informal (speech)Term papers are not to contain colloquial expressions.Synonyms : Antonyms : formalDerivatives : colloquially, colloquyLesson: 38 Word: 4

tidingsTIE dings

information or newsI bring good tidings from the central office. Tomorrow is a holiday.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : tidingLesson: 62 Word: 24

prologuePRO log

introductory remarks in a speech, play or literary work, introductory actionThe play had a prologue that set the scene for the opening act.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : prologist, prologizeLesson: 3 Word: 21

fitfulFIT ful

irregularDue to fitful sleep last night, I am not rested.Synonyms : convulsive, spasmodicAntonyms : constantDerivatives : fitfully, fitfullnessLesson: 11 Word: 12

blasphemousBLAS fuh mus

irreverent, profaneTelling that sacrilegious joke is blasphemous.Synonyms : Antonyms : sacred; reverentDerivatives : blaspheme, blasphemed, blaspheming, blaspemer, blasphemousness, blasphemously, blasphemyLesson: 8 Word: 3

irascibleuh RAS uh bul

irritable, easily angered, cranky, crossJust about anything could set off his irascible temper.Synonyms : Antonyms : impassive; imperturbableDerivatives : irascibleness, irascibly, irascibilityLesson: 8 Word: 16

jocularJOK yu lur

jesting or jokingThe man's jocular mood kept us all entertained throughout the evening.Synonyms : facetious, jocose, jocundAntonyms : seriousDerivatives : jocularity, jocularly, jocularness, joculatorLesson: 23 Word: 16

desultoryDES ul tore ee

jumping around, aimless, randomThe man's desultory attempts at finding employment wasted his time.Synonyms : Antonyms : concentratedDerivatives : desultorious, desultoriness, desultorily, desultorLesson: 14 Word: 8

warrantedWOR un ted

justifiedThe jury felt that the death penalty was warranted because of the heinous nature of the crime.Synonyms : Antonyms : unjustifiedDerivatives : warrant, warrantable, warrantableness, warrantablyLesson: 32 Word: 25

humanehyoo MANE

kind, compassionate, sympathetic and considerateThe United States was very humane in its treatment of prisoners of war.Synonyms : Antonyms : brutalDerivatives : humanely, humanenessLesson: 10 Word: 10

benevolencebuh NEV uh lunz

kindness, generosity, charityHis benevolence was shown when he set up soup kitchens for the poor.Synonyms : Antonyms : antagonism; avarice; malevolenceDerivatives : benevolent, benevolentlyLesson: 11 Word: 5

jargonJAR gon

language used by a special group that is usually strange and confusing In making transactions, the traders on the stock market floor used a jargon which we could not understand.Synonyms : dialect, vernacular, lingoAntonyms : Derivatives : jargonal,jargonistic,jargonish,jargonesque, jargonist, jargoneer, jargonize, jargonizing, jargonizationLesson: 61 Word: 12

ephemeraleh FEM ur ul

lasting a short period of time, fleetingThe microorganism had an ephemeral lifespan. It died shortly after it was created.Synonyms : evanescent, fleeting, fugitive, transient, transitoryAntonyms : lasting; timeless; eternalDerivatives : ephemerally, ephemerality, ephemeralness, ephemeron, ephemerousLesson: 5 Word: 11

perennialpuh REN ee ul

lasting for many yearsThe Dallas Cowboys were often a perennial favorite to win the Super Bowl.Synonyms : constant, incessant, perpetual, unremittingAntonyms : annualDerivatives : perenniallyLesson: 37 Word: 17

sumptuousSUMP choo us

lavish, luxuriousI like to go to my mother's house on Thanksgiving Day because we always have a sumptuous feast.Synonyms : Antonyms : paltryDerivatives : sumptuously, sumptuosity, sumptuousnessLesson: 33 Word: 22

indolenceIN duh luns

lazinessThe hot and humid weather in the tropics encourages indolence.Synonyms : slothfulnessAntonyms : industriousnessDerivatives : indolent, indolency, indolentlyLesson: 5 Word: 17

slothfulSLOTH ful

lazy, indolentThat student is so slothful that he has never done any of his homework assignments.Synonyms : bovineAntonyms : industriousDerivatives : slothfully, slothfulness, slothLesson: 4 Word: 21

angularANG gyuh ler

lean; sharp cornered; gauntThe patient has lost so much weight that his face has become quite angular.Synonyms : Antonyms : rotundDerivatives : angulate, angularity, angulation, angulatorLesson: 1 Word: 3

foliageFOE lee ij

leaves of a plant, leafageThe trees will soon come alive with green foliage.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : foliages, foliar, foliaceousLesson: 39 Word: 11

clemencyKLEM un see

leniencyGovernors are usually allowed to grant clemency to deserving prisoners.Synonyms : Antonyms : harshnessDerivatives : clemencies, clement, clementlyLesson: 17 Word: 6

pugnaciouspug NAY shus

looking for a fight, combative, belligerentThere are many pugnacious punks at the high school that bully other students.Synonyms : bellicose, contentious, quarrelsomeAntonyms : peacefulDerivatives : pugnaciously, pugnaciousness, pugnacityLesson: 15 Word: 19

revelryREV ul ry

loud and boisterous partying or merrymakingOn the night of the election, there was much revelry at the governor's victory party.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : revelriesLesson: 42 Word: 19

oscillatingOS uh lay ting

moving back and forth, swinging, varyingThe oscillating pendulum was beginning to unnerve me.Synonyms : Antonyms : remaining steadyDerivatives : oscillate, oscillates, oscillated, oscillation, oscillator, oscillatoryLesson: 32 Word: 18

retrogradeREH truh grade

moving backwardThat particular object is moving in retrograde motion.Synonyms : withdrawing, receding, backwardAntonyms : moving forwardDerivatives : retrograded, retrograding, retrogradely, retrogradinglyLesson: 37 Word: 20

migratoryMY gruh tor ee

moving from place to place, wandering, transientThe migratory whooping cranes always return to Padre Island.Synonyms : Antonyms : stationaryDerivatives : migrate, migratorial, migrator, migration, migrationistLesson: 22 Word: 14

undulantUN juh lunt

moving with or resembling a wavelike motionPlaying golf on an undulant terrain is usually difficult.Synonyms : Antonyms : motionlessDerivatives : undulance, undulate, undulated, undulating, undulation, undulatoryLesson: 28 Word: 24

polyphonypuh LIF uh nee

music in which two or more independent melodies are sounded togetherMost of the music heard today is based on polyphony.Synonyms : Antonyms : homophonyDerivatives : polyphonic, polyphonistLesson: 61 Word: 18

reciprocalreh SIP ruh kul

mutual, interactingWe have made a reciprocal trade agreement whereby we will sell the country grain and it will sell us copper.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : reciprocality, reciprocally, reciprocating, reciprocation, reciprocative, reciprocator, reciprocatory, reciprocityLesson: 35 Word: 16

enigmaticen ig MAT ik

mysterious, inexplicable, puzzlingThe disappearance of Amelia Earhart is an enigma to this day.Synonyms : abstruse, ambiguous, cryptic, equivocal, obscure,Antonyms : clearDerivatives : enigma, enigmatical, enigmatically, enigmatizeLesson: 3 Word: 10

crypticKRIP tik

mysterious, secretI did not understand his cryptic message.Synonyms : abstruse, ambiguous, enigmatic, obscure, reconditeAntonyms : clear; revealedDerivatives : cryptical, cryptically, crypotogram, cryptography, cryptonym, cryptonymousLesson: 14 Word: 7

indigenousin DIJ eh nus

native to a certain areaMany types of cacti are indigenous to the southwest deserts of the United States.Synonyms : aboriginal, endemic, nativeAntonyms : alienDerivatives : indigenously, indigenize, indigenizationLesson: 19 Word: 13

