October 2021 - CMAQ Applicability - Measures - CMAQ - Air Quality - Environment (2025)

As of October 1, 2021

Also available in PDF (878KB)

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
    • State DOT Applicability Determination
    • On-Road Mobile Source Emissions Measure Applicability
    • Traffic Congestion Measure Applicability
  • MPO Applicability Determination
    • On-Road Mobile Source Emissions Measure Applicability
    • Traffic Congestion Measure Applicability Criteria
  • Urbanized Area Targets for Traffic Congestion Measures
  • APPENDIX: List of Entities Presented in Applicability Tables 1-5

Table of Tables

  • Table 1. State DOTs Required to Establish Targets and Report Performance for the CMAQ Emissions Measure (with Applicable NAAQS and Precursor Pollutants)
  • Table 2. State DOTs Required to Establish Targets and Report Progress for the Traffic Congestion Measures (with Applicable Urbanized Areas)
  • Table 3. Applicable MPOs for the On-Road Mobile Source Emissions Measure and the CMAQ Performance Plan.
  • Table 4. Applicable MPOs for the Traffic Congestion Measures
  • Table 5. Agencies Required and Agencies Encouraged to Coordinate in Urbanized Area-Specific Traffic Congestion Targets.


The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) is publishing this list of State Departments of Transportation (DOTs) and Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) who are required to establish targets and report progress for the performance measures related to the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ) Program. There are three measures covered within this document, as established in 23 CFR Part 490 (§ 490.707 and § 490.807):

  1. Two measures related to traffic congestion: the annual hours peak hour excessive delay per capita (PHED) measure and the percent of non-single occupancy vehicle (non-SOV) measure.
  2. One measure related to on-road mobile source emissions: the total emissions reduction measure.

The tables contained within this document present the applicability of the CMAQ traffic congestion and emissions measures for the second performance period for these measures. (23 CFR 490.105(e)(8)(iii) and (e)(9)(v)). The second performance period for the on-road mobile source emissions measure begins on October 1, 2021 and continues through September 30, 2025. The performance period for the traffic congestion measures (PHED and non-SOV measures) begins on January 1, 2022 and runs through December 31, 2025. (23 CFR 490.105(e)(4)).

The FHWA has updated these tables to reflect relevant data as of October 1, 2021. The data used to make the determination of applicability is described throughout this document. In brief, the following notable changes have occurred since the determination of applicability for the first performance period as of October 1, 2017:

  • Updated nonattainment and maintenance area designations
    • Remove areas that have reached the end of the 20-year maintenance period
    • Add 2015 ozone nonattainment and maintenance areas
  • Updated urbanized area boundaries
  • Decrease population threshold for the congestion measures from 1 million to 200,000

Based on the available data on October 1, 2021, the applicability is defined below:

  • CMAQ On-road Source Emissions measure:
    • State DOTs – 39 State DOTs would be required to establish targets and report for the on-road source emissions measure.1
    • MPOs – The on-road source emissions measure applies to 110 MPOs.2 Out of those 110 MPOs, 44 MPOs would be required to submit a CMAQ Performance Plan, as provided in § 490.107(c) and establish quantifiable 2-year and 4-year targets for the on-road source emissions measure, as provided in section 490.105(f)(6)(iii).
  • CMAQ Traffic Congestion Measures (for the second performance period)3:
    • State DOTs – 39 State DOTs would be required to establish targets and report (§ 490.107) for applicable urbanized areas for the traffic congestion measures.4
    • MPOs – 83 MPOs would be required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for applicable urbanized areas.5

State DOT Applicability Determination

On-Road Mobile Source Emissions Measure Applicability

The emissions measure is applicable in State DOTs where any one or more area(s) are designated as nonattainment or maintenance for ozone (O3), carbon monoxide (CO), or PM10 and/or PM2.5 National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS), as defined in 23 CFR 490.105(e)(9). For the analysis in this document, the data for nonattainment/maintenance areas was obtained from the U.S. EPA's Green Book, and the State boundaries were obtained from the 2010 Decennial Census from the U.S. Census Bureau. The applicable States were those whose State geographic boundary contains any part of a nonattainment or maintenance area for any one of the criteria pollutants.

Table 1 contains the 39 State DOTs required to establish targets and report performance for the measure, with the applicable NAAQS in each State. For the on-road mobile source emissions measure, state DOTs must set targets for each applicable criteria pollutant and precursor. The applicable precursor pollutants, volatile organic compounds (VOC) and nitrogen oxides (NOx), are provided in Table 1 as well. VOC and NOx are always applicable for all ozone areas and may be applicable in PM10 and PM2.5 areas depending on the state/area's specific pollutant concerns.

Table 1. State DOTs Required to Establish Targets and Report Performance for the CMAQ Emissions Measure (with Applicable NAAQS and Precursor Pollutants)
National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS)Precursors
State NameState DOT24-hour PM10PM2.5 (1997)PM2.5 (2006)PM2.5 (2012)Ozone (2008)Ozone (2015)COVOCNOx
AlabamaAlabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT)YesYes
AlaskaAlaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (DOTPF)YesYesYesYes
ArizonaArizona Department of Transportation (ADOT)YesYesYesYesYesYesYes
ArkansasArkansas Department of Transportation (ADOT)YesYesYes
CaliforniaCalifornia Department of Transportation (Caltrans)YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
ColoradoColorado Department of Transportation (CDOT)YesYesYesYesYesYes
ConnecticutConnecticut Department of Transportation (ConnDOT)YesYesYesYesYesYes
DelawareDelaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT)YesYesYesYesYes
District of ColumbiaDistrict Department of Transportation (DDOT)YesYesYesYes
GeorgiaGeorgia Department of Transportation (GDOT)YesYesYesYes
IdahoIdaho Transportation Department (ITD)YesYesYesYesYesYes
IllinoisIllinois Department of Transportation (IDOT)YesYesYesYesYes
IndianaIndiana Department of Transportation (INDOT)YesYesYesYesYes
KentuckyKentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC)YesYesYesYes
LouisianaLouisiana Department of Transportation and Development (DOTD)YesYesYes
MarylandMaryland Department of Transportation (MDOT)YesYesYesYes
MassachusettsMassachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT)YesYesYesYes
MichiganMichigan Department of Transportation (MDOT)YesYesYesYes
MinnesotaMinnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT)Yes
MississippiMississippi Department of Transportation (MDOT)YesYesYes
MissouriMissouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT)YesYesYesYes
MontanaMontana Department of Transportation (MDT)YesYesYesYes
NevadaNevada Department of Transportation (NDOT)YesYesYesYesYes
New JerseyNew Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT)YesYesYesYesYesYes
New MexicoNew Mexico Department of Transportation (NMDOT)YesYesYesYes
New YorkNew York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT)YesYesYesYesYesYes
North CarolinaNorth Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT)YesYesYes
OhioOhio Department of Transportation (ODOT)YesYesYesYesYesYes
OregonOregon Department of Transportation (ODOT)YesYesYesYes
PennsylvaniaPennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT)YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
South CarolinaSouth Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT)YesYesYes
TennesseeTennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT)YesYesYesYes
TexasTexas Department of Transportation (TxDOT)YesYesYesYesYesYes
UtahUtah Department of Transportation (UDOT)YesYesYesYesYesYes
VirginiaVirginia Department of Transportation (VDOT)YesYesYesYes
WashingtonWashington Department of Transportation (WSDOT)YesYesYesYes
West VirginiaWest Virginia Department of Transportation (WVDOT)YesYesYes
WisconsinWisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT)YesYesYesYesYes
WyomingWyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT)YesYesYesYes

From 23 CFR 490.803 (in part):

The on-road mobile source emissions performance measure ... is applicable to all States and MPOs with projects financed with funds from the 23 U.S.C. 149 CMAQ program apportioned to State DOTs for areas designated as nonattainment or maintenance for ozone (O3), carbon monoxide (CO), or particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5) National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS).

  • Nonattainment and maintenance areas and boundaries:
    • Nonattainment and maintenance area applicability was determined based on areas designated in 40 CFR Part 81 (accessed January 22, 2021). For areas whose 20-year maintenance plan concludes by October 1, 2021, verification was provided from U.S. EPA or from the applicable FHWA Division Office. Some data were also verified from the U.S. EPA Green Book.
    • Geographic boundaries for nonattainment and maintenance areas provided by US EPA Green Book, for Carbon Monoxide (1971 Standard); PM10 (1987 Standard); PM2.5 (1997, 2006, and 2012 Standards); and 8-Hour Ozone (2008 and 2015 Standards), accessed on January 22, 2021. This GIS boundary data remains the most recent form US EPA (https://www.epa.gov/green-book/green-book-gis-download). Updated boundary descriptions from 86 FR 31438 (June 14, 2021) was included.
    • For the PM2.5 1997 Standard, the available geospatial data does not include the revocation of the standard for maintenance areas on August 24, 2016. This data was manually updated. See: Federal Register notice for Revocation of PM2.5 1997 Standard, 81 FR 58009.
  • State Boundary Data: 2010 TIGER/LINE Shapefile published by the U.S. Census Bureau (Accessed on January 22, 2021): U.S. Census Bureau.

