1. Tonari no Youkai-san - TheTVDB.com
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山合いの風がよく吹く町、縁ヶ森町―。 妖怪と人と神様が暮らすふしぎな日常の中で、それぞれの喜びや悩みを胸に日々を生きる、妖怪たちや人間たち。 猫として20歳まで生きて、猫又に新生したぶちお。 行方不明の父親を気にかけながらも、前向きに生きている人間のむつみ。 代々この町を守っているカラス天狗のジロー。 まったりほのぼのした田舎町の日常の中で起こる、ちょっとふしぎで優しい、繋がりの物語――。
2. Banished From the Hero's Party, I Decided To Live a Quiet Life in the ...
Bevat niet: Tonari Jijou
お姫様との幸せいっぱいな辺境スローライフ、 ここに開幕! 「君は真の仲間ではない──」 最前線での戦いについていけなくなってしまった英雄・レッドは、仲間の賢者に戦力外を言い渡され勇者のパーティーから追い出されてしまう! 「──はぁ、あんときは辛かったなぁ」レッドが抜けた事で賢者達が大パニックになってるとは露知らず、当の本人は辺境の地で薬草屋を開業しようとワクワクした気分で過ごしていたのだが・・・・・・ 「私もこのお店で働いていいかな?住み込みで!」突如かつての仲間であるお姫様が自宅まで訪ねてきて!? "のんびり楽しい薬屋経営"、"お転婆姫とのイチャイチャ生活"、報われなかった英雄による素晴らしき第2の人生がはじまる!
3. Vol.1 Chapter 1 : Tonari No Jijou - First Chapter - Mangakakalot
Read Tonari no Jijou Vol.1 Chapter 1 : Tonari No Jijou - First Chapter - From Shinmakoku Scanlations : That day, Miyata, who is still preparing for his ...
From Shinmakoku Scanlations : That day, Miyata, who is still preparing for his university exam, got home and found not his brother, but an unknown man. That man, Shirai, has just moved into the neighbourhood. He looks at Miyata's messy test sheets and offers, Shall I teach you? With his airy smile and nearly perfect self, Shirai forcefully becomes Miyata's private tutor... and Miyata slowly becomes interested in Shirai...
4. تغيير جو - TheTVDB.com
10 mrt 2023 · Average Runtime 43 minutes ; Genres Drama Romance ; Original Country Egypt ; Original Language Arabic ; Geographic Location Middle East ...
تضطر شريفة للسفر الى خالتها بلبنان لإتمام اجراءات بيع بيت العائلة. ولكن يشاء القدر ان تطول رحلتها عندما تتعرض لسرقة حقيبتها التي تحتوي على عقد البيت، حيث تخوض شريفة رحلة للبحث عن السارق، وتقابلها في رحلتها عدة مفاجئات لتتورط في قصة حب وتعيد اكتشاف عائلتها، ومن ثم تتغير نظرتها للحياة واجواء حياتها بشكل تام.
5. Tonari no Jijou - Read Free Manga Online
22 jul 2017 · Ishida has a dark secret about something he did in high school.. but 2 years later, he runs into his old teacher Mizushima-sensei - the person he wronged.
1-3) About The Neighbor + Extra That day, Miyata, who is still preparing for his university exam, got home and found not his brother, but an unknown man. That man, Shirai, has just moved into the neighbourhood. He looks at Miyata’s messy test sheets and offers, “Shall I teach you?“ With his airy smile and nearly perfect self, Shirai forcefully becomes Miyata’s private tutor... and Miyata slowly becomes interested in Shirai... From Shinmakoku Scanlations 4) Unknown Words Imaoka is a frivolous playboy, who might not be as frivolous as they say. Miki is a quiet boy who catches Imaoka’s eyes and heart. 5) Unknown Name Follow up about Imaoka and Miki 6) The Freezing Palm Ishida has a dark secret about something he did in high school.. but 2 years later, he runs into his old teacher Mizushima-sensei - the person he wronged. Instead of being angry, Mizushima invites Ishida into his home... ? 7) Blindfolding Your Eyes Gently What should I call you from now on? Continuation of Ishida and Mizushima, whom he now calls Motoi-san. 8) Sweet Fingertips The Freezing Palm extra.
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En route to the Emerald City, Theodora falls in love with Oscar though he does not reciprocate her feelings. They encounter the flying monkey Finley who ...
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Sunrise ... Jijou詳細を表示 › 8. Series - TheTVDB.com
Series · 云之羽 · 병원선 · Magic☆Kyun! Renaissance · Sobreviviendo a Escobar. Alias J.J. · B-PROJECT · Real GOT7 · 오! 나의 어시님 · Bahar.
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9. Tonari no Jijou - Rùa Bò Team
Tonari no Jijou. Tonari no Jijou. Thể loại: Comedy, Romance, Slice of Life, Shounen Ai, Soft Yaoi. Tác giả: Suzukura Hal. Sơ lược: Một ngày nọ, khi Miyata trở ...
Thể loại: Comedy, Romance, Slice of Life, Shounen Ai, Soft Yaoi Tác giả: Suzukura Hal Sơ lược: Một ngày nọ, khi Miyata trở về nhà, người mà cậu đáng lẽ ra phải nhìn thấy mặt là một đứa em trai thì …