dynamicdie NAM ik

producing an effect of energetic movement or progressionThe man gave a dynamic speech to the audience.Synonyms : forceful, energeticAntonyms : Derivatives : dynamically, dynamicalLesson: 50 Word: 6

wispyWIS pee

small in amount, fragile, or slightA baby hummingbird is a wispy little creature.Synonyms : Antonyms : substantialDerivatives : wispily, wispiness, wispish, wispsLesson: 49 Word: 25

antiquatedAN tuh kwat id

obsolete, out of fashion, no longer usableWe cannot afford to have antiquated military forces.Synonyms : antique, archaic, obsolete, venerableAntonyms : modernDerivatives : antiquate, antiquating, antiquation, antiquatednessLesson: 6 Word: 1

endemicen DEM ik

peculiar to or a trait of a group or areaGreat height is endemic to members of that African tribe.Synonyms : aboriginal, indigenous, nativeAntonyms : alienDerivatives : endemical, endemically, endemicity, endemismLesson: 32 Word: 11

repentantreh PEN tunt

penitent; characterized by showing repentance or contrition for a past sinHer repentant mood touched the jury, and she was absolved of guilt.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : repent, repenter, repenting, repented, repentance, repentantlyLesson: 29 Word: 20

tactileTAK til

perceptible by touch; capable of being feltThe woman's stroke left her with no tactile sensations at all.Synonyms : tangibleAntonyms : intangibleDerivatives : tactilist, tactility, tactionLesson: 23 Word: 25

tenaciousteh NAY shus

persistent, holding fast to a positionEngland was tenacious in its desire not to fall to the Germans.Synonyms : mettlesome, resolvedAntonyms : fickleDerivatives : tenaciously, tenaciousness, tenacityLesson: 30 Word: 23

phoenixFEE niks

person of unmatched beauty; something rising from apparent destructionLike a phoenix, he was able to recover from bankruptcy and become a millionaire again.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : phoenixityLesson: 51 Word: 16

prepossessingpree puh ZES ing

pleasing or creating a favorable impressionShirley Temple was a popular child actress because of her prepossessing personality.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : prepossess, prepossessingly, prepossession, prepossionaryLesson: 51 Word: 18

dulcetDUL sit

pleasing to the ear, melodious, euphoniousI was soothed by the dulcet tones of the violin.Synonyms : Antonyms : harsh; cacophonousDerivatives : dulcetly, dulcifyLesson: 65 Word: 8

mellowMEL oh

pleasingly mildThe orchestra played soft and mellow music.Synonyms : Antonyms : harshDerivatives : mellowy, mellowedLesson: 55 Word: 10

voluptuousvuh LUP choo us

pleasurable to the senses, sensuousBob Hope always took voluptuous women with him when he entertained soldiers overseas.Synonyms : Antonyms : plain; homelyDerivatives : voluptuosity, voluptuousness, voluptuate, voluptuouslyLesson: 59 Word: 25

indicesIN deh seez

plural of index, guidesThere are many indices in the library for you to use in your research.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : index, indexical, indexically, indexlessLesson: 45 Word: 12

toxicTOK sik

poisonousCarbon monoxide is toxic to animal life.Synonyms : Antonyms : healthful; harmlessDerivatives : toxical, toxicant, toxify, toxiferous, toxin, toxical, toxicityLesson: 7 Word: 23

civilitysuh VIL uh tee

polite and courteous behaviorDiplomats are expected to display a great deal of civility in their interactions with one another.Synonyms : mannerly behaviorAntonyms : rudeness, boorishness, impolitenessDerivatives : civil, civilities, civilize, civilizatory, civilizednessLesson: 20 Word: 5


popular fashionMiniskirts are in vogue again.Synonyms : Antonyms : unfashionableDerivatives : voguishLesson: 58 Word: 25

sovereignSOV rin

possessed of controlling powerThe king is sovereign within his country.Synonyms : predominant, paramount, preponderantAntonyms : without powerDerivatives : sovereignly, sovereignity, sovrantyLesson: 28 Word: 21

indigenceIN deh juns

povertyHis ragged clothes are a sign of his indigence.Synonyms : destitution, penury, wantAntonyms : wealthDerivatives : indigency, indigentLesson: 22 Word: 12

potentPOTE unt

powerful, having a strong effectThey gave me a potent pain killer to stop the throbbing sensation in my leg.Synonyms : Antonyms : ineffectualDerivatives : potence, potencyLesson: 37 Word: 18

forestalledfore STAWLD

prevented or delayed beforehandThe sandbag dam forestalled the advance of the water.Synonyms : Antonyms : assistedDerivatives : forestall, forestaller, forestallmentLesson: 40 Word: 10

fountainheadFOUN tun hed

principal source or originA quick glance into his extravagant lifestyle shows the fountainhead of his motivation to save his business.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : fountainheadsLesson: 60 Word: 6

methodicalmuh THOD eh kul

proceeding in a regular or systematic orderThe surgeon was very methodical in delivering the baby.Synonyms : Antonyms : haphazardDerivatives : methodically, methodicalnessLesson: 52 Word: 13

profunditypruh FUN deh tee

profound knowledge, intellectual depthEinstein had a profundity that was admired by all.Synonyms : Antonyms : shallowness; stupidityDerivatives : profound, profoundly, profoundnessLesson: 57 Word: 16

salutarySAL yuh ter ee

promoting good health or beneficial effectsYour talk has had a salutary effect on your child. His class behavior has really improved.Synonyms : salubrious, wholesomeAntonyms : harmfulDerivatives : salutarily, salutarinessLesson: 30 Word: 22

alacrityuh LAK ruh tee

prompt and cheerful responseI accepted his invitation to the prom with alacrity.Synonyms : celerityAntonyms : indolenceDerivatives : alacritousLesson: 12 Word: 2

decorousnessDEK ur us ness

proper behaviorA gentleman's behavior is known for its decorousness.Synonyms : Antonyms : lack of proprietyDerivatives : decorous, decorously, decorumLesson: 35 Word: 4

viscosityvis KOS eh tee

property of having a high resistance to flowHeinz ketchup has a high viscosity.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : viscousLesson: 28 Word: 25

itineraryeye TIN uh rer ee

proposed route of a journeyOur itinerary will place us in New Orleans during Mardi Gras.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : itinerancy, itineracy,itinerant, itinerantly, itinerarium, itinerated, itinerating, itinerationLesson: 59 Word: 12

demuredeh MYOOR

serious, reserved, coyHollywood often portrays gentlemen as handsome and demure.Synonyms : Antonyms : flagrantDerivatives : demurer, demurest, demurelyLesson: 60 Word: 4

gravityGRAV eh tee

seriousness, importanceThe gravity of the situation was heightened by the death of the president .Synonyms : earnestness, sedateness, sobriety, solemnity, staidnessAntonyms : unimportanceDerivatives : grave, graver, gravelyLesson: 22 Word: 10

brazenBRAY zen

shameless, insolent, disrespectfulPinching that woman was a very brazen act.Synonyms : Antonyms : reserved; mildDerivatives : brazenly, brazenness, brazenfacedLesson: 24 Word: 3

amorphousuh MOR fuss

shapeless, having no definite formIn the science fiction movie, the amorphous mass terrorized the town.Synonyms : Antonyms : structuredDerivatives : amorphously, amorphousness, amorphismLesson: 5 Word: 4

diffidenceDIF eh duns

shyness, reserve, unassertivenessBecause of his diffidence, he would not ask any girl to the prom.Synonyms : bashfulness, modestyAntonyms : confidenceDerivatives : diffidency, diffident, diffidently, diffidentnessLesson: 7 Word: 8

artifactsARE tuh faks

simple objects showing human workmanshipAfter supplying the finishing touches, the craftsman set the artifacts carefully on a shelf to dry.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : artifact, artefact, artefac, artifactual, artifactitiousLesson: 25 Word: 2


size or dimensions (usually the measure around a body)To be a sumo wrestler, one must have a large girth.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : girthsLesson: 24 Word: 10