Traffic Congestion Measure Applicability

As specified in 23 CFR 490.105(e)(8)(i), State DOTs with mainline highways on the NHS that cross any part of an urbanized area with a population more than 200,000 within its geographic State boundary and that and that urbanized area contains any part of a nonattainment or maintenance area for any one of the criteria pollutants must establish targets for the traffic congestion measures.

A complete list of 39 State DOTs required to implement the traffic congestion measures is provided in the Table 2.

Table 2 . State DOTs Required to Establish Targets and Report Progress for the Traffic Congestion Measures (with Applicable Urbanized Areas)
State DOT Urbanized area with a population > 200K (at least partially within the State boundary) Does the Urbanized Area contain both NHS mileage and any part of Designated Nonattainment or Maintenance Area(s)?
Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) Birmingham, AL Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures
Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities Anchorage, AK Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures
Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) Phoenix--Mesa, AZ Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Tucson, AZ Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures
Avondale-Goodyear, AZ Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures
Arkansas Department of Transportation (ARDOT) Memphis, TN--MS--AR Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) San Jose, CA Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
San Francisco--Oakland, CA Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Sacramento, CA Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
San Diego, CA Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Los Angeles--Long Beach--Anaheim, CA Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Riverside--San Bernardino, CA Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Victorville--Hesperia, CA Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Concord, CA Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Bakersfield, CA Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Murrieta--Temecula--Menifee, CA Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Lancaster--Palmdale, CA Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Fresno, CA Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.

Indio--Cathedral City, CA

Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Mission Viejo--Lake Forest--San Clemente, CA Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Santa Rosa, CA Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Thousand Oaks, CA Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Santa Clarita, CA Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Modesto, CA Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Stockton, CA Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Oxnard, CA Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures
Antioch, CA Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.

Visalia, CA

Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Santa Barbara, CA Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) Denver--Aurora, CO Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Fort Collins, CO Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) Hartford, CT Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Bridgeport--Stamford, CT--NY Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
New Haven, CT Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Norwich--New London, CT--RI Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Springfield, MA--CT Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Worcester, MA--CT Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT) Philadelphia, PA--NJ--DE--MD Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Departamento de Transportación y Obras Públicas (DTOP) San Juan, PR Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
District Department of Transportation (DDOT) Washington, DC--VA--MD Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) Atlanta, GA Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Idaho Transportation Department Boise City, ID Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) Chicago, IL--IN Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
St. Louis, MO--IL Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT)
Chicago, IL--IN Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
South Bend, IN--MI Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Louisville/Jefferson County, KY--IN Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC) Cincinnati, OH--KY--IN Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Louisville/Jefferson County, KY--IN Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Baton Rouge, LA Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) Baltimore, MD Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Washington, DC--VA--MD Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Philadelphia, PA--NJ--DE--MD Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Aberdeen--Bel Air South--Bel Air North, MD Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) Boston, MA--NH--RI Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Worcester, MA--CT Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Springfield, MA--CT Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Detroit, MI Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Flint, MI Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Ann Arbor, MI Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
South Bend, IN--MI Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Toledo, OH--MI Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Minnesota Department of Transportation (Mn/DOT) Minneapolis--St. Paul, MN--WI Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Mississippi Department of Transportation (MDOT) Memphis, TN--MS--AR Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) St. Louis, MO--IL Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) Las Vegas--Henderson, NV Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Reno, NV--CA Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
New Hampshire Department of Transportation (NHDOT) Boston, MA--NH--RI Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) Philadelphia, PA--NJ--DE--MD Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
New York--Newark, NY--NJ--CT Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Atlantic City, NJ Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Trenton, NJ Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Allentown--Bethlehem--Easton, PA--NJ Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
New Mexico Department of Transportation (MNDOT) El Paso, TX--NM Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) New York--Newark, NY--NJ--CT Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Poughkeepsie--Newburgh, NY--NJ Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Charlotte, NC--SC Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Concord, NC Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) Cleveland, OH Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Columbus, OH Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Cincinnati, OH--KY--IN Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Dayton, OH Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Akron, OH Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Toledo, OH--MI Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Canton, OH Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) Eugene, OR Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Salem, OR Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PENNDOT) Philadelphia, PA--NJ--DE--MD Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Pittsburgh, PA Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Allentown--Bethlehem--Easton, PA--NJ Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Harrisburg, PA Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Lancaster, PA Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
York, PA Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Reading, PA Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Rhode Island Department of Transportation (RIDOT) Norwich--New London, CT--RI Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) Charlotte, NC--SC Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) Memphis, TN--MS--AR Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Knoxville, TN Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Houston, TX Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Dallas--Fort Worth--Arlington, TX Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
San Antonio, TX Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
El Paso, TX--NM Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Conroe--The Woodlands, TX Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Denton--Lewisville, TX Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
McKinney, TX Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) Salt Lake City--West Valley City, UT Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Ogden--Layton, UT Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Provo--Orem, UT Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) Washington, DC--VA--MD Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Washington Department of Transportation (WSDOT) Seattle, WA Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Kennewick--Pasco, WA Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Spokane, WA Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.
Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) Milwaukee, WI Yes – Required to establish urbanized area targets for the traffic congestion measures.

From 23 CFR 490.703:

The CMAQ Traffic Congestion performance measures are applicable to all urbanized areas that include NHS mileage and with a population over 1 million for the first performance period and in urbanized areas with a population over 200,000 for the second and all other performance periods, that are, in all or part, designated as nonattainment or maintenance areas for ozone (O3), carbon monoxide (CO), or particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5) National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS).

  • Nonattainment and maintenance areas and boundaries:
    • Nonattainment and maintenance area applicability was determined based on areas designated in 40 CFR Part 81 (accessed January 22, 2021). For areas whose maintenance plan concludes by October 1, 2021, verification was provided from U.S. EPA or from the applicable FHWA Division Office. Some data were also verified from the U.S. EPA Green Book.
    • Geographic boundaries for nonattainment and maintenance areas provided by US EPA Green Book, for Carbon Monoxide (1971 Standard); PM10 (1987 Standard); PM2.5 (1997, 2006, and 2012 Standards); and 8-Hour Ozone (2008 and 2015 Standards), accessed on January 22, 2021. This GIS boundary data remains the most recent form US EPA. Updated boundary descriptions from 86 FR 31438 (June 14, 2021) were included.
    • For the PM2.5 1997 Standard, the geospatial data does not include the revocation of the standard for maintenance areas on August 24, 2016. This data was manually updated. See: Federal Register notice for Revocation of PM2.5 1997 Standard, 81 FR 58009.
  • Urbanized area boundaries: For the analysis in this document, FHWA used "NHS" and "UrbanCode" Data Item values contained in the Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS)6 to determine NHS segments within the urbanized areas above.
  • State Boundary Data: 2010 TIGER/LINE Shapefile published by the U.S. Census Bureau (Accessed on January 22, 2021). For instance, if a State is in attainment for the applicable criteria pollutants, but that State is part of a multi-State urbanized area with more than 200,000 in population and another part of that urbanized area contains an applicable nonattainment or maintenance area then the State that is in attainment would be required to work with the other States and establish a traffic congestion target.
Assumptions and Considerations
  • Pursuant to 23 CFR 490.105(e)(8), a State DOT must report targets and progress for the traffic congestion measures if the boundaries of an applicable urbanized area fall within the State boundary, whether or not the applicable nonattainment or maintenance area itself is in the State. In the table above, these State DOTs are included.
  • For each urbanized area where the measure applies, the State DOTs and MPOs in that area must establish and report a single, unified target.

MPO Applicability Determination

On-Road Mobile Source Emissions Measure Applicability

MPOs that contain all or part of any one or more area(s) designated as nonattainment or maintenance for ozone (O3), carbon monoxide (CO), or particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5) National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) are required to set targets for the on-road mobile source emissions measure. (23 CFR 490.105(f)(6) and 490.803) For the analysis in this document, the nonattainment/maintenance data was obtained from the U.S. EPA's Green Book, and the Metropolitan Planning Area boundaries were obtained from FHWA's Office of Planning, Environment and Realty's Website, which provides the Geographic Information System (GIS) Shapefile for Metropolitan Planning Areas (MPOBoundary_01082021.zip). Then the MPOs were selected whose metropolitan planning area (MPA) boundary contains any part of a nonattainment or maintenance area for any one of the criteria pollutants, as provided in 23 CFR 490.105(f)(6).

Table 3 below lists all MPOs that are subject to the on-road mobile source emissions measure (first column). The second column in the table identifies the MPOs that are subject to both requirements for a CMAQ Performance Plan and quantifiable 2-year and 4-year targets for on-road mobile source emissions measure. The remaining MPOs must set 4-year targets. (23 CFR 490.105(f)(6) and 490.107(c)(3)). The applicable criteria pollutants and precursor pollutants are provided. The applicable precursor pollutants, volatile organic compounds (VOC) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) are provided in Table 3. VOC and NOx are always applicable for all ozone areas and may be applicable in PM10 and PM2.5 areas depending on the state/area's specific pollutant concerns.