dexterousDEK struss

skillful and active with the hands; manually adroit and skillfulThe machine shop advertised for a dexterous worker.Synonyms : deft, handyAntonyms : clumsyDerivatives : dexterity, dexterously, dexterousness, dextralLesson: 15 Word: 8

adroituh DROW it

skillful, adeptThe magician was especially adroit in making the lion disappear.Synonyms : clever, cunning, deft, dexterous, ingenious, ingenuityAntonyms : ineptDerivatives : adroitly, adroitnessLesson: 50 Word: 1


skillful, adroitHe was very deft in handling the questions from the reporter.Synonyms : clever, cunning, dexterous, ingeniousAntonyms : clumsyDerivatives : deftness, deftlyLesson: 20 Word: 7

artfulART ful

skillful, clever, trickyThe President was artful in negotiating the arms deal.Synonyms : crafty, cunning, foxy, slyAntonyms : guilelessDerivatives : artfully, artfulnessLesson: 51 Word: 2

industriousin DUS tree us

skillfully busy or occupiedThe industrious student will use time wisely.Synonyms : assiduous, diligent, sedulousAntonyms : slothful, indolentDerivatives : industriously, industriousness, industryLesson: 6 Word: 15

obliqueuh BLEEK

slanting, indirect, evasive, devious, misleadingBecause of the suspect's oblique answers, our interrogation of him led us in the wrong direction.Synonyms : Antonyms : directDerivatives : obliquate, obliquation, obliquely, obliqueness, obliquelyLesson: 5 Word: 22

legerdemainlej ur duh MANE

sleight of hand, deception or trickery resulting from use of the handsA magician must be able to perform feats of legerdemain.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : legerdermainsLesson: 39 Word: 18

prestidigitationpres tuh dij eh TAY

sleight of hand, manual dexterityMost magicians are skilled in prestidigitation.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : prestidigitator, prestidigitatorial, prestidigitatory, prestigiation, prestigiatorLesson: 53 Word: 16

foibleFOI bul

slight fault, minor weakness of characterHis character is weakened only by a slight foible.Synonyms : failing, fragility, viceAntonyms : strong pointDerivatives : foiblesLesson: 33 Word: 7

tangentialtan JEN shul

slightly connected, divergentSince we are short of time, tangential remarks are not appreciated.Synonyms : Antonyms : pertinentDerivatives : tangent, tangentially, tangentlyLesson: 19 Word: 23

laggardLAG urd

slow, sluggishWhen that coach tells you to do something, do not be laggard.Synonyms : Antonyms : animatedDerivatives : laggardly, laggardnessLesson: 48 Word: 11

languidLANG gwid

slow, sluggish, listless, weakThe old man's walk was languid, each pace requiring great effort.Synonyms : lethargic, stuporous, torpidAntonyms : animatedDerivatives : languidly, languidness, languish, languisher, languishing, languishmentLesson: 5 Word: 20

torpidTOR pid

sluggish, inactive, dullHe is always torpid on Sunday mornings.Synonyms : Antonyms : active; animatedDerivatives : torpor, torpidity, torpidness, torpify, torpidly, torpitude, torporificLesson: 12 Word: 23

lethargicluh THAR jik

sluggish, languidHaving had too much to drink, he was very lethargic the morning after the party.Synonyms : stuporous, torpidAntonyms : energeticDerivatives : lethargically, lethargize, lethargyLesson: 2 Word: 18

pettyPET ee

small and insignificantPut your petty grievances aside and settle this matter.Synonyms : Antonyms : significant; prodigiousDerivatives : pettiness, pettilyLesson: 46 Word: 17

acerbicuh SER bic

sour or bitter in mood or toneHis cold sarcasm demonstrated his acerbic attitude.Synonyms : Antonyms : kindlyDerivatives : acerbityLesson: 47 Word: 1

abstemiousab STEM ee us

sparing (usually in eating or drinking); temperateA person who is abstemious in his alcohol intake might not be welcome by that wild fraternity.Synonyms : Antonyms : gluttonousDerivatives : abstemiously, abstemiousness, abstention, abstentiousLesson: 17 Word: 1

scintillatingSIN tuh lay ting

sparkling, shining, or flashingThe fireworks during a Fourth of July celebration are a scintillating display.Synonyms : Antonyms : dullDerivatives : scintillate, scintillant, scintillantly, scintillatingly, scintillation, scintillator, scintillescentLesson: 11 Word: 23


speaking in a monotonous tone; a continuous low humming soundI could hardly endure the constant drone of the speaker's voice.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : droned, droning, drones, droner, droningly, dronishLesson: 24 Word: 8

foliatedFOE lee ay tid

split into thin layersGraphite has a foliated structure.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : foliate, foliationLesson: 51 Word: 9

fissionFISH un

splitting into partsNuclear fission is a source of great energy.Synonyms : Antonyms : process of joiningDerivatives : fissioned, fissioning, fissionability, fissionableLesson: 46 Word: 7

fermentFUR ment

state of agitation, commotionDuring the Civil War, much of the country was in a state of ferment.Synonyms : Antonyms : peace; calmDerivatives : fermentability, fermentable, fermental, fermentation, fermentative, fermenterLesson: 40 Word: 9

omniscienceom NISH uns

state of being all-knowingOnly God has omniscience, although my husband thinks he has it.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : omniscient, omnisciency, omniscientlyLesson: 65 Word: 17

heterogeneityhet uh ro je NEE eh tee

state of being dissimilar, composition from unlike elementsComing from many countries and cultures, students in my class are an example of heterogeneity.Synonyms : disparateness, dissimilarityAntonyms : homogeneityDerivatives : heterogeneous, heterogenesis, heterogeneously, heterogeneousnessLesson: 21 Word: 13

destitutiondes teh TOO shun

state of being extremely poor, in extreme wantWe face destitution if our father loses his job.Synonyms : impecunity, indigence, penury, wantAntonyms : prosperityDerivatives : destitute, destitutely, destitutenessLesson: 26 Word: 8

oblivionuh BLIV ee un

state of being forgottenUntil the singer's recent hit, his career had fallen into a state of oblivion.Synonyms : Antonyms : remembranceDerivatives : oblivious, obliviouslyLesson: 6 Word: 19

corpulenceKOR pyuh luns

state of being very fatOvereating will lead to corpulence.Synonyms : obesityAntonyms : emaciationDerivatives : corpulent, corpulentlyLesson: 32 Word: 8

rectitudeREK teh tood

state of moral integrityWhen the preacher's rectitude was questioned, many left his congregation.Synonyms : Antonyms : depravityDerivatives : rectitudinous, rectitudinouslyLesson: 39 Word: 22

fruitionfroo ISH un

state of realization or accomplishmentThe doctor saw the fruition of his dream when the new hospital was finally built.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : fruitiveLesson: 64 Word: 7

gentilityjen TIL eh tee

state of refinement, member of the upper class or gentry Southern gentlemen were proud of their gentility.Synonyms : Antonyms : boorishnessDerivatives : gentilitiesLesson: 43 Word: 12

extantEK stunt

still in existenceAlthough his books are illegal, many are extant and available on the black market.Synonyms : Antonyms : inexistentDerivatives : Lesson: 61 Word: 7


stimulates, sharpensThe smell of fresh bread always whets my appetite.Synonyms : Antonyms : stifles; dulls; suppressesDerivatives : whet, whettedLesson: 22 Word: 25

parsimonyPAR suh moe nee

stinginess, frugality; excessive economyHis family suffered from his parsimony as he refused to spend adequate money even on the necessities of life.Synonyms : Antonyms : prodigality; extravaganceDerivatives : parsimonious, parsimoniousness, parsimoniouslyLesson: 16 Word: 15

inclementin KLEM unt

stormy, severeThe weatherman said that our area should prepare for some inclement weather.Synonyms : Antonyms : calm; favorableDerivatives : inclemency, inclemently, inclementnessLesson: 60 Word: 9