Table 3. Applicable MPOs for the On-Road Mobile Source Emissions Measure and the CMAQ Performance Plan
National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS)Precursors
MPOs subject to On-Road Mobile Source Emissions MeasureDo the MPA; urbanized area with population > 1m; and any one of the designated nonattainment or maintenance Area(s) Overlap?Name of urbanized area with population > 1m overlapping with MPAName of additional urbanized area with population > 1m overlapping with MPA24- hour PM10PM2.5 (1997)PM2.5 (2006)PM2.5 (2012)Ozone (2008)Ozone (2015)COVOCNOx
Akron Metropolitan Area Transportation StudyYes - CMAQ Performance Plan RequiredCleveland, OHYesYesYesYesYes
Alamo Area MPOYes - CMAQ Performance Plan RequiredSan Antonio, TXYesYesYes
Anchorage Metropolitan Area Transportation SolutionsNoYesYes
Atlanta Regional CommissionYes - CMAQ Performance Plan RequiredAtlanta, GAYesYesYesYes
Baltimore Regional Transportation BoardYes - CMAQ Performance Plan RequiredBaltimore, MDWashington, DC--VA--MDYesYesYesYes
Bannock Transportation Planning OrganizationNoYesYesYes
Benton-Franklin Council of GovernmentsNoYes
Birmingham MPONoYesYes
Boston Region MPOYes - CMAQ Performance Plan Required7Boston, MA-NH-RIProvidence, RI--MAYes
Brooke-Hancock-Jefferson Metropolitan Planning CommissionNoYesYes
Butte County Association of GovernmentsNoYesYesYesYesYes
Cabarrus-Rowan MPOYes - CMAQ Performance Plan RequiredCharlotte, NC-SCYesYesYes
Cache MPONoYesYes
Calvert - St. Mary's Metropolitan Planning OrganizationNoYesYesYesYes
Cambria County MPONoYesYes
Capital Region COGNoYesYesYesYes
Capital Region Planning Commission (Baton Rouge MPO)NoYesYesYes
Cartersville-Bartow Metropolitan Planning OrganizationYes - CMAQ Performance Plan RequiredAtlanta, GAYesYesYesYes
Central Lane MPONoYes
Central Massachusetts MPONoBoston, MA-NH-RIProvidence, RI--MAYes
Charlotte Regional Transportation Planning OrganizationYes - CMAQ Performance Plan RequiredCharlotte, NC-SCYesYesYes
Chicago Metropolitan Agency for PlanningYes - CMAQ Performance Plan RequiredChicago, IL-INYesYesYesYesYes
Community Planning Association of Southwest IdahoNoYesYes



Delaware Valley Regional Planning CommissionYes - CMAQ Performance Plan RequiredPhiladelphia, PA-NJ-DE-MDNew York-Newark, NY-NJ-CTYesYesYesYesYesYes
Denver Regional COGYes - CMAQ Performance Plan RequiredDenver-Aurora, COYesYesYesYesYesYes
Dover/Kent County MPONoYesYesYesYesYesYes
East-West Gateway Council of GovernmentYes - CMAQ Performance Plan RequiredSt. Louis, MO-ILYesYesYesYes
El Paso MPONoYesYesYesYesYes
Fairbanks Metropolitan Area Transportation SystemNoYesYesYes
Fresno Council of GovernmentsNoYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Gaston Cleveland Lincoln MPOYes - CMAQ Performance Plan RequiredCharlotte, NC-SCYesYesYes
Great Falls Planning and Community Development DepartmentNoYes
Greater Bridgeport / Valley MPONoYesYesYesYesYes
Harrisburg Area Transportation StudyNoYesYes
Housatonic Valley MPONoYesYesYesYesYes
Houston-Galveston Area CouncilYes - CMAQ Performance Plan RequiredHouston, TXYesYesYesYes
Kern COGNoYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Kings County Association of GovernmentsNoYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Knoxville Regional Transportation Planning OrganizationNoYesYesYesYes
Lancaster County Transportation Coordinating CommitteeYes - CMAQ Performance Plan RequiredPhiladelphia, PA-NJ-DE-MDYesYesYesYes
Lebanon County MPONoYesYesYes
Lehigh Valley Transportation StudyNoYesYesYesYes
Licking County Area Transportation StudyYes - CMAQ Performance Plan RequiredColumbus, OHYesYesYesYes
Louisville Area MPOYes - CMAQ Performance Plan RequiredLouisville/Jefferson County, KY-INYesYesYes
Lower Connecticut River Valley MPONoYesYesYesYes
Macatawa Area Coordinating CouncilNoYesYesYes
Madera County Transportation CommissionNoYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Maricopa Association of GovernmentsYes - CMAQ Performance Plan RequiredPhoenix-Mesa, AZYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Memphis Urban Area MPOYes - CMAQ Performance Plan RequiredMemphis, TN-MS-ARYesYesYes
Merced County Association of GovernmentsNoYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Metropolitan CouncilYes - CMAQ Performance Plan RequiredMinneapolis-St. Paul, MNYes
Metropolitan Transportation CommissionYes - CMAQ Performance Plan RequiredSan Francisco-Oakland, CASan Jose, CAYesYesYesYesYes
Miami Valley Regional Planning CommissionNoYesYesYesYes
Middle Rogue MPONoYes
Mid-Ohio Regional Planning CommissionYes - CMAQ Performance Plan RequiredColumbus, OHYesYesYesYes
Missoula Metropolitan Planning OrganizationNoYesYes
Mountainland Association of GovernmentsYes - CMAQ Performance Plan RequiredSalt Lake City-West Valley City, UTYesYesYesYesYesYes
National Capital Region Transportation Planning BoardYes - CMAQ Performance Plan RequiredWashington, DC-VA-MDBaltimore, MDYesYesYesYes
Naugatuck Valley Council of GovernmentsNoYesYesYesYesYes
New York Metropolitan Transportation CouncilYes - CMAQ Performance Plan RequiredNew York-Newark, NY-NJ-CTYesYesYesYesYesYes
North Central Texas COGYes - CMAQ Performance Plan RequiredDallas-Fort Worth-Arlington, TXYesYesYesYes
North Front Range MPONoYesYesYesYesYes
North Jersey Transportation Planning AuthorityYes - CMAQ Performance Plan RequiredPhiladelphia, PA--NJ--DE--MDNew York--Newark, NY--NJ--CTYesYesYesYesYesYes
Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating AgencyYes - CMAQ Performance Plan RequiredCleveland, OHYesYesYesYesYesYes
Northeastern Pennsylvania Planning Alliance MPONoYesYesYes
Northern Middlesex MPOYes - CMAQ Performance Plan RequiredBoston, MA-NH-RIYes
Northwest Indiana Regional Planning CommissionYes - CMAQ Performance Plan RequiredChicago, IL-INYesYesYesYesYes
Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana Regional Council of GovernmentsYes - CMAQ Performance Plan RequiredCincinnati, OH-KY-INYesYesYesYes
Orange County Transportation CouncilNoYesYes
Pima Association of GovernmentsNoYes
Pioneer Valley MPONoYes
Policy Committee of the Erie Regional Planning CommissionNoYesYesYesYesYesYes
Puget Sound Regional CouncilYes - CMAQ Performance Plan RequiredSeattle, WAYesYes
Reading Area Transportation StudyNoYesYesYes
Regional Intergovernmental CouncilNoYesYes
Regional Transportation Commission of Southern NevadaYes - CMAQ Performance Plan RequiredLas Vegas-Henderson, NVYesYesYesYesYes
Regional Transportation Commission of Washoe CountyNoYesYes
Rock Hill-Fort Mill Area Transportation StudyYes - CMAQ Performance Plan RequiredCharlotte, NC-SCYesYesYes
Rogue Valley MPONoYesYes
Sacramento Area COGYes - CMAQ Performance Plan RequiredSacramento, CAYesYesYesYesYesYes
Salem-Keizer Area Transportation StudyNoYes
Salisbury-Wicomico MPONoYesYesYes
San Diego Association of GovernmentsYes - CMAQ Performance Plan RequiredSan Diego, CAYesYesYesYes
San Joaquin COGNoYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
San Luis Obispo COGNoYesYesYesYes
Sheboygan MPONoYesYesYesYes
South Central Regional COGNoYesYesYesYesYesYes
South Jersey Transportation Planning OrganizationYes - CMAQ Performance Plan RequiredPhiladelphia, PA-NJ-DE-MDYesYesYesYes
South Western MPONoNew York-Newark, NY-NJ-CTYesYesYesYesYes
Southeast Michigan COGYes - CMAQ Performance Plan RequiredDetroit, MIYesYesYesYes
Southeastern Connecticut COGNoYesYesYesYes
Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning CommissionYes - CMAQ Performance Plan RequiredMilwaukee, WIYesYesYesYesYes
Southern California Association of GovernmentsYes - CMAQ Performance Plan RequiredLos Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim, CARiverside-San Bernardino, CAYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Southwest Michigan Planning CommissionNOYesYesYes
Southwestern Pennsylvania CommissionYes - CMAQ Performance Plan RequiredPittsburgh, PAYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Spokane Regional Transportation CouncilNoYesYes
Stanislaus COGNoYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Stark County Area Transportation StudyNoYesYes
Sun Corridor Metropolitan Planning OrganizationNoYesYesYes
Tri-Cities Metropolitan Area Transportation Study NoYes
Tulare County Association of GovernmentsNoYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Walla Walla Valley MPONoYes
Wasatch Front Regional CouncilYes - CMAQ Performance Plan RequiredSalt Lake City-West Valley City, UTYesYesYesYesYes
West Memphis Area Transportation StudyYes - CMAQ Performance Plan RequiredMemphis, TN-MS-ARYesYesYes
West Michigan Shoreline Regional Development CommissionNOYesYesYes
Wilmington Area Planning CouncilYes - CMAQ Performance Plan RequiredPhiladelphia, PA-NJ-DE-MDYesYesYesYesYes
Yakima Valley MPONoYesYes
Yellowstone County Planning BoardNoYes
York Area MPONoYesYes
Yuma MPONoYesYesYesYes