punctiliouspungk TILL ee us

stressing precise following of instructions, details, codes or conductThe boss insists that we be punctilious in following company policy.Synonyms : meticulous, scrupulousAntonyms : lackadaisicalDerivatives : punctiliously, punctiliousnessLesson: 26 Word: 19

austereaw STEER

strict, stern; unadorned, asceticPioneers usually led an austere existence.Synonyms : severeAntonyms : indulgentDerivatives : austereness, austerely, austerityLesson: 2 Word: 3

rigorRIG ur

strictness, severityCalculus and physics are courses that require rigor in study habits.Synonyms : Antonyms : laxityDerivatives : rigorism, rigorist, rigoristic, rigoristic, rigorous, rigorously, rigoroursnessLesson: 25 Word: 17

meticulousmuh TIK yuh lus

taking great careI am usually very meticulous in completing my assignments.Synonyms : punctilious, scrupulousAntonyms : carelessDerivatives : meticulously, meticulousnessLesson: 9 Word: 15

garrulousGAR yuh lus

talkative, ramblingHe was so garrulous that he repeated everything many times.Synonyms : volubleAntonyms : taciturnDerivatives : garrulously, garrulousness, garrulityLesson: 6 Word: 13

circumlocutionsir kum low KEW shun

talking around a subjectPoliticians are known for circumlocution.Synonyms : Antonyms : brevity; conciseness; tersenessDerivatives : circumlocutoryLesson: 22 Word: 4

palpablePAL puh bul

tangible, perceptible, easily noticeableI do not see how I overlooked such a palpable miscalculation.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : palpability, palpably, palpablenessLesson: 51 Word: 15

lachrymoseLAK ruh mose

tearfulShe was very lachrymose at the funeral of her father.Synonyms : Antonyms : dry-eyedDerivatives : lachrymable, lachrymal, lachrymation, lachrymator, lachrymatory, lachrymosely, lachrymosityLesson: 39 Word: 17


the width of something, comprehensive qualityThe breadth of his knowledge about art is amazing.Synonyms : Antonyms : narrownessDerivatives : breadths, breadthen, breadthened, breadtheningLesson: 23 Word: 3

certitudesSIR tuh toods

things that are inevitable or certain, certaintiesHe was able to take his vows with absolute certitude.Synonyms : Antonyms : doubtDerivatives : certitudeLesson: 29 Word: 5

intangiblesin TAN juh buls

things that cannot be realized or definedThe coach said that he had the best team and that they should win, but one never knows about intangibles.Synonyms : Antonyms : things that can be realizedDerivatives : intangibility, intangibleness, intangiblyLesson: 33 Word: 11

harbingersHAR bin jers

things that precede and forecastThick fur on a wooly worm is a harbinger of a cold winter.Synonyms : forerunners, heralds, precursorsAntonyms : Derivatives : harbingerLesson: 61 Word: 10

premeditatedpree MED eh tay ted

thought out beforehandPremeditated murder is punishable by the death penalty in Texas.Synonyms : Antonyms : spontaneousDerivatives : premeditate, premeditatedly, premeditatedness, premeditatingly, premeditation, premeditativeLesson: 32 Word: 20

ominousOM uh nus

threateningThe ominous clouds were harbingers of the tornado.Synonyms : fateful, portentousAntonyms : harmless; non-threateningDerivatives : ominously, ominousnessLesson: 4 Word: 17

indefatigablein deh FAT uh guh bul

tireless, incapable of being fatiguedThe indefatigable army moved ahead steadily over the many days without rest.Synonyms : Antonyms : easily tiredDerivatives : indefatigability, indefatigableness, indefatigablyLesson: 14 Word: 14

abrogateAB ruh gayt

to abolish, to do away withThe king abrogated the law passed by the parliament.Synonyms : annul, invalidate, negate, nullifyAntonyms : to establishDerivatives : abrogable, abrogation, abrogative, abrogator, abrogated, abrogatingLesson: 38 Word: 1

imbibeim BIBE

to absorb or to drink inIt is dangerous to imbibe too much alcohol.Synonyms : Antonyms : to exudeDerivatives : imbibes, imbibed, imbibition, imbibitional, imbiberLesson: 46 Word: 10

accrueuh KREW

to accumulate, to gather, or to grow as interest on moneyIf you leave the money in the bank, it will accrue interest, and you will have more money.Synonyms : Antonyms : to become lessDerivatives : accrual, accrued, accruing, accruementLesson: 46 Word: 1


to add a bit of color; to affect slightly; a slight colorationI wanted to add a tinge of red to the picture. The roses tinged the air with their fragrance.Synonyms : Antonyms : to blanchDerivatives : tingent, tinged, tinging, tingesLesson: 33 Word: 23

appenduh PEND

to add in a supplementary mannerHis long-winded discourse was appended by a final summary of important points.Synonyms : Antonyms : to detach, to deleteDerivatives : appendage, appendant, appendance, appendedLesson: 40 Word: 1

dissuadedeh SWADE

to advise against, to talk out ofI tried to dissuade him from going over Niagara Falls in a barrel, but he would not listen.Synonyms : Antonyms : to persuade, to encourageDerivatives : dissuadable, dissuasion, dissuasive, dissuasively, dissuasivenessLesson: 11 Word: 8

exacerbateig ZAS ur bate

to aggravate, to irritate, to vexYou will only exacerbate the situation if you try to call her.Synonyms : Antonyms : to ameliorate; to sootheDerivatives : exacerbatingly, exacerbationLesson: 2 Word: 11

assentuh CENT

to agree or to concur; to give in, to yield; agreementAssenting to his demands, she did as she was told.Synonyms : acquiesce, concede; complianceAntonyms : dissentDerivatives : assenting, assented, assentingly, assentive, assentiveness, assentation, assentorLesson: 22 Word: 2

estrangeeh STRANJ

to alienate, to separateThe necessity to travel in his business may estrange him from his family for a short period of time.Synonyms : disaffect, weanAntonyms : to unite; to joinDerivatives : estranged, estrangedness, estrangementLesson: 9 Word: 6

waylayWAY lay

to ambush or to attack unexpectedlyThe police tried to waylay the criminal.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : waylaid, waylaying, waylaysLesson: 44 Word: 25

placatePLAY kate

to appease or to pacify by making concessionsMy wife is so angry at me that I cannot placate her.Synonyms : conciliate, mollification, propitiateAntonyms : to antagonizeDerivatives : placater, placating, placatingly, placation, placative, placatoryLesson: 7 Word: 17

nettleNET ul

to arouse displeasure, impatience, or anger inThe small boys deliberately tried to nettle their big sister.Synonyms : irritate, incite, provoke, vexAntonyms : to placateDerivatives : nettles, nettled, nettling, nettler, nettlesomeLesson: 55 Word: 11

marshalMAR shul

to arrange in proper order; to usher or to leadTheir host marshaled them into the room.Synonyms : order, dispose; convokeAntonyms : to scatterDerivatives : marshaled, marshaling, marshalcy, marshalship, marshalerLesson: 47 Word: 13

impugnim PYOON

to assail or to attack one's honor or integrityAfter the death of his father, many relatives impugned his claims to his inheritance.Synonyms : Antonyms : to speak well ofDerivatives : impugnable, impugnation, impugnmentLesson: 53 Word: 10

pigeonholePIJ un hole

to assign to a categorySince he writes comedies, mysteries, and musicals, it is difficult to pigeonhole his writing style.Synonyms : assort, sort, classifyAntonyms : Derivatives : Lesson: 53 Word: 15

relegateREL uh gate

to assign to an inferior positionThe veteran ball player knew it was time to retire when he was relegated to sitting on the bench.Synonyms : Antonyms : to promoteDerivatives : relegation, relegable, relegates, relegated, relegatingLesson: 31 Word: 19