From 23 CFR 490.703:

The CMAQ Traffic Congestion performance measures are applicable to all urbanized areas that include NHS mileage and with a population over 1 million for the first performance period and in urbanized areas with a population over 200,000 for the second and all other performance periods, that are, in all or part, designated as nonattainment or maintenance areas for ozone (O3), carbon monoxide (CO), or particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5) National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS).

As required in 23 U.S.C. 149(l), each MPO serving a Transportation Management Area (TMA) with a population over 1 million representing nonattainment and maintenance areas must develop a CMAQ Performance Plan, updated biennially, to report baseline condition/performance, targets, projects that will contribute to the targets, and the progress toward achievement of targets for the CMAQ traffic congestion and on-road mobile source emissions measures. Likewise, 23 CFR 490.105(f)(6)(iii) these MPOs must establish quantifiable 2-year and 4-year targets for the metropolitan planning area.

Please see 23 U.S.C. 149(l) and 23 CFR 490.107(c)(3) for the requirements for MPO CMAQ Performance Plan, or refer to FHWA's MPO CMAQ Performance Plan Guidebook.

  • Nonattainment and maintenance areas and boundaries:
    • Nonattainment and maintenance area applicability was determined based on areas designated in 40 CFR Part 81 (accessed January 22, 2021). For areas whose maintenance plan concludes by October 1, 2021, verification was provided from U.S. EPA or from the applicable FHWA Division Office. Some data were also verified from the U.S. EPA Green Book.
    • Geographic boundaries for nonattainment and maintenance areas provided by US EPA Green Book, for Carbon Monoxide (1971 Standard); PM10 (1987 Standard); PM2.5 (1997, 2006, and 2012 Standards); and 8-Hour Ozone (2008 and 2015 Standards), accessed on January 22, 2021. Updated boundary descriptions from 86 FR 31438 (June 14, 2021) were included.
    • For the PM2.5 1997 Standard, the geospatial data does not include the revocation of the standard for maintenance areas on August 24, 2016. This data was manually updated. See: Federal Register notice for Revocation of PM2.5 1997 Standard.
  • Urbanized area boundaries: FHWA HEPGIS (FHWA Adj UA_2010.zip accessed on January 22, 2021). HEPGIS reflects all updated urbanized area boundaries included in the HPMS submittal from State DOTs and MPOs.
  • Metropolitan Planning Area Data: FHWA HEPGIS (MPOBoundary_01082021.zip accessed on January 22, 2021): HEPGIS MPO Boundaries.
  • State Boundary Data: 2010 TIGER/LINE Shapefile published by the U.S. Census Bureau (Accessed on January 22, 2021). For instance, if a State is in attainment for the applicable criteria pollutants, but that State is part of a multi-State urbanized area with more than 200,000 in population and another part of that urbanized area contains an applicable nonattainment or maintenance area, then the State that is in attainment must work with the other States in that urbanized area to establish a traffic congestion target.
Assumptions and Considerations
  • Note that the NAAQS applicability requirement under the CMAQ Traffic Congestion measure applies with the presence of any nonattainment or maintenance area for one of the applicable NAAQS, regardless of source (23 CFR 490.105(f)(6)(iii) and 490.803). Thus, the expenditure of CMAQ funds within a metropolitan planning area (MPA) or the requirements to complete transportation conformity are not included in the applicability criteria. As a result, this list includes MPOs serving areas under limited maintenance plans or with US EPA "insignificant motor vehicle emissions finding".

Traffic Congestion Measure Applicability Criteria

Pursuant to 23 CFR 490.105(f)(5)(ii), an MPO must establish targets for the traffic congestion measures when mainline highways on the NHS within that MPOs' metropolitan planning area boundary cross any part of an urbanized area with a population more than 200,000, and that portion of the metropolitan planning area boundary intersecting the urbanized area also includes a nonattainment or maintenance area for any one of the criteria pollutants. (See Table 4)

Table 4. Applicable MPOs for the Traffic Congestion Measures
MPO Name Urbanized area with population > 200K overlapping with MPA Do the MPA, urbanized area and at least one designated nonattainment or maintenance area overlap? And does that overlap area contain any NHS route segments, according to HPMS?
Akron Metropolitan Area Transportation Study Cleveland, OH Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Akron, OH Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Alamo Area MPO San Antonio, TX Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Anchorage Metropolitan Area Transportation Solutions Anchorage, AK Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Atlanta Regional Commission Atlanta, GA Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Baltimore Regional Transportation Board Baltimore, MD Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Aberdeen – Bel Air South – Bel Air North, MD Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Washington, DC-VA-MD Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Capital Region Planning Commission Baton Rouge, LA Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Benton-Franklin Council of Governments Kennewick--Pasco, WA Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Birmingham MPO Birmingham, AL Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Boston Region MPO Boston, MA--NH--RI Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Cabarrus-Rowan MPO Charlotte, NC--SC Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Concord, NC Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Capital Region COG Hartford, CT Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Springfield, MA-CT Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Cartersville-Bartow Metropolitan Planning Organization Atlanta, GA Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Central Lane MPO Eugene, OR Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Central Massachusetts MPO Worcester, MA--CT Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Charlotte Regional Transportation Planning Organization Charlotte, NC--SC Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Community Planning Association of Southwest Idaho Boise City, ID Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission Philadelphia, PA--NJ--DE--MD Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
New York--Newark, NY--NJ--CT Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Trenton, NJ Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Allentown--Bethlehem--Easton, PA--NJ Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Denver Regional COG Denver--Aurora, CO Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
East-West Gateway Council of Government St. Louis, MO--IL Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
El Paso MPO El Paso, TX--NM Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Fresno Council of Governments Fresno, CA Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Gaston Cleveland Lincoln MPO Charlotte, NC--SC Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Greater Bridgeport / Valley MPO Bridgeport--Stamford, CT--NY Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Harrisburg Area Transportation Study Harrisburg, PA Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Housatonic Valley MPO Bridgeport--Stamford, CT--NY Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Houston-Galveston Area Council Houston, TX Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Conroe--The Woodlands, TX Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Kern COG Bakersfield, CA Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Knoxville Regional Transportation Planning Organization Knoxville, TN Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Lancaster County Transportation Coordinating Committee Philadelphia, PA--NJ--DE--MD Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Lancaster, PA Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Lebanon County MPO Harrisburg, PA Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Lehigh Valley Transportation Study Allentown--Bethlehem--Easton, PA--NJ Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Licking County Area Transportation Study Columbus, OH Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Louisville Area MPO Louisville/Jefferson County, KY--IN Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Lower Connecticut River Valley MPO New Haven, CT Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Hartford, CT Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Norwich--New London, CT--RI Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Maricopa Association of Governments Phoenix--Mesa, AZ Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Avondale--Goodyear, AZ Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Memphis Urban Area MPO Memphis, TN--MS--AR Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Metropolitan Council Minneapolis--St. Paul, MN--WI Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Metropolitan Transportation Commission San Francisco--Oakland, CA Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
San Jose, CA Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Concord, CA Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Santa Rosa, CA Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Antioch, CA Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission Dayton, OH Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission Columbus, OH Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Mountainland Association of Governments Provo--Orem, UT Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board Washington, DC--VA--MD Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Baltimore, MD Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Naugatuck Valley Council of Governments Bridgeport--Stamford, CT--NY Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Hartford, CT Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
New Haven, CT Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
New York Metropolitan Transportation Council New York--Newark, NY--NJ--CT Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
North Central Texas COG Dallas--Fort Worth--Arlington, TX Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Denton--Lewisville, TX Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
McKinney, TX Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
North Front Range MPO Fort Collins, CO Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority New York--Newark, NY--NJ--CT Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Philadelphia, PA--NJ--DE--MD Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Allentown--Bethlehem--Easton, PA--NJ Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency Cleveland, OH Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Akron, OH Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Northeastern Pennsylvania Planning Alliance MPO Allentown--Bethlehem--Easton, PA--NJ Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Northern Middlesex MPO Boston, MA--NH--RI Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Northwest Indiana Regional Planning Commission Chicago, IL--IN Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana Regional Council of Governments Cincinnati, OH--KY--IN Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Dayton, OH Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Orange County Transportation Council Poughkeepsie--Newburgh, NY--NJ Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Pima Association of Governments Tucson, AZ Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Pioneer Valley MPO Springfield, MA--CT Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Puerto Rico Metropolitan Planning Organization San Juan, PR Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Puget Sound Regional Council Seattle, WA Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Reading Area Transportation Study Reading, PA Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Allentown--Bethlehem--Easton, PA--NJ Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada Las Vegas--Henderson, NV Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Regional Transportation Commission of Washoe County Reno, NV--CA Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Rock Hill-Fort Mill Area Transportation Study Charlotte, NC--SC Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Sacramento Area COG Sacramento, CA Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Salem-Keizer Area Transportation Study Salem, OR Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
San Diego Association of Governments San Diego, CA Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Mission Viejo--Lake Forest--San Clemente, CA Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
San Joaquin COG Stockton, CA Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
South Central Regional COG New Haven, CT Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Bridgeport--Stamford, CT--NY Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
South Jersey Transportation Planning Organization Philadelphia, PA--NJ--DE--MD Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Atlantic City, NJ Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
South Western MPO Bridgeport--Stamford, CT--NY Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Southeast Michigan COG Detroit, MI Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Ann Arbor, MI Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Toledo, OH--MI Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Southeastern Connecticut COG Norwich--New London, CT--RI Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission Milwaukee, WI Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Southern California Association of Governments Los Angeles--Long Beach--Anaheim, CA Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Riverside--San Bernardino, CA Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Victorville--Hesperia, CA Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Murrieta--Temecula--Menifee, CA Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Lancaster--Palmdale, CA Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Indio--Cathedral City, CA Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Mission Viejo--Lake Forest--San Clemente, CA Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Thousand Oaks, CA Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Santa Clarita, CA Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Oxnard, CA Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Santa Barbara, CA Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Southwest Michigan Planning Commission South Bend, IN--MI Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission Pittsburgh, PA Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Spokane Regional Transportation Council Spokane, WA Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Stanislaus COG Modesto, CA Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Stark County Area Transportation Study Canton, OH Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Akron, OH Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning Chicago, IL--IN Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Tulare County Association of Governments Visalia, CA Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Wasatch Front Regional Council Salt Lake City--West Valley City, UT Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Ogden--Layton, UT Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
West Memphis – Marion Area Transportation Study Memphis, TN--MS--AR Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Wilmington Area Planning Council Philadelphia, PA--NJ--DE--MD Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Aberdeen--Bel Air South--Bel Air North, MD Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
York Area MPO York, PA Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Harrisburg, PA Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.
Lancaster, PA Yes- Required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for the urbanized area.

From 23 CFR 490.703:

The CMAQ Traffic Congestion performance measures are applicable to all urbanized areas that include NHS mileage and with a population over 1 million for the first performance period and in urbanized areas with a population over 200,000 for the second and all other performance periods, that are, in all or part, designated as nonattainment or maintenance areas for ozone (O3), carbon monoxide (CO), or particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5) National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS).

Note that this table only reflects applicability for the second performance period (as of October 1, 2021), for urbanized areas with population greater than 200,000.

  • Nonattainment and maintenance areas and boundaries:
    • Nonattainment and maintenance area applicability was determined based on areas designated in 40 CFR Part 81 (accessed January 22, 2021). For areas whose maintenance plan concludes by October 1, 2021, verification was provided from U.S. EPA or from the applicable FHWA Division Office. Some data were also verified from the U.S. EPA Green Book.
    • Geographic boundaries for nonattainment and maintenance areas were provided by US EPA Green Book, for Carbon Monoxide (1971 Standard); PM10 (1987 Standard); PM2.5 (1997, 2006, and 2012 Standards); and 8-Hour Ozone (2008 and 2015 Standards), accessed on August 3, 2017. Updated boundary descriptions from 86 FR 31438 (June 14, 2021) were included.
    • For the PM2.5 1997 Standard, the geospatial data does not include the revocation of the standard for maintenance areas on August 24, 2016. This data was manually updated. See: Federal Register notice for Revocation of PM2.5 1997 Standard, 81 FR 58009.
  • Urbanized area boundaries: For the analysis in this document, FHWA used "NHS" and "Urban Code" Data Item values contained in the Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS)8 to determine NHS segments within the urbanized areas above.
  • State Boundary Data: 2010 TIGER/LINE Shapefile published by the U.S. Census Bureau (Accessed on January 22, 2021). For instance, if a State is in attainment for the applicable criteria pollutants, but that State is part of a multi-State urbanized area with more than 200,000 in population and another part of that urbanized area contains an applicable nonattainment or maintenance area then the State that is in attainment would be required to work with the other States and establish a traffic congestion target.
Assumptions and Considerations
  • According to 23 CFR 490.105(f)(5) and 490.107(c), MPOs are required to report targets and progress for the traffic congestion measures if the boundaries of an applicable urbanized area, NHS mileage and a nonattainment or maintenance area for one of the criteria pollutants falls within the metropolitan planning area (MPA). All four conditions (MPA boundary, applicable urbanized area, NHS mileage, and nonattainment or maintenance area) must intersect for an MPO to be included in the table above. This is different from State DOT applicability because determination of State DOT applicability does not include all 4 conditions, it only includes 3 of the 4 (State boundary, applicable urbanized area, and NHS mileage). Thus, a State DOT must report targets whether or not the applicable nonattainment or maintenance area is within its boundary, while an MPO is not required to report targets if the nonattainment or maintenance area falls outside of the MPA boundary.
  • Note that this applicability is more specific than the applicability for the CMAQ MPO Performance Plan and the 2-year target requirements as well, in that it requires NHS mileage to intersect the urbanized area and nonattainment or maintenance area. See 23 CFR 490.105(f)(6)(iii) and 490.107(c)(3).
  • State DOTs and MPOs with applicability for this measure are required to establish and report single targets for each applicable urbanized area. (23 CFR 490.105(f)(5)(iii))

Urbanized Area Targets for Traffic Congestion Measures

23 CFR 490.105(e)(8) and 490.105(f)(5) require that all State DOTs and MPOs serving an applicable urbanized area establish a single, unified target for each of the traffic congestion measures for each applicable urbanized area in the country.9 As described in 23 CFR490.105(f)(5)(i), if an MPO is not required to establish targets for the traffic congestion measures for an urbanized area, but NHS highways cross any part of an urbanized area with a population more than 200,000 within a metropolitan planning area (MPA) and that urbanized area contains a nonattainment or maintenance area (for any one of the criteria pollutant) outside of its MPA, then that MPO is encouraged to coordinate with relevant State DOT(s) and MPO(s) in the target establishment process for the traffic congestion measures for that urbanized area.

Table 5 below lists all agencies geographically located in the vicinity of the applicable urbanized area and their roles in target selection process.10 For those agencies listed as "Yes" in the third column, targets must be established and reported as a uniform target for the urbanized area. Agencies listed as "No - but should coordinate in target selection process" are encouraged to coordinate in the target selection for the traffic congestion measures for an urbanized area, as those targets cover the full extent of the urbanized area boundary, but they are not required to establish or report the targets, as provided in 23 CFR 490.105(f)(5)(ii). For detail on the coordination process and the selection of targets, please review 23 CFR 490.105(e) and (f), or contact the FHWA Office of Planning.