subvertsub VURT

to destroy or to impair by insidious underminingThe revolution began when several citizens joined together in an effort to subvert their own government.Synonyms : raze, demolish, alienate, overturn, defeatAntonyms : Derivatives : subverter, subverted, subvertible, subversion, subversive, subversively, subversiveness, subverseLesson: 34 Word: 21


to detestThe fact that I loathe your brother does not mean that we cannot be friends.Synonyms : abhor, abominateAntonyms : to adoreDerivatives : loathful, loathing, loathingly, loathness,loathsomeLesson: 3 Word: 16

flowerFLOU ur

to develop fullyHer intellectual spirit flowered after she went to college.Synonyms : Antonyms : to witherDerivatives : flowered, flowers, floweringLesson: 48 Word: 8

discerndeh SURN

to differentiate between two or more thingsBecause of the fog, I was barely able to discern the landing strip.Synonyms : Antonyms : to ignore; to be oblivious; toDerivatives : discerner, discernible, discernable, discernibleness, discernibly, discernably, discerningly, discernmentLesson: 1 Word: 6

exhumeig ZOOM

to dig something buried out of the earth; to revive after neglectThe court issued an order to exhume the body for an autopsy.Synonyms : disinterAntonyms : to buryDerivatives : exhumed, exhuming, exhumation, exhumerLesson: 59 Word: 7

reprobateREP ruh bate

to disapprove of; a person with no moral principles, a depraved individualSome thought that the ax murderer was a reprobate who deserved to die.Synonyms : blame, censure, condemn, denounce, reprehendAntonyms : saintDerivatives : reprobation, reprobative, reprobator, reprobatoryLesson: 30 Word: 21

deprecateDEP ruh kate

to disapprove regretfully, to belittle, to express mild disapprovalDo not deprecate her act unless you fully understand her situation.Synonyms : Antonyms : to endorseDerivatives : depracating, deprecatingly, deprecative, deprecatively, deprecatory, deprecated, deprecatingLesson: 3 Word: 7

jettisonJET eh sun

to discard or to cast off, many times relates to spacecraftThe sailors were forced to jettison all excess weight in order to stay afloat.Synonyms : Antonyms : to bring aboardDerivatives : jettisonableLesson: 29 Word: 17

chastenCHAY sun

to discipline, to use punishment to correct behaviorI was chastened by my mother for not cleaning up my room.Synonyms : admonish, castigate, chastise, chide, rebuke, reproachAntonyms : to rewardDerivatives : chastened, chastening, chastenerLesson: 20 Word: 4

dissembledeh SEM bul

to disguise, to pretendAlthough he tried to dissemble his motive for seeing me, I knew the real reason.Synonyms : Antonyms : to revealDerivatives : dissembled, dissembling, dissembler, dissemblinglyLesson: 22 Word: 7

refutereh FYOOT

to disprove, to show as erroneousThe lawyer presented evidence that refuted the testimony of the witness.Synonyms : Antonyms : to prove; to avowDerivatives : refutable, refutability, refutably, refutal, refutation, refutative, refutatory, refuterLesson: 27 Word: 19

desiccateDES uh kate

to dry upWhen traveling, desiccated milk or soup is easy to carry.Synonyms : Antonyms : to soakDerivatives : desiccated, desiccation, desiccative, desiccator, desiccatoryLesson: 16 Word: 9

stupefySTOO puh fie

to dull the senses as to put into a stuporThat boring lecture would stupefy anyone with any intelligence.Synonyms : Antonyms : to exciteDerivatives : stupefyingly, stupefaction, stupefacient, stupefactiveLesson: 9 Word: 22

palliatePAL ee ate

to ease pain, guilt or intensityThe doctor attempted to palliate the patient's suffering by prescribing drugs.Synonyms : Antonyms : to intensifyDerivatives : palliated, palliating, palliation, palliative, palliator, palliatoryLesson: 38 Word: 18

assuageuh SWAYJ

to ease, to mitigate, to make less painful or burdensome, to calmYour kind words should assuage her suffering. The medicine should assuage his pain.Synonyms : allay, alleviate, lighten, sootheAntonyms : to irritate; to intensifyDerivatives : assuaged, assuaging, assuagement, assuagerLesson: 4 Word: 4


to effectively oppose or to stopWe were able to thwart the invading forces with bombing by our superior air force.Synonyms : foil, frustrate, baffle, balk, circumventAntonyms : Derivatives : thwarted, thwartedly, thwarter, thwartingLesson: 42 Word: 22

ennobleen NOE bul

to elevate, to raise in rankThe man was ennobled by his true devotion to mankind.Synonyms : Antonyms : to defameDerivatives : ennobled, ennoblement, ennobling, ennoblishLesson: 26 Word: 11

embedem BED

to enclose firmly in some massThe fossil has been embedded in the rock for millions of years.Synonyms : Antonyms : to extractDerivatives : embedmentLesson: 31 Word: 8

emboldenem BOL dun

to encourage one to be bold or to have courageThe general tried to embolden his men before battle.Synonyms : Antonyms : to discourageDerivatives : emboldened, emboldening, emboldensLesson: 31 Word: 9

abetuh BET

to encourage or to assist (usually an offense against justice or the law)To aid and abet an enemy of the country is a crime.Synonyms : foment, incite, instigateAntonyms : to discourage; to interfereDerivatives : abetment, abettor, abetted, abettingLesson: 11 Word: 1


to give utterance toHe vented his opinions only at the end of the speech.Synonyms : Antonyms : to repressDerivatives : vented, ventingLesson: 45 Word: 23

exaltig ZALT

to glorify, to praise, to raise in rankThe woman was exalted for her successes in the field of science.Synonyms : Antonyms : to defame; to deprecateDerivatives : exalted, exalting, exalts, exaltation, exaltedly, exaltedness, exalterLesson: 15 Word: 10

renegereh NIG

to go back on one's wordBecause he has reneged on his promise, I will no longer trust his word.Synonyms : Antonyms : to keep one's wordDerivatives : reneged, reneging, renegerLesson: 60 Word: 19


to gouge out or to make a furrow in; to expel by forceThe wood craftsman took his tools and began to rout a furrow into the wood in the shape of a heart.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : router, routed, routingLesson: 59 Word: 21

vouchsafeVOUCH safe

to grant in a condescending mannerI can vouchsafe you a large return on your investment.Synonyms : Antonyms : to refuse to grantDerivatives : vouchsafementLesson: 60 Word: 25

shepherd (verb)SHEP urd

to guide, to guard, or to tend toThe young man was able to shepherd the group of people safely out of the dangerous situation.Synonyms : Antonyms : to neglectDerivatives : shepherding,shepherdless, shepherdlikeLesson: 58 Word: 21

bequeathbuh KWEETH

to hand down, to give or to leave in a willI bequeathed my gym shorts to my brother after I graduated from high school.Synonyms : Antonyms : to keep; to hordeDerivatives : bequeathal, bequest, bequeathedLesson: 7 Word: 4

declaimdeh KLAME

to harangue, to speak bombastically or vehementlyHe declaimed his opponents with oratorical vigor.Synonyms : bombast, fustian, rant, rodomontadeAntonyms : to mentionDerivatives : declaimer, declamation, declamatory, declaimed, declaimingLesson: 34 Word: 6

beleaguerbuh LEEG er

to harassThe scandal caused the President to be beleaguered by the press.Synonyms : Antonyms : to shield fromDerivatives : beleaguered, beleaguererLesson: 15 Word: 5

demurdeh MUR

to hesitate, to delay, to objectTo demur at this time might cause the whole operation to be destroyed.Synonyms : Antonyms : to proceed, to agree, to accedeDerivatives : demurred, demurringLesson: 60 Word: 3


to honor with a new titleI dub thee a knight of the Round Table.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : dubbed, dubbing, dubs, dubberLesson: 63 Word: 6

reverereh VERE

to honor, to regard with respectNearly all Catholics revere the Pope.Synonyms : adore, venerate, worshipAntonyms : to despiseDerivatives : reverence, reverent, reverentness, reverential, reverentiality, reverentiallyLesson: 1 Word: 21

venerateVEN uh rate

to honor, to revereAlthough I did not always agree with President Kennedy, I venerate his memory.Synonyms : adore, worshipAntonyms : Derivatives : veneration, venerational, venerator, venerable, venerabilityLesson: 2 Word: 25

mortifyMORE tuh fie

to humiliate, to wound pride, to experience shameIt would simply mortify me to have someone say such shameful things about my family.Synonyms : Antonyms : to calm; to sootheDerivatives : mortifyingly, mortifier, mortified, mortifiedly, mortificationLesson: 15 Word: 15

scurrySKUR ee

to hurry about, to scamperThe robbers scurried when they heard the police siren.Synonyms : Antonyms : to dawdle; to move slowlyDerivatives : scurried, scurryingLesson: 45 Word: 19

encumberen CUM bur

to impede or to hinder; to hamper; to retardRed tape encumbers all our attempts at action.Synonyms : oppress, overloadAntonyms : to freeDerivatives : encumberingly, encumbrance, encumbrancerLesson: 47 Word: 9

imbueim BYOO

to impregnate or to inspire with feelings or opinionsThe scholar was imbued with the teachings of the philosopher.Synonyms : charge, infect, fire; permeate, infuse, tincture, soakAntonyms : to drainDerivatives : imbued, imbuing, imbuementLesson: 34 Word: 11

appreciateuh PREE she ate

to increase in valueMy home has appreciated in value by $10,000.Synonyms : Antonyms : to decrease in valueDerivatives : appreciation, appreciator, appreciated, appreciating, appreciative, appreciatively, appreciativeness, appriciatoryLesson: 45 Word: 1

fractiousFRAK shus

unrulyThe fractious students started a food fight.Synonyms : Antonyms : manageable; easy to handleDerivatives : fractiously, fractiousnessLesson: 61 Word: 8

impedeim PEDE

to interfere with or to obstruct the progressWhile the hurricane has impeded the building's construction, the builder feels that it can be completed on time.Synonyms : hinder, obstructAntonyms : to assist, to promoteDerivatives : impeded, impeding, impeder, impedibility, impedible, impedingly, impedient, impediment, impedimental,Lesson: 25 Word: 10

intercedein ter SEDE

to intervene and to act as a mediatorI will intercede on your behalf in your dispute with your boss if you believe it will do some good.Synonyms : Antonyms : to stand asideDerivatives : interceder, intercession, intercessional, intercessive, intercessor, intercessorialLesson: 37 Word: 13


to intimidate, to dismayI am not daunted by your threats.Synonyms : Antonyms : to heartenDerivatives : dauntless, dauntlessly, dauntlessnessLesson: 4 Word: 7

leavenLEV un

to introduce something that spreads throughout and modifies or enlivensThe professor leavened his lecture with humorous anecdotes.Synonyms : infuseAntonyms : Derivatives : leavenless, leavening, leavenedLesson: 52 Word: 11


to joinFor Christmas, I am going to give my father an instrument to help him splice his home movies if they break.Synonyms : Antonyms : to severDerivatives : spliced, splicingLesson: 48 Word: 21

coupleKUH pul

to join or to link togetherIf you will couple the beads, you will have a longer necklace.Synonyms : Antonyms : to separateDerivatives : coupled, couples, couplingLesson: 45 Word: 5

abscondab SKOND

to leave secretly and hideAfter the thief absconded with the bonds, he was never found.Synonyms : flee, flyAntonyms : to give oneself upDerivatives : absconder, abscondedLesson: 26 Word: 2

reposereh POSE

to lie or to be at rest; the state of being at rest; absence of movementWhen in repose, her little face looks remarkably calm.Synonyms : Antonyms : action; movement; activityDerivatives : reposal, reposed, reposing, reposedly, reposedness, reposeful, reposefully, reposefulnessLesson: 65 Word: 21


to limit to a certain amount; to be frugalDon't stint on the food when you prepare for the party.Synonyms : confine, restrainAntonyms : to be wastefulDerivatives : stinted, stinting, stintedly, stintedness, stinter, stintingly, stintlessLesson: 54 Word: 21


to lose interest or attraction, to become wearisomeAfter the comedian's first bad jokes, his routine began to pall.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : Lesson: 50 Word: 14


to make a public utteranceI intend to air my views to the school board and to anybody who will listen.Synonyms : Antonyms : to concealDerivatives : airs, airing, airedLesson: 39 Word: 1

atoneuh TONE

to make amendsHe atoned for his theft by repaying his victims.Synonyms : Antonyms : to offendDerivatives : atoned, atoning, atoner, atonementLesson: 25 Word: 3

ingratiatein GRAY she ate

to make an effort to gain good favor with someone He tried to ingratiate himself with the girl's parents by always being polite.Synonyms : Antonyms : to alienateDerivatives : ingratiating, ingratiatingly, ingratiation, ingratiatoryLesson: 12 Word: 12


to make angry, to arouse resentmentThe boy would often try to rile his sister and instigate an argument.Synonyms : irritateAntonyms : to sootheDerivatives : riley, riled, riling, rilesLesson: 56 Word: 18

enhanceen HANS

to make better, to improveYour chances of passing the test will be enhanced if you study.Synonyms : Antonyms : to worsenDerivatives : enhanced, enhancement, enhancing, enhancer, enhanciveLesson: 12 Word: 8

ameliorateuh MEE lee o rate

to make better, to relieve, to improveSocial workers attempt to ameliorate the conditions of people living in the slum areas.Synonyms : Antonyms : to make worse; to aggravateDerivatives : ameliorated, ameliorating, ameliorable, ameliorant, ameliorative, ameliorator, ameliorationLesson: 5 Word: 2

elucidateeh LOO seh date

to make clear, to explainI will try to elucidate some of the important changes in the tax code.Synonyms : explicate, expoundAntonyms : to confuseDerivatives : elucidation, elucidative, elucidatory, elucidatorLesson: 5 Word: 10

defiledeh FILE

to make dirty, to desecrate, to polluteThe gang defiled the school with obscene graffiti.Synonyms : contaminate, taintAntonyms : to enhanceDerivatives : defilement, defiler, defiling, defilinglyLesson: 19 Word: 6

augmentawg MENT

to make greater or to supplementWe must try to augment our savings this year.Synonyms : Antonyms : to diminishDerivatives : augmentable, augmenter, augmentation, augmentative, augmentedLesson: 12 Word: 4

precludepreh KLOOD

to make impossibleA low SAT score may preclude your acceptance to that college.Synonyms : Antonyms : to aidDerivatives : precludable, precluded, preclusion, preclusiveLesson: 12 Word: 17

adulterateuh DUL ter ate

to make impure by adding lesser substances; to corruptThe authorities were concerned that the drugs might have been adulterated intentionally.Synonyms : Antonyms : to purifyDerivatives : adulterator, adulterant, adulteration, adulterine, adulterous, adulterated, adulteratingLesson: 14 Word: 1

endowen DOW

to provide with income or property, to supply with a talent or qualityI plan to endow a million dollars to my former college.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : endowment, endowedLesson: 48 Word: 7


to pucker or to tighten one's lipsThe angrier he got, the more he pursed his lips.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : pursed, pursingLesson: 27 Word: 18

castigateKAS tuh gate

to punish or to subdue by punishment; to criticize with drastic severityThe psychologist suggested that the father might begin to castigate his unruly son for his belligerent behavior.Synonyms : punish, chastiseAntonyms : to saluteDerivatives : castigated, castigating, castigates, castigation, castigator, castigatoryLesson: 26 Word: 4

tableTAY bul

to put aside or to postpone (usually relates to parliamentary procedure)The Senate voted to table the bill that would raise taxes.Synonyms : Antonyms : to consider immediatelyDerivatives : tabled, tabling, tablesLesson: 50 Word: 22