Table 5. Agencies Required and Agencies Encouraged to Coordinate in Urbanized Area-Specific Traffic Congestion Targets.
Name of urbanized area with a population > 200K with any part of a designated nonattainment or maintenance area for criteria pollutantsAgencies Located in the Vicinity of the urbanized areaRequired to establish Traffic Congestion Targets for urbanized area?
Aberdeen – Bel Air South- Bel Air North, MDBaltimore Regional Transportation BoardYes
Maryland DOTYes
Wilmington Area Planning CouncilYes
Akron, OHAkron Metropolitan Area Transportation StudyYes
Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating AgencyYes
Ohio DOTYes
Stark County Area Transportation StudyYes
Allentown--Bethlehem--Easton, PA--NJDelaware Valley Regional Planning CommissionYes
Lehigh Valley Transportation StudyYes
New Jersey DOTYes
North Jersey Transportation Planning AuthorityYes
Northeastern Pennsylvania Planning Alliance MPOYes
Pennsylvania DOTYes
Reading Area Transportation StudyYes
Anchorage, AKAlaska Department of Transportation and Public FacilitiesYes
Anchorage Metropolitan Area Transportation SolutionsYes
Ann Arbor, MIMichigan DOTYes
Southeast Michigan COGYes
Antioch, CACalifornia DOTYes
Metropolitan Transportation CommissionYes
Atlanta, GAAtlanta Regional CommissionYes
Cartersville-Bartow Metropolitan Planning OrganizationYes
Georgia DOTYes
Gainesville-Hall MPONo - but should coordinate in target selection process
Atlantic City, NJNew Jersey DOTYes
South Jersey Transportation Planning OrganizationYes
Avondale--Goodyear, AZArizona DOTYes
Maricopa Association of GovernmentsYes
Bakersfield, CACalifornia DOTYes
Kern COGYes
Baltimore, MDBaltimore Regional Transportation BoardYes
National Capital Region Transportation Planning BoardYes
Maryland DOTYes
Baton Rouge, LACapital Region Planning Commission (Baton Rouge MPO)Yes
Louisiana DOTYes
Birmingham, ALAlabama DOTYes
Birmingham MPOYes
Boise City, IDCommunity Planning Association of Southwest IdahoYes
Idaho DOTYes
Boston, MA--NH--RIBoston Region MPOYes
Northern Middlesex MPOYes
Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT)Yes
New Hampshire Department of Transportation (NHDOT)Yes
Central Massachusetts MPONo - but should coordinate in target selection process
Merrimack Valley MPONo - but should coordinate in target selection process
Montachusett MPONo - but should coordinate in target selection process
Old Colony MPONo - but should coordinate in target selection process
Rockingham Planning CommissionNo - but should coordinate in target selection process
Southeastern Massachusetts MPONo - but should coordinate in target selection process
Bridgeport--Stamford, CT--NYConnecticut DOTYes
Greater Bridgeport / Valley MPOYes
Housatonic Valley MPOYes
Naugatuck Valley Council of GovernmentsYes
South Central Regional COGYes
South Western MPOYes
Canton, OHOhio DOTYes
Stark County Area Transportation StudyYes
Charlotte, NC-SCCabarrus-Rowan MPOYes
Charlotte Regional Transportation Planning OrganizationYes
Gaston Cleveland Lincoln MPOYes
Rock Hill-Fort Mill Area Transportation StudyYes
North Carolina DOTYes
South Carolina DOTYes
Chicago, IL--INNorthwest Indiana Regional Planning CommissionYes
Chicago Metropolitan Agency for PlanningYes
Illinois DOTYes
Indiana DOTYes
Cincinnati, OH--KY--INOhio-Kentucky-Indiana Regional Council of GovernmentsYes
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC)Yes
Ohio DOTYes
Cleveland, OHAkron Metropolitan Area Transportation StudyYes
Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating AgencyYes
Ohio DOTYes
Columbus, OHLicking County Area Transportation StudyYes
Mid-Ohio Regional Planning CommissionYes
Ohio DOTYes
Concord, CACalifornia DOTYes
Metropolitan Transportation CommissionYes
Concord, NCCabarrus-Rowan MPOYes
North Carolina DOTYes
Conroe--The Woodlands, TXHouston-Galveston Area CouncilYes
Texas DOTYes
Dallas--Fort Worth--Arlington, TXNorth Central Texas COGYes
Texas DOTYes
Dayton, OHMiami Valley Regional Planning CommissionYes
Ohio DOTYes
Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana Regional Council of GovernmentsYes
Denton-Lewisville, TXNorth Central Texas COGYes
Texas DOTYes
Denver--Aurora, CODenver Regional COGYes
Colorado DOTYes
Detroit, MISoutheast Michigan COGYes
Michigan DOTYes
El Paso, TX--NMEl Paso MPOYes
New Mexico DOTYes
Texas DOTYes
Eugene, ORCentral Lane MPOYes
Oregon DOTYes
Flint, MIGenesee County Metropolitan Planning CommissionNo - but should coordinate in target selection process
Michigan DOTYes
Fort Collins, COColorado DOTYes
North Front Range MPOYes
Fresno, CACalifornia DOTYes
Fresno Council of GovernmentsYes
Harrisburg, PAHarrisburg Area Transportation StudyYes
Lebanon County MPOYes
Pennsylvania DOTYes
York Area MPOYes
Hartford, CTCapital Region COGYes
Connecticut DOTYes
Lower Connecticut River Valley MPOYes
Naugatuck Valley Council of GovernmentsYes
Houston, TXHouston-Galveston Area CouncilYes
Texas DOTYes
Indio--Cathedral City, CACalifornia DOTYes
Southern California Association of GovernmentsYes
Kennewick--Pasco, WABenton-Franklin Council of GovernmentsYes
Washington DOTYes
Knoxville, TNKnoxville Regional Transportation Planning OrganizationYes
Tennessee DOTYes
Lancaster, PALancaster County Transportation Coordinating CommitteeYes
Pennsylvania DOTYes
York Area MPOYes
Lancaster--Palmdale, CACalifornia DOTYes
Southern California Association of GovernmentsYes
Las Vegas--Henderson, NVRegional Transportation Commission of Southern NevadaYes
Nevada DOTYes
Los Angeles--Long Beach--Anaheim, CASouthern California Association of GovernmentsYes
California DOTYes
Louisville/Jefferson County, KY--INIndiana DOTYes
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC)Yes
Louisville Area MPOYes
McKinney, TXNorth Central Texas COGYes
Texas DOTYes
Memphis, TN--MS--ARMemphis Urban Area MPOYes
West Memphis Area Transportation StudyYes
Arkansas DOTYes
Mississippi DOTYes
Tennessee DOTYes
Milwaukee, WISoutheastern Wisconsin Regional Planning CommissionYes
Wisconsin DOTYes
Minneapolis--St. Paul, MN--WIMetropolitan CouncilYes
Minnesota DOTYes
Mission Viejo--Lake Forest--San Clemente, CACalifornia DOTYes
San Diego Association of GovernmentsYes
Southern California Association of GovernmentsYes
Modesto, CACalifornia DOTYes
Stanislaus COGYes
Murrieta--Temecula--Menifee, CACalifornia DOTYes
Southern California Association of GovernmentsYes
New Haven, CTConnecticut DOTYes
Lower Connecticut River Valley MPOYes
Naugatuck Valley Council of GovernmentsYes
South Central Regional COGYes
New York--Newark, NY--NJ--CTDelaware Valley Regional Planning CommissionYes
New York Metropolitan Transportation CouncilYes
North Jersey Transportation Planning AuthorityYes
New Jersey DOTYes
New York State DOTYes
Norwich--New London, CT--RIConnecticut DOTYes
Lower Connecticut River Valley MPOYes
Rhode Island DOTYes
Southeastern Connecticut COGYes

State Planning Council

No - but should coordinate in target selection process
Ogden--Layton, UTUtah DOTYes
Wasatch Front Regional CouncilYes
Oxnard, CACalifornia DOTYes
Southern California Association of GovernmentsYes
Philadelphia, PA--NJ--DE--MDDelaware Valley Regional Planning CommissionYes
Lancaster County Transportation Coordinating CommitteeYes
North Jersey Transportation Planning AuthorityYes
South Jersey Transportation Planning OrganizationYes
Wilmington Area Planning CouncilYes
Delaware DOTYes
Maryland DOTYes
New Jersey DOTYes
Pennsylvania DOTYes
Phoenix--Mesa, AZMaricopa Association of GovernmentsYes
Arizona DOTYes
Pittsburgh, PASouthwestern Pennsylvania CommissionYes
Pennsylvania DOTYes
Poughkeepsie--Newburgh, NY--NJNew York DOTYes
Orange County Transportation CouncilYes
Dutchess County Transportation CouncilNo - but should coordinate in target selection process
Provo--Orem, UTMountainland Association of GovernmentsYes
Utah DOTYes
Reading, PAPennsylvania DOTYes
Reading Area Transportation StudyYes
Reno, NV--CANevada DOTYes
Regional Transportation Commission of Washoe CountyYes
Riverside--San Bernardino, CASouthern California Association of GovernmentsYes
California DOTYes
Sacramento, CASacramento Area COGYes
California DOTYes
Salem, OROregon DOTYes
Salem-Keizer Area Transportation StudyYes
Salt Lake City--West Valley City, UTWasatch Front Regional CouncilYes
Utah DOTYes
San Antonio, TXAlamo Area MPOYes
Texas DOTYes
San Diego, CASan Diego Association of GovernmentsYes
California DOTYes
San Francisco--Oakland, CAMetropolitan Transportation CommissionYes
California DOTYes
San Jose, CAMetropolitan Transportation CommissionYes
California DOTYes
San Juan, PRPuerto Rico Metropolitan Planning OrganizationYes
Departamento de Transportación y Obras Públicas (DTOP)Yes
Santa Barbara, CACalifornia DOTYes
Santa Barbara County Association of GovernmentsNo - but should coordinate in target selection process
Southern California Association of GovernmentsYes
Santa Clarita, CACalifornia DOTYes
Southern California Association of GovernmentsYes
Santa Rosa, CACalifornia DOTYes
Metropolitan Transportation CommissionYes
Seattle, WAPuget Sound Regional CouncilYes
Washington DOTYes
South Bend, IN--MIIndiana DOTYes
Michiana Area COGNo - but should coordinate in target selection process
Michigan DOTYes
Southwest Michigan Planning CommissionYes
Spokane, WASpokane Regional Transportation CouncilYes
Washington DOTYes
Springfield, MA--CT

Capital Region COG

Connecticut DOTYes
Massachusetts DOTYes
Pioneer Valley MPOYes
St. Louis, MO--ILEast-West Gateway Council of GovernmentYes
Illinois DOTYes
Missouri DOTYes
Stockton, CACalifornia DOTYes
San Joaquin COGYes
Thousand Oaks, CACalifornia DOTYes
Southern California Association of GovernmentsYes
Toledo, OH--MIMichigan DOTYes
Ohio DOTYes

Southeast Michigan COG

Toledo Metropolitan Area COGNo - but should coordinate in target selection process
Trenton, NJDelaware Valley Regional Planning CommissionYes

New Jersey DOT

Tucson, AZArizona DOTYes
Pima Association of GovernmentsYes
Victorville--Hesperia, CACalifornia DOTYes
Southern California Association of GovernmentsYes
Visalia, CACalifornia DOTYes
Tulare County Association of GovernmentsYes
Washington, DC--VA--MDFredericksburg Area MPONo - but should coordinate in target selection process
Baltimore Regional Transportation BoardYes
National Capital Region Transportation Planning BoardYes
District DOTYes
Maryland DOTYes
Virginia DOTYes
Worcester, MA--CTCentral Massachusetts MPOYes
Connecticut DOTYes
Massachusetts DOTYes
Montachusett MPONo - but should coordinate in target selection process
York, PAPennsylvania DOTYes
York Area MPOYes

APPENDIX: List of Entities Presented in Applicability Tables 1-5

This appendix includes a reference list of all the entities found in Tables 1-5 of the Applicability Tables for the second performance period (data as of October 1, 2021). State Departments of Transportation (DOTs) and Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) that are not found on any table are not included. This reference can be used to find entities presented on one or more of the Applicability Tables by state. It is organized first by state alphabetically (column 1) then by entity name alphabetically (column 2). This reference table does not itself provide any requirements for states and MPOs; it merely provides a look-up mechanism to find entities that appear on one or more of Tables 1-5.

Table 1 State DOTs Required to Establish Targets and Report Performance for the CMAQ Emissions Measure (with Applicable NAAQS and Precursors)

Table 2 State DOTs Required to Establish Targets and Report Progress for the Traffic Congestion Measures (with Applicable Urbanized Areas)

Table 3 Applicable MPOs for the On-Road Mobile Source Emissions Measure and the CMAQ Performance Plan

Table 4 Applicable MPOs for the Traffic Congestion Measures

Table 5 Agencies Required and Agencies Encouraged to Coordinate in Urbanized Area-Specific Traffic Congestion Targets.

Yes = present in table No = not present in table-- = not pertinent to table content

StateEntityTable 1Table 2Table 3Table 4Table 5
AlabamaAlabama Department of TransportationYesYes----Yes
Birmingham MPO----YesYesYes
AlaskaAlaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (DOTPF)YesYes----Yes
Anchorage Metropolitan Area Transportation Solutions----YesYesYes
Fairbanks Metropolitan Area Transportation System----YesNoNo
ArizonaArizona Department of TransportationYesYes----Yes
Maricopa Association of Governments----YesYesYes
Pima Association of Governments----YesYesYes
Sun Corridor Metropolitan Planning Organization----YesNoNo
Yuma MPO----YesNoNo
ArkansasArkansas Department of TransportationYesYes----Yes
West Memphis-Marion Area Transportation Study----YesYesYes
CaliforniaButte County Association of Governments----YesNoNo
California Department of TransportationYesYes----Yes
Fresno Council of Governments----YesYesYes
Kern COG----YesYesYes
Kings County Association of Governments----YesNoNo
Madera County Transportation Commission----YesNoNo
Merced County Association of Governments----YesNoNo
Metropolitan Transportation Commission----YesYesYes
Sacramento Area COG----YesYesYes
San Diego Association of Governments----YesYesYes
San Joaquin COG----YesYesYes
San Luis Obispo COG----YesNoNo
Santa Barbara County Association of Governments----NoNoYes
Southern California Association of Governments----YesYesYes
Stanislaus COG----YesYesYes
Tulare County Association of Governments----YesYesYes
ColoradoColorado Department of TransportationYesYes----Yes
Denver Regional COG----YesYesYes
North Front Range MPO----YesYesYes
ConnecticutCapital Region COG----YesYesYes
Connecticut Department of TransportationYesYes----Yes
Greater Bridgeport / Valley MPO----YesYesYes
Housatonic Valley MPO----YesYesYes
Lower Connecticut River Valley MPO----YesYesYes
Naugatuck Valley Council of Governments----YesYesYes
South Central Regional COG----YesYesYes
South Western MPO----YesYesYes
Southeastern Connecticut COG----YesYesYes
DelawareDelaware Department of TransportationYesYes----Yes
Dover / Kent County MPO----YesNoNo
Salisbury-Wicomico MPO----YesNoNo
Wilmington Area Planning Council----YesYesYes
District of ColumbiaDistrict Department of TransportationYesYes----Yes
National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board----YesYesYes
GeorgiaAtlanta Regional Commission----YesYesYes
Cartersville-Bartow Metropolitan Planning Organization----YesYesYes
Gainesville-Hall MPO----NoNoYes
Georgia Department of TransportationYesYes----Yes
IdahoBannock Transportation Planning Organization----YesNoNo
Community Planning Association of Southwest Idaho----YesYesYes
Idaho Transportation DepartmentYesYes----Yes
IllinoisChicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning----YesYesYes
East-West Gateway Council of Government----YesYesYes
Illinois Department of TransportationYesYes----Yes
IndianaChicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning----YesYesYes
Indiana Department of TransportationYesYes----Yes
Louisville Area MPO----YesYesYes
Michiana Area COG----NoNoYes
Northwest Indiana Regional Planning Commission----YesYesYes
Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana Regional Council of Governments----YesYesYes
KentuckyKentucky Transportation CabinetYesYes----Yes
Louisville Area MPO----YesYesYes
Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana Regional Council of Governments----YesYesYes
LouisianaCapital Region Planning Commission----YesYesYes
Louisiana Department of Transportation and DevelopmentYesYes----Yes
MarylandBaltimore Regional Transportation Board----YesYesYes
Calvert - St. Mary----YesNoNo
Maryland Department of TransportationYesYes----Yes
National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board----YesYesYes
Salisbury-Wicomico MPO----YesNoNo
Wilmington Area Planning Council----YesYesYes
MassachusettsBoston Region MPO----YesYesYes
Central Massachusetts MPO----YesYesYes
Massachusetts Department of TransportationYesYes----Yes
Merrimack Valley MPO----NoNoYes
Montachusett MPO----NoYes
Northern Middlesex MPO----YesYesYes
Old Colony MPO----NoYes
Pioneer Valley MPO----YesYesYes
Southeastern Massachusetts MPO----NoNoYes
MichiganGenesee County Metropolitan Planning Commission----NoNoYes
Macatawa Area Coordinating Council----YesNoNo
Michigan Department of TransportationYesYes----Yes
Southeast Michigan COG----YesYesYes
Southwest Michigan Planning Commission----YesYesYes
West Michigan Shoreline Regional Development Commission----YesNoNo
MinnesotaMetropolitan Council----YesYesYes
Minnesota Department of TransportationNoYes----Yes
MississippiMemphis Urban Area MPO----YesYesYes
Mississippi Department of TransportationYesYes----Yes
MissouriEast-West Gateway Council of Government----YesYesYes
Missouri Department of TransportationYesYes----Yes
MontanaGreat Falls Planning and Community Development Department----YesNoNo
Missoula Metropolitan Planning Organization----YesNoNo
Montana Department of TransportationYesNo----No
Yellowstone County Planning Board----YesNoNo
NevadaNevada Department of TransportationYesYes----Yes
Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada----YesYesYes
Regional Transportation Commission of Washoe County----YesYesYes
Tahoe MPO----YesNoNo
New HampshireNew Hampshire Department of TransportationYes----Yes
Rockingham Planning Commission----NoNoYes
New JerseyDelaware Valley Regional Planning Commission----YesYesYes
New Jersey Department of TransportationYesYes----Yes
North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority----YesYesYes
South Jersey Transportation Planning Organization----YesYesYes
New MexicoEl Paso MPO----YesYesYes
New Mexico Department of TransportationYesYes----Yes
New YorkNew York Metropolitan Transportation Council----YesYesYes
New York State Department of TransportationYesYes----Yes
Orange County Transportation Council----YesYesYes
Dutchess County Transportation Council----NoNoYes
North CarolinaCabarrus-Rowan MPO----YesYesYes
Charlotte Regional Transportation Planning Organization----YesYesYes
Gaston Cleveland Lincoln MPO----YesYesYes
North Carolina Department of TransportationYesYes----Yes
OhioAkron Metropolitan Area Transportation Study----YesYesYes
Brook-Hancock-Jefferson Metropolitan Planning Commission----YesNoNo
Licking County Area Transportation Study----YesYesYes
Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission----YesYesYes
Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission----YesYesYes
Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency----YesYesYes
Ohio Department of TransportationYesYes----Yes
Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana Regional Council of Governments----YesYesYes
Policy Committee of the Erie Regional Planning Commission----YesNoNo
Stark County Area Transportation Study----YesYesYes
Toledo Metropolitan Area COG----NoNoYes
OregonCentral Lane MPO----YesYesYes
Middle Rogue MPO----YesNoNo
Oregon Department of TransportationYesYes----Yes
Rogue Valley MPO----YesNoNo
Salem-Keizer Area Transportation Study----YesYesYes
Walla Walla Valley MPO----YesNoNo
PennsylvaniaCambria County MPO----YesNoNo
Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission----YesYesYes
Harrisburg Area Transportation Study----YesYesYes
Lancaster County Transportation Coordinating Committee----YesYesYes
Lebanon County MPO----YesYesYes
Lehigh Valley Transportation Study----YesYesYes
Northeastern Pennsylvania Planning Alliance MPO----YesYesYes
Pennsylvania Department of TransportationYesYes----Yes
Reading Area Transportation Study----YesYesYes
Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission----YesYesYes
York Area MPO----YesYesYes
Puerto RicoDepartamento de Transportación y Obras PúblicasNoYes----Yes
Puerto Rico Metropolitan Planning Organization----NoYesYes
Rhode IslandRhode Island Department of TransportationNoYes----Yes
State Planning Council----NoNoYes
South CarolinaRock Hill-Fort Mill Area Transportation Study----YesYesYes
South Carolina Department of TransportationYesYes----Yes
TennesseeKnoxville Regional Transportation Planning Organization----YesYesYes
Memphis Urban Area MPO----YesYesYes
Tennessee Department of TransportationYesYes----Yes
TexasAlamo Area MPO----YesYesYes
El Paso MPO----YesYesYes
Houston-Galveston Area Council----YesYesYes
North Central Texas COG----YesYesYes
Texas Department of TransportationYesYes----Yes
UtahCache MPO----YesNoNo
Mountainland Association of Governments----YesYesYes
Utah Department of TransportationYesYes----Yes
Wasatch Front Regional Council----YesYesYes
VirginiaFredericksburg Area MPO----NoNoYes
National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board----YesYesYes
Virginia Department of TransportationYesYes----Yes
WashingtonBenton-Franklin Council of Governments----YesYesYes
Puget Sound Regional Council----YesYesYes
Spokane Regional Transportation Council----YesYesYes
Walla Walla Valley MPO----YesNoNo
Washington Department of TransportationYesYes----Yes
Yakima Valley MPO----YesNoNo
West VirginiaBrook-Hancock-Jefferson Metropolitan Planning Commission----YesNoNo
Regional Intergovernmental Council----YesNoNo
West Virginia Department of TransportationYesNo----No
WisconsinSheboygan MPO----YesNoNo
Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission----YesYesYes
Wisconsin Department of TransportationYesYes----Yes
WyomingWyoming Department of TransportationYesNo----No