allayuh LAY

to put fear, doubt, anger, or suspicion to rest; to quiet; to relieveIn order to allay the patient's pain, the nurse administered a pain reliever.Synonyms : soften, assuage, soothe, mollify, temper, ease, mitigate,Antonyms : to aggravateDerivatives : allayed, allaying, allayerLesson: 56 Word: 1

propoundpruh POUND

to put forth for discussion or analysisThe scientist was asked to propound a hypothesis during the discussion.Synonyms : Antonyms : to remove from considerationDerivatives : propounderLesson: 60 Word: 18

incarceratein KAR suh rate

to put into prisonThe judge told the convicted murderer that he would be incarcerated in the state prison.Synonyms : Antonyms : to set freeDerivatives : incarceration, incarcerator, incarcerated, incarceratingLesson: 46 Word: 11

deferdeh FUR

to put off action until a future time; to delayThe decision has been deferred by the board until next week.Synonyms : postpone, procrastinateAntonyms : to begin immediatelyDerivatives : deferred, deferring, deferrableLesson: 36 Word: 6


to quiet or to put down a disturbanceFortunately, the principal was able to quell the food fight in the cafeteria.Synonyms : Antonyms : to foment; to inciteDerivatives : quelled, quelling, quellsLesson: 16 Word: 19

forsakefore SAKE

to quit or to leave entirely; to depart or to withdraw fromThe father was not about to forsake his children in their time of need.Synonyms : leave, desert, abandonAntonyms : Derivatives : forsaken, forsook, forsaking, forsakes, forsakenly, forsakenness, forsakerLesson: 42 Word: 3


to quote an authorityThe lawyer cited many precedents in supporting his case.Synonyms : Antonyms : to allude toDerivatives : cited, citing, citable, citeableLesson: 43 Word: 3


to rave, to speak in a loud and attacking mannerHe ranted constantly about how everyone was out to get him.Synonyms : bombastic, claptrap, declamation, fustian, rodomontadeAntonyms : to speak peaceablyDerivatives : ranted, rantingLesson: 24 Word: 18

hypothesizehigh POTH eh size

to reach a conclusion based on an assumption or something not provenBefore you begin your experiment, you should hypothesize about the possible outcome.Synonyms : Antonyms : to know with certaintyDerivatives : hypothesized, hypothesis, hypotheses, hypothetical, hypotheticallyLesson: 9 Word: 9

perusepuh ROOZ

to read or to examineMy lawyer says he has not had time to peruse the contract.Synonyms : Antonyms : to skimDerivatives : perusal, perusable, perused, perusingLesson: 21 Word: 18

conciliatekun SIL ee ate

to reconcile, to pacify, to renew a friendshipMy husband tried to conciliate me with a gift of roses.Synonyms : appease, mollify, placate, propitiateAntonyms : to estrangeDerivatives : conciliated, conciliating, conciliator, conciliatoriness, conciliatorilyLesson: 6 Word: 6

debasedeh BASE

to reduce in dignity or qualityDo not debase yourself by swearing.Synonyms : abase, corrupt, debauch, demean, deprave, pervert, vitiateAntonyms : to glorifyDerivatives : debased, debasing, debasement, debaser, debasinglyLesson: 5 Word: 8

abateuh BAYT

to reduce in intensity or amountThe flood waters abated after forty days of rain.Synonyms : decrease, diminish, dwindle, ebb, lessen, reduce, waneAntonyms : to increaseDerivatives : abatable, abater, abatement, abated, abatingLesson: 15 Word: 1

pulverizePUL vuh rize

to reduce into small pieces, to demolishThe rocks were pulverized by the heavy machine rolling over them.Synonyms : Antonyms : to mold togetherDerivatives : pulverization, pulverized, pulverizer, pulverous, pulverulent, pulverulentlyLesson: 23 Word: 22


to reduce or to lessenWe hope to pare our expenses by staying in inexpensive hotels.Synonyms : Antonyms : to supplementDerivatives : pared, pares, paringLesson: 55 Word: 12

petulancePECH uh luns

unreasonable touchiness or irritabilityPetulance is sometimes the trait of a child who is not getting his way.Synonyms : Antonyms : serenityDerivatives : petulant, petulancy, petulantlyLesson: 4 Word: 18

itineranteye TIN ur unt

traveling from place to placeThe itinerant preacher ministered throughout the state.Synonyms : Antonyms : settledDerivatives : itinerancy, itineracy, itinerantly, itinerarium, itinerary, itinerate, itinerationLesson: 41 Word: 8

insidiousin SID ee us

treacherous or dangerous in a secret sort of wayAIDS is insidious because one can have it and transmit it before showing symptoms of the disease.Synonyms : Antonyms : harmlessDerivatives : insidiously, insidiousnessLesson: 28 Word: 13

paltryPAWL tree

trifling; petty; worthlessHe was building paltry houses unfit for occupancy.Synonyms : minor, inconsiderable, slight, insignificant, pettyAntonyms : superiorDerivatives : paltrier, paltriest, paltrily, paltrinessLesson: 12 Word: 14

platitudePLAT eh tood

trite remark, banal statementThat politician can spout platitudes, but he has never passed a bill that has substance.Synonyms : Antonyms : profundityDerivatives : platitudinal, platitudinarian, platitudinize, platitudinous, platitudinouslyLesson: 15 Word: 17

hackneyedHAK need

trite, banal, lacking freshnessThe teacher instructed her students to avoid hackneyed phrases and instead to use something fresh and new.Synonyms : threadbareAntonyms : inventive; freshDerivatives : Lesson: 18 Word: 13

dissonanceDIS uh nuns

unrelated and harsh combination of sounds, discordDissonance is a part of some contemporary music.Synonyms : Antonyms : harmonyDerivatives : dissonant, dissonancyLesson: 23 Word: 8

immutableeh MYOO tuh bul

unchangingHer love for her husband was immutable.Synonyms : Antonyms : fickleDerivatives : immutability, immutableness, immutablyLesson: 3 Word: 14

pyromaniapie ruh MAY nee uh

uncontrollable impulse to ignite firesThe arson was due to pyromania rather than a deliberate attempt to collect insurance money.Synonyms : Antonyms : Derivatives : pyromancy, pyromaniac, pyromaniacalLesson: 47 Word: 16

empathyEM puh the

understanding or identification with another's feelings or situationHaving been discriminated against, I have a lot of empathy for those seeking equal pay for equal work.Synonyms : Antonyms : unconcern; disinterestDerivatives : empathetic, empathetically, empathizeLesson: 13 Word: 10

implicitim PLIS it

understood but not directly expressedHis implicit remarks left no doubt as to what he meant.Synonyms : Antonyms : obscureDerivatives : implicitly, implicitness, implicityLesson: 43 Word: 13

esoterices uh TER ik

understood only by a small group or a select fewThe English teachers were having an esoteric discussion about the correct usage of some obscure word.Synonyms : Antonyms : obviousDerivatives : esoterical, esoterically, esotericism, esotericist, esoterism, esoteryLesson: 2 Word: 10

tacitTAS it

understood, silent, not spoken, implicitWe have a tacit agreement that the goods are delivered only after payment is made.Synonyms : Antonyms : spoken; verbalizedDerivatives : tacitly, tacitness, taciturnLesson: 22 Word: 22

unassailableun uh SALE uh bul

undisputable, not able to be attacked with successThe arguments of the lawyer were unassailable; consequently, he won the case.Synonyms : Antonyms : disputableDerivatives : unassailably, unassailableness, unassailedLesson: 51 Word: 23

chicanerysheh KAY nuh ree

unethical methods, trickeryThe lawyer used chicanery to get the witness off guard in his testimony.Synonyms : Antonyms : honesty; truthfulnessDerivatives : chicaner, chicane, chicaned, chicaning, chicaneriesLesson: 21 Word: 5

inauspiciousin ah SPISH us

unfavorableI was disheartened by the inauspicious occasion of his death.Synonyms : Antonyms : promising good resultsDerivatives : inauspiciouslyLesson: 56 Word: 11

incuriousin KYOOR ee us

uninterested, lacking normal curiosityI was surprised at his incurious reaction when I told him that the prom queen was interested in him.Synonyms : Antonyms : interested; curiousDerivatives : incuriosity, incuriously, incuriousnessLesson: 31 Word: 12

incessantin SES unt

uninterruptedThe dog's incessant barking caused the man to have difficulty falling asleep.Synonyms : constant, perennial, perpetual, unremittingAntonyms : intermittentDerivatives : incessancy, incessantly, incessantness, incessionLesson: 16 Word: 12

refractoryreh FRAK tuh ree

unmanageable, stubborn with respect to authorityA refractory child should be removed from the classroom.Synonyms : headstrong, intractable, recalcitrant, unruly, willfulAntonyms : obedientDerivatives : refractorily, refractorinessLesson: 55 Word: 16

laconicluh KON ik

using a minimum of words; concise to the point of seeming rudeAfter the loss, the coach's remarks were laconic.Synonyms : compendious, concise, pithy, succinct, summary, terseAntonyms : verboseDerivatives : laconian, laconical, laconically, laconicism, laconismLesson: 8 Word: 17

bombasticbom BASS tik

using inflated language, pompousThe politician was bombastic as he railed against big government.Synonyms : claptrap, declamatory, fustian, ranting, rodomontadeAntonyms : meek; humbleDerivatives : bombastically, bombasticalLesson: 12 Word: 5

abjectab JEKT

utterly hopeless, humiliating, or wretched; contemptibleWe were concerned about his health when we discovered that he was living in abject poverty.Synonyms : debasing, degrading, despicable; miserableAntonyms : exaltedDerivatives : abjection, abjectly, abjectness, abjectedness, abjectiveLesson: 48 Word: 1

perniciouspur NISH us

very destructive or harmful, deadlyShooting heroin is a pernicious habit.Synonyms : baneful, deleterious, detrimental, noxiousAntonyms : harmless, benignDerivatives : perniciously, perniciousnessLesson: 38 Word: 20

enervationen er VAY shun

weaknessA poor diet will cause enervation.Synonyms : emasculationAntonyms : strengthDerivatives : enervate, enervated, enervatorLesson: 11 Word: 10

sanguineSANG gwin

very confidentThe candidate had sanguine expectations for his election to the senate.Synonyms : optimistic, hopeful, sureAntonyms : afraidDerivatives : sanguineness,sanguineous, sanguinaryLesson: 42 Word: 20

arduousAR jew us

very difficult to accomplish or to achieve, very demanding (task)Training to be a gymnast is an arduous activity.Synonyms : Antonyms : easy; not difficultDerivatives : arduously, arduousnessLesson: 18 Word: 3

vigilantVIJ uh lunt

very alert, watchfulI have been vigilant in trying to find the thief.Synonyms : Antonyms : unconcerned; inattentiveDerivatives : vigilance, vigilantly, vigilantness, vigilLesson: 7 Word: 24

despicabledes PIK uh bul

very bad, contemptibleActing like a bully is despicable.Synonyms : pitiable, scurvyAntonyms : likableDerivatives : despicability, despicableness, despicablyLesson: 31 Word: 7

egregiouseh GREE jus

very bad, shocking, conspicuously badSkipping class is an egregious error.Synonyms : Antonyms : goodDerivatives : egregiously, egregiousnessLesson: 38 Word: 8

vitriolicvi tree OL ik

very caustic and sarcasticA teacher should avoid vitriolic remarks in the classroom.Synonyms : Antonyms : kind; harmlessDerivatives : Lesson: 42 Word: 24

ardorAR dur

warmth or heat of emotion; extreme force, vigor, or energyHis ardor for the revolution cooled off during the course of the war.Synonyms : passion, intensity, fervor, enthusiasm, zealAntonyms : lack of energy or enthusiasmDerivatives : ardour, ardorsLesson: 36 Word: 1


waste materialSeparating gold from the dross by hand is backbreaking labor.Synonyms : Antonyms : valuable matterDerivatives : drosser, drossy, drossier, drossiestLesson: 62 Word: 6

dissipationdis uh PAY shun

wasteful spending, squanderingEven though he inherited a million dollars, I expect quick dissipation of his fortune.Synonyms : Antonyms : collectionDerivatives : dissipate, dissipated, dissipatedly, dissipatedness, dissipater, dissipativeLesson: 14 Word: 9

prodigalPROD uh gul

wasteful, a person given to extravaganceThe prodigal son squandered his inheritance.Synonyms : lavish, lush, luxuriant, profuseAntonyms : thrifty individualDerivatives : prodigality, prodigally, prodigalizeLesson: 1 Word: 18

waryWARE ee

watchful or on one's guard; cautious; carefulThe speaker was wary of grammatical errors.Synonyms : alert, vigilant, guarded, circumspect, prudentAntonyms : rashDerivatives : warier, wariest, warily, warinessLesson: 64 Word: 25

jadedJAY did

weary from overuse, surfeitedJaded with the hedonistic life of a playboy, he decided to look for a more altruistic existence.Synonyms : Antonyms : freshDerivatives : jade, jadedly, jadednessLesson: 60 Word: 10

validVAL id

well-grounded, justifiableI found his reasons valid, and I accepted his statement.Synonyms : Antonyms : unjustifiedDerivatives : validate, validation, validatory, validity, validly, validnessLesson: 41 Word: 24

hoaryHORE ee

white with ageThe hoary old man had many wrinkles.Synonyms : Antonyms : youngDerivatives : hoarier, hoariestLesson: 40 Word: 12

turbulenceTUR byuh luns

wild or disturbing activityThere is a lot of turbulence during a hurricane.Synonyms : Antonyms : stillnessDerivatives : turbulent, turbulation, turbulator, turbulency, turbulentlyLesson: 10 Word: 24

winsomeWIN sum

winning, engaging, or charmingThe young lady had a winsome smile that won her many friends.Synonyms : Antonyms : repugnant; rudeDerivatives : winsomely, winsomenessLesson: 48 Word: 25

prudentPROOD unt

wise and careful about practical mattersIn the city, it is prudent to have locks on all doors and windows.Synonyms : judicious, sage, sane, sapientAntonyms : indiscreet; incautiousDerivatives : prudence, prudential, prudentlyLesson: 23 Word: 21

sagacioussuh GAY shus

wise, shrewd, very discerningThe sagacious freshman knew not to buy an elevator pass from the senior attempting a clever ruse.Synonyms : astute, perspicaciousAntonyms : ignorant; uninformed; undiscerningDerivatives : sagaciate, sagaciously, sagaciousness, sagacityLesson: 19 Word: 20

awryuh RYE

with a turn or twist to one side; away from the expected directionOur plans have suddenly gone awry.Synonyms : askew, amiss, wrongAntonyms : alignedDerivatives : Lesson: 59 Word: 2

unequivocalun eh KWIV uh kul

without a doubt, clearThe President stated in an unequivocal manner, "If nominated, I will run; and if elected, I will serve."Synonyms : Antonyms : doubtful; questionable; ambiguousDerivatives : unequivocally, unequivocalnessLesson: 24 Word: 24

a cappellaah cuh PEL luh

without accompaniment by an instrumentThe girl had to sing acappella when her piano accompanist did not appear at the audition.Synonyms : Antonyms : accompaniedDerivatives : Lesson: 65 Word: 1

guilelessGILE les

without deceitThe voting public looks for a leader who is guileless; they want one who is full of integrity.Synonyms : Antonyms : deceitfulDerivatives : guileful, guilefulness, guileness, guilelessly, guilelessness, guileryLesson: 18 Word: 12

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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

Phone: +6824704719725

Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.