1 Applicability requirements are defined in 23 CFR 490.105(e)(9), and reporting requirements in 23 CFR 490.107.

2 Applicability requirements are defined in 23 CFR 490.105(f)(6).

3 In accordance with 23 CFR 490.105(e)(8)(ii) and (f)(5)(ii), the applicability for the traffic congestion measures changes with the beginning of the second performance period, at which time the measure applies to all urbanized areas with population over 200,000 that also contain NHS mileage and a nonattainment or maintenance area for one of the applicable NAAQS. Accordingly, for the second performance period, the determination of applicability is based on data as of October 1, 2021 for these additional areas.

4 According to 2019 ACS 5-year population estimates, 186 urbanized areas have a population more than 200,000 in each of those urbanized areas. 92 of those 186 urbanized areas include areas designated as nonattainment or maintenance for criteria pollutants. See 23 CFR 490.105(e)(8) for State DOT target establishment requirements.

5 92 urbanized areas with a population more than 200,000, which also have areas designated as nonattainment or maintenance for criteria pollutants. See 23 CFR 490.105(f)(5)(i) for MPO target establishment requirements.

6 2020 HPMS data from all State DOTs.

7 Required only for the Boston urbanized area. Providence urbanized area does not contain any non-attainment or maintenance areas.

8 2020 HPMS data from all State DOTs.

9 23 CFR 490.703: "The CMAQ Traffic Congestion performance measures are applicable to all urbanized areas that include NHS mileage and with a population over 1 million for the first performance period and in urbanized areas with a population over 200,000 for the second and all other performance periods, that are, in all or part, designated as nonattainment or maintenance areas for ozone (O3), carbon monoxide (CO), or particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5) National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS)."

10 To be considered "in the vicinity" of an urbanized area, part of the urbanized area (as defined in the latest HPMS, see applicability lists above) must cross into the metropolitan planning area (MPA) or State boundary. Agencies without a target setting requirement either have no NHS mileage within that boundary, or no applicable nonattainment or maintenance area that intersect the urbanized area (in the case of MPOs).

October 2021 - CMAQ Applicability - Measures - CMAQ - Air Quality - Environment (2025)


What are the CMAQ performance measures? ›

These measures are: Annual Hours of Peak Hour Excessive Delay Per Capita, also known as PHED; • Percent of Non-Single Occupancy Vehicle travel, also known as Non-SOV Travel; and • Total Emissions Reduction.

What is the CMAQ model of air quality? ›

CMAQ combines current knowledge in atmospheric science and air quality modeling, multi-processor computing techniques, and an open-source framework to deliver fast, technically sound estimates of ozone, particulates, toxics and acid deposition.

What can CMAQ funds be used for? ›

CMAQ provides funding for transportation projects or programs that can be implemented quickly and that will contribute to a region's attainment or maintenance of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for ozone and particulate matter (both PM 10 and PM 2.5).

How does CMAQ work? ›

Numerical air quality models simulate the emissions, chemistry and physics of the atmosphere. The Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model relies on scientific first principles to predict the concentration of airborne gases and particles, and the deposition of these pollutants back to Earth's surface.

What are the three performance measures? ›

3 Performance measures. This section focuses on performance measures—the vertical axis of a resilience curve. First, three categories of measures are defined: availability, productivity, and quality.

What are the three 3 traditional performance measures on investment? ›

Three common performance measures based on financial numbers are return on investment, residual income, and economic value added. Return on investment measures how effectively a company generates income using its assets.

What is the most common air pollution model? ›

The most commonly used air quality models include the following: Dispersion Modeling - These models are typically used in the permitting process to estimate the concentration of pollutants at specified ground-level receptors surrounding an emissions source.

What are the basic components of the air quality model? ›

All air quality modeling systems have three major components, which used together, help in characterizing and predicting the environmental fate of air pollutants after emission. These components are (1) emissions; (2) meteorology; and (3) air quality. All three air modeling components are affected by time.

What is an environmental model for air pollution? ›

Air Pollution Modeling refers to the development and use of atmospheric models to understand, assess, and regulate the distribution of toxic pollutants in the atmosphere, including their impact on human health and the environment.

What is the cost-effectiveness of CMAQ? ›

Strong cost-effectiveness is characterized as costing less than $2.8M per ton of emissions reduced across all pollutants, mixed cost-effectiveness as costing between $2.8M and $8.8M per ton, and weak cost-effectiveness as costing $8.8M or more per ton.

What is the federal congestion mitigation and air quality improvement program? ›

CMAQ funds are directed to transportation projects and programs which contribute to the attainment or maintenance of National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) in nonattainment or air quality maintenance areas for ozone, carbon monoxide, or particulate matter (PM) under provisions in the Clean Air Act (Title 42, ...

What is the CMAQ carbon reduction program? ›

The Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (CMAQ) is a federal program that funds projects and programs that improve air quality and reduce traffic congestion.

What is the flexible funding programs congestion mitigation and air quality program 23 USC 149? ›

Flexible Funding Programs - Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Program - 23 USC 149. CMAQ provides funding to areas in nonattainment or maintenance for ozone, carbon monoxide, and/or particulate matter.

How does the EU carbon market work? ›

The EU ETS cap is expressed in emission allowances with one allowance giving right to emit one tonne of CO2 eq (i.e., carbon dioxide equivalent). Allowances are sold in auctions and may be traded. As the cap decreases, so does the supply of allowances to the EU carbon market.

What are the performance measures of KPI? ›

Key performance indicators (KPIs) are quantifiable measurements used to gauge a company's overall long-term performance. KPIs specifically help determine a company's strategic, financial, and operational achievements, especially compared to those of other businesses within the same sector.

What are the three measures of economic performance? ›

Economic indicators include measures of macroeconomic performance (gross domestic product [GDP], consumption, investment, and international trade) and stability (central government budgets, prices, the money supply, and the balance of payments).

What are the typical performance measures of TQM? ›

By regularly measuring and analyzing metrics such as customer satisfaction, defect rate, process efficiency, employee engagement, and cost of quality, businesses can identify areas for improvement, make data-driven decisions, and drive continuous improvement efforts.

What are procurement performance measures? ›

The metrics most widely tracked to measure procurement performance are cost savings, operational KPIs, spend under management, supplier performance, employee deliverables, and costs.


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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

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